Sunday, May 20, 2012


The 2 party system has done more harm than good to America and the XVII amendment needs to be repealed.

The are 435 people in the House of Representatives, 100 people in the US Senate and then you have the President and the Vice President, which is intended to "manage" the politics of this country amicably through negotiations and "compromise", but that is simply not what our current 2 party system has given us.

All that is needed to run our country for either good or bad, is 60 Senators, especially if they have the Presidency "on their side". If this is the case, none of the Presidents' cabinet appointments or other department appointments would be contested and the 60 Senators would not have to abide by the Constitution of the United States. Sure, their actions could be contested through the courts, but it all takes time, and is a slow process.

The Senate would never have to approve a budget and it wouldn't have to address any bills that come out of the House of Representatives. Ergo, 60 Senators could very well be the ones that decide what our country can and will do, at least in the first 4 years of an agreeable President....OH, that is exactly what IS going on, and the 2 party system has no way to stop it. Heck, the House of Representatives can do little more than have hearings about one thing or another and nothing has to be followed up with those, like the one on Fast and Furious, in which the Department of Justice seems to be able to do as it sees fit, and no one has to answer to the Congress for any allegations or assertions made which in this case includes lying to Congress, and the killing of one of our own border guards by a foreigner.

At our founding, there were no party's, per say, just men with opinions and convictions. Sure, in a very short time this morphed into one persuasion of people opposing another persuasion of people and they eventually took on naming themselves to differentiate themselves. Even terminology changed over time so that those who once were known as Liberals are now known as Republicans or are even some times referred to as conservatives. But the "politics" seem to quickly divide itself into money makers and these people established rules to keep others out of the "game". Now we have an established 2 party system that does not easily allow for a 3rd party or additional party's of people who want a chance at helping and serving this country. Even the states have set up rules that virtually make it impossible for a 3rd party, yet they will allow that an independent can be elected, but that means nothing because the House of Representatives, and the Senate dole out committees and seats of power, none of which will go to an independent, making that person "obligated" to "side" with one party or another in order that he/she might be able to get some legislation he favors, passed, although it would have to be approved by the 2 ruling party's.

Getting a 3rd party into out political system would be a game changer for the foreseeable future, but for now, there are a lot of people trying to get elected as Conservatives, or as is the vernacular, Tea Party. I suppose in time, these people will change the Republican party into a more conservative one, BUT we would still have a 2 party system. The 2 current party's are immensely concerned because committees would have to be given to these Tea Party people in order for the country to function, and that alone could take power away from each of the party's, in effect, looking like there would be 3 party's running the country.

But even if the "Tea Party" prevails, House and Senate rules would have to change, then states rules would have to change. But the repeal of the XVII Amendment has to be made in order to return this country to its intended founding whereby states send representatives to DC to represent states, not ideology or establishment types, and this action alone would "restart" American Politics. You might remember recently that when just a few Senators banded together they had the power to stop legislation; remember? John McCain and Linsday Wagner and a few others; they were called the band of seven. And how about talk of the "nuclear option" by the current people in charge of the Senate? By virtue of their collective ideology, they can ram anything through Congress, as long as it is agreeable with the President. That's why the XVIIth Amendment needs to be repealed.

Someone has to have to courage to present a bill to amend the XVII Amendment so each of our states can decide whom they want to represent them, not continue to give power to 12, or 60 or even 100 Senators that get popularly elected, who do not have any idea what your state representatives want. They are in it for themselves and the power they can amass, and often the "establishment money people" pull the strings.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Biden is a "useful idiot" and he belongs to the party that espouses useful idiots.

Pundits want to make apologies for the VP because of his remarks concerning gay marriages. What most "republican" pundits fail to see is that Biden is a balloon floater. He went out the day before the President to say what the President was going to say, and it prepared the American people for Obama's comments as well as let the gay community know he was backing their desires. And voila, $ 1 million dollars into the Obama campaign coffers in less than 24 hours. He needed their money and their backing to run in this election.

What bothers me is the Republican pundits keep thinking we are in a legitimate election cycle, and they posit their best ideas as to how this will affect the President's election. The pundits are so far out of step with what the Democrats are doing they are embarrassing.

LUGAR lost the primary in Indiana and the pundits sneered at the opposition. Career politicians "knew" Lugar "couldn't lose"; What?! I suspect this is not over. The Tea Party is flexing their muscle and getting incumbents out of office. They may not win every election and they might cause Democrats to win where the "Good Ole Boy" republican would otherwise be a shoe-in, however, getting the incumbent Rhino out of office is just as big a win as getting a Tea Party campaigner to win the seat in question.

Take a look at France and Greece: I suggested in the past that my readers pick up a book called "The 4th Turning" and read what the writers say about the human condition and the expected changes our society, and the worlds' society is about to undertake. The writers base their projections on previous societies and what they have done, electorally, and postulated that the future generations are predictable.

As such, we can see their postulations unfolding in Europe with the election of France swinging to the left; wanting more taxes to fund the peoples' wants, and Greece about to make the same mistake with their political fight. And so it is supposed, that America will also "demand" the same. Over the years, Republicans and Democrats alike, have "given" the American people the government teat to suckle on, and it is expected that the voters in this election cycle will want to "make those rich guys" pay for the wants of the "common" man.

Obama, Van Jones, George Soros and others, are engaged in what is expected to be the "changing of America" into what will eventually be a "New world order". Don't forget, this new world order was first posited by George Bush the senior, so this is something it seems, all politicians have longed for, for some time, no matter what party.

HOWEVER, no one imagined anything like what is called the Tea Party; those rascally Americans that want a return to the Constitution and limited government. But that's okay, the Republicans and the Democrats believe they can do their "magic" regardless of the opposition. The two party system has strangled our political process for so long, it can't be budged by a "few dissenters", can it?

Even Paul Ryan, the man tea party people like to raise up as an example, has turned on the tea party recently by supporting LUGAR in his bid for re-election AGAINST a tea party candidate, and LUGAR lost. As a side note, I suggest Paul Ryan be run out of office: he sold his soul to a "Rhino" who would vote for his budget if Ryan would support his re-election; instead of trusting that the Tea Party could get a genuine conservative elected by throwing LUGAR out of office.

So, for Obama to support gay rights and their ability to be legally married, and protected under American law, is just a step in the direction the rest of the world has already taken. It is not an "amazing" event that warrants endless conversation: it was expected, BUT 30 states have already voted against legalizing gay marriages; America does NOT want to walk in lock-step with the rest of the world. As hard as it is to find, Americans still have Godly values and these values keep interfering with what the politicians want to accomplish; Lugar the recent evidence of this country being fed up with what politicians want for us.

Obama invoked an 11 page executive order that has been used in the past when America was at war. There is no reason why this executive order needs to be implemented today; we are not at war! But you have to wonder why the President decided to invoke it; is it a preparation for the things to come? Does he know that Soros and his ilk will cause riots and chaos to the extent that Martial Law will be necessary? Does he know that Van Jones and others are holding training classes for 600,000 people to teach them how to demonstrate and how to protest?

Look, I do not trust either party any more, and Paul Ryan has just given me reason not to trust him. Like any other American, I want smaller government and states rights without federal strings attached, and I don't want them by making a pact with the devil. Paul was wrong; Lugar lost and Paul should find another job, however, there are a bunch more that do not seem to have Americas best interest at heart. I thought Ryan did, and he seemed to, for a while.

Folks, this is not politics as usual. The New world order machine has a good set of teeth and those teeth can be found in liberal supporters, in the American Communist party, in organizations funded by George Soros, in both of our political parties, and it is very hard to stop; but it can be stopped. The Tea party is stronger than the news media wants you to believe. You can see it in some of the elections that are occurring. You can see it in your neighbor who rants on and on about how fed up he or she is with what is going on. We don't get a lot of publicity, but the Tea Party is alive, well and a movement to be reckoned with.

Obama can pander to all of the wacky left-wingers he wants to, but silently, like a stealth fighter, the Tea Party is making a difference (and they know it). Stand strong! We can beat "them" one vote at a time; one election at a time; one life-long politician at a time. Who can beat us, if God is on our side?