Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's like Newt just landed on earth and found that politicians screwed everything up:  ugh, wasn't he part of the problem?

These guys are unbelievable; they act like they can fix everything, but actually they, with their stock manipulating, profit taking, insider trading laws that protect them and not you and me, are the ones that have given us all the mess we now have to live through.

I am a saved by the grace of God Christian, and as I re-read Foxes book of Martyrs I wonder just how the modern day Christian fits in.

We have boxers thanking God for their win, we have football players "giving God the Glory", we have politicians thanking God for their victory, ad nauseum, but can any one of them, or for that matter, any one of us live up to the standard of Christianity that our predecessors did?

Look, I'm not trying to turn this into a we versus them, but when the ones who are seeking to get elected to the highest office of the land, claim to be a Catholic or a Christian, then on that basis alone, we have the right to ascertain whether or not they are legitimate.

Catholicism is a non-christian religion. Just like their predecessors, they CLAIM to believe in God and that Jesus is the savior, but the Bible tells us that (in James) so do the devils, and they tremble. Catholicism, Mormonism, Buddhism, and other "isms" are not CHRISTIANITY. The Bible tells us that, as a sense of mocking, believers in Jesus Christ were called CHRISTIANS. The book of the Martyrs tells us that they willingly, by the thousands at times, admitted to loving Jesus and gave their lives for Him. Today, we call ourselves Christians so it will benefit us, especially in an election year.

We are told we will know "them" by their fruit: how fruitful is Newt, or Cain, or Romney or Santorum or even Bachmann? I cannot attest to the truthfulness of Ron Paul, but at least what he says and what he stands for, in that none of it lines up with the political establishment of today, is opposed to what mankind thinks are the right answers.

Christians have always been persecuted; Jews have always been persecuted. In America, if a man (and I do exclude women from leadership roles) expresses that he is a Christian, then his life, beliefs, motivations, desires, and understanding of leadership HAS got to line up with scripture, or else he does not get my vote.

Does Newt, or Romney or Santorum or Bachmann or even Huntsman look like Christians? Does Ron Paul?
Yeah the media casts him as a weirdo or as Trump said, " a clown politician", but is he really? Does Ron Paul line up with scripture and Christianity so closely that the anti-Christians of the world (the news media) want to besmirch him as a person so outrageous that he CANNOT get elected and is likely not to be able to beat Obama?

What would Christian bashing look like to you today?
Would you be able to stand up against the "political machine" or the news media of today and not waiver?

Look at the politicians running for the Presidency: as they all claim to have a love for God, a Christian background or a love for "fairness",........if you are a Christian, which one of those people best suites your understanding of Christianity and are you willing not only to vote for him but also to help him financially, to get him elected so God can use him? I am not advocating for Ron Paul, not Mitt Romney nor any of the others, I am merely asking.......put your money where your mouth is, Christians included.

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