Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Socialism; Marxism; Fascism; Communism; "AMERITOPIA"

I am almost finished reading Mark Levin's book, "Ameritopia"; you should read it too. If it doesn't scare you, it should enlighten you. I have one caveat to the whole world mess thing: God ordains some things to happen; God is always in control.

As people in a Christian nation, we should seek out which of the above we are best comfortable with although, both statements are true, you may find it a little more pleasing not to believe God would actually "cause" to happen, what is and what will happen to us as a nation and as a people.

I like to believe this way: The story of Isaac and Ishmael has not finished unfolding, and the battle between the flesh and the Spirit may become manifest as an Islamic war against Christiandom. Yeah, I know, Obama and many others do not believe America is a Christian nation, but what they believe doesn't change the facts. But putting that aside, as Christians you should be aware of the story that hinges on Abraham's belief in God. And how Abraham decided to help God give Him progeny, so God could bless him. While all along, God intended to provide providentially through the Holy Spirit; and He did. Thus the beginning of the enemies of the people who would bring the Savior into the world. And as hard as Satan tried, the Savior was born, performed as God required and a people are being born to God by way of the Holy Spirit to this day. But there remains those who are born of the flesh, to this day and if you look at the middle east, you can see the great Satan emerging ever stronger day by day.

What will be the end? When will it be? It doesn't matter as long as you are born from above; the end of this life is the beginning of an everlasting life with God and His Christ is Heaven.

NOW!! Marks book didn't bring me to these conclusions, my own Christian studies have. None the less, I suggest you read his book to see how and why the great country is becoming such a mess of indebtedness and debauchery. Mark is Jewish so he doesn't see things the way I do, and his book doesn't even mention any of the things I wrote about. Instead he refers to the founders and what it was that so enlightened them to develop such a place that for so long was admired by the world and feared by the world.

Presidents have tried to "export" our Republic ideas throughout the world, to no avail. What is lacking in other nations is a belief in God, without whom, our Republic makes no sense. But to further exasperate the idea, Presidents and their substitutes referred to the rebuilding of those nations as Democracies; a far different thing than a Republic. And no wonder no one wants any part of it. After all,  ALL democracies devolve into Dictatorships. The world has seen this over and again which is one of the reasons so many people who came to this land, decided that a Republic could survive the ages. And it would if it wasn't perverted back at the beginning of the 20th century.

The mess this country is in is not a phenomena, it happened by design by Presidents and politicians alike down through the ages. You and I were taught this pie in the sky thing, when all along they were changing the very country we are living in. The Constitution has been amended by fiat. Politicians made the federal government so big, I don't think it can be undone without some natural catastrophe or a disturbingly  vicious war, IF that is God's intention.

We are on the brink of not only not being able to buy and sell, but of being able to defend ourselves against an enemy that will only be satisfied to see us all dead and their "Messiah" installed. Isn't it interesting that a Messiah is still the focus? But theirs is one of flesh and bone.

Well reader, I can expound further if you request but, I just had to get this off my chest. The news and the news people seem so oblivious to what is actually going on; even our politicians are debating whether or not they should vote on a bill to make people more aware Aids; or making insider tradings so they can leave the office wealthy while they pursue a lobbyists job after they get elected out of office, all the while Rome is burning. AH, the metaphor of Nero and any of our presidents causes your skin to crawl. G Dubya put us on track and B.O. is capitalizing on his predecessors leadership.

No! We're not doomed, but we will be changed in a blink of an eye........

Saturday, February 4, 2012



Headlines:    "Libyan militia pull toenails off diplomat". Hugh, just a scant word in the American news, but we get endless coverage of underwear over a prisoners head, or water boarding which gave us the information we needed to secure Bin Laden's head. Or how about this one:    "I saw bodies of women and children lying in the road, beheaded".

Are we not just about fed up with the current news people; those progressives that want a new world order, who condemn America and her soldiers, while ignoring the absolute atrocities against Muslim men, women and children, by Muslim's? These same progressives that encourage these countries to take on Democracy which allows them to perform these atrocities because they are now "Democratic".

Much too often we are told that America is regime building or assisting in the changing of a country's political system into one that is Democratic in nature, and what you read above, is the outcome of those new regimes, and not a word from the American news media.

One reason for their silence is simply that, Democracy leads to a dictatorship; it's inevitable.  However, a Republic is a far different matter and that is what we should promoting over seas. But we still have people like Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg declaring overseas that developing countries should NOT pattern their constitution after America's. Our constitution is outdated, according to Ginsburg (and remember she has taken an oath to uphold OUR Constitution).

Here's another news article:  "Taliban-affiliated militants were responsible for more than three-quarters of the civilian deaths in 2011, the fifth year in a row in which the death toll went up".  So where is the progressive outrage on this one? Yeah! Nowhere. It makes you wonder if the progressives want this sort of thing to occur. I mean, why won't they write about it? Is it acceptable to them?

This is the problem with a country that wants to help others, but does not have the courage to declare war. Everything done to an enemy is done as if, in the minds of the progressives, a civilian ( labeled as a terrorist or insurgent) is harmed by American forces who have come to the aid of fighting nations. The progressives believe America should not participate in global conflicts, yet they want Americans to fund these fighting nations, through American taxation, so we can give them money to elevate themselves out of a third world nation status. In the end, we assist helping one faction against the other, which ends up as a dictatorship over the people, presumably we are supposed to be helping. It is with the help of American tax dollars, that countries are overthrown and despots are installed through their Democratic process, and the progressives in America don't have a word to say on the matter.

So, where does it end? This upcoming election cycle in America, will be either the demise of this nation, or the rebuilding of our own nation. Elections matter, whether overseas, or here at home. We can see the outcomes of the over seas elections the progressives are supporting from America, so we can get an idea of where this country will go, if it continues to elect progressives to manage it. The Elitists comfort themselves with tax dollars and go on wild spending sprees called vacations, while the American taxpayers struggle to make ends meet in an economy designed for failure. Failure is the only way progressives can rear their elitists heads, as they do over seas.

If this country would turn back to its Republic style system of constitutional checks and balances, it would once again be the envy of the world. Instead it is a contributor to the ever increasing dictatorships world wide. And the American news media either cannot see for themselves the difference, or they are in agreement with the progressives' methods and eventual goals for this country and all the others.