Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Is there any question what the public school system provides? Let me give you the recent revelations:
1.   Science teacher taking kids home and providing them with alcohol and drugs. He had marijuana on him when he was arrested.

2.   Another one of those female teachers that want to prey on teen boys; sending him naked pictures of herself.  Oh, did I mention that she is 37 and he is 16? And then of course, sex followed.

Every week we hear of some more of this sort of depravity, yet we continue to send our kids into that pool of disgusting, vial, "education".  Did you hear the one about the basketball coach that whipped his players for not performing the play correctly, and I mean to tell you, he WHIPPED them; with a leather strap.

As for you homeschoolers:  There are those who think it isn't right or think a parent isn't trained to educate their own children, and they often allege that the greatest deterrent to home schooling is the lack of INTERACTION. Well, if by interaction you mean getting my kid beat with a leather strap, or having some demented middle aged female prey on my boys, or "trusting" a science teacher to give my kid one-on-one education after school, at his house where he provides drugs and alcohol, NO THANKS!

These kinds of "teachers" and their antics, when they do become public, should encourage parents to either home school, or find private schooling. People, these are you progeny, your flesh and blood. Is this what you are willing to tolerate with your taxes? Is this the "fundamentally changed America" you want to pay for?

I don't know what it will take for some of you to wake up. The public school system is a haven for the depraved, demented, perverted male and female. And they get to work with the very people they should be kept away from...our kids. Unions protect them, lawyers explain away their behavior with clap-trap like, "the teachers need to get counseling on how to handle belligerent children or,  this one is good, for the female that preys on teenage boys, "she is maturely underdeveloped and needs counseling so she can interact with younger people and not feel like she is still a teen". WHAT!!? Why are we excusing this insidious behavior? These female teachers, and there have been many in the last 10 years, need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, for contributing to the delinquency of a minor while they are entrusted to them, and for rape.

You know how often you hear that men mentally abuse women, well why draw the line there? Isn't a woman who is supposed to be protecting and teaching teenagers, guilty of mentally and sexually abusing teen boys when she sends naked pictures of herself to him and then has sex with him? Is this normal behavior?

God save us: we have become such a depraved nation that we now allow our kids to be assaulted, abused and drugged, all in the name of public education.

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