Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Representative King, from New York no less, has taken on a task that is long overdue. He heads the committee on The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community - and that Community's Response. "I want to show the extent of that radicalization, how it happens. Also whether or not the Muslim community is fully cooperating".

Since initiating this committee, he has had to increase his security because of all the threats to his life and his family. Many of the threats are coming from overseas.

Representative King intends to invite a variety of speakers so his committee can get a real feel for the facts. Many of those invited, represent the Muslims in America, yet there is this movement to trump up charges of racism against him. This begs the question: If Islam is a religion of peace, why all the threats and why not just participate to prove it is peaceful? Muslim participants certainly should be able to give an insiders view of the religion, so how about just becoming a part of the proof of your reasons that radicalization is not originated from within the tenets of the religion?

I do know this, I can't think of another religion that encourages its members to strap on suicide vests, or smash planes into towers, or call a Jihad against a cartoonist. It makes little sense that all of this adds up to peacefulness, but if radicalism is not started within the framework of the religion, than we certainly ought to find out how it does get started and both Muslim and non-Muslim should want to put an end to it.

It is my hope, and I'm certain Representative King's, this committee will find the answers to Muslim radicalism and perhaps then we can all put an end to it and save lives in the process and in the future. I also hope those who make a pretense to being the most outraged by such a committee, will cool their jets and become a part of the solution and stop being a part of the problem. Radical Islam IS a problem that needs to stopped. If the committee can point to a certain sect or organization that merely uses Islam for their dastardly deeds, that in and of itself will help everyone involved. Without this committee, nothing seems to be solving the radicalization problem; not from without nor from within the religion, and I think it would be in the Muslims best interest to solve this problem. After solving the problem, Islam could go on to flourish, free of all the doubts most non-Muslims have.

I say let's support Representative King; the world will be a better place if we can only pin-point the problem and fix it.

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