I've written about this before, but it bears some reiteration, since the President has reopened this topic, one I thought was dead because it is so ridiculous. I'm talking about ALGAE, the green, or blue-green slime that floats upon body's of water.
The President has spent billions of taxpayers dollars trying to get solar, wind and battery power to replace the need for gasoline in automobiles; most of the companies the President has given our hard earned money to have gone bankrupt or are asking for more money, now he wants the American companies that take tax payers money from the federal government to consider, ALGAE.
I hope this isn't going to be too hard to follow, but here goes. The Progressives, through unelected agencies, have written strict rules and regulations that hinder many of the companies that supply a good portion of our standard of living, through products and needs of the American people; coal plants that produce electricity; oil companies that drill for oil, and the gasoline producers that take that oil and make it useful. They are currently writing rules and regulations for farmers and major food providers like Monsanto. Some of these regulations seem to make sense, but not in the big scheme of things when taken as a whole, like Monsanto producing "round-up ready" cotton so the foliage can be sprayed via aircraft to kill it before the gins come in to harvest the cotton, or corn that isn't capable of reproducing; seeds have to be bought from Monsanto every season, and the corn has been so genetically engineered, it actually kills butterflies and such that normally pollinate the plants to produce the corn, and the need farmers have of continuous and enormous amounts of fertilizers for this type of food production. These sorts of technology the Progressives tout as futuristic; the answer to the worlds' clean air, and food production problems. But therein lies some of the problems.
"One of the great transformations of agriculture over the past century has been the expanded use of synthetic chemical fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate is one of the most important of these fertilizers. In recent years, this compound has ranked in the top fifteen among synthetic chemicals produced in the United States. The increased use of nitrates as fertilizer has led to some serious environmental problems. All nitrates are soluble, so whatever amount is not taken up by plants in a field is washed away into groundwater and, eventually, into rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes. In these bodies of water, the nitrates become sources of food for algae and other plant life, resulting in the formation of algal blooms. Such blooms are usually the first step in the eutrophication of a pond or lake" (freedrinkingwater.com)
Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae. These two nutrients are usually introduced to the body of water through fertilizer run-off. The uncontrolled growth of algae and their subsequent descent into the depths of the body of water stimulates an active benthic community (bacteria), which depletes oxygen levels due to respiration. The algae may also cover the surface of the water, reducing the amount of light that penetrates into the photic zone, decreasing photosynthesis in aquatic autotrophs. The decreased level of dissolved oxygen can result in the death of any number of larger communities. (answers.com).
So now here we have the President, and correct me if I'm wrong, promoting the excessive use of fertilizers to have this stuff run-off the land or seep into the ground to end up in our bodies of water, that we swim in, fish in, boat in, or that even ends up as drinking water. He wants a lot of algae so it can be used to replace gasoline, so our farmers have got to find ways to over-use these fertilizers (maybe some of those farmers' subsidies can help) and pollute our water.
This isn't the end; by doing away with oil, the President will then have to find a way to get algae to fly our airplanes, move our school buses, fuel the trucks that move the produce from farmer to grocery store, move our military on the ground and in the air (the Dept.of Defense uses 360,000 barrels of fuel oil a day), plow snow, operate those earth movers and landscaping machinery some of which build and repair our bridges, highways and airports. WOW, are we going to need a lot of ALGAE. ( The United States consumes 140 billion gallons per year of liquid fuel. Algae can produce 3,000 gallons of liquid fuel per acre in a year, so it would take 45 million acres of algae to provide 100% of our liquid fuel requirements. No costs per gallon have been established).
Then the President will have to find a way to use algae to make plastic; you know that awesome by-product of oil that gives us....computer housing, monitors, cell phones, tooth brushes, toothpaste tubes, paper clips, pencils, storage cases, automobile parts, chairs, lawn furniture, etc. you fill in what you use.
I think I better stop. This algae stuff makes as much sense as solar energy, or battery powered living. (did you know there is a company that makes mini-nuclear power systems that can produce electricity for a community of 25,000 home for about $250.00 a year for each home plus the cost of the system that is replaceable every 7-10 years and is not harmful to anything?).
So, is anyone up for a change of the people in power? I am. I want reality, not pie-in-the-sky academia dictating stupidity.