Saturday, August 21, 2010


What a week: A Rock singer jumping to his death off a cell phone tower; beautiful women in the UK getting breast enhancements and nose jobs and lip botox; and then there is the Mosque thing in New York. WHEW!!
Doesn't it seem like the world is moving faster and faster? How do we stop it? Can we?

Then Bill Orielly blindsides Glenn Beck with that troublesome gay question. After all, isn't it Glenn that wants the people of America to return to God and Biblical principles? Well, doesn't that include opposing the gay movement? DANG!! Why did he have to ask that question?

Look, regardless of what historians and current politicians say, we ARE a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles and indebted to God for divinely orchestrating the birth of this nation and the direction it is supposed to go in. Ronald Reagan called it a City on a Hill (after the assertion of Augustine), a guiding light for the rest of the world, and RR was not what most would call a Christian, after all his wife dabbled in the occult. None the less, even scripture tells us that God can use a rock, if He wanted to. So using RR was not a problem for Him.

But where did RR take this country? Are we better off than before him? Why didn't anything he do, last?

Now we are faced with a world wide enemy, not only of this great nation, but of the Creator God. Islam, from the Old Testament is the nation made through Abraham and Sarah's maid. Ishmael was the progeny of this illicit union, trying to help God fulfill the promise He made to Abraham to make him a father of many nations, all while his wife was way past the age of reproduction. So Abraham and Sarah decided that they needed to help God, not relying on the Creator who made the promise. Hey, He made all that is, and yet these two thought He was not capable of giving to them what He promised. Ergo, we are now dealing with what theologians refer to as the "spirit and the flesh". And it is even more interesting that Islam can and does trace its roots back to Abraham, just as the Christians do. And rightly so, because this world wide conflagration is all about those moments in history, when man did not trust that God could provide that which He promised.

Now the battle rages: whose is the nation spoken of by God in Genesis?

As Christians we know that the Devil is a deceiver and a liar. So we also know that Islam is a false promise or the out cropping of the flesh which is in a sinful state, utterly depraved; unable to please God. But the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, has made the promise of God efficacious. And if that is so, then it is easy to understand why Islam is so determined to overcome the world: it is Satan trying to be equal to God.

Anyway, all wars were and are based on religion. This last one, that cannot be stopped, will involve the entire world, for real. Islam wants to be the world religion and is willing that 50% of its believers perish, in order to usher in the 12th Imam, the savior (I wish Christians had the same zeal and desire to defend what God has given them) so how do you reason or stop that kind of fanaticism?

A simple minded man needs only look at the facts and he will realize that there is no negotiation which can assuage Islam. There's is such a diabolical religion that there is no room for compromise. It has to be their way or the highway. All the talking in the world will not convince these people that theirs is not the Creator God. Allah, to them, is the Creator, and it only seems right (to them, Muslims) that all non-Muslims are enemies of Allah and have to be dealt with, which usually means be destroyed, because Islam cannot co-exist with any other religion. And if the Christian religion is correct, then what it speaks of is evidenced in Islam, as an enemy of God; A substitute. Now where is there room for compromise? Neither can give in, although Christianity is not the murderous religion that Islam is. And one has to ask himself why would God want Muslims or anyone else to kill people, if they do not believe the same way? Isn't The Creator capable of dealing with such rebellious, insubordinate people? The answer is YES, the Bible has story after story of how God did deal with sinners, and that is why Christians seem to be as complacent as they are: they are allowing God to do His will, and they know they might have to suffer in this diabolical age, but they trust that God will fulfill His promise and make Himself a Holy people, and will give His Son dominion over all the earth. Christians are waiting and praying for God to do His will, and to strengthen them while they wait, stand and trust in Him. But I'm afraid, it won't go that easy.

Christians have squandered what God has given them, and sin has permeated even Christian churches so that there is more confusion within the church than there should be. Why? Because we are all sinners. Depraved and totally rebellious against God. We want to control our own lives and we reason that God has given us the will to do so. This "will" has caused divisions amongst us to the extent we are as divided as we can be.

There are numerous sects of Christianity and "everyone" in America calls themselves Christians, but that is not the case. Only those of the promise, are children of God, and the Bible tells us that there remains a remnant; a small amount, and as God has chosen whom He has chosen, so too will He end this matter in a way that only He can. It will be a miraculous occasion, and the whole world will know that God has intervened where man thought he was capable of directing the affairs of mankind. Mankind is sick with sin, and lusts for power and money, and these are contrary to God. Even Muslims, desire the same; just look at Dubai.

America has had its chance, so to speak, and it is the last bastion of Christianity, for where else can anyone go to start a Christian nation again? And look at us. Fat, sassy and preoccupied with gadgets, money, entitlements, and power. We are not the nation God gave to the people who fought oppression. We have taken what He gave us and made it look like the rest of the world.

Oh, don't be dismayed. Even the Jews, who had prophets that God spoke to, to lead that nation, were not satisfied with just having God. No no no, they wanted a king; a man God said would enslave them with labor and taxation, yet that is what they wanted. They thought a king in the world of mankind would make them look regal, or meaningful; totally discounting that God spoke to their prophets mono a mono to direct that nation. Still .......they wanted a king. The Christians of America are no different. Truly they want King Jesus, but look at how they demean Him with bracelets that say WWJD (what would Jesus do?), as if HE were a neighbor, or something. There is no reverence for the living God and His only Son: no America wants Him to be their buddy, their pal, NOT their King of kings...isn't that ironic?

Well, buckle up, the show is about to begin. Could it be that we are in the last days?

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