You know, Roman Catholicism is a very ancient religion. The followers of Muhammad were not the first to oppose Christianity; the Roman Catholics were. In ancient times, Christians fought against Christians because they differed in their beliefs. For example the Arians did not believe in the trinity and were so adamant in their beliefs they would literally slaughter any Christian who believed otherwise.
But the followers of Muhammad were not prejudiced; they opposed anyone that did not follow Muhammad, and do till this day. It is the ancient battle of the flesh versus the spirit; Ishmael vs. Isaac
The Roman Catholics are called that because theirs was the religion of The Roman Empire. They were sanctioned by the Romans to clear the surrounding lands of non-believers who would not follow the Roman, Catholic rule, especially after Constantine converted to Catholicism.
Through the religious wars, the Popes actually developed an army, or in some cases, hired mercenaries to destroy any man, woman and child who would not "bow" to the Pope and his authority as the religious leader of the then known world.
To this day, Catholics call themselves Christians because the word Catholic is used in the Bible to mean the universal church, but the Catholic version of Christianity is just another sect or denomination, like the Arians, which believes you are not a Christian unless you abide by the Roman Catholic tenets, and believe the Pope is the vicar of God and that he can make various rulings regarding Christian beliefs.
Admittedly, they have a problem within themselves because it seems each church in any town USA follows what they want to believe, and disregard the Pope on many issues. Don't forget, the Catholic religion has a huge monkey on its back: homosexual priests taking advantage of altar boys and congregants (that doesn't seem to Christian to me), and this contraceptive/abortion issue.
Many "converts" today, like Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh, practice some sort of Catholic religion, and probably between them, they differ as well. None the less, two out of three do have a good deal of influence on the American people, and the other is trying to have influence on the American people. And if you listen to any one of them speak, they do so, contrary to what is called Christian theology. To a man, politics comes first to them, then if there is room, they throw in their religious "flavor" to one or two subjects.
Each one will claim to be speaking as a Christian, but as I pointed out in the first paragraph, Christians were being literally tortured and slaughtered for their beliefs; with these guys you can hardly tell they believe in God, let alone stand up against the enemies of God.
I have heard Sean and Rush repeatedly say that the human condition is basically good, and that there is a desire within every human being to be free and prosper. And in doing so, all of humanity benefits through their innovations and creations that make life better and easier for all of us. There is a problem here....namely, God has declared that man is a sinner, (Gal.3:22 "But the scriptures has shut up all men under sin....", and he does only those things that are inherently opposed to God. That as sinners, every mans deeds are "immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensi is detrimental to all of mankind. Theirs is a "soft" persecution, and their ignorance in these matters is very harmful to Americans and Christians throughout the world, that are being killed in the democracies being created without the 10 basic laws of God to govern man by.