Kudos to Michelle Malkin. For the first time, as far as I can remember, she has finally said what has to be said.
Too often Conservatives "temper" their words, so as not to offend others. Bull Crap with that. Come on guys, we all feel the same...speak what is on your heart. This Politically Correct speak stuff has only stifled the Conservatives from saying what is on their minds. Heck, just try to listen to Bohner speak: doesn't it nauseate you trying to understand what he is saying? IT's all PC and I for one, am fed up with it, and I suspect so is Michelle Malkin.
She has never had a problem telling it like it is but this last interview seems to just finally rub her the wrong way and caused her to SPEAK OUT! "JUST A BLOGGER" “There are real reporters who won‘t even say the name ’Brett Kimberlin’ out of fear…The kind of harassment that I’ve gone through over the past twenty years pales in comparison to what these individuals bloggers [have gone through]…and we owe them so much for standing up, for telling the truth. Thank them, get their backs.”
“A lot of progressives…always ask me, ‘Why are you so mad?’ Why the hell shouldn’t I be mad? You’re trying to flush our country down the toilet! I‘m not going to tell you that you’re a nice person. And I think we need more people in Washington…not to concede that these people are ‘nice’ people.”...that's Michelle Malkin at her best, and the rest of us should stop worrying about offending someone.
The Progressives want nothing more than to stifle us, and we acquiesce by "choosing" our words. It is time to tell it like it is.
Scott Walker has stood his ground and won a recall vote that will go down in history, no matter who writes it, as the first governor EVER to survive a recall vote, and he won it with a greater margin than he did in his first election as governor.
Michelle and Scott should be enough for the rest of us to realize that conservative is not a dirty word and conservatives are truly the only ones that can put this country back on track. Oh sure, that also means voting out of office people like McCain, Hatch, and the rest of those dinosaurs that have worked so hard to fill their own pockets with our money.
It used to be patriotic to run for office, serve the nation and return to a citizens life, knowing what you did, was make America a stronger nation......but there are soooooo many of those dinosaurs that need to be shown how to go back home.
Do you realize, those dinosaurs are the one that decided they need a retirement package which include medical coverage, and for "serving" for only 12 years; it is NOT Constitutional for these, long in the tooth "politicians" to live off of our taxes.
Look I had better stop. I'll get more verbal than Michelle, and my choice of words are not "sensitive" enough for print.
Conservatism is a lot like Protestantism: others define it. Let this be the last word on the subject: Conservative means we are proud of this Country; we say M'am, thank you, and sorry, but DO NOT TREAD ON ME. Progessives are NOT patriotic, they border on Socialism/Marism/Communism. Conservatism found this nation and it will take Conservatives to restore her place in this world. We are not a Nation to cower to the enemy, and the words of Progressives make them enemies to us. Fight, I say, fight each and everyone of you for the things you know are right and natural, and put an end to the political speak and the progressive speak that is meant to destroy this great country of ours. STAND! cower no more.
Too often Conservatives "temper" their words, so as not to offend others. Bull Crap with that. Come on guys, we all feel the same...speak what is on your heart. This Politically Correct speak stuff has only stifled the Conservatives from saying what is on their minds. Heck, just try to listen to Bohner speak: doesn't it nauseate you trying to understand what he is saying? IT's all PC and I for one, am fed up with it, and I suspect so is Michelle Malkin.
She has never had a problem telling it like it is but this last interview seems to just finally rub her the wrong way and caused her to SPEAK OUT! "JUST A BLOGGER" “There are real reporters who won‘t even say the name ’Brett Kimberlin’ out of fear…The kind of harassment that I’ve gone through over the past twenty years pales in comparison to what these individuals bloggers [have gone through]…and we owe them so much for standing up, for telling the truth. Thank them, get their backs.”
“A lot of progressives…always ask me, ‘Why are you so mad?’ Why the hell shouldn’t I be mad? You’re trying to flush our country down the toilet! I‘m not going to tell you that you’re a nice person. And I think we need more people in Washington…not to concede that these people are ‘nice’ people.”...that's Michelle Malkin at her best, and the rest of us should stop worrying about offending someone.
The Progressives want nothing more than to stifle us, and we acquiesce by "choosing" our words. It is time to tell it like it is.
Scott Walker has stood his ground and won a recall vote that will go down in history, no matter who writes it, as the first governor EVER to survive a recall vote, and he won it with a greater margin than he did in his first election as governor.
Michelle and Scott should be enough for the rest of us to realize that conservative is not a dirty word and conservatives are truly the only ones that can put this country back on track. Oh sure, that also means voting out of office people like McCain, Hatch, and the rest of those dinosaurs that have worked so hard to fill their own pockets with our money.
It used to be patriotic to run for office, serve the nation and return to a citizens life, knowing what you did, was make America a stronger nation......but there are soooooo many of those dinosaurs that need to be shown how to go back home.
Do you realize, those dinosaurs are the one that decided they need a retirement package which include medical coverage, and for "serving" for only 12 years; it is NOT Constitutional for these, long in the tooth "politicians" to live off of our taxes.
Look I had better stop. I'll get more verbal than Michelle, and my choice of words are not "sensitive" enough for print.
Conservatism is a lot like Protestantism: others define it. Let this be the last word on the subject: Conservative means we are proud of this Country; we say M'am, thank you, and sorry, but DO NOT TREAD ON ME. Progessives are NOT patriotic, they border on Socialism/Marism/Communism. Conservatism found this nation and it will take Conservatives to restore her place in this world. We are not a Nation to cower to the enemy, and the words of Progressives make them enemies to us. Fight, I say, fight each and everyone of you for the things you know are right and natural, and put an end to the political speak and the progressive speak that is meant to destroy this great country of ours. STAND! cower no more.