Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Cut, Cap and Balance; the past due legislation sailed through the House.

According to the Constitution, Article I, section 7 states, "All Bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." Has it ever bothered any of you as it has me, that first, every politician looks for the President to "present" HIS budget, so the 2 houses can vote on it, and secondly, the Senate presents their own budget or other bills?

 When did the Constitution change? Yeah, you might want to say that there is so much work to do in DC that each house makes their own proposals then sends the 2 bills to committee, to "iron" out the differences. That is not the way the Constitution was designed and is supposed to work. If there isn't enough time to actually abide by the Constitution when making legislation, then maybe, just maybe the 2 Houses are doing way more than they were intended to do, again, according to the Constitution.

Cut, Cap and Balance is the proper approach to resolving the problems the massive Federal Government has created. If merely raising the debt limit would solve our country's financial problems, then why didn't it solve our problems in the past? The debt limit has been raised some 60 times or more, and we still have financial problems. Why do we continue to have these problems if they should have been resolved? Without a Balanced Budget Amendment, Politicians will always and forever request raising the debt ceiling, because the Federal Government keeps adding programs and agencies that require funding, and on and on it goes. The Federal Government is completely out of control. It oversteps its constitutional directives, and takes away from the states, the rights the states have as outlined in the Constitution.

Lately, states have been fighting back. Governors and the states' legislators, are begining to legislate rulings that strengthen the states rights and are taking the Federal Government to court, to have the Supreme Court decide which governing body has the Constitutional authority to govern in many of the day to day lives of Americans.

The Federal Government has squeezed Faith Based agencies to the extent that where they once were the place for people to go to for aid or even jobs, they are now "not allowed" to act on behalf of their own communities, instead the Fed's have centralized agencies that usurp those influences, and have passed legislation to disallow the Faith Based agencies from doing what is more logical; help their own communities.

In many cases, fines are imposed or Federal monies are withheld, when these Faith Based agencies do help. Just look at abortions; the Federal Government has passed legislation to not only allow women to murder their own offspring, but the Federal Government actually funds those procedures; that means the Fed's take money away from you when you work, and gives it to some doctor who makes a living killing infants prior to their actual birth, but has fought people who want to tell potential mothers that there is an alternative; that they do not have to kill their babies.

The Federal Government is too far reaching and too much into the daily lives of Americans. A Balanced Budget would allow future politicians to defund, to dissolve, to eliminate programs and agencies that have made America look like a third world country. This country is a beacon to every living soul on this planet, and to give the Fed's card-blanche over all that we do or want is tantamount to treason.

The Cut, Cap and Balance bill, is a good first step. When voters get conservative Senators elected in the next general election, this country will take a sharp turn away from the brutality it has imposed on us; from the centralization it has imposed on us; from the endless law-making and rule's making it has imposed, and I hope, from the endless agencies a politician can conger up to create more and more dependency on the centralized government, and return this country in the direction it once was in where Capitalism and Entreneurialism, abounded; where a person who made the extra effort, found that there were no limits to what her or she could achieve; a country where community matters; where communities cares about its people and is able to help any in need.

Kudo's to those 240 politicians who have a vision of the greatness of America, and where she needs to be in this world.

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