I know it's going to happen again; a demand for gun control, but the real problem is more subtle than that.
Once, this was considered a Christian nation, which made laws dictated by some of the Christian beliefs and philosophies. Even today, personal property rights, Holidays (those days federal employees do not have to work but still get paid to stay home), Thou shalt not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, equal pay for the same job, etc. find their tenets in the Christian religion and are now a part of the society of not only American but of other cultures around the world.
Christianity began in the middle east, spread throughout the then known world and then it was brought to America. Most of the rest of the world has "removed" Christianity from its societies and those societies embrace practically anything that feels right at the moment. And look at those societies; they are bankrupt, mired in morals charges filed against the highest members of those societies. Those countries seem to be floating in a world without anchors to guide their people. Societies that have no idea what the next day will bring, and whose people rebel for no other reason than to act out the anger they have because they are not living like they think they should, and who can tell them they are wrong when there are no absolutes for them to live by?
America is finally feeling the "pinch" of what a country; what a society can do and is capable of doing, when there is no moral compass; no absolutes by which to live.
Take God out of a society and you remove absolute morality because it is God who gives us the idea that it is wrong to hurt or offend someone else; that a wrong is created by the fact that God is right. HE is the compass upon which everyone gauges personal and community behavior. It is God who tells us not to kill. It is God who tells us not to lust after another mans' wife. It is God who tells us not to lie. It is God who tells us we should not cheat a man. Societies take those commandments and turn them into laws to govern everyday people with, so there can be civility within a large mass of people. Those commandments also exact a penalty for being violated, but when a society removes God, and establishes their own sense of right and wrong, a society loses its anchor and begins to float around in a sea of ideas legislated upon a people by people who lack moral acuity, and a just punishment begins to soften and people look in other directions for the Godly solutions they can no longer find.
With the compass of a created people, gone, we begin to rule by feelings and sedation. The people of a society feels it is part of a cosmic togetherness that must allow for differences of opinions just because differences occur. A society begins to feel it is okay to sedate its youngest people because it makes them easier to handle, but what is not understood is that a brain does not fully develop until around age 25, and any medicinal manipulation can cause those brains to be altered, permanently. In cases like this one in Connecticut or Colorado, prescription drugs were fundamental in the behavior of the person bent on killing
With the compass of a created people gone, a society begins to feel it might not be right to disallow people of the same sex to be protected by laws made by and for couples heretofore called a man and a woman; morals established by the creator, God. Once God is taken out of the equation, what is left is people who find themselves in leadership positions, governing by their feelings of right and wrong....but no one considers whether the leader has a moral compass. Soon, you have a society governed by people who otherwise are condemned by God, such as homosexuals and lesbians, who naturally will legislate to further promote their beliefs.
The atrocities like what just occurred in the Newtown Connecticut school is directly related to the absence of God. An absence that allows people to determine what is right and wrong; an absence that allows children to be required to accumulate by the thousands into a place where the government and not the parents guide the teaching of these youngsters, and make these institutions easier targets for this kind of carnage; an absence that sedates a society against the possibilities of something like this happening, and when it does, the natural reaction is to blame inanimate objects for the carnage.
It is true, the improper use of guns can get people killed, but to then take this situation, caused by the efforts of a mankind bent on removing God from their moral judgements, and turn it into a need to remove a means of defense that the Creator has not only given us, but has judged we have a right to, is a clear case of moral and Godly abstinence. If logic is the determining factor for reaching a decision to ban fire arms because someone used them inappropriately, than logic dictates that same sex marriage should continue to be banned because such a union cannot produce offspring; logic dictates that cars should not be made to go faster than what can be determined to be a survival rate of a crash; logic dictates that the federal government should make tax payers provide birth control so its society can be as promiscuous as it wants; logic dictates that getting wealthy should be punishable by demanding more from those who work hard enough to become wealthy; logic dictates that immoral politicians have a problem when an extreme punishment needs to be doled out when an extreme violation occurs, a Godly punishment like an eye for an eye, or to put it another way, remove the vial depraved offender from a civil society so he will not be able to repeat his offense; but this action requires people to believe that a Creator does exist and has presented HIS creation with His own set of laws that does not allow individuals to dictate what outcomes should occur.
This event should not drive this American society further from God, but it should draw it closer to Him; it should makes us all realize sin and depravity does exist and that God has provided a way for us to live while doing what can be done to remove those who are so depraved; it should make us realize that self-serving politicians are not the ones to look to to re-direct this society. We need more of God and His principles which are not demanding and are meant for our good and betterment.
Once, this was considered a Christian nation, which made laws dictated by some of the Christian beliefs and philosophies. Even today, personal property rights, Holidays (those days federal employees do not have to work but still get paid to stay home), Thou shalt not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, equal pay for the same job, etc. find their tenets in the Christian religion and are now a part of the society of not only American but of other cultures around the world.
Christianity began in the middle east, spread throughout the then known world and then it was brought to America. Most of the rest of the world has "removed" Christianity from its societies and those societies embrace practically anything that feels right at the moment. And look at those societies; they are bankrupt, mired in morals charges filed against the highest members of those societies. Those countries seem to be floating in a world without anchors to guide their people. Societies that have no idea what the next day will bring, and whose people rebel for no other reason than to act out the anger they have because they are not living like they think they should, and who can tell them they are wrong when there are no absolutes for them to live by?
America is finally feeling the "pinch" of what a country; what a society can do and is capable of doing, when there is no moral compass; no absolutes by which to live.
Take God out of a society and you remove absolute morality because it is God who gives us the idea that it is wrong to hurt or offend someone else; that a wrong is created by the fact that God is right. HE is the compass upon which everyone gauges personal and community behavior. It is God who tells us not to kill. It is God who tells us not to lust after another mans' wife. It is God who tells us not to lie. It is God who tells us we should not cheat a man. Societies take those commandments and turn them into laws to govern everyday people with, so there can be civility within a large mass of people. Those commandments also exact a penalty for being violated, but when a society removes God, and establishes their own sense of right and wrong, a society loses its anchor and begins to float around in a sea of ideas legislated upon a people by people who lack moral acuity, and a just punishment begins to soften and people look in other directions for the Godly solutions they can no longer find.
With the compass of a created people, gone, we begin to rule by feelings and sedation. The people of a society feels it is part of a cosmic togetherness that must allow for differences of opinions just because differences occur. A society begins to feel it is okay to sedate its youngest people because it makes them easier to handle, but what is not understood is that a brain does not fully develop until around age 25, and any medicinal manipulation can cause those brains to be altered, permanently. In cases like this one in Connecticut or Colorado, prescription drugs were fundamental in the behavior of the person bent on killing
With the compass of a created people gone, a society begins to feel it might not be right to disallow people of the same sex to be protected by laws made by and for couples heretofore called a man and a woman; morals established by the creator, God. Once God is taken out of the equation, what is left is people who find themselves in leadership positions, governing by their feelings of right and wrong....but no one considers whether the leader has a moral compass. Soon, you have a society governed by people who otherwise are condemned by God, such as homosexuals and lesbians, who naturally will legislate to further promote their beliefs.
The atrocities like what just occurred in the Newtown Connecticut school is directly related to the absence of God. An absence that allows people to determine what is right and wrong; an absence that allows children to be required to accumulate by the thousands into a place where the government and not the parents guide the teaching of these youngsters, and make these institutions easier targets for this kind of carnage; an absence that sedates a society against the possibilities of something like this happening, and when it does, the natural reaction is to blame inanimate objects for the carnage.
It is true, the improper use of guns can get people killed, but to then take this situation, caused by the efforts of a mankind bent on removing God from their moral judgements, and turn it into a need to remove a means of defense that the Creator has not only given us, but has judged we have a right to, is a clear case of moral and Godly abstinence. If logic is the determining factor for reaching a decision to ban fire arms because someone used them inappropriately, than logic dictates that same sex marriage should continue to be banned because such a union cannot produce offspring; logic dictates that cars should not be made to go faster than what can be determined to be a survival rate of a crash; logic dictates that the federal government should make tax payers provide birth control so its society can be as promiscuous as it wants; logic dictates that getting wealthy should be punishable by demanding more from those who work hard enough to become wealthy; logic dictates that immoral politicians have a problem when an extreme punishment needs to be doled out when an extreme violation occurs, a Godly punishment like an eye for an eye, or to put it another way, remove the vial depraved offender from a civil society so he will not be able to repeat his offense; but this action requires people to believe that a Creator does exist and has presented HIS creation with His own set of laws that does not allow individuals to dictate what outcomes should occur.
This event should not drive this American society further from God, but it should draw it closer to Him; it should makes us all realize sin and depravity does exist and that God has provided a way for us to live while doing what can be done to remove those who are so depraved; it should make us realize that self-serving politicians are not the ones to look to to re-direct this society. We need more of God and His principles which are not demanding and are meant for our good and betterment.