Tuesday, July 26, 2011


You remember Hilary, don't you; the other democratic presidential candidate in the last election?

Well, you can expect her to cause a primary election to occur in 2012 because Obama has hit a wall.

 He is losing his base and cannot get enough support for his next intended tax hike.

What Hilary will do is offer an alternative to the Progressive party that is not so obviously extreme. Remember Bill Clinton was able to move to the center, when he had to; Obama does not have the capacity to move to the center, and his rhetoric can no longer make you think he has. He has a history as President, and all the teleprompter talk cannot persuade people he is not an extreme Progressive, maybe even an outright Socialist or Marxist. That scares people. Democrats want to "take from the rich and give to the poor" but they still want some sort of system that allows them to think they matter; Obama takes all that away from them. He hasn't paid their mortgage or given them a car as the voters understood him to say he would do, if elected. Instead, what he has done has made things worse, and people have actually lost their homes, jobs and cars.

Hilary, will campaign in the "middle of the road". She will (with Bill's help) say and make you think she cares about this country falling into decline, and she will "offer" a better way of getting things done. She will place herself in the middle of the consumer, unemployed and taxpayer where she will "feel your pain". Hilary will demonstrate that she can get along with the opposition and while not capitulalting, she will be able to reach a consensus. She will incorporate some Conservative ideas, to not sound as extreme as Obama. Election and power will be her guiding light, because she cannot do anything unless she is in the Oval Office, and Obama sent her out into the world as the Secretary of State, to get shed of her, but she turned that lemon into lemonade and has made some friends in the world; some who prefer her to Obama.

It was "her turn" in 2008, but somehow, Obama "stole" the election from her. She will attack his ideas of taxation during a depression, and show the Progressives that his bullying and demands only worked when the 2 Houses of Government were controlled by like-minded Progressives who never offered a budget to manage or control Obama's crazy spending habits.

She will point to his appointments, some of whom are communists, and show their ideas are merely academic and do not work in the real world. Hilary will show that some of the problems arose from the thinking of these people who have never had, or managed a business, and who espouse ideas that history has proven do not work, and that these very ideas do not have the best interest of the country in mind, but rather an ideology that is rooted in a dictatorship.

Already, there have been a large number of Senators abandoning the good ship Obama who will not run for re-election (currently 8) and there appears to be 23 Democratic seats up for election in 2012. Hilary HAS to offer an alternative in order to get herself elected AND try to not lose the majority in the Senate, which leans slightly to the Democrats with a 53 to 47 margin.

But even if she wins, there is a very good chance the Conservatives will win the Senate and retain the House, which will make Hilary, Obama, or any other candidate, impotent, save a Conservative President like perhaps Christie or Ron Paul.

The additional bad news is that those Senators leaving office feel they can enact anything they want since they do not have to get re-elected (a good reason the XIIth amendment should be repealed; the Nations' Senators were never intended to be popularly elected and you can see why).

But the upcoming Primary should be a lollapaloozer, especially if the Repubs can nudge Romney back into obscurity. What a potential, historical event; Hilary and whom ever her VP might be (at least we know it will not be Weiner), then Michelle Bachman, Ron Paul, Christie, and will one of these pick a primary loser for VP or select another person who is not running?

It's all up for grabs. So start making time for yourself to attend some of these campaign meetings and get your fingers ready to email the candidate of your choice. You might even want to get on one of the campaign committees...it will be historical.

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