Tuesday, December 14, 2010


John Boehner!

What up? Wow, in my past, we would call a guy like this, a cry baby. Goodness, the man cannot control his emotions, or does he have an emotional problem?

Conservatives won the last election, but they turn around and elect one of the good ole boy, establishment Republicans; what's up with that? Seeing Boehner and  McConnell on television as the leaders of conservatives disgusts me. These two, have too many friends and favors they are obligated to. Then we have to watch Boehner cry so uncontrollably that he cannot continue with his interview; instead he cries "on our behalf".

I don't find anything wrong with a man that is moved by emotion, but I do not want a man as leader, that loses control of his emotions, and that lets those emotions control him. What is he going to do when someone disagrees with him either in his own party, or in the opposition party? Good gravy, we just might see politicians brought up on charges of abuse or bullyism.

And for his first demonstration of leadership, he agrees to another stimulus package, when what we voted for was an end to big government and the run-away government spending. Is this what we have to look forward to? We would all be better off if nothing was being done until after the new Congress is sworn in next January. That Congress could enact permanent tax cuts and make them retroactive without all the entrapment's in the current agreement.

I am so fed up with the politicians and the politics that have taken over the process of governing America. I hope to see the Tea Party people rev up for the next election. It will involve candidates for the Presidency, but the Senate and House of Representatives will be more important. Ryan, Demint, Flake, Pence and the others need help, and establishment Republicans are not capable of serving the people of America.

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