On September 12, 2010 I wrote that Obama was bent on "getting" Osama Bin Laden because Osama was a thorn in the side of Islam which is attempting to infiltrate countries by stealth, and of most concern is the USA (the Great Satan, according to their teachings); fabricating organizations that have American sounding names while actually promoting and supporting Islam. But Osama has declared war on all infidels and his antics has muddied the Islamic movement into non-Islamic nations like Great Britain, the USA, France etc.etc.etc. and has caused nations to be on alert and to attempt to stop "terrorists" and this draws too much attention to the ideals and the Islamic movement going on throughout the world.
Without Osama drawing all this attention, Muslims are infiltrating a town or city and they "join" in the politics so as to affect "change we can believe in", or fundamentally change America, then a state, and become a Senator or Congressman etc, etc, etc, (as Yule Brenner said in "The King and I".
Now we are having a closer look at what is going on in the middle east, supported by this administration, and the previous administration. While helping militarily, the people of a country who want to overthrow the dictators like Gadhafi (that name is spelled and pronounced in a variety of ways), or Mubarak, America sends our sons and daughters to die for these countries to help the citizens to implement a democracy, only to have the leaders later declare the government of those countries will be ruled by Shari law.
What has been forgotten in all this political ugliness, is that America is a Republic, not a Democratic country, and we have no reason to promote democracy in any other nation. Instead, if our citizens are called upon to assist a foreign country, it should be stipulated that we will do so, only to help that country develop a Republic for the people. Those nations in the Eastern Block of Europe, after separating themselves from the USSR, declared themselves to be Republics, under democratic rule. They are not Democratic countries. For the layman, the difference is subtle, but meaningful: A Republic is governed By The People For The People; in a Democracy, there is a Federal or Central government, which dictates to the people. Our country has fallen into this abyss for some time, but has not given itself over to Democratic Governance, yet; but it is hard to tell. That is the subtle differences with the Tea Party politicians; they are trying to maintain the Republic while the majority of the other politicians are trying to claim that this country is a democracy, and this had caused a lot of bantering back and forth. History has shown us that every democracy devolves into a dictatorship because a democracy is a ponzi scheme and eventually the money runs out. What follows is interments, incarcerations, killings and a total loss of freedoms (Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, etc. etc. etc.). The gun powder still permeates the air, and Libya has already indicated that the country will be ruled by Shari Law. What the heck are we doing? We are aiding and abetting the very people who want to overthrow us, in time. It boggles the mind. Can our politicians be so narrow minded? Are they afraid to draw conclusions which the rest of us are able to do?
Folks, this is not going to end well. Christians have a word for it Armegeddon. Are we close to what they call The End Time? Is what they promote so hard to see? Are there not enough Christians left in America to make a difference? It was recently reported that the last Christian "left" Afghanistan, and we continue to hear a lot about Christian persecution all over the world. Did you know that Obama recently sent 100 military "advisers" to help Muslims eradicate or eliminate the Christian resistance to Islam in the Sudan? Did you know that Bosnia, where we still have troops to maintain the peace, was a war between Christians and Muslims and this country sided with the Muslims again?
Is your alarm set? Do you need a wake up call? Can you not see what is obvious?
As a Christian, I am so glad that we still have time left to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These times are precious as we see what looks like a massive "envelopment" of Christian nations in the world. We know what the back of the book says, and it is our inspiration. Who could have seen these events occurring just 20 years ago?