What a speech. Did you watch it? I didn't! Obama's ideas make me nauseous. I didn't watch Marco Rubio either, but it sounds like a lot of people didn't like what he had to say and others mocked him for his "performance". Drinking water became the bigger issue, rather than what he had to say. Ah, no matter. He seems to be being mentored by the establishment, anyway. He used to be the "darling conservative", but his star has lost its luster. Rubio would have to get back to his "roots" where the Tea Party (American citizens) is, and I'm not certain he wants to associate himself with the taxpayers of the nation, rather than the "ideologues" with all the money. Since his becoming one of the "8", and now this uncomfortable SOTUS rebuttal, he seems destined to become of the hopefuls that have not been able to persevere.
I want to watch the possible career of Ben Carson. You know, the neurosurgeon who spoke his mind, in front of Obama. He is retiring soon, and just might start a career in politics, although I would suggest he make a run for the Presidency. The problem there is, he doesn't have any idea what kind of cabinet he could make. It is doubtful he knows enough people wanting to or able to fill a cabinet, let alone all of those alphabetical agencies the socialist government has created. Lacking that, he would have to defer to the establishment, which is what Ronald Reagan did in his second term and it became the trailer to his otherwise brilliant career.
Rand Paul has just reached out in a way that might quicken the religious people of this nation into action. He has asked for prayer, and he has admitted this country needs a revival. Ecumenicalism is a problem for Reformed Protestants; it might not be so for Catholics or the rest of the religious organizations, including Islam. The Reformed believers make up a small portion of the religious people in America, BUT they are the most involved, individuals. They are not reluctant to part with their money, but they are selective and are not easily duped; thus it is hard to get them to "cough up", but just as Reed found out, they are willing, given the right person, with the right heart. However, Ecumenicalism is NOT something they espouse; primarily because Ecumenicalism includes anyone and everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Well, Scriptures tell us that even the Devils believe, so Reformed Protestants do not want to be associated with anyone who cannot separate themselves, religiously from the enemies of God.
I don't know of Rand Paul's religious beliefs, but if he is true to God and His Scriptures, he will reveal himself, in time. If his timing and desires are from God, they will be met with great enthusiasm; if not .....
Ben Carson "seems" to be of the religious sort, but that has to be flushed out, afterall, John Kerry and John Kennedy (both JK) laid claim to religiousity, but just not the norm for America. Kennedy got away with it because the time was different and many of the voters held to their Catholic associations, "even if the man was a scoundrel, at least he was a Catholic".
Ben Carson hasn't been "vetted" yet by the socialist media; and when they get done with him, he had better have more than just an inkling towards God. If Ben Carson cannot rebuke the media in a religious fashion, he will become a has been before he gets started. However, if he is not afraid of his love for God and His Word, then let the battle begin. The "religious right" are willing to fight, if they have a leader. They are not afraid of what they stand for, because they know the battle is the Lord's; they are merely the instruments He is using. If this is Ben Carson's notion, even if he could lose a political battle that is prematurely rigged, he will perform well and expose those God wants exposed.
This nation may be at its intended decline. God might have let us "play act" long enough. But, for the Reformed, GOD IS IN CONTROL, even when the likes of Obama seem to have the "upper hand". Surely you remember the story of the Egyptian Pharoah, and how he kept the Hebrew nation captive, until a stuttering man, used by God led the Hebrew nation out of Egypt with all of Egypt's wealth?
We can know what is the will of God, by reading His Word, but sinners have a tendency of perverting what it is God has said. We have a tendency of molding God into the image we want Him to have; so when He is present, we are unable to see or worse yet, to recognize Him; but that doesn't stop Him from doing His will.
Obama is on the campaign trail again, hoping to capitalize on the issues to the extent he can get more Democrats elected into the House of Representatives so they will have the majority. And we know, he doesn't need Democrats to achieve that; if he helps to get moderate Republicans elected like Scott Brown from Massachusetts, he will accomplish the same thing. That is of course, if the Democrats can hold onto the Senate. This is where God comes in. Folks, 2 years before the Presidential election, we will know what will become of this nation; once a Godly Christian country. I suspect, if the House and the Senate are controlled by the Democrats, Obama will become the "king" this nation is looking for. The two chambers will by-pass the Constitution and declare it unanimous that Obama stay on indefinitely as President. Needless to say, IF that occurs, it will not be long before this nation is over-run and militarily destroyed.....once again, unless God has other plans.
My final remark on this whole issue is, GOD IS IN CONTROL, and the battle is His.