Sunday, October 9, 2011


I've always wanted to go to one of those DC demonstrations but I could never afford all the expenses it would cost, and then I was leery of the weather. You could plan today, and the day of the event might be vicious with rain, wind, or some calamitous weather.

Those "protestors" on Wall Street; Wow are they fortunate: I guess they can all afford the trip, the lay-over, and the weather is on their side. It makes you wonder if the "event" would dissolve, if there were some calamitous weather.

But their event does continue and it is so "concise and precise" (lol) it leaves no room to question why these people have all come together at this time. First there's the Big Bank thing, then there's the Living wage thing, then too many rich people have too much money, thing, then there's the I want what you have thing, and it goes on and on. Everyone has a purpose for being there, BUT it seems none of them are there for the same purpose.

Why is it so difficult for our youth, most getting an education paid for by taxpayers, to reason reality? Do our higher institutions of education so corrupt their minds that they cannot think critically, which is what the purpose of higher education is supposed to produce? Take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; before the federal government started buying home mortgages from banks the fed's legislated and "encouraged" the banks to write, some people were not qualified to own homes. In some cases they couldn't afford the mortgage and in many cases, the people didn't even have jobs. Now, Fannie and Freddie are facing bankruptcy; think of that a federal agency going bankrupt.

And we can't forget the postal service. When I was a youth it was a crime to put anything into a residential mailbox. In fact you could face federal prosecution for doing so. But today, the federal post office is going bankrupt. Then there's that pesky little thing called Amtrak; yep, it too is going bankrupt. Yet the youth of our country want to blame everything on the idea that some people have more money than others.

Obama has additionally put this entire country into bankruptcy mode. Our national debt, resembles the thinking behind Amtrak, Fannie and Freddie, or the Postal Service.Well, if a country is in debt, how on earth do these demonstrators think the government can solve the problem of unemployment; the same government that has allowed these massive federal bankruptcies?

Fascism/Socialism can work for a while, perhaps 65 or 75 years. Fidel Castro once said "Socialism does not work", then he recanted and later said "I meant Capitalism", then has gone on to allow Cubans to own property, get licenses for private business and has asked for normal relations with the USA.We see one form of socialism or another across the globe, but we also see the disintegration of those systems. . Countries all over the world are bankrupt; their people massively unemployed and the countries with debts they cannot afford to pay. But our youth, through our higher educational system, have learned to want the same things the other failing countries have. Remember the "catch" phrase from the Rodney King event: "Why can't we all just get along?"; I guess this is what our youth want for today; let's just all  gripe at wealthy Americans, blame them for our failures, and make everyone poor and ignorant.

A solution to most of these problems is actually the opposite of what the youth think is best for this country and its people. The Federal Government should gather the money people into a bunch of rooms and let them know it is about to sell off all its debt-agencies. Let the private sector invest in these failing boondoggles and they will turn those failures into success almost overnight.

I can see some entrepreneur taking over the postal service with all its satellite buildings and "crunch" centers and having a delivery system that would resemble UPS or Fedex, but on the local level. A lot of people still want their bills delivered to the house; some do not have the internet services that snail-mail has overtaken, but there is still a need for snail-mail. There are catalogs, CD's, magazines, internet purchases that have to be delivered, monthly household bills etc. that still need scrutiny and people want to have that physical paper to deal with and to keep records with. Snailmail does not have to be a daily thing, in fact once or twice a week would be more than sufficient; vendors would need to know the schedule and meet those mailings accordingly.

Amtrak would be a fantastic private service that would gradually expand to reach more and more cities and provide varying services locally.

The banking industry, which is flush with cash would like nothing better than to have the Fed's get out of their way and allow them to "buy-back" those losing mortgages, without all the previous government intervention. Banks are in the business of making money; that's what they do and they know how to get that done.

You know, this time, I might make a sincere effort to meet others in DC who are demonstrating for returning this county back to the people. A demonstration that could actually cause the believers in Capitalism to get a backbone and throw the lobbyists out of DC, declare this country a Republic, sovereignly appointed by God, for and by the people as under the Constitution. Would you?

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