Thursday, February 24, 2011


By now you've had your share of all the blah, blah, blah from both sides concerning public employees in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and even New Jersey. But let's look at more than the surface, but the depth of the financial problems in those states and every other state that allows unionizing public employees.

I don't have any of the figures, but let me present you with more of the costs that have not been discussed:
When an employee retires, he or she gets a substantial amount of money, PLUS medical coverage, PLUS cost of living adjustments. When someone retires, a person has to be hired to replace the retiree at the position they had, so now 2 people are getting paid for the same job, both getting "raises" or adjustments and increased benefit packages, so the new employee will actually receive more money and more benefits than the person they are replacing. And remember ALL of this is paid for by tax payers, who themselves are trying to save for their retirement and medical expenses until they die, and who in many cases, have lost their jobs and/or homes. Their unemployment benefits are taxed, to continue to help pay for those public employees who rarely get laid off, and can retire at around age 55. We live longer today, thanks to modern medicine so those retirees who do retire at 55 will probably live to 75 or 80, and in some cases longer. SO, tax payers are paying for some 30 years to one employee while paying even more for the employee who replaced that retiree. Confusing? Shouldn't be.

It is really very simple. Tax payers are the middle class workers of the USA and are paying the lions share of so many other people even those who are gainfully employed.

Is it any wonder why you and your family struggle so hard to make ends meet? What could you do with the taxes you are paying to employ a person who, today, DEMANDS that you give them what they think they are entitled to? Don't forget the legislators, they too get your taxes as wages and a pretty darn good retirement after only 10 years of service (usually 50% of their salary), but instead, they won't even do what you are paying them to do; if they don't agree, they just decide to not show up, and still get paid. What the heck is going on here?

We are a Republic, run democratically; what is happening is socialism where public employees and politicians rule, when they want to, the way they want to, and the middle class is left to pay for all the immaturity with which they govern.

It is my hope, America can still stand tall as a country where anyone, and everyone has a chance to prosper and even get wealthy, if the individual has an idea and works hard. Individualism is what we are all about, not collectivism. Freedom from unnecessary taxation; freedom of religion; freedom to be able to prosper without the encumbrances of being forced to support others; freedom to do with our hard earned money what we decide to, not what others decide we should do with it. This is America, not Europe. We are the example to the rest of the world, instead, lately, we are letting the rest of the world be our example.

People, get a grip. Life is not paying for the desires of others. Life in America, is where everyone else in the world wants to be, don't give the country away, no matter how long the wrongs have existed. It has to stop!

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