Man they just keep on keeping on.
Have you tried to get an email address recently for your US senator or congressman? They direct you to a web site. Then you have to fill out this personal info form and then send the email, BUT you never get to see the email address. So now you cannot email them without going through this process each and every time AND that means you cannot send a group have to do this laborious process first, each and every email.
Oh sure you can call, and from now on that is what I will do, because otherwise, the email letters get screened and you are sent a message something like "sorry, the senator does not represent your district. Please locate the senator that does to be certain your email can get to him". They want you to think they actually care, but what they are doing is screening all emails, IF you bother to go through the maze they've set up.
Folks, I hope your eyes are being opened. This gustoapo like tactics-light are not what a Representative Government is supposed to look like. This Republic, is being erased email by email and sifted like the sands through a strainer to remove what makes our elected officials, accountable to us. We elect them, THEY remove the means by which we can keep in touch with them and offer our opinion, and did you know that every US Senator has a million dollar budget to run each and every office, annually? So .... we elect them, they finance their offices with our tax dollars, which are used to keep us out of their way so they can go about doing what they want to do, NOT what we want them to do.
We have to run these characters out of office and replace each and everyone of them with Constitutionalists, or Libertarians, or Conservatives. You are losing your country one day at a time, one politician at a time and YOU are paying for it.
The ego-maniacals take power to another level. Without God and a sense that God does exist and has made the earth and all that is in it, these people think THEY are gods who bestow upon us, their offerings to appease us, for the time being.
Every Democracy turns into a dictatorship and every dictatorship will meet its demise by an angry down-trodden people. We don't want to see this great country go the way of democratic nations. THIS is a REPUBLIC. Don't give it away.
A n A merican R epublican or D emocrat V isionary A lways R especting K nowledge, fed up with all the political-speak by the guys on our side, I want to hold their feet to the fire and perhaps get them to be less guarded in how, what and the way they tell a thing; as for the other side, let's hope they can come to their senses and realize they are being brainwashed in the public educational system, and are unable to think for themselves.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
They're at it Again
The Dems are pushing it, and the Repubs don't have an idea what needs to be done, so we are going to be exposed to a whole lot more of the dreaded Immigration Reform stuff.
Arizona finally got the intestinal fortitude to stand for something, and what that amounts to is simply enforcing laws the Federal Government is constitutionally obligated to do, defend our country from invaders. Now we are going to get that onion pealed back again, layer by layer and what we'll end up with is a very strong stink; a smell that can make your eyes cry.
We'll hear stories of illegals doing jobs Americans don't want to do; we'll hear about those poor illegals who snuck into our country years ago and should now be allowed to stay here; we'll hear about making some illegals pay fines and then move them to the head of the line, yadda, yadda, yadda . BUT, no matter what the argument, no matter how sympathetic you might be, they are still here illegally and that is in violation to the laws of this great nation.
IF our government did what it is supposed to do, there wouldn't be any illegals, and now, because the illegals were not sent back to their own country, right after they crawled into the desert in order not to be detected, we are supposed to say "my bad", go on .... you can live here?
Look, this is a country of immigrants, but legal immigrants. Those are the people who not only want to come to America, but they want to become American citizens; they want to speak English, they can tell you about some of our American heritage and the capitals of some of our states, AND they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These people want to contribute to this country and be given the opportunity to succeed and excel as all immigrants can and have in the past. None of this is true of illegals. What most of them want is to game the system. They want anchor babies so they can tap into the good hearted nature of Americans.
And now illegals want to demonstrate against the goodness of Americans because our politicians did nothing to stop their illegal behavior, and expect all the other immigrants, most of whom are now called Americans, to just accept that they want what we have, SO we should just be compassionate and give them what they want.
If you are in Mexico illegally, you WILL be deported, but in America we find some politicians don't feel we have a right to protect our people and our country from an illegal invasion.
In Mexico, an unnaturalized citizen cannot own property, but in America we find some politicians do not protect the private property ownership of those who are here legally and are gainfully employed.
Once that stink has your eyes watering, as you rub them you, ask the questions: what the heck is going on? Why have we all played by the rules for the last 200 years, protecting not only this country, but others as well, as our fathers, sons and daughters died fighting to keep this great country free? Because of what we have done in the past, others want to come here. They see a freedom that motivates people to love the flag that represents their country. Other countries see that same flag and want it destroyed, but have not been able to do that, because a free people have a whole lot more to lose than do people in countries that have no self worth, self esteem and love of country. Heck, if there are people that love the country they were born in then why do they want to come here?
Americans I appeal to you. Do not let your guard down. Sympathy is a good thing, but don't give away the house because someone else wants it.
We need to first fence off our borders and gain control over who is coming into our country.
We need to re-establish immigration laws that will allow foreigners into our country on an equal basis. There need to be laws and rules governing the inflow of immigrants and their assimilation into this country. We need to be able to keep out those who are not interested in becoming an American citizen, and we need to keep out the sick who might bring disease to our great nation.
Then reorganize an assimilation program that includes a Pledge of Allegiance to this country and an English speaking program so immigrants can speak the language of this country. And like the old days, immigrants should have a sponsor to whom we can communicate our expectations.
Then we have to hunt down employers who are hiring illegals and make the fine on that activity so stiff it might even put them out of business (others will fill the gap, but we need to scare these offenders to the point of incarceration for being accomplices to illegality), and deport the illegals we find working in these places of business, families and all.
If there are businesses that cannot find Americans who want to work, perhaps if we didn't allow them to hire underpaid employees, those businesses would realize they have to pay a fair wage in order to be competitive.
Maybe that means prices will go up temporarily, but they will go back down if the playing field is level. Look, maybe a legal immigrant can devise and produce a lettuce picker or a tomato picker or a strawberry picker. The point is, need is the engine of ideas and ingenuity is the soul of competition. Hiring slaves to work a farm field to harvest crop by hand, will not make room for innovational equipment. And the condition of all Americans will suffer, when our government supresses innovation.
Laws are made to establish civil continuity and allowing illegals to come into our country and stay here because they managed to sneak in during the night, damage those laws, and do great harm to this country.
We need more states like Arizona to get some gonads and enforce laws that already exist. If the Fed's won't do it, then authorize the police within the states to do the job best left for the unwilling Fed's.
Arizona finally got the intestinal fortitude to stand for something, and what that amounts to is simply enforcing laws the Federal Government is constitutionally obligated to do, defend our country from invaders. Now we are going to get that onion pealed back again, layer by layer and what we'll end up with is a very strong stink; a smell that can make your eyes cry.
We'll hear stories of illegals doing jobs Americans don't want to do; we'll hear about those poor illegals who snuck into our country years ago and should now be allowed to stay here; we'll hear about making some illegals pay fines and then move them to the head of the line, yadda, yadda, yadda . BUT, no matter what the argument, no matter how sympathetic you might be, they are still here illegally and that is in violation to the laws of this great nation.
IF our government did what it is supposed to do, there wouldn't be any illegals, and now, because the illegals were not sent back to their own country, right after they crawled into the desert in order not to be detected, we are supposed to say "my bad", go on .... you can live here?
Look, this is a country of immigrants, but legal immigrants. Those are the people who not only want to come to America, but they want to become American citizens; they want to speak English, they can tell you about some of our American heritage and the capitals of some of our states, AND they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These people want to contribute to this country and be given the opportunity to succeed and excel as all immigrants can and have in the past. None of this is true of illegals. What most of them want is to game the system. They want anchor babies so they can tap into the good hearted nature of Americans.
And now illegals want to demonstrate against the goodness of Americans because our politicians did nothing to stop their illegal behavior, and expect all the other immigrants, most of whom are now called Americans, to just accept that they want what we have, SO we should just be compassionate and give them what they want.
If you are in Mexico illegally, you WILL be deported, but in America we find some politicians don't feel we have a right to protect our people and our country from an illegal invasion.
In Mexico, an unnaturalized citizen cannot own property, but in America we find some politicians do not protect the private property ownership of those who are here legally and are gainfully employed.
Once that stink has your eyes watering, as you rub them you, ask the questions: what the heck is going on? Why have we all played by the rules for the last 200 years, protecting not only this country, but others as well, as our fathers, sons and daughters died fighting to keep this great country free? Because of what we have done in the past, others want to come here. They see a freedom that motivates people to love the flag that represents their country. Other countries see that same flag and want it destroyed, but have not been able to do that, because a free people have a whole lot more to lose than do people in countries that have no self worth, self esteem and love of country. Heck, if there are people that love the country they were born in then why do they want to come here?
Americans I appeal to you. Do not let your guard down. Sympathy is a good thing, but don't give away the house because someone else wants it.
We need to first fence off our borders and gain control over who is coming into our country.
We need to re-establish immigration laws that will allow foreigners into our country on an equal basis. There need to be laws and rules governing the inflow of immigrants and their assimilation into this country. We need to be able to keep out those who are not interested in becoming an American citizen, and we need to keep out the sick who might bring disease to our great nation.
Then reorganize an assimilation program that includes a Pledge of Allegiance to this country and an English speaking program so immigrants can speak the language of this country. And like the old days, immigrants should have a sponsor to whom we can communicate our expectations.
Then we have to hunt down employers who are hiring illegals and make the fine on that activity so stiff it might even put them out of business (others will fill the gap, but we need to scare these offenders to the point of incarceration for being accomplices to illegality), and deport the illegals we find working in these places of business, families and all.
If there are businesses that cannot find Americans who want to work, perhaps if we didn't allow them to hire underpaid employees, those businesses would realize they have to pay a fair wage in order to be competitive.
Maybe that means prices will go up temporarily, but they will go back down if the playing field is level. Look, maybe a legal immigrant can devise and produce a lettuce picker or a tomato picker or a strawberry picker. The point is, need is the engine of ideas and ingenuity is the soul of competition. Hiring slaves to work a farm field to harvest crop by hand, will not make room for innovational equipment. And the condition of all Americans will suffer, when our government supresses innovation.
Laws are made to establish civil continuity and allowing illegals to come into our country and stay here because they managed to sneak in during the night, damage those laws, and do great harm to this country.
We need more states like Arizona to get some gonads and enforce laws that already exist. If the Fed's won't do it, then authorize the police within the states to do the job best left for the unwilling Fed's.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Jever Wonder
- If 90% of this Nation is Christian, why are we passing gay-rights laws?
- Why did we allow the politicians to give themselves a retirement package that included 50% of their salary for the rest of their lives, after just 5 years of service? Why do they have any retirement at all?
- The 2 party system does not allow for many independents to get elected. The parties have the advantage during an election by virtue of their name recognition and the committee seats they hold....thus almost requiring the chairmen of the national party to direct loads of cash against an opponent, because with the incumbent, the "rails are already greased".
- Why do the states have to pass laws that restore constitutional rights to it citizens? Shouldn't it be the case that constitutional rights already exist?
- Why are both national parties (Democratic and Republican) so afraid of a third or even a fourth party? Shouldn't we have the right to vote for whomever we think is best qualified instead of who the party makes us vote for?
- And why did we ever decide to vote for a pair of people on a specific ticket for President and Vice President? The Constitution says that the person getting the most votes will become President and the one who comes in second with the most votes will be Vice President. THAT is one way of the checks and balances the Founders gave us (Article II).
- Why do we have convenience stores open late into the night and on Sundays? Shouldn't we have time to be with our families? Why does anyone work such stupid hours, at a job that isn't going anywhere?
- When I was a child, the stores closed around 5pm on Friday (store owners wanted to go home to their families) were expected to know enough to get what you wanted before the store closed. Is that asking so much?
- Why do young women and some middle aged women want to wear clothes that make them walk and look like guys? And how come they don't want to look feminine when they get in their twenties, but walk around half-naked when they are teens? (Maybe that's why they don't get any respect).
- Take a look at the "smoking area" outside a Walmart .....yup, mostly women. Isn't it funny that when the guys smoked, they could do it anywhere but no, no, no not the women. They have to go out into the elements.
- And another thing, just where do all the men work? Box stores and warehouses are pretty much all the work there is, if you are not in a Mickey Dees or a Burger King, and they are staffed with mostly women; same with the dentists office and the doctors office, heck even the hospitals are staffed mostly with women ..... just where do all the men work, or do they?
- Abortions, aren't they great? Through abortions we have almost eliminated the following generations of workers so now we have to import workers, and a lot of those are not even here legally.
- Tell me, how does paying a $100.00 dollar fine for speeding, make the roads a safer place to drive? Hey, why don't we charge $200.00 and make them super safe.
- The same is true when you run a red light, doesn't the ticket you get make the roads safer?
- And that drivers license; one road test, then just send in your money for the next, ugh say 50 years. What a scam that is. Do you really think that only people who do not have a drivers license get into accidents or speed?
- It used to be if you had a large, heavy car, your auto insurance was cheaper because you were more likely to survive an accident. But not today; Today, the heavier the car the more you pay because your car will cause more damage and even harm others. What?!
- If making the roads a safe place to drive was the "Main" thing, then we should get all cars off the road. Hey, approximately 40,000 people are killed by car accidents every year; how safe is that?
- Then we could get rid of the laws that say you can only drink so much alcohol .... and we can go back to going to sleep on the sidewalk like we did in the good ole days.
- Laws against marijuana? That's sure working good too, isn't it? So tell me, besides making jails larger and giving jobs to more of those turnkeys, just what safety is obscured or enhanced by the grass laws? That is the goal, right? To make the state a safer place?
- Why don't we demand that the state require lawn mower operators to get a license? Hey, some of those things go faster than my car, surely we need to be concerned about safety.
- I like this one: They are going to charge more for electricity during the afternoon, when the demand is higher, to get you to use less. Does that mean the over all rate will go down for the rest of us, now that the company is getting more money for the same product? OR .. or or, is Walmart going to charge more for the food you buy during peak hours because they have to pay more for electricity during those hours? And after there is a reduction in usage of electricity, are they going to raise our rates because their profit margins are shrinking? And how about gasoline, should those people who drive during peak hours pay more for their gasoline, then you and I who are otherwise smart and frugal?
- Jever Wonder where these politicians get these cock-a-maimey ideas?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Contract Signing Time Again
Dear, dear Sean Hannity. He has his children signing contracts with him when they want something like ice cream, and he wants grown men and women; Politicians, to sign a contract so we can "fire" them if they renege, as if voting someone out of office cannot be done any other way. How childish!! No wonder Conservatives are not respected.
Sean Hannity has a radio program that is one big advertisement. When he allows a caller to engage him in conversation, Sean uses the time to answer the caller by reciting a litany of garbage adnauseam . The response is always about what Sean just wrote in his book; or about the list of things everyone listening should agree to; or about the 10 or 20 proposals Sean wants all politicians to do because of course, Sean has all the answers; or about a piece of paper Sean wants politicians to sign because they are not smart enough to understand the problems of the office they are trying to get elected into or the difficulty this nation faces. No no....we must first summon the Great Sean Hannity and seek his pathetic advise, before you dare become someone elected by the citizens of a free nation.
My Daddy used to tell me, "if you want something done right, do it yourself". The TEA Party people are doing what needs to be done and will follow that up at the voting booth. But, Sean ..... is a talk show host, and not a politician. And the way he makes intelligent, country-serving people cower to him and his childish ideas, makes me cringe.
Sean thinks that a third party is not the answer to the problem of politicans saying one thing, then doing another. No No ....he wants these people to "sign a contract"? Wow, the Republican party needs him. How did it ever get along without his magnanimous insights and prophetic leadings? What a fantastic answer to the problem that has caused such a grass roots uprising. How silly of us all to think we could make a difference in the political arena without having that Sean Hannity useless piece of paper.
Sean Hannity has a radio program that is one big advertisement. When he allows a caller to engage him in conversation, Sean uses the time to answer the caller by reciting a litany of garbage adnauseam . The response is always about what Sean just wrote in his book; or about the list of things everyone listening should agree to; or about the 10 or 20 proposals Sean wants all politicians to do because of course, Sean has all the answers; or about a piece of paper Sean wants politicians to sign because they are not smart enough to understand the problems of the office they are trying to get elected into or the difficulty this nation faces. No no....we must first summon the Great Sean Hannity and seek his pathetic advise, before you dare become someone elected by the citizens of a free nation.
My Daddy used to tell me, "if you want something done right, do it yourself". The TEA Party people are doing what needs to be done and will follow that up at the voting booth. But, Sean ..... is a talk show host, and not a politician. And the way he makes intelligent, country-serving people cower to him and his childish ideas, makes me cringe.
Sean thinks that a third party is not the answer to the problem of politicans saying one thing, then doing another. No No ....he wants these people to "sign a contract"? Wow, the Republican party needs him. How did it ever get along without his magnanimous insights and prophetic leadings? What a fantastic answer to the problem that has caused such a grass roots uprising. How silly of us all to think we could make a difference in the political arena without having that Sean Hannity useless piece of paper.
Leading or being Led
Mitt Romney, it seems, is becoming the favorite Republican for candidate for the Presidency. WHY?!
He gave Massachusetts a real boondoggle, concerning Healthcare.
States do have a right to govern individually from all the other states; that is how one state gets favor over another by people who spend the time looking at the demographics and politics of each state, if they want to relocate. And sometimes, they look SO they can relocate because they don't like the way their state is being governed and can't seem to make a difference at the ballot box.
Mitt Romney continues to brag about how he settled the healthcare issue in Massachusetts, but now we hear him explaining how that system came to be. One of the most notorious assertions he is making is that the Federal Government was already paying for Medicare so all he did was "add" to that program and required everyone in Massachusetts to get healthcare. AND, as President, that would be his model to follow.
Well, first off, Medicare is funded by taking taxes from one person, in one state, and giving it to someone in his own state, through the Federal program; how is that any different than what the current administration has just passed? Oh, there may be a lot more pages to the current law, and a lot of amendments that have nothing to do with healthcare, but the essence is the same....BIG GOVERNMENT!
Mitt Romney admittedly, would fashion the national heathcare program after his Massachusetts Big Dig, to coin a phrase.
But he also has a problem with making decisions. He likes to present himself as a businessman, able to put things into motion. But what he really is, and this is crucially important, is a man who decides by committee. He doesn't have the leadership necessary to lead this great nation. Instead, he would be having those dreaded daily and weekly meetings that government is so fond of, as if for all the meeting, more is accomplished. And the result of some of those meetings is the Massachusetts Healthcare Woe's.
Mitt Romney is not a Libertarian, he is not a Conservative, and he is not a Strict Constitutionalist. He is a RINO, who would give this nation more of the years of George Bush (dubbya).
The two things President Bush did that Conservatives liked him for so much, was the War on the Terrorists and Tax cuts......other than that, he would not have gotten re-elected. Don't forget he broke his promise to veto Campaign Finance. He gave us that enormous unfunded Prescription drug program; he gave us No Child Left Behind, fashioned by Ted Kennedy and if not for the clamoring of the Conservatives, he would have given us Harriet Myers as a Supreme Court Judge.
This nation needs new blood. Someone who wants to serve the people. We already have politicians that believe they are a God send. We don't need that anymore. We need people who know the Constitution and want to restore this nation to its greatness by virtue of THAT Constitution, not committee meetings and onerous legislation the current politicians admit is too lengthy to read and too hard to understand.
He gave Massachusetts a real boondoggle, concerning Healthcare.
States do have a right to govern individually from all the other states; that is how one state gets favor over another by people who spend the time looking at the demographics and politics of each state, if they want to relocate. And sometimes, they look SO they can relocate because they don't like the way their state is being governed and can't seem to make a difference at the ballot box.
Mitt Romney continues to brag about how he settled the healthcare issue in Massachusetts, but now we hear him explaining how that system came to be. One of the most notorious assertions he is making is that the Federal Government was already paying for Medicare so all he did was "add" to that program and required everyone in Massachusetts to get healthcare. AND, as President, that would be his model to follow.
Well, first off, Medicare is funded by taking taxes from one person, in one state, and giving it to someone in his own state, through the Federal program; how is that any different than what the current administration has just passed? Oh, there may be a lot more pages to the current law, and a lot of amendments that have nothing to do with healthcare, but the essence is the same....BIG GOVERNMENT!
Mitt Romney admittedly, would fashion the national heathcare program after his Massachusetts Big Dig, to coin a phrase.
But he also has a problem with making decisions. He likes to present himself as a businessman, able to put things into motion. But what he really is, and this is crucially important, is a man who decides by committee. He doesn't have the leadership necessary to lead this great nation. Instead, he would be having those dreaded daily and weekly meetings that government is so fond of, as if for all the meeting, more is accomplished. And the result of some of those meetings is the Massachusetts Healthcare Woe's.
Mitt Romney is not a Libertarian, he is not a Conservative, and he is not a Strict Constitutionalist. He is a RINO, who would give this nation more of the years of George Bush (dubbya).
The two things President Bush did that Conservatives liked him for so much, was the War on the Terrorists and Tax cuts......other than that, he would not have gotten re-elected. Don't forget he broke his promise to veto Campaign Finance. He gave us that enormous unfunded Prescription drug program; he gave us No Child Left Behind, fashioned by Ted Kennedy and if not for the clamoring of the Conservatives, he would have given us Harriet Myers as a Supreme Court Judge.
This nation needs new blood. Someone who wants to serve the people. We already have politicians that believe they are a God send. We don't need that anymore. We need people who know the Constitution and want to restore this nation to its greatness by virtue of THAT Constitution, not committee meetings and onerous legislation the current politicians admit is too lengthy to read and too hard to understand.
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