Monday, November 29, 2010


Wikileaks may be a blessing in disguise. Politicians like Ron Paul have long advocated that America is not the worlds' police and that our country has its nose in too much of the worlds' business. In fact, Wikileaks reveals that some of our "strongest allies" are our worse enemies. Saudi Arabia, for instance wants America to attack Irans nuclear facilities while funding the construction of Mosques and terrorism around the world and in our "back yard".

Those terrorists that flew our own airplanes into the New York City towers were Saudi's, yet America attacked Iraq and now Afghanistan to "get even with the terrorists". Does that make sense, especially in light of what we now know through Wikileaks?

Some of the Tea Party Conservatives believe we should reward our friends and deny our enemies, when it comes to international aid. Why do we continue to fund countries that "bad-mouth" us every chance they get? What is the logic to spending American dollars and American lives in places that want to destroy this country?

Wikileaks can provide all of us throughout the world, a better perspective of how "politics" works, without the explanation of why it is being done, because there is no good reason for doing it. Take politics out of the equation; take the State Department out of the world scene and we would have a better understanding of who wants to be treated with decency and respect while treating others the same way. We could engage other countries in an open forum because we would truly know who is eager to make this world a better place. And when the countries that want only to destroy and rule over others become obvious, it would be easier to deny them any sort of assistance with good cause, instead of enacting "sanctions" that is meant to weaken a country's influence in the world, and makes the people of those countries suffer.

North Korea is a good example. South Korea is our ally and we are obligated through agreements to defend South Korea if it is attacked by her enemies. But, since China buys a lot of our debt, we are made weaker as a defender of our friends because China has a different view on the whole Korea issue. If called upon by our friends, we should honor our obligations and help put an end to the threats and attacks against them. It should be swift and decisive, and then we go back home to let the world know we mean business and that our allies can depend upon our country to help them in their time of need. That's what friends do; that is what has been agreed upon.

When Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, that country asked for our help. We gave it and that should have been the end of the matter. Our efforts were decisive and swift. We should be ready to defend Israel, if the need arises and the world should know that that is exactly what we will do, and just how swift and devastating the effort will be. THAT should be a deterrent to all who seek to destroy or rule over countries other than their own.

Then we should exploit our own resources to the extent this country is not blackmailed or manipulated via a world commodity, like crude oil. We have plenty in our own country and do not need to buy it or control the price of it, by not producing our own, which obligates us to an enemy nation bent on our destruction. Crude oil is the engine of the world economies. Nearly every country NEEDS oil or some derivative of it to exist.  All plastics, including toothpaste tubes, computers, cell phones, cars, pens and pencils etc. are made from oil. For the time being, it is impossible to live without it. Then there are all of those automobiles, trucks, trains, planes, buses, tanks, ships, fighter planes etc. that need oil. Does that make any sense to you? ..... we deny our own natural resource production so we can be controlled by our enemy nations to not only regulate our economy but to also cause us to borrow money from them in order to do business in the world?

Yeah, the people responsible for leaking all of those secret documents should be tried for treason and when found guilty should be executed by our military.....but for now, we should praise them for exposing to the world just what the heck is going on in the world.


If a Christian can be identified by the "Holy-days" he keeps, would one be found in America?

In recent history, Progressives and Socialists have wanted to create a holiday called The Winter Solstice; it would begin somewhere around December 24 and end January 2, or there-abouts, and give everyone working a grand work exemption. Many "Christians" have been adamantly opposed to this. They argued that some people want to "take Christ out of Christmas". You can see the signs, cards and advertisements...."Jesus is the Reason for the Season". But they couldn't be further from the truth.

Christmass is one of the many Roman holidays celebrated throughout history, and in the New Testament Babylon becomes Rome. The Roman Empire embodies the pagan beliefs and practices of ancient Babylon and is seen as the arch enemy of God's people. Each of these practices has come to us through the Roman Catholic church. At the heart of the Roman Catholic Mass is a denial of the sufficiency of Christ's atonement. In 1660 the General Court of Massachusetts decreed punishment for those who kept the season, but today you would be hard pressed to find a  politician supporting New Testament Christian values in all of America.

Like Halloween, Christmas has been co-opted by "Christians" to use as an evangelistic tool to "win souls for Jesus". The church I sometimes attend even called the worst holiday of the year, not Halloween but Holy-ween (it numbs the senses and nauseates true believers).

A simple study of the New Testament text should comfort a reader to know that Jesus most likely was born in the early Spring, when shepherds watched their flocks at night, but there is no real reason to believe anyone can pinpoint the birth of Jesus on December 25. We can find in Babylonian history the celebration of the birth of the sun god, Tammuz at the winter solstice. Yule was the Babylonian name for the child and Yule day was celebrated on December 25, long before Jesus was born.

A lot has been debated against the dissolution of Christmas as a Christian "Holiday", but I am one who is adamantly behind stamping out this celebration. There is nothing Christian about celebrating any "Holy-day" because there is no day commanded in Scripture to be Holy under the gospel but the Lord's day, which is the Christian Sabbath.

These sorts of "holidays" have given the world over, people who choose to celebrate Christianity, by claiming these days "for Christ" as if  the only Son of God needed  this kind of recognition.  I say, let the world have its "holidays" and let the Christians have Jesus. .  Let the world go into debt buying stuff that means very little in the long run and worry themselves into sickness over these things. None of it proves that a person believes anything, except perhaps that he believes in a "man that lives somewhere in the north, and visits his people once a year, spending the other 364 days in obscurity. If a child writes him, it is a one way communication". Why would a Christian want to be a part of that? Does Santa, replace God, for you? We are in the world but we are not of the world; we must put aside those things the world worships and do it quickly, while argueing for and agreeing to our being able to worship on the Sabbath, without the worlds' influence on us and how we do that.

Stand with me and put aside the Christmas celebration and the Easter celebration and the other "holidays". As Christians, we must come out of the world. Let the world have their deities, we have the living God and His Son. "....Be ye separate". Jesus is NOT the reason for the season. He is the reason for our reconciliation to God. God has given us, that gift. If you have been reconciled, walk as a child of the living God and not an admirer of pagan gods.

The best outlet, other than the Bible, to the question IS CHRISTMAS CHRISTIAN? are the tracts and literature available at the Chapel Library, on the internet.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Don't these politicians just make you crazy? The Obama administration refused to call terrorists, terrorists then they go ahead and implement this hugely expensive, inconvenient airport screening and groping, which for some Liberals is a blessing since they haven't had anyone feel them like that in a long time (Gloria Alred). So, for folks like her, this is a justifiable simple way of getting "felt up" at the tax payers expense (probably the most bizarre example of liberalism ever), and for the Obama administration, it is a good way of ........ what, catching would-be bank robbers, or embezzlers, or jewelry thieves?

Now let's, for a moment, assume the Obama administration really does think there are terrorists out there wanting to blow up a plane, or something. I recently received an email from a friend that warrants serious thought. It is the perfect non-evasive solution to the potential terrorist:

"All we need to do is develop a booth that you can step into that will NOT X-ray you, but will detonate any explosives you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth (whoever is carrying the explosive was going to die on the plane anyway).  This would be a win-win for everyone. There would be no more garbage about racial profiling and the device would eliminate long and expensive trials.

        This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport                     terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an                             announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby                             passengers,   we now have a seat available on flight number..."

Three cheers for creative thinking.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I have an intellectual problem with the TSA screening and groping that is being done at our airports. There are about 150,000 flights each DAY in the USA with over 3,238,786 people in those planes.To date, not a single airplane has been blown-up. Twice, two attempts were made resulting in the would-be bomber injuring himself instead of blowing up the plane.

However, and this is where it gets curious for me, some 40,000 people get killed every year in automobile crashes, and that seems to be okay with everyone. We elect people to office to run this country that may or may not have any background in large scale financing, or any knowledge of law-making, and if it turns out that one of those politicians is found to be unethical, and it is proven by their peers, that's okay too, we either leave them in office or in many cases re-elect them at a later date; We graduate students into the medical field and as patients we are clueless as to how any given doctor did in their studies but we trust what they are saying is true for us and we follow their instructions, usually never questioning the doctor; We allow prejudiced people to teach and train our children in public schools, as long as those politicians I mentioned earlier, agree to some sort of accreditation for those teachers (I might also mention that lately, some of them actually turn on our precious little ones and indoctrinate them into sex). There are so many more analogies but I think you get the picture.

Now back to the screening thing. Don't you think the present system of discouraging citizens to fly on an airplane which is the product of a private industry, is a little out of kilter given the other curiosities I have given? I mean, there is a lot of money being spent; there is a blatant violation of the 4th amendment of our constitution being imposed on the citizenry and VERY unqualified people doing the groping (perhaps assigned by seniority or some other union logic) and all this is being done to stop someone from doing something never done before. And I can't think of an analogy where we have done so much, spent so much, assigned people to do things they are not qualified to do, in order to stop something from happening that has never happened before.

The statistics in the first paragraph are not accurate: it is almost impossible to get accurate information because flights are canceled every day and people don't show up to use the airplane seats they paid for, but using the statistics that are available it would mean each plane carries approximately 22 people plus crew on each flight. That means it would require more than 3 planes to be blown up every day for a year (that's 365 days) to kill as many people as are killed in car crashes. Think about that! And remember, that would be every day, day after day, for the last say 50 years.

The government has chosen this opportunity and method to take away our constitutional right to the 4th amendment:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

And all without probable cause. And if here, without just cause, where else? Is this the start of a Socialist nation, where citizens have no rights? Oh don't get so upset with me, remember you and I elected these people; people who have no experience, (they're like doctors who "practice" medicine) they practice politics;  "factional scheming for power" (one of the definitions in the Webster's New World Dictionary) but when they show us what they are willing to do to us, why don't we get upset with THEM, and not with the one pointing it out?

So, do you want to allow this government to take away your 4th amendment rights; or force you to drive a car that statistically has a better chance of getting you killed, because you don't want to face the embarrassment of the screening or governmentally sanctioned sexual groping? MAYBE, instead, you ought to contact your practicing politician and tell him or her what you think.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Don't you just get fed up with the Hannitys and the Limbaughs that act like the Democrats "don't get it"?
Look, the D's know exactly what they want to do and now they have an additional 2 years to get it done via the Senate. Nothing is going to change except to blame the newly elected C's in congress, that won't go along with the establishment Republicans.

With Soros helping to destroy this country because he thinks the flaw with our system is that only Americans can legislate, and the Radio pundits clueless that the D's also want to destroy our capitalistic system (not just damage it, but destroy it) so if it could be rebuilt it would take 2 or 3 decades and that much time will just see the D's back in power, things will just continue with that bothersome delay of having so many C's elected in 2010.

Additionally, there is a population shift occurring that will change the political landscape. Congressional numbers will change as states lose and increase their population. The East and West coasts will see a demographic change that will cause one state to lose a congressman or two and another state to gain a congressman or two, which may no longer give some states the right to call themselves Liberal, in the near future.

There will be some political fighting like we've never seen before: Demint wants to change the rules in the house of representatives so no one can offer legislation unless it can be supported by the constitution and the new house will place a moratorium on Pork Barrel amendments for a couple of years, BUT that will not stop the Senate from continuing on as usual, since the D's still maintain power in that house.

So what's going to happen? A lot of fighting, name calling and finger pointing and then the Senate and the President will have their way. The Senate will not vote against the Pres. therefore it will not have to override a veto, nor will it if the C's have something extraordinary come out of the House that the Pres. doesn't like. It will be up to you and me.

Employment will not return to any measurable amount because the Pres. and the D's don't want it to. According to them, America must have its comeuppance. Redistributing the wealth means giving money and jobs to countries other than our own (maybe that is where all those created or saved jobs occurred in the last 2 years.)?

What we will see is what real Conservatives look like. Demint and the gang will put those rascally establishment R's in their place and the election of 2012 should see an increase of C's in the House of Representatives and hopefully a take over of the Senate....winning the Presidency will be icing on the cake. But people, you will need to be diligent and patient. Don't give up now. I know a lot of you cannot financially support the C's but where ever you can help, please do. The United States of America is being attacked from without and from within. She will fall, ONLY if her people let her. WE are what makes this country great.

Pray for the leaders of this country and pray that God is not done with her yet. She will stand with His help, and she will fall without it. You and I are just the instruments God uses to get His will done, so let Him use you. Make yourself available and get into the fight. YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Now that the Republicans have control of the house and a greater influence in the Senate here is something Americans can expect.
Obama does not know where the center is and can't get there because he doesn't know anyone that knows how to get there. So, we can expect Geithner and Bernanke to manipulate the financial part of our economy to the extent that the dollar will lose even more value and inflation will rear its ugly head; and all of this will be blamed on the Republicans that are going to try to realign the direction of this country and its economy. Obama's administration will clearly blame a continued down-trend of the economy, just as it has blamed all that is now occuring on the previous President, on Republican ideology, not himself or any of his ideas.

Then, watch how all of those Czars Obama installed, run their departments. These unelected leaders will continue with their liberal ideas which will only hinder our economy. But don't forget, all of that is necessary.  Obama wants to redistribute the wealth of this country and the ways to do that have not changed just because of this election.

Additionally, Obama either wants to run again for the Presidency or at least have Democrats retain that office, so to compromise with the Republicans will be the death knell for that agenda.

People, the Democrats and their ideas are not going to change just because of this election. Any time Republicans win an election, Democrats blame the American people's ignorance on those results; and when they win, they deem that win as a mandate by an informed electorate. Just think of that as you see the near future of this country develop.

God bless America

and let us not forget, we still have soldiers in foreign lands; fighting and dieing for American ideology. Folks, do not let this election trick you into thinking all is going to be all right. There are many political battles to be fought; there are ideologies that have to be established; this country will suffer some more, before we can turn the corner, but this election is the beginning and we can plan on a new tomorrow filled with hope and prosperity for all of us. Just hang in there.