Thursday, September 15, 2011


Is it just me or did Obama delay telling the American people about his "get a job" proposal until around the time Solyndra was to announce it was filing for bankruptcy; effectively leaving the "stimulus" expenditure of over 500 million dollars on the door step of the American tax payer? Is he trying to cloud the air with his community organizer styled platform speech making, in an attempt to distract the American people from the reality that all of his stimulus money give aways, was a waste of taxpayers dollars and all the jobs he claims to have created are now lost in the dung heap of cronyism, except those created in Europe?

President Obama has "given" money to so many Green companies that it is hard to keep track, and everyone of them are loosing money or filing for bankruptcy.

I do not think this is the end of this debacle.  Nixon had his own kind of scandal; it might be Obama will have his, and this one will be a doozy: it might even include that Rahm fellow in Chicago.

The stage is set for Hilary Clinton to walk on the scene. She'll offer to take the independents and the Democrats back to the center, "where they should have been", and she'll be a viable candidate in the primary against Obama. WOW!! Who would have seen this coming? But, enter Sarah Palin, to offer a clear difference not only against "the other woman" but also against the Republicans who can't help but shoot themselves in the foot. After all, the GOP is a has been organization needing reform from within, and with-out so the likes of Karl Rove no longer have sway over any candidate in the future. What Hilary can do for the Democratic party, only Sarah can do for the Republican party; it needs to get back to its conservative roots, and she alone, in this election cycle, can do it.

Perry and Romney are Repub big money guys who will hang on to the old ideas that most of us want to get away from. Either of them will return this party back to its own version of cronyism, and we are fed up with that.

Christianity will play a role in this election, as it tried to do with G dubya, but remember even Mormons think of themselves as Christians, and if the terminology of CHRISTIANITY becomes the issue, Katy bar the door.

But for my readers, I offer this; rest assured the Tea Party people will prevail. These grass roots people are so fed up with politics as usual; they want a sea change, not just a new face; and a change for the long term, not just this election cycle.

I only hope that after the election, conservatives continue to pursue and prosecute those who have made a mockery and a sham of our great country and its system. Let's get those in jail who belong there; figure out how they were able to do what they did, and plug those holes so it doesn't happen again. America is too good a country to have scandal after scandal occupy the news instead of how great it is to be an American.

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