Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Barak Insane Obama!

Isn't it a shame? The governmental news agencies want the American people to believe that Barak Obama is so intelligent that, like Steven Hocking, we need  a bevy of other intellectuals to tell us what Obama said and what he meant when he said what he said.

The ignorant display of an American President telling another country where their real borders should be just makes one sick. Israel fought against several fronts and enemies in 1967 and after defeating them the world determined that Israel has a right to establish it borders. The UN accepted and acknowledged those borders and they have been in place ever since that war.

Barak has decided that those borders are a fluke of history and should be disregarded. With his intellect, Obama laid out what he believes should be the way the middle east should look, regardless of the just fought war of Israel and the borders all of the rest of the world has come to accept.

Oh but wait, after being "called out" on his interpretation of what the middle east should look like, Obama has made other public statements, that seem to contradict his first ones. But of course, he explains that he was misunderstood.  WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Is Obama trying to tell the world that not only Netanyahu misunderstood, and not only the American congress misunderstood, but that the whole world misunderstood what he said/meant? What? Is he so intelligent that NO ONE understood him?

Well then, he needs to be in some college curriculum teaching new students of Poli-sci what they need to know, because the current educational system has not kept up with the likes of Barak Insane Obama.

Never in American history has a President been so "misunderstood" as Obama.

Let's put this in another context: When Obama says something on television or in the media, isn't it right for Americans to come to some conclusion based on what the president said? Well what good are our conclusions, if the President is so high minded that NO ONE understands him? And if we don't understand him, what are we  to expect from him?  Do we really know where he is taking this country and what his motives are? After all, NO ONE understands him.

How the heck did we elect a man that no one undertands? to be president of a country he apparently believes is not the same country we believe in?

Monday, May 16, 2011


Newt Gingrich recently lambasted the conservatives in is own party. He actually attacked the Ryan idea of a balanced budget and a newer way of looking at and establishing a modern Medicare program. Most of the current government programs were established right after WWII and the Great Depression, so today, they are completely out of step with society, out of step with financing them and their intended reasons for being in existence in the first place. Except for the automobile industry, which still uses an internal combustion engine, whose idea is over 100 years old, the federal government continues to promote old, 20th century ideas in a much more advanced modern 21st century.

Newt Gingrich promotes himself and his self-established organization as an American solutions think tank, yet drastically separates himself from the modern ideas of 21st century thinkers, like Rep. Paul Ryan. But hidden in Newts outspoken differences with Ryan is his desire to appease the Establishment Republicans; those rascals conservatives have learned to distrust.

Newt has set himself up as the "only candidate" who aligns himself with the big money republicans; and that is what the Republican party has given us since Ronald Reagen, with faces like George Bush, John McCain, Bob Dole, and the other George Bush. None of those candidates were worthy adversaries to the nominations from the Democratic party in the last five elections, which caused a grass root up-swell that now is called the TEA PARTY.

Representative Ryan IS the face of Conservatism, as is Ron Paul, Demint, Flake, and Hensarling. Newt Gingrich can have all the money he can get from the Establishment Repubs, because it will not help him. The American people are fed up with his type and his kind of politics. No matter how hard the news media will try to enrich his campaign, he will not be successful in the primaries, and let's hope that alone will embarrass him enough to put an end to him trying to stay in politics. We don't need his face not his ideas anymore. Doesn't he get it?! We didn't want him then and we don't want him now.

You "big money" Repubs: think twice about where you spend your money. If you just want to throw it away, give it to the current government as a "token of your appreciation". If you want change like the rest of America does, finance some conservative candidate instead. Conservatives will win in the end; where do you want to be standing when it's over?

The Establishment has very few options, though, because it is their lobbyists that get them the legislation and rulings they need to prosper the way they do. They do not seem very interested in what is right for America, but rather what is right for them or their organizations so they will fund Newt, hoping against hope.

You conservatives; put your walking shoes on. This is going to be a bloody battle; Repub against Repub. We need you out their doing what you can for conservatism and America. Don't let them scare you with distortions about Ron Paul, or threats that the Ryan's proposals will be harmful. YOU know what you want out of a President and all the other politicians. Contribute to conservatism and the person you prefer and do not let the news or the power of the money from the establishment disuade you. DO NOT give the Republican party back to the establishment.

This is our time and we can put an end to guys like Newt, McCain, Dole and take America into the 21st century well positioned and well funded to restore America to its God given greatness. Our best days are ahead of us. Roll up your sleeves. Speak out. And most of all PARTICIPATE like never before. Like the words of a Bob Seger song:  stand there "Like a Rock". You remember what you were like when you were younger and enjoyed living in the good ole USA. Well, stand tall again. Reminisce and recall. And fight for what is being taken away from you, little by little.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Remember "Dubya"? Yeah, that's right, the last President. He was the one the Progressives and the Democratic party in particular, mocked every chance they got. But when Dubya managed to have Saddams boys killed and Saddam himself captured, America and the world was able to see their pictures and eventually Saddams trial and death; Obama, on the other hand went on TV and told the American audience that "Special forces, at my direction, killed Usama, yesterday", and we discharged his body into the ocean.

Obama ran for the office of the President of the United States and on his way there he promised to close "Gitmo", stop the tortures in Gitmo, put an end to Military Tribunals and fight the just war where the real enemy is.

Gitmo is still open; the Military Tribunals will begin to try it first combatants soon, with others to follow and Obama was able to capitalize on the information obtained through those dreaded "tortures" the rest of us call agressive interrogation, and tell the world he authorized the killing of Usama Bin Laden, otherwise known as UBL, whose whereabouts were obtained from prisoners at Gitmo.

So now we have Dubya vindicated, and secondly Obama can claim to have had killed, the man responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. But, maybe I'm a little skeptical, why didn't Obama "parade" the evidence of the death of UBL in the progressive news media like MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, or any one of those organizations that would have made a hollywood production out of the actual filming of the death of UBL and the many camera views they could have produced to make his killing a reality TV production for America and the rest of the world to see?

It just strikes me as curious that Obama didn't take the advantage of having his picture placed along side of UBL's body for future political campaign propaganda.

So, do I doubt that UBL is actually dead? Honestly? I hesitate to accept it. I want proof. We had proof of Saddam, give us proof of the death of UBL. This is no simple matter. We have waited a decade for this to occur and we all want to feel a sense of satisfaction that this country made a promise to capture or kill the man responsible for 911 and has fulfilled that promise ..... but I want proof!

Politics being what it is; you just can't accept what one man says, no matter who he is. I can assure you that if I were the president I would want national TV and world wide coverage of the greatest event in modern history .... the killing of UBL, and if I couldn't make that happen I would want to provide as much evidence as I could to leave no doubt in anyones mind that America has done what it promised to do; no matter how long it would take, we will bring the person responsible for the heinous destruction of human life on 911, to justice.

Was there an autopsy to verify that it was an American bullet that killed UBL? Could the autopsy prove that UBL was indeed wounded previously by an American soldier, and did UBL suffer kidney damage or some other major ailment that kept him sequestered for a decade? Did dental records verify who this person was? DNA takes 24 days to verify, so THAT couldn't have been done.

You do see why I have concerns here, don't you?