Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I cannot write all that this subject requires in only one blog, so I'll write enough to provoke you in 3 blogs so please read each one.

"Traditional" Christianity takes readers to the books of Daniel and Revelation, to explain their understanding of the "end times" and all that, that entails. Most Christians today believe there is a Beast, an Anti-Christ, and the time when there will be the exposing of the Beast, which will bring in the end time revolt, called Armageddon, which is necessary to bring the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The problem with this is that  first; those that believe this way, do not allow for the sovereignty of God to determine what and when the end time will occur; and secondly, do not allow for God to do what God deems is required. Most of these Christians believe in some sort of "evolution theology": a theology that implies that God set things in motion, and as time and events occur HIS plan becomes apparent to us as it evolves, given the politics and the societal changes, which allows the world to "see" the "end times" coming. In other words, things occur which lead us all to know that the end of man and his sinful ways, is near. Some see the inevitable war between the Muslims and Christians; the ushering in of the Caliphate, as the prelude to Armageddon.

Reformed theology does not accept this "evolutionary" doctrine. The Apostle Paul gave Christians reformed theology, but time, sinful man, and Satan, perverted that teaching to the extent that today, Christianity is so convoluted that there are various sects or denominations which have their own literature, teachers, and understanding of Biblical teaching, and they command an audience.

Like politics; Progressives have a news media willfully promoting a progressive/social agenda;  modern Christianity has its literature and prominence on the radio, in books and even on television. The Reformed teaching is almost alien to Christians today, and when presented, there is an attack from those Christian moderns, claiming that Reformed teaching or Presbyterian teaching is anathema to Christianity.

Reformed believers do not believe that certain events and sinful man have anything to do with the end of this world and its sinfulness. Reformed believers believe that GOD can do what HE wills to a people and a universe HE created, when HE decides to do it.

This is not as simple as I have just written, which is why I want you to return to this blog for additional understanding. But let me say this: God did not ask anyone how the world should be made nor did HE ask how the creatures and all that this world has, should be made and made to co-exist. Why does any man think he has the right to decide how GOD will bring about the end? Is it even necessary for GOD to explain it to us or to let us be a part of the end of this sin-filled world? The Old Testament is filled with the awesomeness of GOD and HE never asked us for our input. Instead, HE allowed mankind to share in what HE was doing or going to do.

Politicians today, are presenting a Christianity that does not line up with Scripture. Bachmann, or Perry talk of a world they believe God has led them to be a part of so HE can be seen by the world. It is as if GOD needs them to do what HE wants to do: as if HE wants sinners to "see" or "understand".

If any man alive today cannot see that a Supreme Being has created all that is; ththe teachings of HIS Disciples and HIS Son. Maybe we should be reading the Bible to "see" what GOD wants us to know? Maybe we should doubt anyone who claims GOD has sent them to run for political office.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


1935 and Roosevelt gave America the WPA (Works Project Administration) which was instituted by Executive order and can be done again, by this President; I believe, Obama will return from his vacation, with a program very similar.

For those of you out of work and wanting to be employed, earning an income to be able to provide for your families and have a few cents left over to spend as you please, the WPA is NOT the panacea for you or for your neighbor.

Government can only provide work, not jobs. Jobs are made when a business provides a product or service which generates an exchange of money, for that product or service which is then re-invested into the business for upgrades or expansions. The employee, would then take his earned income and "reinvest" it into his pleasures and needs, then return to his job for more of the same. When the government puts people to work, there is no income generated for either the government OR the employee because the money that is used to develop the work first had to taken away from someone else, because the government does not produce a profitable service or a product that can be traded on the open market. A WPA, or any similar program, takes money from already cash strapped people either in higher taxes, or in revenue generators like fees, or charges, and continues to do so for the length of the life of the WPA.

The WPA of the thirties, gave work to people to build public buildings, or roads or publicly owned or operated utilities. But there were additional caveats, then. A husband and wife could not work for the WPA, because the wife would be taking money away from another man and his family. Firehouses were built, miles of water lines were run, but also remember, UNIONS did not yet rule. It would impossible for me to believe unions would give up any jobs, and certainly not the benefits, just to put people to work.

However, I can further see Obama inflating the unions by making this work available through them, thereby increasing the size of unions, and adding to their clout, at tax payers expense. Actually, THAT would be a brilliant idea. He could satisfy the unions at the same time, paying them back and increasing His support through them. Likely, the new union members would show their appreciation by voting for him in the next election.

Work, under those conditions, would go to those states that do not have right to work laws, where unions do not prevail. East and West coasts would see a large increase in union membership, and an increase in the flow of money generated through this program. Taxpayers would be funding the very administration that would make them and their families irrelevant in the future.

This is a lot like the Dictatorships of Communist countries, where the citizens are told what to do, when, and where and are given a stipend for their existence. I remember seeing pictures of maybe one hundred Chinese people sweeping the snow off the walk-ways of Tiananmen Square. Is this what you want America to become?

Keeping busy, is not the same as being employed; the end results are different. The employed man has plans and dreams, the worker has nothing but what THAT day gives him.

This may be 2011, and I hope I am wrong, but for a Socialist like Obama, the WPA is his next best idea. If he is successful, he might earn a page in history; .....and a few extra union voters.


Compasses are one of the tools we use to acquire navigational direction, both on land and sea. But what America is lacking is a Moral Compass, which gives us "directions" on interpersonal matters.

Our Country was founded on Judeao-Christian principles. These included the ideas that promote freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles helped to form laws to govern society with, so we could all live in freedom, while being able to protect the properties and wealth we might have acquired.

The Republic that was "given" to us by our founding fathers, requires us to maintain those principles in order to keep it. Over the years, we have "learned" to call this nation a democracy, and it isn't; again it is a Republic, governed by democratic principles. But by calling it a democracy, politicians have removed the needle in our compass.  And if you have a compass that doesn't have a needle, you will never know what direction you are going in.

That needle the politicians removed is the God of our religion. Any religion which speaks of a Supreme Being, a Creator of everything, by definition, has built into it, morals. Lust, Envy, Coveting, are antithetical to the principles this country was founded on. No matter what religion you practice, these emotions are the enemies of a Godly, effective religion.  If Americans practice the religion they proclaim to support, than why are so many, panting after what the other guy has?
More than 70% of Americans claim to be Christians, yet one has to ask: "Why do all these people allow a government to take away so much of what they have been able to acquire"? Americans now live by the creeds of the politicians (a lot of whom make no claim to believing in the God of the Universe) who "pit man against man". These politicians create an anger in Americans who do not have as much as the other guy. They make it sound as though the other guy has what he has because he took it from others, so let's take it back and give it someone else. More over, why are they allowing themselves to be duped by the politicians who almost never leave their elected positions, poorer than when they entered? Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

These politicians have created a haves and haves not society that wants to take wealth away from those who have worked for it and earned it. And the oddest thing is, there is still more wealth left to obtain  It isn't a zero-sum gain (it isn't like there is only so much money in the world and only a few have most of it). Wealth IS a Christian virtue. Innovative ideas, hard work, and the accumulation of property and money is a goal every American should have. Wealth is NOT limited. Everyone can be wealthy, it is up to the individual to acquire it, and a compass with a working needle will give you the directions you need to pursue those liberties, freedoms and wealth.

Americans need to return to their Faith. Faith in God who has given directions, morals, and principles in all of our interpersonal matters.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


Okay, we're all done with Ames Iowa and almost everyone is excited that Michelle Bachmann won THAT vote. But more importantly, Ron Paul came in second.

Look, Ron Paul scares a lot of people, and a lot of would-be politicians like Santorum, but the truth of his positions lies deeply in the butchering of the Constitution by the Progressives and Establishment Repub's for over 65 years.

Ron Paul wants to reduce our military: Well, he's right when you first realize the Constitution does not provide for a military, but rather a Militia and a Navy; there is no place in the Constitution for a National Guard, either; that is the Politicians way of violating the Constitution and getting rid of the Militia's, then using the name National Guard so the Federal Government has control over the local defenders of this great nation. Just think of that for a minute ......National Guard.

Now the National Military is comprised of an Air Force, a Navy, an Army and the Marine Corp.as well as the National Guard, none of which are Constitutional.  I believe Ron Paul and I are alike on this next concern: If a foreign country needs America's help, we must first declare war, send in our forces to remove or nullify the oppressors, then come back home. There will be collateral damage, otherwise we cannot help. And we need to do this ASAP, not prolong it. Then let the people of that country determine their future and the kind of government they want, not us. This country has no right to determine what other countries should look like. If we present ourselves as a free sovereign nation, wanting to live and thrive in a world community that wants to have peace and trade policies all over the world, we would not get ourselves involved with having to defend our enemies with our fortunes and lives. Let those countries settle their issues within their own borders: we did .... it was called a Civil War, and we wouldn't want other countries invading us to tell us how we should establish our government. Ron Paul wants to bring home troops that 1. Have been stationed on Military bases throughout the world for decades, like Germany, Japan, and Korea. 2. He wants to use these men to protect OUR borders, and not spend taxpayers money to use them to protect a foreign country's borders while ours are allowing illegals to infiltrate this country. 3. America has been fighting a war in the Middle East for over 10 years, and it has cost this country trillions of dollars which adds to the reason why politicians wanted to raise the debt ceiling. So, we borrow money to fight a war, that has never been declared, and there is no end game. Does that really make sense to you?

Ron Paul wants to eliminate a lot of departments and agencies within the Federal Government: well these too are unConstitutional. The Federal Government is limited by the Constitution so "We the People" cannot be governed by politicians and bureaucracy's. Here's a few that are unconstitutional: welfare, health care, affordable housing, retirement security, or how about requiring seat belts in cars, or the posting of the calories in fast foods, then there's public education funded by property taxes, and where do they get the right to tax private property? So, if you take seriously the need for this country to return to the Constitution, then many of these agency's and many, many others have got to go, and "We the People" will once again govern our own lives and fortunes.

So don't let Ron Paul scare you; TEA PARTY PATRIOTS want the same things. This grass roots movement scares the terminal life-long Politician. The "lifers" want power over you, and Ron Paul stirs up the pot against these people. YOU are the ones who can make a difference. Maybe it isn't Ron Paul you like, but no matter who it is, don't vote for the TV "personality politician". Santorum operates from a convoluted perspective of what has happened to the Constitution; Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty are all one the "Establishment Repubs". They are entrenched in the system and need to be pulled out like a weed, by the roots.

There is a desperate need for "Constitutionalists" but make certain that is what you are voting for. Personality should play no part in this election; look what it has gotten us so far.

Don't let the truth scare you. Get a copy of the Constitution, read it and learn it. It is not long. Ron Paul is the messenger, don't condemn him for telling you what the Constitution says.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Please forgive me folks: my computer has been on the fritz: maybe the Fed's don't like what I have to say: and after almost 2 weeks I have it back, but with a different operating system and ...........w'alll, thinbs aren't going as smoothly as they used to.

Yeah there is a lot to be said, and I'll get back to you, just as soon as I am confident me and this machine are compatico.