Sunday, December 22, 2013


Oh how nice of the Federal Government to march all those Indians into Reservation areas so they can live happily ever after, right?
Well, American Indians have the highest rate of unemployment, one of the highest rates of alcoholism, poverty and are one of the least medically uninsured group of people in America.

Only recently have they been able to make inroads into their own self-sufficiency, and that is not true of every tribe that exists. American Indians have been treated like they are a parasite or are an anethema to American beliefs, yet it is the American politicians that have put them in their current position and causes them to stay in it. The American Indian is not allowed the same benefits as are the rest of Americans simply because they are the property of the Federal Government.

Fast forward to the 21st century and you can see how similar the politicians treat the black people of this nation. The main difference is that the black people do not have to stay on a reservation in some of the remotest land of this nation and try to eke out a living. No, instead, the black people are held in such low esteem, politicians think it is necessary to keep them on welfare, food stamps, limited education, and in government housing. Oh sure, you can make a case for their being exceptions, but the idea here is that the Federal government has suppressed both of these groups of Americans, keeping them out of the "normal" aspects of our societies, and passing legislation that on the surface sounds good FOR them, but in reality, maintains their dependence upon government. Neither group has the same opportunities the rest of us have to jobs, promotions, housing, neighborhoods, respectful living, and especially self esteem. The Federal Government makes those arrangements through legislation designed just for those groups; lately, only for the black group of people.

All of the legislation made "for the black group of people" only strangles them further, and keeps them separate from the rest of the groups. Even immigrant Chinese or Irish or Vietnamese have better access to the full notion of the American Dream, while American Indians and the black people are still struggling, just to be recognized as American citizens. The Federal Government does all it can to divide this nation and keep it divided in order for politicians to get in and stay in power. Notice, none of them, black, white, or any other color, are as bad off as the rest of us. In fact, most politicians become very wealthy after getting into office, all the while passing laws that continue to keep us divided and suppressed.

The American Indian is finally getting some of their people educated enough to bring back to their tribes, business options, employment and better individual housing. More, much more has to be done, but they are trying to rise above it all. I am afraid, the black group of people still heavily rely on the Federal Government. Many blacks have made great inroads in their own personal lives, but don't seem to be affective in helping the rest to make enormous breakthroughs.

Immigration once meant assimilation; today, because of politicians, we are a much more divided nation than ever before. After getting rid of Ellis Island, that place where immigrants were allowed to enter into this country, after first proving they were healthy and had a sponsor, so we could control the numbers that were coming here and be certain they didn't bring disease with them, politicians began to label this nation as multi-cultural. America may be a melting pot, but it was never multi-cultural; we were and should still be "one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all". POLITICIANS are the guilty ones who keep us fighting against each other, with laws meant to do just that.

People, it is time we stop all the bickering about black, white, red, or yellow. As a nation, we need to protect OUR borders, and make certain miscreants do not enter to do us all harm. We need to quickly unite as Americans and take this country back from the politicians who legislate us into cultures or groups, as if we are supposed to be treated differently than the next guy. Sure, we have different backgrounds, but we are all Americans and need to stop the in-fighting the politicians legislate into or society.

It's Christmas, and no matter your religion, it is a good time to gather together and take the first step to unite us all as Americans (no color label before or after) we are Americans  period, end of story!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

SOTUS, Rubio, Rand, Carson and GOD

What a speech. Did you watch it? I didn't! Obama's ideas make me nauseous. I didn't watch Marco Rubio either, but it sounds like a lot of people didn't like what he had to say and others mocked him for his "performance". Drinking water became the bigger issue, rather than what he had to say. Ah, no matter. He seems to be being mentored by the establishment, anyway. He used to be the "darling conservative", but his star has lost its luster. Rubio would have to get back to his "roots" where the Tea Party (American citizens) is, and I'm not certain he wants to associate himself with the taxpayers of the nation, rather than the "ideologues" with all the money. Since his becoming one of the "8", and now this uncomfortable SOTUS rebuttal, he seems destined to become of the hopefuls that have not been able to persevere.

I want to watch the possible career of Ben Carson. You know, the neurosurgeon who spoke his mind, in front of Obama. He is retiring soon, and just might start a career in politics, although I would suggest he make a run for the Presidency. The problem there is, he doesn't have any idea what kind of cabinet he could make. It is doubtful he knows enough people wanting to or able to fill a cabinet, let alone all of those alphabetical agencies the socialist government has created. Lacking that, he would have to defer to the establishment, which is what Ronald Reagan did in his second term and it became the trailer to his otherwise brilliant career.

Rand Paul has just reached out in a way that might quicken the religious people of this nation into action. He has asked for prayer, and he has admitted this country needs a revival. Ecumenicalism is a problem for Reformed Protestants; it might not be so for Catholics or the rest of the religious organizations, including Islam. The Reformed believers make up a small portion of the religious people in America, BUT they are the most involved, individuals. They are not reluctant to part with their money, but they are selective and are not easily duped; thus it is hard to get them to "cough up", but just as Reed found out, they are willing, given the right person, with the right heart. However, Ecumenicalism is NOT something they espouse; primarily because Ecumenicalism includes anyone and everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Well, Scriptures tell us that even the Devils believe, so Reformed Protestants do not want to be associated with anyone who cannot separate themselves, religiously from the enemies of God.

I don't know of Rand Paul's religious beliefs, but if he is true to God and His Scriptures, he will reveal himself, in time. If his timing and desires are from God, they will be met with great enthusiasm; if not .....

Ben Carson "seems" to be of the religious sort, but that has to be flushed out, afterall, John Kerry and John Kennedy (both JK) laid claim to religiousity, but just not the norm for America. Kennedy got away with it because the time was different and many of the voters held to their Catholic associations, "even if the man was a scoundrel, at least he was a Catholic".

Ben Carson hasn't been "vetted" yet by the socialist media; and when they get done with him, he had better have more than just an inkling towards God. If Ben Carson cannot rebuke the media in a religious fashion, he will become a has been before he gets started. However, if he is not afraid of his love for God and His Word, then let the battle begin. The "religious right" are willing to fight, if they have a leader. They are not afraid of what they stand for, because they know the battle is the Lord's; they are merely the instruments He is using. If this is Ben Carson's notion, even if he could lose a political battle that is prematurely rigged, he will perform well and expose those God wants exposed.

This nation may be at its intended decline. God might have let us "play act" long enough. But, for the Reformed, GOD IS IN CONTROL, even when the likes of Obama seem to have the "upper hand". Surely you remember the story of the Egyptian Pharoah, and how he kept the Hebrew nation captive, until a stuttering man, used by God led the Hebrew nation out of Egypt with all of Egypt's wealth?

We can know what is the will of God, by reading His Word, but sinners have a tendency of perverting what it is God has said. We have a tendency of molding God into the image we want Him to have; so when He is present, we are unable to see or worse yet, to recognize Him; but that doesn't stop Him from doing His will.

Obama is on the campaign trail again, hoping to capitalize on the issues to the extent he can get more Democrats elected into the House of Representatives so they will have the majority. And we know, he doesn't need Democrats to achieve that; if he helps to get moderate Republicans elected like Scott Brown from Massachusetts, he will accomplish the same thing. That is of course, if the Democrats can hold onto the Senate. This is where God comes in. Folks, 2 years before the Presidential election, we will know what will become of this nation; once a Godly Christian country. I suspect, if the House and the Senate are controlled by the Democrats, Obama will become the "king" this nation is looking for. The two chambers will by-pass the Constitution and declare it unanimous that Obama stay on indefinitely as President. Needless to say, IF that occurs, it will not be long before this nation is over-run and militarily destroyed.....once again, unless God has other plans. 

My final remark on this whole issue is, GOD IS IN CONTROL, and the battle is His.

Friday, January 25, 2013


One of the most revealing statements made by Hilary Clinton during her Congressional hearing was, "what does it matter", when asked if she could shine some light on whether or not those people who attacked the Consulate in Benghazi were merely demonstrators or was that event actually a military style attack by El Queda terrorists. "What does it matter...." ?

It has always been accepted as an attack on sovereign soil of the nation itself, if there were ever an attack on the diplomatic Consulate of the Ambassador allowed to be in a specific country. An attack on the American Consulate in Bengahzi is considered an attack on America. So, it matters who did what, and for the Secretary of the State to treat the killing of Americans who were sent as diplomats to Lybia as nothing, is appalling and disgusting. She should have been removed from her position for being too stupid to know what was going on, in the first place.

However, my more poignant point is this: if Democrats can treat this murder as a matter that gives the Secretary of State AND our President, little pause, why don't they also treat slavery as a past matter that doesn't need to be regurgitated? Why is the killing of an American Ambassador and the military people who tried to protect him of such little concern to the Secretary of State, yet when she was campaigning for the Democratic nod for the Presidency, she went to black communities, talking jibe, and trying to sound early southern, as if trying to reach the hearts of those who were wrongly affected by the ills of a new country? She wanted to "relate" to "them". Why doesn't the Secretary of State, relate to the Americans surviving those being killed under her watch? Were they the wrong nationality? Were they unable to help her in her future political career? Help me understand why she, and the rest of the Democrats who seem unable to find fault with her actions, should not be brought up on charges for negligence of duty, gross irresponsibility, neglecting the requests of the Ambassador whose life was then taken, because of her inaction?

If a Republican candidate said something like "kabooki", the news media would go all out to slander the man and ruin his career, looking into what language the remark might offend, even when the remark was just a simple gobbledegook to make a point. But let diplomatic Americans be raped, tortured and killed at the hands of a known enemy, and nothing is said; worse, the person responsible for making certain something like that doesn't occur, has oozing accolades poured on her, adnauseum.

People, our system is broken! I mean it is broken, bad, when this sort of thing occurs by the people who are supposed to defend our Constitution and our Country.

The future of America, looks very dim, when the Secretary of State can "get away" with not doing her job to the extent people got killed because of her negligence and then her party (elected officials) defend her. I can't say it more strongly............our system is broken and needs to be fixed or changed.

The President who appointed her to office is no less culpable because he has had an innocent man arrested, prosecuted and put in jail for 1 year, for false allegations made by the State Department, and the President himself, accusing that man of inciting the riot on the Embassy that they knew was false and was actually an attack by ElQueda on the Embassy; and for this to happen; for a man to go to jail charged with a crime he didn't commit; for the President to repeatedly assert on national TV that this man was at fault cannot be overlooked. This President and his appointees, deliberately lied to the American people, pointed the blame somewhere else, and do not be fooled......this can happen to you.

Not too long ago, the Congress and the President signed into law, a bill that states an American citizen can be arrested, not charged with a crime, and whisked away to an unknown location for an indefinite period of time. This man was openly accused of something he was not responsible for, but I'm telling you, those politicians you elected have made it so, no charges have to be leveled. You can be whisked away during the night without the opportunity of charges or a defense. No lawyers will be provided, and no one will know where they have taken you; this by the people who have sworn to defend the Constitution Article 1 section 9..."The writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless in cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it".

Executive Orders has been another way Presidents have violated the Constitution, but the surprising thing is no single politician has brought charges against any administration that does so;  the system is broken, bad.

The Tea Party has been a real threat to both political parties because those parties can see their power and elitism being taken away from them, by the actions of grass-root people, who understand the system is broken and want it restored. Both parties will lose when the American citizens win. But every effort is being made to demean the "Tea Party" people; to treat them as terrorists (which is how they will get arrested as I've outlined above); the system is broken.

I don't know where he is, and I can only expect either God will provide such a person to step forward so the American people can rally behind him, OR it is Gods plan for the demise and destruction of a nation that has turned its back on Him, first. If the latter is the case, then soon we shall see the Armageddon so many religions talk about, even the religion of Islam is looking for their Imam and Messiah to come, but according to their beliefs, that can only happen if and when the world is in chaos. How far do you think we are from that occurring? Do you think American politicians are playing a part in this, whether knowingly or not? Does it look possible that what is happening in the Middle East, can happen here?

Hey, "what does it matter"? Just as long as we move forward, right?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


President Obama loves to parade infants out onto the stage to show that "these little ones" have a deep understanding of political and national issues, and should be listened to; after-all, if what they are proposing can save just one life, isn't it worth it?

Like Jimma Carter, Obama, and a lot of the Democrats like to heed to the concerns of "the little ones", no matter that it was their teachers who put them up to "writing" letters to the President. Jimma spoke to his infant daughter about national security, so why shouldn't Obama ask "the little ones" what he should do? I dare say, half of America doesn't know how to get a letter to the President, especially one that he will read, so for this reason alone we should pay attention to these "little ones".

But the most striking thing to me is, the Obama Administration is losing some of its high profile cabinet members, for one reason or another, so why doesn't he consider appointing one of "these little ones" who have such a profound grasp of national issues? Perhaps he can replace Napolitano at Homeland Security or Eric Holder at the DOJ. Either of these offices could use a more realistic approach and understanding of even a "little one".

The news media that no one listens to, is suggesting that Obama's children should be off-limits to political infighting, and I agree, but I would go one further .... no children should be used to further anyone's political agenda. It is shameless and uninspiring to have the leader of America, use children as a back drop to his manipulations of the Constitution, and the American citizenry; high-fiving them, awkward hugs, not withstanding.

Democrats can rarely present their side of an argument, legitimately because they almost always have ulterior motives. Some have said those motives include turning this nation into a 3rd world country, or worse, so how could a person think he could get a large following, if he announced that to be his reason for proposing anything, legislatively? And that is why we get children being used on a national issue as fodder. Children have a tendency to tug at our heart strings, and we are willing to do almost anything to protect them.

In New York, the governor just enacted new laws that, for instance, grandfather in existing "high-capacity" magazines, BUT if the police find more than 7 rounds in it, you will be prosecuted for violating the 7 round maximum rule. He acts like he is not concerned with what you already have, he just wants it to stop here, but that is not the truth of the law. And the Governor implies something has to be done, as is the reasonable thing to do. Well Governor, it already has been the law of the land to abide by the Constitution which has given the world the greatest nation on earth, and that didn't require a 7 round limit to a semi-automatic weapon. We don't need to fabricate a new origin.

 Governor Cuomo likes to hype up the conversation with rhetoric like, "you don't need 10 rounds to kill a deer". SIR, the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting; it is in the Constitution to help American citizens not be over-thrown with a run-away government; a dictatorship; an Empirical Authority. It is a Constitutional right of protection. Police might be necessary for the gang fights and traffic violators, but I and every American citizen has a right to defend what is ours, even our children.

I do not have a problem with anyone owning a 3.5 rocket launcher, or a tank or a gatlin gun, if he can afford to buy one; it is his right to own one (I can't remember the last time a tank was used in a crime). There should be no restrictions on what a person uses to protect his private property; it is Constitutional. Too many years and too many laws have come and gone which have watered down the individuality of the people of this great nation. Those loses redound to legislation that is heaped up onto other legislation that have eroded our rights and freedoms, so that now we are arguing about saving the life of one child with weapons that can shoot no more than 7 rounds, as if when we get that right, there will be no more crimes or deaths; how stupid!

President Obama is just the figure head of the hydra-leviathan called the Democratic party. Collectively, they want to dictate their ideas onto the rest of us, and anyone who opposes those ideas, is wrong headed, and the Constitution just constantly gets in their way. And I say dictate because for the last 4 years, less than 100 Senators have been the "governing" force of this Republic. The 435 members in the House of Representatives has been turned into a eunuch, either by the Senate or with the help of the establishment Rhinos who have a similar agenda;
Senators who are supposed to represent the states they come from, not a party philosophy. If given the chance, they will continue to impose legislation that will eventually neuter the people that make up this great nation, and they do it by circumventing or bastardizing the very Constitution they have sworn to uphold. Ironic, isn't it? Why did they swear to defend the Constitution, then proceed to run roughshod over it; aren't you the least bit curious? Is this their way of having the much talked about, dialogue with the American people?

Saturday, January 12, 2013


John Kerry should have been executed, through a military tribunal, for giving aid and comfort to the enemy when he lied in his congressional testimony, during the Vietnam war. He was safe from that happening even if the House of Representatives brought charges against him, because the Democratic Senate would not. But what do we do with a former Vice President, who campaigned for the Presidency?

The Federal Government has indicated certain groups of people to be enemies of the USA. One such group is known as Al Quaeda. Al Quaeda is supported and promoted by a news outlet in the middle east called Al Jazeera.

This nation's former Vice President, after leaving office, formed a television company known as Current TV. Because, like so many other Liberal outlets, there wasn't sufficient support for his company, Al Gore decided to sell the news outlet, but denied a sale to Glenn Beck. Instead Al Gore saw a "fit" with an enemy of the USA in Al Jazeera, and sold his company to a promoter of Al Quaeda. And now John Kerry, the homegrown enemy, has been called upon by President Obama, to replace the Secretary of the State.

First, how can the SEC or whomever is in charge of approving acquisitions, allow an enemy to buy into the USA?

Secondly, does anyone in the Democratic party have the guts to stand up for the very country they are sworn to protect and defend?

Where are the Republicans on this? The politics of this country is so polluted, neither party has any credibility when it comes to "love of country".

 Hitler united Germans in a way that the "Fatherland" (or is it Motherland) was the most important element to the survival of the German people. Egregious atrocities were committed, in the name of the Fatherland.

Osama Bin Laden, became a sworn enemy of the USA and organized the twin tower slaughter of almost 3,000 Americans..not soldiers, but Mom's and Pop's who were just going to work that fatal day, and through this action, galvanized the Islamic people against the USA in a group of people once known as Mujihadim; now....Al Quaeda...trained in the art of war by American soldiers who were helping them to resist the Russians, during the Russian/Afghanistan war.

Al Quaeda and Muslim "extremists" likewise, commit egregious atrocities in the name of Allah. And there are other groups of people who support and/or promote these atrocities. For instance; The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, Fatah,  and these all are declared enemies of the USA. But I am extremely upset when, not only Americans, but the Vice President of the United State aligns himself with these terrorist groups. I just want to puke, at the thought. And why does he not concern himself with the whole idea? I mean, is he so confident he can sell his news outlet to the enemy of the United States; people who promote the killing, maiming and butchering of American soldiers and Christians throughout the world, that he doesn't even believe anyone will bring him up on charges of violating Article III, section 3 of the US Constitution (Treason against the United States, aid and comfort to its enemies)? Or do the enemies of the United States (and I am suggesting Al Gore is one of them) have no worry they will be prosecuted, with the current politics of this nation?

THINK about this; the sale of Current TV will give our enemies not only air-time in the USA, but allow them to operate from within our very own borders, under the protection of this country's laws. WHAT?!

All war; all national conflict, is based on religion. America has slowly removed God from its foundations, AND the ACLU has largely succeeded in removing any sort of religion from the roots of Americanism, so that Secularism is the credo of America (according to Merriam Webster secularism is: "indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious consideration"). So now when our religious enemy seeks war for its fundamental reasons, we prefer to have a discussion, because as a nation, we no longer have religious moorings, so we do not understand why they want to annihilate us. We believe we can talk it over and come to some sort of resolution. But we come to a gun fight holding a knife. We will be defeated, because we do not understand the enemy, and their reason for wanting conflict. We've become "passive" in out national dialogue, because we no longer worship nor honor the Creator, God. We literally stand for nothing, so we have nothing to defend.

John Kerry, Al Gore....just names of people who are totally self-absorbed. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Mario Cuomo, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolene, Brad Pitt....just names of people who are totally clue-less. Without Godly morals and principles, they think they can just talk their way out of IT!

When we appoint enemies of this nation to position of national authority; when we allow enemies to buy into the inner workings of this nation and protect them with our laws, we are soon to be destroyed, and that from within.

Kruschev once said, "We will destroy you from within", well he has to move over....we are destroying ourselves with the very politicians we have elected to protect and defend us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


What's that music you hear? AHH, it's those Democrats, playing the Republicans. You have to admit, after all the years the Dem's have spent in office, the dinosaurs have learned the art of politics. Although they have an understanding of the Constitution, they successfully bastardize it and make it work for them, even if that means putting the "right" people in the proper courts. Clinton was probably responsible for leading the Dems' into the states to gain control of the election process there, and the federal judgeship's there, and they are successful in almost every state. Sure, there are failures, but over time they bamboozle those Repub' s.

And now the national scene: Debt ceiling, tax increases, national healthcare, immigration, gun control....ahhh listen to the music; play them Repub's as loud as you can, and don't even mention a national budget, heck that would make it impossible for the President to spend what he wants, where he wants; kind of like a socialistic government, but I digress.

The Repub's are just a bunch of lawyers or farmers who get into politics so they can do some insider trading and get wealthy, but those Dem's; they are in it for the long haul; they are professional politicians. Sure, they get rich too; just ask Charlie Rangell, and they even skirt the very laws they make; just ask Tim Geithner about taxes, but that's incidental to their political agenda; it's like why not make some money while you're here, doing the socialist/marxist thing?

The Republicans have almost always played defensive, because they don't know the game, or do not care. They are in the "game" for personal reasons, so national reasons just get honorable mention. It's like this: if I said "nunc et semper tuus" you would have to know some Latin to understand what that means. Those Repub's do not know the language and don't even want to; they are constantly being told what was just said like a man hard of hearing always asking, "whad he say"?  The Dem's speak, the Repub's react, not respond (there is a difference).

The Repub's had their Ronald Reagan, but in his second term, he was played by the establishment Repub's who persuaded him to put certain members in his cabinet that did not have the same goals as he did, and soon what he did, was undone by .... you guessed it, those lifer Dem's; for one thing they did not reduce the budget like they promised they would.

When voters gave both houses to the Repub's they didn't know what to do with that. After all, they are not in the game for political reasons, they just wandered about not passing any substantial laws and even dickering over what it was they were doing, BUT they still got their insider trading done, for them. That was the catalyst for the "Tea Party".

Conservatives were and are fed up with the Republican party and want to wrest control from the establishment, but even here, we are having trouble finding someone that does not allow himself to be assimilated into the establishment. Eric Cantor looks a lot like Trent Lott; certainly not the strict conservative he claimed to be. Now he votes, like Corker of Tennessee for the better of the two proposals, rather than to cast a nay vote on anything that doesn't pass the smell test. But then again, if you are not a principled person, you can vacillate any time, any way and claim it is for the good of the nation and the American people.

And those laws; no one even knows what is in them, and no one is given time to read them before voting on them (again Democratic control of the process), so just where are those laws coming from? Who is doing all the writing? These things are not small; the healthcare law is some 2000 pages long. Even after having "Obamcare" implemented for 2 years, we hear, almost daily, of new regulations, taxes and laws built into the healthcare law itself, and not even the Dem's know what is in the legislation. Pelosi said, "we have to pass the legislation so we find out what is in it". Dem's don't care about the specifics; they have socialists writing their proposals, and they know if it comes from "them" it is what we are all about, so vote in the affirmative. Some times they have to approve waivers for their constituents, because the law they just passed affects them negatively. And those Repub's? why,  they are constantly standing on stage gazing into the cameras looking like deer caught in the head lights.

The moral? We'll just have to listen to the Dem's play their music until they start to die-off, and they are enjoying themselves too much to just up and leave for no good reason      OR     we can strike up our own band...if we can find a band leader. Anyone out there interested in the job? Cruz, Rubio, Flake, Schweikert, DeMint.