"To rescue Germany from the effects of the great depression, Nazism promoted an economic third position; a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist. The Nazis accused communism and capitalism of being associated with Jewish influences and interest. They declared support for a nationalist form of socialism that was to provide for the Aryan race and the German nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honor for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation."Members of the Nazi party, referred to themselves as National Socialists (does any of this sound to you like it is what the Democrats want?).....Wikipedia.
Now we have Bonnie and Chwis, proposing legislation that will, in effect, make America, the New Germany. Oh, you can argue that the Democrats do not want to slaughter millions of Jews, or any other nationality, but their proposals have little regard for Americans, and they are more concerned with people from other nations. Some of what they have legislated will be the undoing of a great nation that has aided other countries around the world, for over 200 years; aid (financial and in terms of human life) that enabled all of those nations to survive until today, a day in which we find them "de-socializing".
Just put your thinking cap on and don't react to what you have just read, but look at the facts; the take over of financial institutions; the take over of most of the auto industry; the demonizing of an oil industry that has financed some of their elections and legislation, and the lack of aid to coastal communities that will suffer for decades to come from the loss of jobs, incomes and a way of life; a plan to tax those people who get help on those coasts from the oil industry; a living wage; more money for less work; social healthcare (when the rest of the world is trying to find a way to privatize theirs); starting in January, the largest tax increase in American history on ALL Americans, no matter what your income; a return to a huge welfare program with a dramatic increase in food stamp recipients, a lot of whom are not here legally; soon, a proposal to make illegals legal, without the legislative power of our constitution and the Congress it set up, to make those decisions.
You know what I'm talking about. There is a whole lot more that this current administration is doing, like suing a sovereign state for the legislation the constitution gives it the right to make for themselves (Arizona). Borders, that are not being protected, etc. The last administration is no less guilty of similar political maneuverings and legislation; IT proposed legalization of untold millions of people; IT gave us an unfunded prescription program; IT gave us the most crippling education program in our history; IT gave us "financial reform". This country is not lacking for Americans that want to change the way we were established via a constitution, which was supposed to protect us from these very sorts of things. But by "giving everyone" a subsidy or a welfare check (yes I include some of the major corporations of this nation), Politicians have secured their re-election, their continued abuse of power, and the gradual destruction of American Exceptionalism.
If not checked, we will lose every vestige of privacy, individualism and freedom we once had. You younger people don't know what I am talking about because you have only known handouts, as the way of life. As long as you get yours, you're happy. But there once was the belief that America was a beacon on a hill; a country to be emulated; a country others could depend on. But, alas. Republican and Democrat alike have sold their souls, for power. Each will die rich, and the rest of us will just die. In the future, you will not be able to excel, without a politician backing you. Individualism will be a thing of the past, and as Hilary Clinton once espoused, "It takes a village", will be the montra of tomorrow as you watch the waves of socialism erode the shores of this once great country.