A lot of talk about "We want to see the Presidents budget" or "Where is Harry Reids budget?", but we have that rascally thing called the Constitution. While the members in the House are being hampered with their budget proposals, they keep crying for the Senate to offer one, and one day, the House will make themselves so irrelevant that the Senate will take over that responsibility, willingly.
Even though there are over 80 Tea Party members in the House, someone forgot to tell them that Article I Section 7 of the Constitution says, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may PROPOSE or CONCUR with the amendments as on other bills".
No one is responsible for revenue bills other than the House, not even the President. The fact that the Senate and the President have promised to kill or veto the bill that comes out of the House is their prerogative. The House is not obligated to do anything more than present a bill. If the Senate kills it, and offers no amendments than the business of establishing revenue expenditures is over. The country comes to a halt! Or does it?
The XIVth Amendment, Section 4 says, "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law,.............shall not be questioned". What this means is that when the Democratically controlled House and Senate passed TARP, and the bailout packages, and directed Mr. Geithner to spend it any way he thought was best, AND the Republicans agreed to that concept.....Those acts became authorized by law, and the XIVth Amendment is the constitutionally governing edict when we run into a scenario like we have now; the Senate cannot see their way to agreeing with the Repubs on the "presented" budget, er-go there has to be a fall-back position whereby the United States does not come to a standstill.
The founders, remember, were citizens of Monarchies and oppressive rulers so they decided ways to make free people able to function, collectively as a Nation (13 states at the time), even when additional states were added to the Union. These additional states were obligated to whatever action had been taken in the past. It was a way to keep the Nation growing, while assuring the other states and other nations in the world, that the Constitution that binds us together, is perpetual and no one needs to be concerned if the American Nation will meet its obligations made with past representatives, at least until, by law, one bill or rule is superseded by the newer one.
See, that's where the Progressives have it all over the rest of us. They have a working knowledge of the Constitution; the rest of us want to play act within the Constitution and are ignorant of the ways of our opponents. We keep trying to work within the sometimes altered, sometimes amended Constitution while the opposite party applies the Constitution as they go along. To not have a budget for over 810 days, means the Progressives already had an idea what they were doing. If per chance the repubs took over the House, the Progressives had a fall-back position; the XIVth amendment. The Senate does not have to agree with the House on anything, much less a budget, and if the President is backing the Senate up with a veto threat that cannot be over-ridden, you have a stale-mate. So the President has a "no-budget, budget" he can continue to apply until after the next election, or even longer if the Progressives maintain control of the Senate. And if they regain the House, then you might as well understand that this country will devolve into a dictatorship, it is one election away from that happening. (A good reason to repeal the XVIIth amendment).
So what can be done? Nothing!
Citizens can only affect change through elections, and this country NEEDS a new Senate, but that is 1 year away. The 2 party system in this country has got to be changed, even if Rush doesn't think so. We can't continue our freedoms and liberties with a 2 party system, because of what is now happening in the Senate and the Presidency. Party affiliation is the a boondoggle that chokes this nation at every turn.
We need a restoration in many areas of our lives, but we need people who will campaign, and run on the notion that they will do what they can to bring a repeal of the XVIIth amendment to the citizenry as soon as possible.