Saturday, December 17, 2011


You know, Roman Catholicism is a very ancient religion. The followers of Muhammad were not the first to oppose Christianity; the Roman Catholics were. In ancient times, Christians fought against Christians because they differed in their beliefs. For example the Arians did not believe in the trinity and were so adamant in their beliefs they would literally slaughter any Christian who believed otherwise.

But the followers of Muhammad were not prejudiced; they opposed anyone that did not follow Muhammad, and do till this day. It is the ancient battle of the flesh versus the spirit; Ishmael vs. Isaac

The Roman Catholics are called that because theirs was the religion of The Roman Empire. They were sanctioned by the Romans to clear the surrounding lands of non-believers who would not follow the Roman, Catholic rule, especially after Constantine converted to Catholicism.

Through the religious wars, the Popes actually developed an army, or in some cases, hired mercenaries to destroy any man, woman and child who would not "bow" to the Pope and his authority as the religious leader of the then known world.

To this day, Catholics call themselves Christians because the word Catholic is used in the Bible to mean the universal church, but the Catholic version of Christianity is just another sect or denomination, like the Arians,  which believes you are not a Christian unless you abide by the Roman Catholic tenets, and believe the Pope is the vicar of God and that he can make various rulings regarding Christian beliefs.

Admittedly, they have a problem within themselves because it seems each church in any town USA follows what they want to believe, and disregard the Pope on many issues. Don't forget, the Catholic religion has a huge monkey on its back: homosexual priests taking advantage of altar boys and congregants (that doesn't seem to Christian to me), and this contraceptive/abortion issue.

Many "converts" today, like Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh, practice some sort of Catholic religion, and probably between them, they differ as well. None the less, two out of three do have a good deal of influence on the American people, and the other is trying to have influence on the American people. And if you listen to any one of them speak, they do so, contrary to what is called Christian theology. To a man, politics comes first to them, then if there is room, they throw in their religious "flavor" to one or two subjects.

Each one will claim to be speaking as a Christian, but as I pointed out in the first paragraph, Christians were being literally tortured and slaughtered for their beliefs; with these guys you can hardly tell they believe in God, let alone stand up against the enemies of God.

I have heard Sean and Rush repeatedly say that the human condition is basically good, and that there is a desire within every human being to be free and prosper. And in doing so, all of humanity benefits through their innovations and creations that make life better and easier for all of us. There is a problem here....namely, God has declared that man is a sinner, (Gal.3:22  "But the scriptures has shut up all men under sin....",  and he does only those things that are inherently opposed to God. That as sinners, every mans deeds are "immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensi is detrimental to all of mankind. Theirs is a "soft" persecution, and their ignorance in these matters is very harmful to Americans and Christians throughout the world, that are being killed in the democracies being created without the 10 basic laws of God to govern man by.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


First we were told driving without a seat belt killed people. Then we were told guns killed people. Then it was those danged SUV's that killed people. Then alcohol killed people and now it is those most beloved cell phones that are killing people. And each of these assertions made it possible for our federal government to write another law against the liberties of a free society.

Where is the evidence that people stopped dying in car crashes because they wore a seat belt?

Where is the evidence that a gun just raised itself off a shelf, put ammunition into itself and fired upon a person?

Where is the evidence that a car just started up, put itself into drive and aimed itself at passing pedestrians?

Yes, and as to that elusive demon drink, alcohol. Last I read, over 40,000 people are killed in car crashes each year and only some 30% of those are attributable to someone drinking and then driving, but none of the deaths are attributable to alcohol itself. And now the self operating cell phone is going to find itself on the legislative table so they too, can become a governmental, unprovable statistic.

Whatever happened to individual responsibility? How on earth are more liberty-taking laws going to save lives or make America a safer nation? Do you not know there are individuals that do not abide by laws (they're called lawless)? Can you imagine how difficult it will be to enforce a "don't use the cell phone while driving" law? (probably as difficult as it is to stop SUV's from driving over people).

The truth is a growing society, free in its endeavors to prosper, will make the next generation gadget that will make life more comfortable and better for us all. Along the way, lawless people will do lawless things regardless of how many laws are written against them.

The fact is simple: enforce the laws that are already on the books; eliminate plea bargaining and put people in jail or to death that deserve to be there. On the one hand we make un-enforceable laws and on the other, we plea bargain violators out of the jails and prisons those laws were meant for.

Individual responsibility means that if you are have caused a car crash or any other "accident" while using your cell phone, or while being behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or just by the mere fact that you were driving and abiding by and obeying every law on the books, then you should be penalized with the maximum sentence the law allows; no plea bargaining. It isn't the gadget that caused the crash, it is the person using it that caused the crash and they should be held responsible for the damage they have caused even capital punishment for the death of someone. Those of us who own carry permits understand the responsibility we have over discharging our weapons of defense and we have never heard of a carry permit being held responsible for the discharge of those weapons.

We have laws that include vehicular manslaughter, manslaughter, murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, accidental murder, homicide, vehicular homicide, ad nauseum. Good gravy how many different ways does it take to determine that a person damaged another's property, or took the life of another? Do we really need to water down the fact that it was done with or without an instrument? Does a speeding car kill less than a bullet, or a knife; is it less lethal or is the death not as bad? Shouldn't there be a penalty for taking someones life via the misuse of the instrument involved: ie. a car, a pistol, a knife, a fist, a club, a bomb?

Panic-law making and sympathy-lawmaking are the reasons for a lot of the laws that take away our freedoms given to us by the Constitution and as we allow legislators to make silly laws against inanimate objects, we allow them to pass amendments to the Constitution by fiat.

Criminals and law violators do not give a hoot about which law they are violating; they do what it is they intend to do, no matter what. Their best hope is they won't get caught. Megan's law, or a restraining order, does not keep violators from causing you or your children harm. It is up to you to protect yourself, which is what gun owners have always promoted.

Lawmakers are taking away your right to protect yourself and your property by making all of those sympathy laws that pull at heart strings but do nothing in reality.

Constitutionally, states have the legal right to allow citizens the right to defend and protect their person and  property and to also have a way to seek remunerations against the persons that have caused them damage or harm, whether with a gun, a car or a fist. Insurance companies have stepped into some of these areas, but legislation only takes away your freedoms and rights to pursue prosperity and to defend what is your private property, and to be made whole for damages caused by another person even unto involuntary servitude or death by capital punishment.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's like Newt just landed on earth and found that politicians screwed everything up:  ugh, wasn't he part of the problem?

These guys are unbelievable; they act like they can fix everything, but actually they, with their stock manipulating, profit taking, insider trading laws that protect them and not you and me, are the ones that have given us all the mess we now have to live through.

I am a saved by the grace of God Christian, and as I re-read Foxes book of Martyrs I wonder just how the modern day Christian fits in.

We have boxers thanking God for their win, we have football players "giving God the Glory", we have politicians thanking God for their victory, ad nauseum, but can any one of them, or for that matter, any one of us live up to the standard of Christianity that our predecessors did?

Look, I'm not trying to turn this into a we versus them, but when the ones who are seeking to get elected to the highest office of the land, claim to be a Catholic or a Christian, then on that basis alone, we have the right to ascertain whether or not they are legitimate.

Catholicism is a non-christian religion. Just like their predecessors, they CLAIM to believe in God and that Jesus is the savior, but the Bible tells us that (in James) so do the devils, and they tremble. Catholicism, Mormonism, Buddhism, and other "isms" are not CHRISTIANITY. The Bible tells us that, as a sense of mocking, believers in Jesus Christ were called CHRISTIANS. The book of the Martyrs tells us that they willingly, by the thousands at times, admitted to loving Jesus and gave their lives for Him. Today, we call ourselves Christians so it will benefit us, especially in an election year.

We are told we will know "them" by their fruit: how fruitful is Newt, or Cain, or Romney or Santorum or even Bachmann? I cannot attest to the truthfulness of Ron Paul, but at least what he says and what he stands for, in that none of it lines up with the political establishment of today, is opposed to what mankind thinks are the right answers.

Christians have always been persecuted; Jews have always been persecuted. In America, if a man (and I do exclude women from leadership roles) expresses that he is a Christian, then his life, beliefs, motivations, desires, and understanding of leadership HAS got to line up with scripture, or else he does not get my vote.

Does Newt, or Romney or Santorum or Bachmann or even Huntsman look like Christians? Does Ron Paul?
Yeah the media casts him as a weirdo or as Trump said, " a clown politician", but is he really? Does Ron Paul line up with scripture and Christianity so closely that the anti-Christians of the world (the news media) want to besmirch him as a person so outrageous that he CANNOT get elected and is likely not to be able to beat Obama?

What would Christian bashing look like to you today?
Would you be able to stand up against the "political machine" or the news media of today and not waiver?

Look at the politicians running for the Presidency: as they all claim to have a love for God, a Christian background or a love for "fairness",........if you are a Christian, which one of those people best suites your understanding of Christianity and are you willing not only to vote for him but also to help him financially, to get him elected so God can use him? I am not advocating for Ron Paul, not Mitt Romney nor any of the others, I am merely asking.......put your money where your mouth is, Christians included.

Monday, November 21, 2011


When there was an impasse on the debt ceiling argument, politicians decided to give power to only 12 people to solve the problem, 6 D's and 6R's (so why do we elect all those politicians when we only actually need 12?).  Obama had already declared that he wanted Medicare benefits reduced and he wanted the Defense budget reduced, and if the twelve couldn't come to a solution...what a ya know, Medicare and Defense would be reduced, along with some domestic budgets.

So here we are, expecting something of a miracle, even with all the compromising one can conjure up, right back where we started from and Obama wins; no agreement therefore, reductions; who'd a thunk?

Don't misunderstand me, I don't give Obama credit for a "slick willy" type maneuver. The credit goes to Axlerod or any one of his many strategists, not Obama; he's just the face in front of the teleprompter, and we learned a lesson from the Wizard of Oz not to "pay any attention to the man behind the screen".

But the man behind the screen is actually overjoyed by the failure of the "Super Committee" because America continues on without a budget for some three years; Democrats are not in favor of spending cuts; Democrats want a trillion dollar tax increase, and Republicans just couldn't find enough to give to the D's to get them to agree. Harry Reid said "the Republicans never found the courage to ignore the Tea Party extremists", as if there is a third political party.

What happened here is simple: Obama didn't want any sort of a budget or agreement because he wants to be able to "dictate" through the stimuli what he wants to do and not have to answer to anyone where the money is, and what is being accomplished. There is no accountability. Dictators operate that way, and Obama prefers them as friends than the capitalists of the world. Is there any wonder he would act like the people he admires?

And now the Federal Reserve holds more of our debt than any other country in the world including China. How is it possible for the Federal Reserve to print money whenever it wants to, and as much as it wants to?

I am a REAL Christian, born again by the spirit and determination of God at a time of His choosing, and although there are a lot of Americans claiming to be Christians, it truly doesn't look like it. Too many people want hand-outs and a free ride, none of which is based in Christianity. We have a boat load of politicians who constantly lie to us and enrich themselves through acts they legislate illegal for us to do. Martha Stewart went to jail for a single act, which was less than the average Senator or Congressman does on a daily basis. We are living in a world that is on the brink of nuclear war with a madman that claims his religion requires him to start this war so his savior can return. We have a nation the rest of the world depends upon to stop this madman from being able to carry out his acts against the world, but none of the nations will back this little country of Israel. Instead those same nations want to see Israel destroyed. Yet, "there is nothing new under the sun".

The first century Christians were martyred for their beliefs, and most, willingly smiling or singing while the lions tore at their flesh or they burned while sitting on a brass chair in a fire; and we want to be on the government dole to the extent we vote into office people who are not even slightly Christian, and allow them to add their name to the Christian Role without a whimper from us, as long as they put OUR names on one of the many government programs that take money from one people and give it to us. Do the words "if anyone will not work, neither let him eat" ring a bell? What a stark contrast to those first disciples and Apostles, who sold all they had and gave so others could have.

If you are one of the 79% of Americans who claim to be a Christian, where are you on these issues? What scripture verses do you use to promote your brand of Christianity? Do you have your hand out hoping to get it filled or is your hand extended to give some of what God has provided for you, to others? Who do you vote for and why? Do you think God intended for non-Christians to govern over Christians?

I submit to you, the work of the Federal Government has for too long, governed with a selfish motive and those who have, have enriched themselves and lavished fine vacations and other benefits upon themselves at our expense, and continue to do so. They mock the institutes set up by Godly people and have torn down any vestige of the once predominate Christian way of life America was based upon. God will not be mocked; there is coming a terrible storm. Will you be willing to stand, will you be able to stand? Are you still depending on those politicians who have proven they want what is best for them, and not for you? Are you willing to make the next election a dramatic turning point in American history? Are you willing to suffer through what is inevitable because of decades of lavish politicking, in order to right all the wrongs? Don't look anymore for the government to provide for you. Let us make this the day we decided to stand for Christian principles.

For those who know God, pray for this country and for Godly people to lead this nation (2 Chron. 7:13-14). It is never too late, but even Noah had to prepare for the coming flood, and the flood did come. Let us pray God will be merciful, as He sends His judgement upon a nation deserving His anger and wrath, for we have allowed perverse sinners to ravage His children, His nation and treat them in an unGodly way.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Instead of Newt we might want to call him Hare Gingrich. Don't panic it is merely a symbolic gesture rather than a derivative of his name. However, he is slowly and steadily gaining momentum in this Presidential primary.

As good as he can be for this country, he has a lot of Liberal baggage that makes us cringe. The pundits suppose it is more important to vote for "someone who can beat Obama" rather than a true conservative, but the last time we did that we got Dubya and he gave this country a lot of the problems that exist today: NCLB (no child left behind) a Kennedy proposal: he didn't veto the McCain/Finegold Campaign Finance Reform bill he promised to while running for the Presidency, in which McCain said "all that election money can make a good man dishonest": he tried to push Meyers through to the Supreme Court bench; he signed the American Dream Downpayment Act in which the federal government would help 40,000 families a year with their downpayment and closing costs, and now we have Freddie and Fannie needing a constant influx of billions of dollars to keep it afloat.

Gingrich has made a commercial with Pelosi stating "we must take action to prevent climate change" (May 12, 2011); he supports in individual mandate for health care; he attacked the Paul Ryan bill which by doing so supports the Obama Administration against the Conservatives, effectively cutting Ryan off at the knees calling his bill "social engineering"; Newt has promoted a government subsidy for health care on May 16, 2011; on May 14, 2011 Hilary stated " I find we have a lot in common in the way we see the problem" (concerning Newt and health care).

Newt is a compromiser. What may be called his greatest asset is his greatest nemesis; he is "politically connected". If he were to be elected to the Presidency, he knows where all the bones are; he knows who owes who, favors, he may even collect on a few of his own; he knows the establishment money people and what they want; he could put together a very formidable cabinet, but they would come from the establishment Republicans and not the Conservative side of the party.

He has promised to invoke 50 to 250 "Executive Orders" the day after he is inaugurated; isn't that a lot like being a Dictator? Don't we have 535 men and women who are supposed to present, and make legislation? I never could understand why no one opposes "Executive Orders".

Newt is an historian and has a better grasp on American History and World History than do the rest of the candidates and most of the 535 people now holding office, but that doesn't make his ideas the right ideas.

I don't like his "you caught me" boyish grin; I don't like his political background and his silly "Contract with America II" as if doing the right thing is less important than to promise to do the right thing; it seems so childish to me. I'm a big boy. I can take it. I'll watch you and make up my own mind. Don't think that you can get my support by promising me you'll do this or that. Hey, Newt, you've got history. I know and can find out what sorts of things you have done. Please don't think so little of me as to believe all you have to do is promise to be a good boy and I should vote to turn the country over to you.

But do we have a better choice?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


On September 12, 2010 I wrote that Obama was bent on "getting" Osama Bin Laden because Osama was a thorn in the side of Islam which is attempting to infiltrate countries by stealth, and of most concern is the USA (the Great Satan, according to their teachings); fabricating organizations that have American sounding names while actually promoting and supporting Islam. But Osama has declared war on all infidels and his antics has muddied the Islamic movement into non-Islamic nations like Great Britain, the USA, France etc.etc.etc. and has caused nations to be on alert and to attempt to stop "terrorists" and this draws too much attention to the ideals and the Islamic movement going on throughout the world.

Without Osama drawing all this attention, Muslims are infiltrating a town or city and they "join" in the politics so as to affect "change we can believe in", or fundamentally change America, then a state, and become a Senator or Congressman etc, etc, etc, (as Yule Brenner said in "The King and I".

Now we are having a closer look at what is going on in the middle east, supported by this administration, and the previous administration. While helping militarily, the people of a country who want to overthrow the dictators like Gadhafi (that name is spelled and pronounced in a variety of ways), or Mubarak, America sends our sons and daughters to die for these countries to help the citizens to implement a democracy, only to have the leaders later declare the government of those countries will be ruled by Shari law.

What has been forgotten in all this political ugliness, is that America is a Republic, not a Democratic country, and we have no reason to promote democracy in any other nation. Instead, if our citizens are called upon to assist a foreign country, it should be stipulated that we will do so, only to help that country develop a Republic for the people. Those nations in the Eastern Block of Europe, after separating themselves from the USSR, declared themselves to be Republics, under democratic rule. They are not Democratic countries. For the layman, the difference is subtle, but meaningful: A Republic is governed By The People For The People; in a Democracy, there is a Federal or Central government, which dictates to the people. Our country has fallen into this abyss for some time, but has not given itself over to Democratic Governance, yet; but it is hard to tell. That is the subtle differences with the Tea Party politicians; they are trying to maintain the Republic while the majority of the other politicians are trying to claim that this country is a democracy, and this had caused a lot of bantering back and forth. History has shown us that every democracy devolves into a dictatorship because a democracy is a ponzi scheme and eventually the money runs out. What follows is interments, incarcerations, killings and a total loss of freedoms (Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, etc. etc. etc.). The gun powder still permeates the air, and Libya has already indicated that the country will be ruled by Shari Law.  What the heck are we doing? We are aiding and abetting the very people who want to overthrow us, in time. It boggles the mind. Can our politicians be so narrow minded? Are they afraid to draw conclusions which the rest of us are able to do?

Folks, this is not going to end well. Christians have a word for it   Armegeddon. Are we close to what they call The End Time? Is what they promote so hard to see? Are there not enough Christians left in America to make a difference? It was recently reported that the last Christian "left" Afghanistan, and we continue to hear a lot about Christian persecution all over the world. Did you know that Obama recently sent 100 military "advisers" to help Muslims eradicate or eliminate the Christian resistance to Islam in the Sudan? Did you know that Bosnia, where we still have troops to maintain the peace, was a war between Christians and Muslims and this country sided with the Muslims again?

Is your alarm set? Do you need a wake up call? Can you not see what is obvious?

As a Christian, I am so glad that we still have time left to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These times are precious as we see what looks like a massive "envelopment" of Christian nations in the world. We know what the back of the book says, and it is our inspiration. Who could have seen these events occurring just 20 years ago?

Friday, October 21, 2011


This President is so obsessed with adhering to a set of beliefs that mingle fascism, socialism, communism and a little bit of dictatorship-ism. He continues to first punish America for being such a productive country which "took everything away from the rest of the world", and secondly, to remedy that, he will now take the wealth from this country and give it to foreign countries so they can catch up and America can be brought down to their level. His primary motivation stems from his following the ideas of Saul Alinsky, whose basic concern for mankind was admirable, but misguided. Like the issue of slavery, community organizers were a part of our history. We were a newly founded country, and the people that tried to set up a self-governing country came from oppressed nations across the world. In time they had to literally fight for what they established and many lost their fortunes and lives. But their ideals were meant to establish a free nation with free people who governed themselves. Some of the early politicians were also from foreign countries and some, were not satisfied with there being a freedom like what was proposed. As they got into politics, they started to resist and reshape some of the ideas, which caused consternation. Southern Democrats, up to the 1960's were opposed to giving black people equal rights; but that is our history. That is not what this country is all about today. However, one President after another has tried to fix the past by degrading this country and punishing it one way or another. Now we have a President that is taking our wealth and giving it to foreign countries, and forcing massive long-term unemployment here at home. He calls it the "new normal".

The proof is in the pudding. Obama has taken American tax payers dollars, literally billions of them, and given them to start up companies that make batteries, or even electric cars. And he does this while causing massive unemployment in America. He employs fascist principles by having the  federal government buy the majority share in General Motors (more commonly referred to as Government Motors). Besides the obvious, this also picks winners and losers. The feds can write any law they want that will favor the production of a Gov't Motor vehicle as opposed to any other company that produces automobiles as a private industry.

To the extent he has given a "loan" to a Finish automobile producer which has not shown a profit for over 4 years and is lagging way behind on its ability to produce the first promised $150,000.00 automobile, you HAVE to ask who is going to buy these cars? Where are they going to get "charged" up? And, as a side note, as electric cars are produced, the need for more electricity will cause a shortage in America, AND those who are now installing "electric fueling stations", intend to charge up to $20 a month, per vehicle, initially.

And even according to Steve Jobs, this President is not industry friendly and is making it harder and harder for companies to compete in the USA; but that doesn't stop him; remember "this country has to pay for what it has done to the rest of the world".

 Jeff Immelt is Obama's Job Czar, and the CEO of General Electric. While Obama encourages those in the "occupy wall street" crowd, GE has seen a 57% increase in profits this last year. One of the ways GE is getting that done is by manufacturing the curly-cue light bulbs you see all over the place. The Democrats and the Obama Administration, have legislated the incandescent light bulb out of existence. At the end of 2011, they will be illegal to sell: all of America is being forced to buy those fluorescent "energy savers". Shortly into the year 2012, old laws will be enforced:   "the proper disposal of fluorescent light bulbs". When I worked in the General Services Department in Florida back in 1985, we were required to "collect crushed fluorescent bulbs" in separate containers in such a way as to not allow the mercury in them to escape into the air. These little curly bulbs DO have mercury in them, and when you are forced to dispose of them "properly" it is going to be costly, cumbersome and terrible inconvenient. The disposal will negate any savings you may incur on your electric bill, but in the Obama world, savings is not the point, control is.

Now we have Democratic Senators revealing their true intentions, with all these American money give-aways: Senator Reid very recently said the private sector is doing fairly well; where we need employment is in the governmental sector. Any idiot can tell what that means is more taxes, because governmental workers do not produce profits. As such, their jobs are a cost to those they serve. And who do they serve? Tax payers. So in the Democratic world, it simply adds up to more governmental union workers, with all the attendant benefits, and an increase in costs to consumers of those services and an increase in taxes to pay for all of that.

It would prove beneficial to find out how much the tax payers are paying for "retired" politicians. They legislated themselves health benefits that far exceed what the rest of us get, AND they get as much as 50% of their salary in retirement benefits after only being in office for 10 years; and that comes after they get yearly raises unless they vote against them (does "the inmates running the prisons" come to mind?). Can you imagine how many of those rascals are double dipping the tax payer? And then they get these lobbyists jobs that allow them to continue "sticking it to the taxpayer" through special interests and pork barrel spending. And how long do Americans have to pay for the "protection" of EX-Presidents and their families? Come on, are these people some kind of special character? Why, when they were running for office, they were shaking my hand, holding my baby and rolling up their sleeves, just like a normal guy or gal. What has made them so special?

This country has "fundamentally" changed. We now have the working class and the elite .... and we are funding the industry of foreign countries at tax payers expense, and a high rate of unemployment, and we are funding grandiose lifestyles of those who have made themselves the Elite.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I've always wanted to go to one of those DC demonstrations but I could never afford all the expenses it would cost, and then I was leery of the weather. You could plan today, and the day of the event might be vicious with rain, wind, or some calamitous weather.

Those "protestors" on Wall Street; Wow are they fortunate: I guess they can all afford the trip, the lay-over, and the weather is on their side. It makes you wonder if the "event" would dissolve, if there were some calamitous weather.

But their event does continue and it is so "concise and precise" (lol) it leaves no room to question why these people have all come together at this time. First there's the Big Bank thing, then there's the Living wage thing, then too many rich people have too much money, thing, then there's the I want what you have thing, and it goes on and on. Everyone has a purpose for being there, BUT it seems none of them are there for the same purpose.

Why is it so difficult for our youth, most getting an education paid for by taxpayers, to reason reality? Do our higher institutions of education so corrupt their minds that they cannot think critically, which is what the purpose of higher education is supposed to produce? Take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; before the federal government started buying home mortgages from banks the fed's legislated and "encouraged" the banks to write, some people were not qualified to own homes. In some cases they couldn't afford the mortgage and in many cases, the people didn't even have jobs. Now, Fannie and Freddie are facing bankruptcy; think of that a federal agency going bankrupt.

And we can't forget the postal service. When I was a youth it was a crime to put anything into a residential mailbox. In fact you could face federal prosecution for doing so. But today, the federal post office is going bankrupt. Then there's that pesky little thing called Amtrak; yep, it too is going bankrupt. Yet the youth of our country want to blame everything on the idea that some people have more money than others.

Obama has additionally put this entire country into bankruptcy mode. Our national debt, resembles the thinking behind Amtrak, Fannie and Freddie, or the Postal Service.Well, if a country is in debt, how on earth do these demonstrators think the government can solve the problem of unemployment; the same government that has allowed these massive federal bankruptcies?

Fascism/Socialism can work for a while, perhaps 65 or 75 years. Fidel Castro once said "Socialism does not work", then he recanted and later said "I meant Capitalism", then has gone on to allow Cubans to own property, get licenses for private business and has asked for normal relations with the USA.We see one form of socialism or another across the globe, but we also see the disintegration of those systems. . Countries all over the world are bankrupt; their people massively unemployed and the countries with debts they cannot afford to pay. But our youth, through our higher educational system, have learned to want the same things the other failing countries have. Remember the "catch" phrase from the Rodney King event: "Why can't we all just get along?"; I guess this is what our youth want for today; let's just all  gripe at wealthy Americans, blame them for our failures, and make everyone poor and ignorant.

A solution to most of these problems is actually the opposite of what the youth think is best for this country and its people. The Federal Government should gather the money people into a bunch of rooms and let them know it is about to sell off all its debt-agencies. Let the private sector invest in these failing boondoggles and they will turn those failures into success almost overnight.

I can see some entrepreneur taking over the postal service with all its satellite buildings and "crunch" centers and having a delivery system that would resemble UPS or Fedex, but on the local level. A lot of people still want their bills delivered to the house; some do not have the internet services that snail-mail has overtaken, but there is still a need for snail-mail. There are catalogs, CD's, magazines, internet purchases that have to be delivered, monthly household bills etc. that still need scrutiny and people want to have that physical paper to deal with and to keep records with. Snailmail does not have to be a daily thing, in fact once or twice a week would be more than sufficient; vendors would need to know the schedule and meet those mailings accordingly.

Amtrak would be a fantastic private service that would gradually expand to reach more and more cities and provide varying services locally.

The banking industry, which is flush with cash would like nothing better than to have the Fed's get out of their way and allow them to "buy-back" those losing mortgages, without all the previous government intervention. Banks are in the business of making money; that's what they do and they know how to get that done.

You know, this time, I might make a sincere effort to meet others in DC who are demonstrating for returning this county back to the people. A demonstration that could actually cause the believers in Capitalism to get a backbone and throw the lobbyists out of DC, declare this country a Republic, sovereignly appointed by God, for and by the people as under the Constitution. Would you?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Ever since the "Contract with America" I just couldn't find a way to like Newt Gingrich. I didn't like his "not me" boyish grin and I still don't. I didn't like it when he posed with Hilary Clinton and tried to promote a National Health Care program and I didn't like it when he posed with Nancy Pelosi warning America about "Global Warming". But I have to admit, he is a pretty good historian and quite an intellectual "thinker".

I'm all about "thinking". Sometimes I lose the people I'm talking to when I start to "wander". I like thinking; I also like to talk with thinkers. We might never solve problems, but we come up with some pretty good ways problems can be solved.

Now Newt; he's going after the whole idea of trying to become President. Mostly because he "thinks" he has some of the solutions to solving Americas problems. This is where the twist comes in: Newt has gone from "thinking" to "believing" he has the solutions and wants to act on them rather than just "think" about them.

I have always been against Executive Orders because I can never figure out where they end. I mean a President seems to be able to issue these things when ever he feels like it, and no one in the Senate or House of Representatives contests them. So the next question is, why do we need 535 politicians in the Senate and House, if the President can just "issue" these orders? But Newt has come up with an idea that adds to the grating of my nerves: He now wants to become President, so the day after he is inaugurated, he will issue from 50 to 250 "Executive Orders" to virtually undo what Obama has done, and he has a web site asking you to offer other things you would like to see, "undone" by Executive Order. He's calling this the "21st Century Contract with America", or some other silly such thing.

I never did like the idea of the "Contract with America". I "think" the whole thing was childish, so this one is so much worse, to me; and that boyish grin.....!

Newt Gingrich has a lot to offer. He is a very smart man, but he is still a big part of the Establishment Repubs. These guys put up the money, than want to run the show. Newt might issue those executive orders the day after he is inaugurated, but after that, he will be "dictated" to by the big money establishment Repubs.

BUT, we have to ask ourselves: will it be worth it?  Look, Newt might be just another Bush, but IF he actually does issue those orders, he will not only undo the Obama administration, but he would effectively restore American values, business, and prosperity. Those executive orders would re-open the American entrepreneurialism like we have never seen. I "think" there would be a return of money and business to this country that would create so many jobs we would have to quickly decide what to do about immigration, because with all the abortions performed in the last 35 years, this country would not have enough people to fill the jobs this would create.

But I worry about what his 4 years or 8 years as President would otherwise do. Since he has matched himself up with Pelosi and Clinton, can we expect that his Presidency would push for carbon credits or limit coal fired energy plants? Would his implied similar "thinking" cause Americans to have to join a National Healthcare Program like Mitt Romney tried in Mass. or Obama tried to push on all of us? He hasn't distanced himself from either of these issues so it is fair to believe he supports their concepts.

BUT, Newt might just be the best alternative Conservatives and all of Americans, have. We are mainly concerned with restoring America to its God given, God directed glory: and no one is perfect. Do we elect Newt, "thinking" there might be some things about him we will regret; or do we vote for someone we already disagree with, while hoping they would do right?

I know! Why don't we vote for Newt Gingrich for President, and then vote a bunch of conservatives into the Senate to keep him in check? Those guys in the House of Representatives have already got our back; a few more in the Senate might just clinch what the grass roots people are looking for.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I smell a new book coming "I am Audacious and to heck with you"; author: The Obamanator.

Is it even possible that Obama cares so little for America and its people that he just dismisses and ignores the obvious? As if Solyndra wasn't bad enough, he approves ANOTHER boondoggle even greater than the first. And the topper is the number two man at this new adventure is Nancy Pelosi's relative. Good gravy man, at least have the decency of not sticking your middle finger in the air at the American taxpayer.

So let's see; $535 million dollars to construct a business that makes solar panels for $6 apiece and sells them for $3 (and not seeing that this is a loosing proposition), then on to another "shovel ready" construction job of  $737 million dollars, for the construction of a solar powered generating plant. Just these two "investments" costs taxpayers $ 1 billion, 272 million dollars, adding a grand total of 45 jobs. You tell me, what private company would you invest in, if it did this sort of thing?

But that's not the end of it; the Obama administration has approved another $1.2 billion dollars to yet another Solar loser by the name of Abengoa Solar. Now we're at $2.4 BILLION dollars, and there are at least 1300 other "technologies" getting over $150 million dollars.

Folks, have you ever heard of FASCISM? With all its diabolical tenets, the one that sticks in my craw the most is the idea of Government Nationalization of a significant number of businesses, all the while maintaining the existing elites.

Mussolini promoted ambiguity about fascism's positions, as long as they involved the "bureaucratisation  of the economic activity of a nation".  Is that what is going on here, sound like that to you?

Roger Griffin in the 1990's defined Fascism as "....elite led, but a populist "armed party" politics promising radical politics to "rescue" a nation...".  One of the main focuses of Fascism is to transform social relations within a modern self determined culture through the use of mass mobilisation, with a positive view of violence. Kind of like Obama when he goes to one of his union meetings and tries to incite the crowds with chants and statements of class warfare.

Obama has supporters who do actually promote violence and have even named the cities in which we can expect to see that occur in the coming months. Our founders would have called that sedition: "the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power; or encouraging one's citizens to rebel against their state". This is not simply a matter of protesting, or demonstrating. Sedition is the call for people to "rebel" against the status quo for no other reason than the direct incitement of disorder and violence.

The left wing of our political system constantly promotes disunity. The majority of news media facilities, promote disunity, and besmirch their opponents, and they do this openly on television, radio and in the news; albeit they have fewer and fewer viewers. None the less, there exists an apparatus to publicly promote this kind of behavior, and we should be mindful of it.

This is going to be a very grueling year. With the general election coming in 14 months, the Progressives (Fascists) will spew out their venom; the news media will try to persuade you even more than they have been doing (how come we don't get a daily count of the soldiers killed in "Obama's" war, like we did when it was "Bush's" war, or those American flag draped coffins?) that ours is a Democratic Nation ( I remind you it is a Republic), in need of "change". There will be ongoing investigations of possible illegal activity like the giving away of hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to "chosen" businesses: there will be more and more and louder and louder "demonstrations" like the recent one on wall street. We'll hear more of the failures of the Obama "investments": The political debates will get more shrill. This election cycle is an "all or nothing" battle between ideologies: Fascism or Capitalism; a Democracy or a Republic. You'll even wonder yourself who is on your side because sometimes even the R's sound like D's, and that is the fault of the 2 party system the XVII amendment, and the bastardization of the electoral college system, but you need to make yourself well informed. The elections in 2012 WILL make a difference. We need conservative Senators, more than a conservative President, and after the elections we need to hold hearings, then prosecute the guilty and send them off to jail. Enough of this Politically Correct stuff. Let's clean house and put this country back on the Right track. Restore Capitalism, Freedom and the ability to pursue your dreams, without all those dang rules and regulations that protect a fish no one knew existed at the expense of losing thousands of acres of productive farmland; or put people back to work by drilling for oil, instead of giving tax payers money to foreign countries so they can drill, or how about a new energy source like natural gas, which would make the USA the Saudi Arabia of the world. Let them come to us once again, and buy what we have to offer.

America is the leader of the free world and needs to act like it again. America is the shining light upon a hill. American ingenuity is admired by the world and they want to be like us, let's stop trying to be like them.
We need to elect people who will help us to hold our heads up high and not be ashamed of who we are. We need to once again unleash the entrepreneurialism of America within the private sector and let the free market pick winners and losers instead of a political party doing the picking.

Monday, September 19, 2011


As you can see, I've renamed my blog: make changes for yourself where ever you need to in order for us to keep in touch.

First I want to give you a link to investigate. It has some gobble-dee-gook, but it isn't very hard to get through the stats so you can learn the truth about who pays taxes, and how much.

President Obama gave a stump speech this morning, trying to make it sound like he was interested in solving the financial crisis this country is in, and has been in for some 3 years. Obama swaggered out with the standard Progressive class warfare rhetoric. You have to ask yourself: Who are the people responsible for the debt crisis this country is in? Who is responsible for confiscating money from hard working Americans? Who writes and makes the laws? So, why are the Americans told they have to "pay their fair share", as if we haven't already.

For almost 100 years these politicians have been making this law and tweeking that law until rules, regulations and legislation have become a strangle hold on Americans, and now, after some of us have been successful despite the attempts of the politicians to make us all slaves of the Federal Government, we are told we are greedy; that we don't have a right to be successful and wealthy and to be certain of that, the Fed's want to take more of what we earn. BUT, the "Feds" still want more than 50% of Americans to NOT pay taxes, so they can almost be certain of re-election; and they do that by telling you there are some Americans that just simply make too much money and those that do should give it to you, instead of keep it for themselves or reinvest it.

After WWII. times were tough, jobs were hard to come by and to help corporations out, the Federal government agreed to let corporations deduct medical benefits and vacation time as benefits to employees, in order to get this country working again. As time went on, more and more benefits were demanded of corporations, mostly by unions, and finally the Fed's decided to impose HMO's, another boondoggle of the Progressives, spearheaded by Ted Kennedy.

After some 30 years, Politicians decided that HMO's were not working, even after all the tweeking, and pushed corporations to provide Major Medical, PPO's and cafe medical benefits, while allowing those same corporations the right to charge its employees a "copay". In the meantime, the Federal Government began charging the working class of Americans for Medicare, and having the mandatory payment automatically deducted from their paychecks.

Now, the Progressives jammed through the National Health Care bill that reduced Medicare by 500 million dollars and will put an end to people living too long and getting too much medical care, all the while telling you they care about you. And of course you know there isn't a single politician that uses the same medical "benefits" they  require for us.

In summary: Politicians dream up these nightmares, impose them on us, confiscate our earnings to pay for them, do not use them for themselves but have better plans and even those WE are required to pay for, and when we still find a way to survive and succeed, they struggle to find ways to try to get us to envy or fight against each other. But tell me something, did you ever hear of a poor politician? Did you know that most of them will receive 1/2 of their salary as a retirement package after "serving" for just 10 years? And they automatically get a raise every year unless they vote against it. So how much do you think it costs to retire all those millionaires from Washington and pay for their medical benefits, hmmmm?!

And when there just isn't anything more to provoke you with, they roll out the class envy/warfare stuff. Did you ever ask yourself why you might be upset with Bill Gates who has made technology such a everyday necessity for all of us with his computers etc and then Steve Jobs with the ipads and ipods, and while changing the American society and the way we live, they helped to make thousands of millionaires? Why should you be mad or upset with them? Are you not grateful for the standard of living these guys helped to produce for you? Are you not better off because of them? Then why begrudge them their due? Look, you too can go to school, get a degree in computer programming or software design or whatever, and make a bunch of money, instead of listening to the President tell you that they are not paying their fair share. They pay taxes for every penny they work for, then they pay taxes on the money they invest.....would you be better off if they just decided to make ex-amount of money and then stop producing the next great gadget? Why let this President try to convince you that Jobs, Gates, the billionaire Buffett is not paying enough. Remember, it is the politicians that made the tax code; whatever anyone is paying is what the politicians decided they should pay.

Obama acts like he just landed here and shazam, he found out that some people make more money than others or that some are better off than others or that some are willing to work to get more wealth than others. And now he wants to "fix" that. Politicians write the tax code; ask Charlie Rangle who managed to "forget" to pay his taxes or Tim Geithner or Daschal; these rascals write the code, avoid paying their "fair share" and want you to get mad at the guys who are really making a difference.

We don't need class warfare rhetoric; we need a new breed of Politician. Someone who wants every American to have a chance to obtain as much wealth as he wants or can honestly get. There is no reason to limit wealth to just a few. If there are 300 million Americans, then we should all have an equal chance to get as wealthy as we can, and that is not done through taxation. The time is right for a new tax code altogether. The time is right for the Fair Tax to be implemented. Then get out of the way because America will grow and people will prosper according to their own initiative, not by trying to take it away from someone else. Any way, taking money from the wealthiest people in America, is not going to make you better off. You might have bad spending habits or bad investment habits, and taking money from someone else will not solve your problem.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Is it just me or did Obama delay telling the American people about his "get a job" proposal until around the time Solyndra was to announce it was filing for bankruptcy; effectively leaving the "stimulus" expenditure of over 500 million dollars on the door step of the American tax payer? Is he trying to cloud the air with his community organizer styled platform speech making, in an attempt to distract the American people from the reality that all of his stimulus money give aways, was a waste of taxpayers dollars and all the jobs he claims to have created are now lost in the dung heap of cronyism, except those created in Europe?

President Obama has "given" money to so many Green companies that it is hard to keep track, and everyone of them are loosing money or filing for bankruptcy.

I do not think this is the end of this debacle.  Nixon had his own kind of scandal; it might be Obama will have his, and this one will be a doozy: it might even include that Rahm fellow in Chicago.

The stage is set for Hilary Clinton to walk on the scene. She'll offer to take the independents and the Democrats back to the center, "where they should have been", and she'll be a viable candidate in the primary against Obama. WOW!! Who would have seen this coming? But, enter Sarah Palin, to offer a clear difference not only against "the other woman" but also against the Republicans who can't help but shoot themselves in the foot. After all, the GOP is a has been organization needing reform from within, and with-out so the likes of Karl Rove no longer have sway over any candidate in the future. What Hilary can do for the Democratic party, only Sarah can do for the Republican party; it needs to get back to its conservative roots, and she alone, in this election cycle, can do it.

Perry and Romney are Repub big money guys who will hang on to the old ideas that most of us want to get away from. Either of them will return this party back to its own version of cronyism, and we are fed up with that.

Christianity will play a role in this election, as it tried to do with G dubya, but remember even Mormons think of themselves as Christians, and if the terminology of CHRISTIANITY becomes the issue, Katy bar the door.

But for my readers, I offer this; rest assured the Tea Party people will prevail. These grass roots people are so fed up with politics as usual; they want a sea change, not just a new face; and a change for the long term, not just this election cycle.

I only hope that after the election, conservatives continue to pursue and prosecute those who have made a mockery and a sham of our great country and its system. Let's get those in jail who belong there; figure out how they were able to do what they did, and plug those holes so it doesn't happen again. America is too good a country to have scandal after scandal occupy the news instead of how great it is to be an American.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


You have to admit, it isn't very Presidential for Obama to chant, "Pass this bill now", especially in front of a large number of Union people.

It reminds me of the days when the Hippies demonstrated against the colleges and the government and chanted "Why are we here? What do we want?", do you remember those days? Almost anyone could pick up a megaphone and become an organizer, if they could get people to respond to their chants. Well, Barak is doing the same thing, and it disgusts me.

Look, I suggested that Obama would present another WPA like the one that won approval during the mid thirties. The only thing different than that one is Obama's terminology: he likes to call it "Infrastructure", but make no mistake, it is another WPA. Those of you who are computer savvy, look it up. It is so like we are trying to duplicate the 30's all over again; Roosevelt revisited.

This is not 1935 and the reason for America experiencing so much unemployment is because Obama and Ben Bernacke are trying to fix the problems of the 30's, in the year 2011. Unemployment is the result of Obama's spending plans and the lack of the Senate and Congress to establish and pass a budget, and the Federal Reserve printing money and buying American debt. Think about this: America is spending taxpayers money, without even the idea that politicians are required to explain to the taxpayers, what it is their taxes are going to. The only arguments that come out of Washington, are how much and who decides where the money goes.

There is an election coming in just about one year, give or take a month. You had better decide what it is you want this country to look like. The Federal government prosecutes people like Maddoff for his "Ponzi" schemes, but it is even more culpable of doing the same thing, without penalty. Social Security, is a Ponzi scheme; taking over General Motors is a Ponzi scheme with a twist; the twist is that it is fascism at its worst; when the government colludes with business to produce a product the government requires and legislates the people of America to buy. Obamacare was the beginning, but rest assured, it is not going to stop unless we vote the rascals out of office.

Perhaps the special election in New York will tell the story. It isn't Repubs that people want. Instead, voters want to get rid of the Socialists. It might take a Conservative or a Libertarian, or whatever, but voters want a change from the same-o, same-o.

There is absolutely no reason why America is not thriving, prospering and producing.....except for the policies of this current administration and Obama's desire to "bring American down". Don't over react to what I am saying, just give yourself the opportunity to intellectually look at what is going on with this administration, its policies and ask yourself why?!

Do you really want to NOT work so America can save the snail darter, or hope to preserve the Caribou or the Polar Bears? Are you not fed up with the lies that Al Gore keeps spewing; the lies that make him rich and put you on extended unemployment benefits? Do you really believe that America is polluting the world? Do you really think that Conservatives want to poison the water and air their kids and families need to survive? Can you not see past the hood ornament on your car?

People....just take a moment:  Do you lack the self esteem to believe you and your neighbors are potentially one of the great people in this amazing country; a country that the world truly relies on in THEIR time of need? A country built upon individual exceptionalism? Wake up and smell the putrid stench of the Democratic party and the debasing of America they are putting you through. This country is admired throughout the world, but the last few years she has suffered under the influence of people who want to see  her debased and leveled. The flag is something we can all rally around and we must find that American spirit within ourselves to help restore her to her greatness; a greatness that only Americans are capable of. "Dam the torpedoes", let's get this country rocking and rolling again; the world needs this country to be prosperous and a beacon for other countries to emulate. We need people in Washington who want this country to once again, "be the shining light upon a hill". We need people in Washington who believe in our exceptionalism, our entrepreneurialism, out competitiveness. We need people in Washington who want to set loose the ideas, the innovations, the creativity of the people of this country, whose ancestors came here to do the same and founded a simple document, called the Constitution that has guided and led this country and its people.

We do not need organizers or verbal thugs in Washington, we need elected officials who want to see the citizens and the country of America, leading the world in a standard of living and prosperity no other country has been able to duplicate.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Christianity, Islam, and Judaism make up some 54% of those professing a belief in a Creator thus granting them the status of being religious. And each of these "religions" are awaiting the end of the time or world as we know it, so their Messiah can rule and reign over the earth. Christianity includes many sects, like Catholic, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Anglican, Mormonism, Evangelicalism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Quakers, and a few others I never heard of; Islam is made up primarily of Sunni and Shiite's but there are other sects within Islam, like the "Nation of Islam" which is made up of primarily a black population.Within each main religion, there are sects that deviate from the other, yet describe themselves as adherents to the main.

Not accounting for the sects, which person who claims to be sent by GOD, are we supposed to believe and follow, and where is the proof, they are divinely sent? Because of "stronger" attachments to ones religion, people "feel" a closeness to God they want others to believe is genuine, making that person so in touch with God, he "must" be sent to do a specific deed for God. Sound familiar?

In Christianity, the Apostles were "sent" by God and the evidence of that was what they actually did. None of their work was to promote themselves, but to promote God and Jesus Christ, who Himself was sent for a purpose and not to promote Himself. His death on the cross, and His resurrection is the basis for the belief Christians have as opposed to Judaism, which does not believe Jesus is the Messiah, yet they both have very strong similarities. The Bible states that the eyes of the Jewish people have been blinded because of their constant disobedience to God, and when the time of the Gentiles is filled, the scales will be removed. Then the similarities will be better understood.

But we still have a problem with Islam and all the other religions because they never unite, or come together. For Islam, their goal is to make everyone a Muslim, or a slave, and not divinely, but out of fear. On the other hand, Christians are always busy trying to teach the idea of God's only begotten Son, to anyone who will listen, and the conversion of those souls can be laid at the feet of Jesus, and not the work of a man or the fear of becoming a slave, and many of those missionaries have died while trying to reach the lost with the teachings of the Bible. None-the-less, there still are those who are so strongly steeped in their beliefs, that they are "trusting" God will protect them as they enter the world of the most debased sinner. They feel they are being "sent" by God to evangelize the lost, with no right to that claim other than their own emotional drive.

Outside of the political arena, it seems those claiming to be sent are confident they are being sent to promote their religion, and they do not show up wearing political clothes or sheep skins: they show up claiming, up-front, their reason for being there; their beliefs; their religion; their hopes they can convince you to believe what they do.

So now we are down to the crux of the matter: does anyone think God is so capable of creating all that is, in its divine intricacies, with details humans are still trying to figure out and understand, and yet need the help of someone to make better legislation? And with what divinity does this person claim he or she acts? Those same people can show you that the Bible they profess to read and practice to follow, tells us God turns the hearts of the King, and it is God who makes a man to do His will (remember Noah, Moses, and Jonah?). Then why should anyone believe that the people of today are "sent" by God?

There is historical evidence that God DID us people to further His plan, but only history can show that to be the case, not the claims of a person being sent to do something for God. God used Moses, Abraham, Job, and many others, who could claim "thus saith the Lord" because prior to Jesus, God spoke to chosen people. After Jesus, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, God no longer has to speak to us; we have His word which tells us how we should live; He doesn't have to "send" someone.

As Christians, we are supposed to live according to the Bible, and that means as politicians we are supposed to enact Godly, Righteous principles. Doing so, does not permit you to claim you were "sent" to do that. But doing so can be evidence that God used you for that purpose. As Christians, we are obligated to live righteous lives, no matter the outcome, because our faith is in God doing His will, not ours. In the end, what will happen will be what God wants to happen. We cannot change that, no matter what we claim or what political party we belong to. GOD can and will change the hearts of the leaders as He sees fit, and only when He sees fit to do so. You might be used by God to accomplish that, but please do not ever claim God "sent you to do this or that". If it is Biblically based, it is what God wants you to do and it can be known by any man who is willing to read what "thus saith the Lord".

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Traditional or Evangelical Christianity has a major flaw that gives the people who believe this way, strength for the sinfully polluted world they live in. That flaw is their belief that a Rapture will whisk them all away just before the destruction of the world. In fact, many, while wanting to see more people believe in Jesus Christ, actually want to see the end of the world as we know it, both, so they can be raptured into "utopia" and secondly to put an end to Satans' reign.

Modern Evangelicalism is a mirror of the beliefs Islam has: their Messiah will return and inaugurate the Caliphate to establish a world religion. Evangelicals are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ so God can reclaim a new world for HIMSELF,  through HIS SON, who will rule the world.

Most religions have "grave" similarities, even the American Indians speak of the Great Spirit and the flood.

Islam speaks of the origin of their religion stemming from Abraham, just as the Jews do, but these religions have different names for GOD; they also diverge from Abraham onward and the people have become solemn enemies; God promised Abraham a son; Abraham thought he had to help God out because Sarah, his wife, was to old to bare a child, so Abraham fornicated with a concubine. The promise to Abraham by GOD was fulfilled via the Holy Spirit who caused Sarah to become pregnant and bore a son named Issac; but Abraham was trying to accomplish what God intended to be a miracle, through the efforts of the flesh and got Hagar pregnant who bore a son named Ischamael. Islam follows the line of Ischmael and Israel follows the line of Issac, and that is what the Christians of today believe is the crux of the battle between Islam and the Jewish people.

The premise of Christianity is based upon the "promise and the flesh"; the Spirit and flesh; Holiness and sinfulness. From the Garden of Eden onward God has proven to be the ONE WHO controls the destiny of mankind, because mankind even then, disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, and will always choose from the emotions within, but God always does what is right. God, through His promise to Abraham, produced a SON called Jesus the Christ (God is with us), the Savior of the world. The Jewish people are still waiting for their Messiah as are the Muslims, but Christians believe JESUS IS the Messiah, and have been given proof by virtue of their spiritual "salvation"; again the miracle promises of God.

All religions today profess to be following God. Some people within those religions claim God talks to them; some claim they are being led or used by God, claiming God wants them to run for this office or that one. The problem is, none of the sinners of the world, and we are all sinners, know God very well. Many of us claim to be doing HIS will, while others claiming the same, do different things than you. One General prays before a battle while another does the same and only one General can claim God has blessed their efforts. Politicians pray before voting on some specific bill, and claim God led them to their vote, while others are doing the same but the votes are different.

All of the world makes continual efforts to right the wrongs created over time, but the politicians in office at the time of the legislation, are the ones who think they are doing the "righting", and they criticize the previous politicians of failing to act, and on and on it goes. Most politicians, even those in socialist or communist countries, seem to have a "barometer" within themselves. They legislate based on right and wrong. A concept that is not natural to mankind, UNLESS he truly is created by and governed by a Righteous Being. Otherwise, where does the concept of right and wrong come from?

But we still have the over-arching problem: WHO is right? WHAT is the right thing to do? Is your plan or idea motivated by a higher power? Is HE encouraging you? Is HE sending you  to do HIS will? If we trust and believe anyone, who is that person? How can we know who is the right person? Are we supposed to be following someone sent from "above"? And, in the end, does it matter, if everyone is hoping to usher in a "Utopia" at the expense of those who do not believe them? Is there supposed to be a "Utopia"? Can Satan be defeated? Is there really, a Satan? Does Islam want what the Christians want? Where does that leave the Jewish people? And then, where does that leave the rest of the people who do not subscribe to ANY of the aforementioned religions?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I cannot write all that this subject requires in only one blog, so I'll write enough to provoke you in 3 blogs so please read each one.

"Traditional" Christianity takes readers to the books of Daniel and Revelation, to explain their understanding of the "end times" and all that, that entails. Most Christians today believe there is a Beast, an Anti-Christ, and the time when there will be the exposing of the Beast, which will bring in the end time revolt, called Armageddon, which is necessary to bring the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The problem with this is that  first; those that believe this way, do not allow for the sovereignty of God to determine what and when the end time will occur; and secondly, do not allow for God to do what God deems is required. Most of these Christians believe in some sort of "evolution theology": a theology that implies that God set things in motion, and as time and events occur HIS plan becomes apparent to us as it evolves, given the politics and the societal changes, which allows the world to "see" the "end times" coming. In other words, things occur which lead us all to know that the end of man and his sinful ways, is near. Some see the inevitable war between the Muslims and Christians; the ushering in of the Caliphate, as the prelude to Armageddon.

Reformed theology does not accept this "evolutionary" doctrine. The Apostle Paul gave Christians reformed theology, but time, sinful man, and Satan, perverted that teaching to the extent that today, Christianity is so convoluted that there are various sects or denominations which have their own literature, teachers, and understanding of Biblical teaching, and they command an audience.

Like politics; Progressives have a news media willfully promoting a progressive/social agenda;  modern Christianity has its literature and prominence on the radio, in books and even on television. The Reformed teaching is almost alien to Christians today, and when presented, there is an attack from those Christian moderns, claiming that Reformed teaching or Presbyterian teaching is anathema to Christianity.

Reformed believers do not believe that certain events and sinful man have anything to do with the end of this world and its sinfulness. Reformed believers believe that GOD can do what HE wills to a people and a universe HE created, when HE decides to do it.

This is not as simple as I have just written, which is why I want you to return to this blog for additional understanding. But let me say this: God did not ask anyone how the world should be made nor did HE ask how the creatures and all that this world has, should be made and made to co-exist. Why does any man think he has the right to decide how GOD will bring about the end? Is it even necessary for GOD to explain it to us or to let us be a part of the end of this sin-filled world? The Old Testament is filled with the awesomeness of GOD and HE never asked us for our input. Instead, HE allowed mankind to share in what HE was doing or going to do.

Politicians today, are presenting a Christianity that does not line up with Scripture. Bachmann, or Perry talk of a world they believe God has led them to be a part of so HE can be seen by the world. It is as if GOD needs them to do what HE wants to do: as if HE wants sinners to "see" or "understand".

If any man alive today cannot see that a Supreme Being has created all that is; ththe teachings of HIS Disciples and HIS Son. Maybe we should be reading the Bible to "see" what GOD wants us to know? Maybe we should doubt anyone who claims GOD has sent them to run for political office.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


1935 and Roosevelt gave America the WPA (Works Project Administration) which was instituted by Executive order and can be done again, by this President; I believe, Obama will return from his vacation, with a program very similar.

For those of you out of work and wanting to be employed, earning an income to be able to provide for your families and have a few cents left over to spend as you please, the WPA is NOT the panacea for you or for your neighbor.

Government can only provide work, not jobs. Jobs are made when a business provides a product or service which generates an exchange of money, for that product or service which is then re-invested into the business for upgrades or expansions. The employee, would then take his earned income and "reinvest" it into his pleasures and needs, then return to his job for more of the same. When the government puts people to work, there is no income generated for either the government OR the employee because the money that is used to develop the work first had to taken away from someone else, because the government does not produce a profitable service or a product that can be traded on the open market. A WPA, or any similar program, takes money from already cash strapped people either in higher taxes, or in revenue generators like fees, or charges, and continues to do so for the length of the life of the WPA.

The WPA of the thirties, gave work to people to build public buildings, or roads or publicly owned or operated utilities. But there were additional caveats, then. A husband and wife could not work for the WPA, because the wife would be taking money away from another man and his family. Firehouses were built, miles of water lines were run, but also remember, UNIONS did not yet rule. It would impossible for me to believe unions would give up any jobs, and certainly not the benefits, just to put people to work.

However, I can further see Obama inflating the unions by making this work available through them, thereby increasing the size of unions, and adding to their clout, at tax payers expense. Actually, THAT would be a brilliant idea. He could satisfy the unions at the same time, paying them back and increasing His support through them. Likely, the new union members would show their appreciation by voting for him in the next election.

Work, under those conditions, would go to those states that do not have right to work laws, where unions do not prevail. East and West coasts would see a large increase in union membership, and an increase in the flow of money generated through this program. Taxpayers would be funding the very administration that would make them and their families irrelevant in the future.

This is a lot like the Dictatorships of Communist countries, where the citizens are told what to do, when, and where and are given a stipend for their existence. I remember seeing pictures of maybe one hundred Chinese people sweeping the snow off the walk-ways of Tiananmen Square. Is this what you want America to become?

Keeping busy, is not the same as being employed; the end results are different. The employed man has plans and dreams, the worker has nothing but what THAT day gives him.

This may be 2011, and I hope I am wrong, but for a Socialist like Obama, the WPA is his next best idea. If he is successful, he might earn a page in history; .....and a few extra union voters.


Compasses are one of the tools we use to acquire navigational direction, both on land and sea. But what America is lacking is a Moral Compass, which gives us "directions" on interpersonal matters.

Our Country was founded on Judeao-Christian principles. These included the ideas that promote freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles helped to form laws to govern society with, so we could all live in freedom, while being able to protect the properties and wealth we might have acquired.

The Republic that was "given" to us by our founding fathers, requires us to maintain those principles in order to keep it. Over the years, we have "learned" to call this nation a democracy, and it isn't; again it is a Republic, governed by democratic principles. But by calling it a democracy, politicians have removed the needle in our compass.  And if you have a compass that doesn't have a needle, you will never know what direction you are going in.

That needle the politicians removed is the God of our religion. Any religion which speaks of a Supreme Being, a Creator of everything, by definition, has built into it, morals. Lust, Envy, Coveting, are antithetical to the principles this country was founded on. No matter what religion you practice, these emotions are the enemies of a Godly, effective religion.  If Americans practice the religion they proclaim to support, than why are so many, panting after what the other guy has?
More than 70% of Americans claim to be Christians, yet one has to ask: "Why do all these people allow a government to take away so much of what they have been able to acquire"? Americans now live by the creeds of the politicians (a lot of whom make no claim to believing in the God of the Universe) who "pit man against man". These politicians create an anger in Americans who do not have as much as the other guy. They make it sound as though the other guy has what he has because he took it from others, so let's take it back and give it someone else. More over, why are they allowing themselves to be duped by the politicians who almost never leave their elected positions, poorer than when they entered? Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

These politicians have created a haves and haves not society that wants to take wealth away from those who have worked for it and earned it. And the oddest thing is, there is still more wealth left to obtain  It isn't a zero-sum gain (it isn't like there is only so much money in the world and only a few have most of it). Wealth IS a Christian virtue. Innovative ideas, hard work, and the accumulation of property and money is a goal every American should have. Wealth is NOT limited. Everyone can be wealthy, it is up to the individual to acquire it, and a compass with a working needle will give you the directions you need to pursue those liberties, freedoms and wealth.

Americans need to return to their Faith. Faith in God who has given directions, morals, and principles in all of our interpersonal matters.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


Okay, we're all done with Ames Iowa and almost everyone is excited that Michelle Bachmann won THAT vote. But more importantly, Ron Paul came in second.

Look, Ron Paul scares a lot of people, and a lot of would-be politicians like Santorum, but the truth of his positions lies deeply in the butchering of the Constitution by the Progressives and Establishment Repub's for over 65 years.

Ron Paul wants to reduce our military: Well, he's right when you first realize the Constitution does not provide for a military, but rather a Militia and a Navy; there is no place in the Constitution for a National Guard, either; that is the Politicians way of violating the Constitution and getting rid of the Militia's, then using the name National Guard so the Federal Government has control over the local defenders of this great nation. Just think of that for a minute ......National Guard.

Now the National Military is comprised of an Air Force, a Navy, an Army and the Marine well as the National Guard, none of which are Constitutional.  I believe Ron Paul and I are alike on this next concern: If a foreign country needs America's help, we must first declare war, send in our forces to remove or nullify the oppressors, then come back home. There will be collateral damage, otherwise we cannot help. And we need to do this ASAP, not prolong it. Then let the people of that country determine their future and the kind of government they want, not us. This country has no right to determine what other countries should look like. If we present ourselves as a free sovereign nation, wanting to live and thrive in a world community that wants to have peace and trade policies all over the world, we would not get ourselves involved with having to defend our enemies with our fortunes and lives. Let those countries settle their issues within their own borders: we did .... it was called a Civil War, and we wouldn't want other countries invading us to tell us how we should establish our government. Ron Paul wants to bring home troops that 1. Have been stationed on Military bases throughout the world for decades, like Germany, Japan, and Korea. 2. He wants to use these men to protect OUR borders, and not spend taxpayers money to use them to protect a foreign country's borders while ours are allowing illegals to infiltrate this country. 3. America has been fighting a war in the Middle East for over 10 years, and it has cost this country trillions of dollars which adds to the reason why politicians wanted to raise the debt ceiling. So, we borrow money to fight a war, that has never been declared, and there is no end game. Does that really make sense to you?

Ron Paul wants to eliminate a lot of departments and agencies within the Federal Government: well these too are unConstitutional. The Federal Government is limited by the Constitution so "We the People" cannot be governed by politicians and bureaucracy's. Here's a few that are unconstitutional: welfare, health care, affordable housing, retirement security, or how about requiring seat belts in cars, or the posting of the calories in fast foods, then there's public education funded by property taxes, and where do they get the right to tax private property? So, if you take seriously the need for this country to return to the Constitution, then many of these agency's and many, many others have got to go, and "We the People" will once again govern our own lives and fortunes.

So don't let Ron Paul scare you; TEA PARTY PATRIOTS want the same things. This grass roots movement scares the terminal life-long Politician. The "lifers" want power over you, and Ron Paul stirs up the pot against these people. YOU are the ones who can make a difference. Maybe it isn't Ron Paul you like, but no matter who it is, don't vote for the TV "personality politician". Santorum operates from a convoluted perspective of what has happened to the Constitution; Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty are all one the "Establishment Repubs". They are entrenched in the system and need to be pulled out like a weed, by the roots.

There is a desperate need for "Constitutionalists" but make certain that is what you are voting for. Personality should play no part in this election; look what it has gotten us so far.

Don't let the truth scare you. Get a copy of the Constitution, read it and learn it. It is not long. Ron Paul is the messenger, don't condemn him for telling you what the Constitution says.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Please forgive me folks: my computer has been on the fritz: maybe the Fed's don't like what I have to say: and after almost 2 weeks I have it back, but with a different operating system and ...........w'alll, thinbs aren't going as smoothly as they used to.

Yeah there is a lot to be said, and I'll get back to you, just as soon as I am confident me and this machine are compatico.

Friday, July 29, 2011


 A lot of talk about "We want to see the Presidents budget" or "Where is Harry Reids budget?", but we have that rascally thing called the Constitution. While the members in the House are being hampered with their budget proposals, they keep crying for the Senate to offer one, and one day, the House will make themselves so irrelevant that the Senate will take over that responsibility, willingly.

Even though there are over 80 Tea Party members in the House, someone forgot to tell them that Article I Section 7 of the Constitution says, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may PROPOSE or CONCUR with the amendments as on other bills".

No one is responsible for revenue bills other than the House, not even the President. The fact that the Senate and the President have promised to kill or veto the bill that comes out of the House is their prerogative. The House is not obligated to do anything more than present a bill. If the Senate kills it, and offers no amendments than the business of establishing revenue expenditures is over. The country comes to a halt!  Or does it?

The XIVth Amendment, Section 4 says, "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law,.............shall not be questioned". What this means is that when the Democratically controlled House and Senate passed TARP, and the bailout packages, and directed Mr. Geithner to spend it any way he thought was best, AND the Republicans agreed to that concept.....Those acts became authorized by law, and the XIVth Amendment is the constitutionally governing edict when we run into a scenario like we have now; the Senate cannot see their way to agreeing with the Repubs on the "presented" budget, er-go there has to be a fall-back position whereby the United States does not come to a standstill.

The founders, remember, were citizens of Monarchies and oppressive rulers so they decided ways to make free people able to function, collectively as a Nation (13 states at the time), even when additional states were added to the Union. These additional states were obligated to whatever action had been taken in the past. It was a way to keep the Nation growing, while assuring the other states and other nations in the world, that the Constitution that binds us together, is perpetual and no one needs to be concerned if the American Nation will meet its obligations made with past representatives, at least until, by law, one bill or rule is superseded by the newer one.

See, that's where the Progressives have it all over the rest of us. They have a working knowledge of the Constitution; the rest of us want to play act within the Constitution and are ignorant of the ways of our opponents. We keep trying to work within the sometimes altered, sometimes amended Constitution while the opposite party applies the Constitution as they go along. To not have a budget for over 810 days, means the Progressives already had an idea what they were doing. If per chance the repubs took over the House, the Progressives had a fall-back position; the XIVth amendment. The Senate does not have to agree with the House on anything, much less a budget, and if the President is backing the Senate up with a veto threat that cannot be over-ridden, you have a stale-mate. So the President has a "no-budget, budget" he can continue to apply until after the next election, or even longer if the Progressives maintain control of the Senate. And if they regain the House, then you might as well understand that this country will devolve into a dictatorship, it is one election away from that happening. (A good reason to repeal the XVIIth amendment).

So what can be done? Nothing!

Citizens can only affect change through elections, and this country NEEDS a new Senate, but that is 1 year away. The 2 party system in this country has got to be changed, even if Rush doesn't think so. We can't continue our freedoms and liberties with a 2 party system, because of what is now happening in the Senate and the Presidency. Party affiliation is the a boondoggle that chokes this nation at every turn.

We need a restoration in many areas of our lives, but we need people who will campaign, and run on the notion that they will do what they can to bring a repeal of the XVIIth amendment to the citizenry as soon as possible.


Pelosi has stated "we have to save the world", and the Democratic US Senate cannot find a compromise it can accept from the House of Representatives, which can only lead you to one conclusion.....Obama will use the XIVth Amendment to raise the debt ceiling, but he'll include "shared sacrifices" and add the taxes he thinks are needed.

Bill Clinton recently alluded to this to Alisyn Camerota, but while Bill is a Progressive first, I think he is trying to pave the way for Hilary to enter the Primary race with a tone of civility for the Democrats and Liberals to vote for.

Obama has been losing support for some time, and this will push him over the edge, but there will also be a lot of democrats who will follow him like Lemmings. This time, I don't know if Bill is as clever as he thinks he is, or I could be totally wrong and Bill is setting up the dictorial workings of the Progressive movement.

This is their last hoorah, because if the Senate loses this fight, the Tea Party people will come out like never before to "overthrow", by election, the Democrats who now hold power in the Senate. But dictorial powers will not only "save" the budget, but they can try to enforce some policies America is not ready for.

 This is not going to end good. George Soros stands to become the first trillionaire, and America stands to fall into the ashes of history; a place she may never come out of.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


There they go again; he said, she said, they're immature, no you are blah blah blah.
The debt ceiling sounds like it should be important to America, but for the last umpteen years, almost every six months the debt ceiling is raised. It doesn't matter who the President is. So how is it the case that this needs to be done so often? GIVEAWAYS!! Yup, those good ole entitlements everyone loves to get but no one wants to pay for. They range from earned income tax credit, to mortgage interest right-offs, to education, free lunch programs, head start programs, illegal aliens going to college programs, national healthcare, farm subsidies, and all other sorts of subsidies, food stamps, and all of these have got to be paid for. First, the politicians "give" them to you, now you'll re-elect them into power because the opponent doesn't have the clout or party behind him to do the same thing then they have to borrow more money to pay for these, so they have to raise the limit which they can borrow .... it's the "good ole boy's" system, and that all started back in 1913.

Here's how we got there and it is also the simple way of getting out of this eternal mess: America has to repeal the XVIIth Amendment. It is that rascally amendment that made electing US Senators by popular vote instead of the Constitutional way of having the states send representatives to DC.

Citizens have control over their state elections to the extent they can oust a politician very easily, every election cycle. It is the Legislators we elect that elect US representatives for us....they are in DC to make certain each state is represented, and not a political party, but THAT no longer happens.

Think about this, why is there only a 2 party system. If fact, why is there a party of any kind? It's because lobbyists and big money people can get votes the way they want them, citizens be damned. Rules in each state make it almost impossible to get someone elected who is not endorsed by one of the 2 major parties. If they do get elected, they cannot get a good committee seat. Maybe they can't get their bills presented for a vote. AND If they have a good bill, they will have to agree to vote for something else, even if they are opposed to it, or their bill doesn't get presented. You see where I'm going. And all of this can be changed so our state representatives can once again represent us and not those people or companies that can donate large sums of money to their campaign (and then whom do you think they will vote to represent?).

A lot of things will change with the repealing of the XVIIth Amendment because rules will have to be changed in both DC houses. I seriously doubt that pork barrel will ever be what it is today. There are over 50,000 lobbyists, oh yeah, a lot of them are X-politicians in DC, and K-Street will have to send those people packing. Remember, popularly elected party politicians do not have your best interest at heart. They reach out to their old friends, they give themselves raises and medical and retirement packages for merely "serving" just 10 years in office (the DC Congress has increased its wealth by over 3,690% this are you doing?) and they argue over the debt ceiling they cause to have to be raised. It's not you or me that makes this happen. The politicians enact programs they do not have the Constitutional authority to enact, then they raise the debt ceiling to borrow more money to administer these programs, and down the road either raise taxes to pay for them or they increase fees, or enact pay-go as if it is our gluttony they are trying to solve.

Read what the XVIIth Amendment says, then look at what Article 1. section 3 says; the Amendment changed just 4 words but it polluted the process immeasurably. Now look at your US Senate and tell me if that gang of 100, 90 year men can be stopped by repeal. Restore the power to the people by way of the Constitution. A revolution was fought to give it to us; men lost their wealth and fortunes to give it to us; can you find it in your heart to give up your entitlements and restore the power of DC back to the people?

Call or write your state representatives and seek to have the XVIIth Amendment repealed so Article 1. section 3. can once again, be the law of the Constitution. Send those vultures packing. They've profited from our ignorance and complacency for too long.