Tuesday, November 13, 2012

John Kerry Secretary of Defense?!!

Folks, elections have consequences, and this one claims 3 million fewer Republican voters than in the last election. Did you vote, or is there something wrong with the statistics? Why didn't the Conservatives win more of the Senate seats?  Why are there districts that didn't get a single vote for Romney? Is that even possible?  And now, John Kerry is being considered for the Secretary of Defense even after he besmirched every soldier during the Vietnam war, threw his medals into the field and did everything he could to give comfort to the enemy: secretary of DEFENSE. Is there a soldier alive willing to have him as their leader? I don't know!

There is so much diversion and disinformation being doled out to the public, you have to wonder why a VERY decorated General would admit to committing adultery, and resign his office as director of the CIA. For most of us, this sort of thing would be humiliating, but for Liberals, who go on to get full pensions and medical coverage, and likely another influential appointment, these "falling on the swords" things are just a part of doing business; they have no remorse as long as they have been useful in furthering their agenda, and right now, we have no idea what that agenda is pertaining to the Benghazi attack, which is where this latest misconduct information finds its roots. Each individual is possible fodder, as long as the "Agenda" is forwarded. What grandiose devotion (wouldn't it be nice if Republicans could find just an inkling of this kind of devotion?).

But I think there is something more sinister afoot; something so depraved it alludes the common thinking of man, but it has its roots in religion. Benghazi was an event like all others, that have a religious purpose behind them, but since Americans cannot call terrorists, terrorists, and Americans refuse to acknowledge the differences in religious beliefs between us and Muslims, between Israelies and Muslims; we are not allowed to investigate the events and report on them as they are, instead we are told a variety of stories to avoid calling a spade, as spade. All wars, practically ALL combative aggressions, are based on a religious belief; or let me put it another way; differences in religious beliefs. There is no intelligent or logical reason for Muslims to want to totally destroy Israel, yet that is so imbedded in their hearts they can hardly function for want of and end to all Israelies. And those emotions are also directed at America; what they call the Great Satan. Muslims do not express the idea of wanting to get along with America nor with Israel; rather their only emotion is to totally destroy the aforementioned countries, and this is based on their religion.

As a devout Christian, let me try to explain this Biblically:  When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He told everyone that He was here to fulfill prophecy and to fulfill the law, to be the sacrifice for sinners; a propitiation that would reunite sinners to the Creator God; that He was the blameless lamb sent to take away sin. The Romans thought otherwise and wanted Him destroyed so He didn't cause a movement to overthrow the Roman government, because the Jewish people were looking for a King, and everyone thought Jesus was that King. It was sort of a strange thing that Gentiles (people who didn't know anything about the prophecy or the laws of God given to the Hebrews) were the ones who were converted to believe Jesus (Reformers refer to this as the Elect or Predestination). But that whole promise thing started way back when Abraham was "dealt" a dilemma; God told him he was to have a son in a year. Abraham mused that his wife Sarai was too old to give birth to children so Abraham decided to have sex with his Sarai's mistress to help God out with His promise to give him a child (which was a common thing then, in order to provide a man with enough offspring to manage a farm and its attendant livestock). This is where the battle begins; it is one of the flesh and the Spirit. God DID cause Sarai to become pregnant (a spiritual causation from God because of Sarai's age and Jesus Christ (the only begotten of the Father) would find His ancestry through Abraham and Sarai;), while Abraham caused her mistress Hagar to become pregnant; an event caused by the action of the flesh; Ishmael (Hagar's son) can find his ancestry through Abraham and Hagar. God blessed both births, but Hagar and her offspring were cast out of the Hebrew camp, to find a life somewhere else. This is probably the deepest tenet to the Christian faith; the battle between the flesh and the spirit. We fight this every day, trying to "submit our thoughts and actions to the leading of the Spirit...."Ye walk not in the flesh but in the Spirit".  And in the book to the Romans..." what I will to do I do not do but what I will not to do, I do...."   

Muslims trace their heritage back to Abraham, so do the Christians, although we do see all the way back to the Garden of Eden, but basically, the division of mankind can be traced back to Abraham making a baby with Hagar, and God providing a baby with Sarai, at about the same time. Both lineages (Ishmaelites and Israelites/Christians) can be traced back to Abraham, and that is what everything now hinges on. Muslims think of Jesus as a prophet, but go on to add Mohammed, another prophet to their schemes, but still relate to the birth of the child to Hagar and Abraham; Christians pledge their allegiance to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, which was the lineage promised to Abraham through Sarai. Christians include anyone who believes in Jesus as they Savior; we do not restrict ANYONE  because of their nationality nor origin. Muslims (or as I like to refer to them as Ishmaelites), on the other hand pledge their allegiance to Allah, through the prophet Mohammed and do restrict who they include; in their world everyone has to become a Muslim or be a slave or be destroyed, but as for those of Israeli descent, they have to be utterly destroyed so no trace of them is left in the world.  Americans will have an option once the Muslims make their move to destroy us, but either way it doesn't matter to the Muslim religion, or the Nation of Islam, the thinking of Americans and their Christian views have to be wiped out. (Did you know the Bosnian war was about the Christians and the Muslims, and America sided with the Muslims? Did you know what is going on in Africa is about Christians and Muslims and America has sent "advisers" to assist the Muslims?)

So here we are today, Muslims trying to keep their homes, societies and the world as sinless as possible and anyone who disobeys their laws or tenets as laid down by the prophet Mohammed, need to be destroyed to insure the purity of those homes, communities and finally, the world. That is why Muslims have no problem killing their children, family members or members of their communities; it is done because people have disobeyed the law and it is absolutely the most important thing to keep those social networks pure. Death to a disobedient person is brought on by those who are disobedient; it is not the savage act of a Muslim, or at least that is what we are told; it is what they believe.

Now the question is,  How do you negotiate with people who think themselves above reproach, and who think you are so debased that your swift and determined death is the only thing that can keep their world pure? How do you negotiate with people that want to rule the world with their religious beliefs, which necessarily excludes all other beliefs? Yes, even those Hollywood actors and actresses will have to "submit to the will of Allah" as determined by the Muslim leaders know as Ayatollahs, yet some of those actors are what Christians call sinners who choose not to obey  The Only Creator, God, which is to their own demise; we have no intentions of harming them in any way. It is our hope they will one day understand and "see" they can be redeemed back into a loving relationship with the Creator, just as He wants; killing them would not please the God we serve, but to the Muslim, killing a disobedient, depraved violator of the law of Allah is necessary to purify a home.

Elections do have consequences. Those who we elect to "rule" over us may not even consider what is at stake but think so highly of themselves that they believe they can "bring the world together", when the rest of the world doesn't want to be brought together. OR, something more sinister and subversive is going on, and it may be this nation is being handed over as a gift to Allah. We are now at the point that we cannot trust our Military Generals, our CIA, or FBI  and it is rumored the President is considering appointing what some would call a traitor, to lead the Defense of our Nation. But we know, God is in control. Perhaps this nation and the world, is ready for the just wrath of God.

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