Monday, November 21, 2011


When there was an impasse on the debt ceiling argument, politicians decided to give power to only 12 people to solve the problem, 6 D's and 6R's (so why do we elect all those politicians when we only actually need 12?).  Obama had already declared that he wanted Medicare benefits reduced and he wanted the Defense budget reduced, and if the twelve couldn't come to a solution...what a ya know, Medicare and Defense would be reduced, along with some domestic budgets.

So here we are, expecting something of a miracle, even with all the compromising one can conjure up, right back where we started from and Obama wins; no agreement therefore, reductions; who'd a thunk?

Don't misunderstand me, I don't give Obama credit for a "slick willy" type maneuver. The credit goes to Axlerod or any one of his many strategists, not Obama; he's just the face in front of the teleprompter, and we learned a lesson from the Wizard of Oz not to "pay any attention to the man behind the screen".

But the man behind the screen is actually overjoyed by the failure of the "Super Committee" because America continues on without a budget for some three years; Democrats are not in favor of spending cuts; Democrats want a trillion dollar tax increase, and Republicans just couldn't find enough to give to the D's to get them to agree. Harry Reid said "the Republicans never found the courage to ignore the Tea Party extremists", as if there is a third political party.

What happened here is simple: Obama didn't want any sort of a budget or agreement because he wants to be able to "dictate" through the stimuli what he wants to do and not have to answer to anyone where the money is, and what is being accomplished. There is no accountability. Dictators operate that way, and Obama prefers them as friends than the capitalists of the world. Is there any wonder he would act like the people he admires?

And now the Federal Reserve holds more of our debt than any other country in the world including China. How is it possible for the Federal Reserve to print money whenever it wants to, and as much as it wants to?

I am a REAL Christian, born again by the spirit and determination of God at a time of His choosing, and although there are a lot of Americans claiming to be Christians, it truly doesn't look like it. Too many people want hand-outs and a free ride, none of which is based in Christianity. We have a boat load of politicians who constantly lie to us and enrich themselves through acts they legislate illegal for us to do. Martha Stewart went to jail for a single act, which was less than the average Senator or Congressman does on a daily basis. We are living in a world that is on the brink of nuclear war with a madman that claims his religion requires him to start this war so his savior can return. We have a nation the rest of the world depends upon to stop this madman from being able to carry out his acts against the world, but none of the nations will back this little country of Israel. Instead those same nations want to see Israel destroyed. Yet, "there is nothing new under the sun".

The first century Christians were martyred for their beliefs, and most, willingly smiling or singing while the lions tore at their flesh or they burned while sitting on a brass chair in a fire; and we want to be on the government dole to the extent we vote into office people who are not even slightly Christian, and allow them to add their name to the Christian Role without a whimper from us, as long as they put OUR names on one of the many government programs that take money from one people and give it to us. Do the words "if anyone will not work, neither let him eat" ring a bell? What a stark contrast to those first disciples and Apostles, who sold all they had and gave so others could have.

If you are one of the 79% of Americans who claim to be a Christian, where are you on these issues? What scripture verses do you use to promote your brand of Christianity? Do you have your hand out hoping to get it filled or is your hand extended to give some of what God has provided for you, to others? Who do you vote for and why? Do you think God intended for non-Christians to govern over Christians?

I submit to you, the work of the Federal Government has for too long, governed with a selfish motive and those who have, have enriched themselves and lavished fine vacations and other benefits upon themselves at our expense, and continue to do so. They mock the institutes set up by Godly people and have torn down any vestige of the once predominate Christian way of life America was based upon. God will not be mocked; there is coming a terrible storm. Will you be willing to stand, will you be able to stand? Are you still depending on those politicians who have proven they want what is best for them, and not for you? Are you willing to make the next election a dramatic turning point in American history? Are you willing to suffer through what is inevitable because of decades of lavish politicking, in order to right all the wrongs? Don't look anymore for the government to provide for you. Let us make this the day we decided to stand for Christian principles.

For those who know God, pray for this country and for Godly people to lead this nation (2 Chron. 7:13-14). It is never too late, but even Noah had to prepare for the coming flood, and the flood did come. Let us pray God will be merciful, as He sends His judgement upon a nation deserving His anger and wrath, for we have allowed perverse sinners to ravage His children, His nation and treat them in an unGodly way.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Instead of Newt we might want to call him Hare Gingrich. Don't panic it is merely a symbolic gesture rather than a derivative of his name. However, he is slowly and steadily gaining momentum in this Presidential primary.

As good as he can be for this country, he has a lot of Liberal baggage that makes us cringe. The pundits suppose it is more important to vote for "someone who can beat Obama" rather than a true conservative, but the last time we did that we got Dubya and he gave this country a lot of the problems that exist today: NCLB (no child left behind) a Kennedy proposal: he didn't veto the McCain/Finegold Campaign Finance Reform bill he promised to while running for the Presidency, in which McCain said "all that election money can make a good man dishonest": he tried to push Meyers through to the Supreme Court bench; he signed the American Dream Downpayment Act in which the federal government would help 40,000 families a year with their downpayment and closing costs, and now we have Freddie and Fannie needing a constant influx of billions of dollars to keep it afloat.

Gingrich has made a commercial with Pelosi stating "we must take action to prevent climate change" (May 12, 2011); he supports in individual mandate for health care; he attacked the Paul Ryan bill which by doing so supports the Obama Administration against the Conservatives, effectively cutting Ryan off at the knees calling his bill "social engineering"; Newt has promoted a government subsidy for health care on May 16, 2011; on May 14, 2011 Hilary stated " I find we have a lot in common in the way we see the problem" (concerning Newt and health care).

Newt is a compromiser. What may be called his greatest asset is his greatest nemesis; he is "politically connected". If he were to be elected to the Presidency, he knows where all the bones are; he knows who owes who, favors, he may even collect on a few of his own; he knows the establishment money people and what they want; he could put together a very formidable cabinet, but they would come from the establishment Republicans and not the Conservative side of the party.

He has promised to invoke 50 to 250 "Executive Orders" the day after he is inaugurated; isn't that a lot like being a Dictator? Don't we have 535 men and women who are supposed to present, and make legislation? I never could understand why no one opposes "Executive Orders".

Newt is an historian and has a better grasp on American History and World History than do the rest of the candidates and most of the 535 people now holding office, but that doesn't make his ideas the right ideas.

I don't like his "you caught me" boyish grin; I don't like his political background and his silly "Contract with America II" as if doing the right thing is less important than to promise to do the right thing; it seems so childish to me. I'm a big boy. I can take it. I'll watch you and make up my own mind. Don't think that you can get my support by promising me you'll do this or that. Hey, Newt, you've got history. I know and can find out what sorts of things you have done. Please don't think so little of me as to believe all you have to do is promise to be a good boy and I should vote to turn the country over to you.

But do we have a better choice?