Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Is there any question what the public school system provides? Let me give you the recent revelations:
1.   Science teacher taking kids home and providing them with alcohol and drugs. He had marijuana on him when he was arrested.

2.   Another one of those female teachers that want to prey on teen boys; sending him naked pictures of herself.  Oh, did I mention that she is 37 and he is 16? And then of course, sex followed.

Every week we hear of some more of this sort of depravity, yet we continue to send our kids into that pool of disgusting, vial, "education".  Did you hear the one about the basketball coach that whipped his players for not performing the play correctly, and I mean to tell you, he WHIPPED them; with a leather strap.

As for you homeschoolers:  There are those who think it isn't right or think a parent isn't trained to educate their own children, and they often allege that the greatest deterrent to home schooling is the lack of INTERACTION. Well, if by interaction you mean getting my kid beat with a leather strap, or having some demented middle aged female prey on my boys, or "trusting" a science teacher to give my kid one-on-one education after school, at his house where he provides drugs and alcohol, NO THANKS!

These kinds of "teachers" and their antics, when they do become public, should encourage parents to either home school, or find private schooling. People, these are you progeny, your flesh and blood. Is this what you are willing to tolerate with your taxes? Is this the "fundamentally changed America" you want to pay for?

I don't know what it will take for some of you to wake up. The public school system is a haven for the depraved, demented, perverted male and female. And they get to work with the very people they should be kept away from...our kids. Unions protect them, lawyers explain away their behavior with clap-trap like, "the teachers need to get counseling on how to handle belligerent children or,  this one is good, for the female that preys on teenage boys, "she is maturely underdeveloped and needs counseling so she can interact with younger people and not feel like she is still a teen". WHAT!!? Why are we excusing this insidious behavior? These female teachers, and there have been many in the last 10 years, need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, for contributing to the delinquency of a minor while they are entrusted to them, and for rape.

You know how often you hear that men mentally abuse women, well why draw the line there? Isn't a woman who is supposed to be protecting and teaching teenagers, guilty of mentally and sexually abusing teen boys when she sends naked pictures of herself to him and then has sex with him? Is this normal behavior?

God save us: we have become such a depraved nation that we now allow our kids to be assaulted, abused and drugged, all in the name of public education.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


ARGHH!! First it's "weep no more for me" Boehner, and now we are subjected to stealth theft by McConnell, to the tune of over 400,000,000 folks that 400 MILLION DOLLARS and he is not alone. Even the once thought of as conservative Thune has his fingers in our pockets as do a total of 12 "republicans".

McConnell and Boehner are the newly elected (by their own peers) leaders of the conservatives in the 112th Congress, and as an out going parting shot to Conservatives, they attach tears and bribery to legislation at the tax payers expense.

I would rather have seen them fillibuster the bill and let the 112th, with the newly elected,  handle the budget. BUT the leadership are not on their way out. Oh no!! We now see just how they are going to handle the House of Representatives and their minority in the Senate.

This lame duck congress is going out with a roar. They are not going to let the recent election deter them. And as a parting shot they will fix the budget and what can be done to it for the next year. The conservatives elected in the recent election will have to do some heavy publicity advertising to get the public to understand it wasn't them that gave us this budget. I just know the news media will blame the republicans in the House for the excesses in this budget and if they don't get out in front of it, they will always be on the defensive.

As for the earmarks: it just galls me that these politicians still think it is okay to accept bribes for their vote, even someone like Thune (I hope the Tea Party people will get him voted out of office as soon as possible).

As a realist I must admit, the system, the politics and the American experiment is all but lost. Socialism rules the day, and soon it will be possible for the President to grant himself full authority over the congress just as the socialist countries do. This is not hyperbole. What once was an executive order, can now take on even greater authority; and all along we thought we were making a difference.

Start constructing your root cellars, and learn how to grow your own food and can it. The price and cost of living is about to sky rocket, all thanks to the aid of the Republicans. HA, Michael Steele wants to run for re-election to the RNC. The idea that he is not even ashamed of what he has done and what he stands for is amazing. Egos do not allow for these people to realize they are the problem. It makes you wonder: what is the truth; who can be trusted; is anyone sincere, or are they all "playing" us?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


John Boehner!

What up? Wow, in my past, we would call a guy like this, a cry baby. Goodness, the man cannot control his emotions, or does he have an emotional problem?

Conservatives won the last election, but they turn around and elect one of the good ole boy, establishment Republicans; what's up with that? Seeing Boehner and  McConnell on television as the leaders of conservatives disgusts me. These two, have too many friends and favors they are obligated to. Then we have to watch Boehner cry so uncontrollably that he cannot continue with his interview; instead he cries "on our behalf".

I don't find anything wrong with a man that is moved by emotion, but I do not want a man as leader, that loses control of his emotions, and that lets those emotions control him. What is he going to do when someone disagrees with him either in his own party, or in the opposition party? Good gravy, we just might see politicians brought up on charges of abuse or bullyism.

And for his first demonstration of leadership, he agrees to another stimulus package, when what we voted for was an end to big government and the run-away government spending. Is this what we have to look forward to? We would all be better off if nothing was being done until after the new Congress is sworn in next January. That Congress could enact permanent tax cuts and make them retroactive without all the entrapment's in the current agreement.

I am so fed up with the politicians and the politics that have taken over the process of governing America. I hope to see the Tea Party people rev up for the next election. It will involve candidates for the Presidency, but the Senate and House of Representatives will be more important. Ryan, Demint, Flake, Pence and the others need help, and establishment Republicans are not capable of serving the people of America.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We often read about how a parent is responsible for the behavior of one of its children, but usually only when the behavior is bad or anti-social. Most often that argument is associated with a rapist or child abuser. Authorities seem to almost always blame the parents for the abusiveness of their adult child (but we don't hear that parents are credited for the behavior of a child who has done good...oh well).

Then, we are subjected to ideas that a woman is "justified" for shooting her abusive husband, even without sufficient evidence, mostly because the husband is not available for comment (her parents are not brought into the picture in these cases).

Well, how about an Edwards type of situation?
Elizabeth Edwards has succumbed to breast cancer after a 7 year battle. Her husband was busy making whoopy with a women much younger than himself, and fathered a child with her, all while Elizabeth was "fighting" cancer.

Doctors will tell you that one of the best healers in any sickness is comfort and a stress-free life. All should be done to make life easy and comfortable for the ill. The more serious the illness, the greater need for less stress.

If parents can be "held" responsible for the actions of their grown children: if an abusive child is "forgiven" for their debased behavior because of their parents: if it is explainable that a teacher would be attracted to a teen age boy and introduce him to sex because of her abusive father:  then  Presidential candidate Edwards should not be "hounded" by the justice department or any other legal arm of the law, for his abusive behavior and total disrespect for his wife and family. OH, THAT isn't happening? You mean Mr. Edwards is not a contributing factor in the death of his wife, who so totally needed a stress-free life? Well then, why not? Isn't he, as much to blame for her to not recover, as a parent is for the debased behavior of their adult children?

Where is the constancy? We legislate harsher penalties for drunk drivers as if a sober person who kills someone with a car is less to blame: we have traffic stops to "catch" drunk drivers as if anyone who is not drunk that day is not going to commit a traffic crime: we have police hand out traffic citations for anyone not wearing a seatbelt, as if wearing one is going to prevent accidents from occuring: people are arrested for public intoxication as if their being sober would make the community a safe place: but we DO NOT cite someone like Mr. Edwards for his illicit, adulterous behavior as being a contributing factor in the death of his wife. Come on folks; If the above is legitimate and understandable, than why isn't Mr. Edwards being charged as an accomplice to murder? Didn't his behavior contribute to Elizabeths inability to recover from cancer, given all the medical treatment she went through? Hey, my wife is a "surviver" of the breast cancer she had over 10 years ago, Elizabeth didn't make it to 10.

Yeah, think I'm being a little harsh or maybe twisted in my thinking, but no one has patted me on the back for helping my wife make it to 10. I did everything I could to provide her with a stress-free life, and viola, she's alive! But if I snuffed her with a pillow one of those distressing nights she had, I probably could have gotten away with murder, because after-all she wanted to die and I would only be saving her from all the pain.

Hugh! Maybe John Edwards is actually a hero: he let Elizabeth live to fight day after day. Maybe I am wrong in thinking that YOU are the ones with a twisted mind, actively encouraging  legislators with all those ridiculous laws that allows one person or another to kill someone because the killer was actually a victim of his youth. MAYBE John Edwards has a story about his youth that will exonerate his adulterous behavior, thereby becoming a surviving VICTIM of his youth.

All I know is "you can't legislate morality"!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Wikileaks may be a blessing in disguise. Politicians like Ron Paul have long advocated that America is not the worlds' police and that our country has its nose in too much of the worlds' business. In fact, Wikileaks reveals that some of our "strongest allies" are our worse enemies. Saudi Arabia, for instance wants America to attack Irans nuclear facilities while funding the construction of Mosques and terrorism around the world and in our "back yard".

Those terrorists that flew our own airplanes into the New York City towers were Saudi's, yet America attacked Iraq and now Afghanistan to "get even with the terrorists". Does that make sense, especially in light of what we now know through Wikileaks?

Some of the Tea Party Conservatives believe we should reward our friends and deny our enemies, when it comes to international aid. Why do we continue to fund countries that "bad-mouth" us every chance they get? What is the logic to spending American dollars and American lives in places that want to destroy this country?

Wikileaks can provide all of us throughout the world, a better perspective of how "politics" works, without the explanation of why it is being done, because there is no good reason for doing it. Take politics out of the equation; take the State Department out of the world scene and we would have a better understanding of who wants to be treated with decency and respect while treating others the same way. We could engage other countries in an open forum because we would truly know who is eager to make this world a better place. And when the countries that want only to destroy and rule over others become obvious, it would be easier to deny them any sort of assistance with good cause, instead of enacting "sanctions" that is meant to weaken a country's influence in the world, and makes the people of those countries suffer.

North Korea is a good example. South Korea is our ally and we are obligated through agreements to defend South Korea if it is attacked by her enemies. But, since China buys a lot of our debt, we are made weaker as a defender of our friends because China has a different view on the whole Korea issue. If called upon by our friends, we should honor our obligations and help put an end to the threats and attacks against them. It should be swift and decisive, and then we go back home to let the world know we mean business and that our allies can depend upon our country to help them in their time of need. That's what friends do; that is what has been agreed upon.

When Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, that country asked for our help. We gave it and that should have been the end of the matter. Our efforts were decisive and swift. We should be ready to defend Israel, if the need arises and the world should know that that is exactly what we will do, and just how swift and devastating the effort will be. THAT should be a deterrent to all who seek to destroy or rule over countries other than their own.

Then we should exploit our own resources to the extent this country is not blackmailed or manipulated via a world commodity, like crude oil. We have plenty in our own country and do not need to buy it or control the price of it, by not producing our own, which obligates us to an enemy nation bent on our destruction. Crude oil is the engine of the world economies. Nearly every country NEEDS oil or some derivative of it to exist.  All plastics, including toothpaste tubes, computers, cell phones, cars, pens and pencils etc. are made from oil. For the time being, it is impossible to live without it. Then there are all of those automobiles, trucks, trains, planes, buses, tanks, ships, fighter planes etc. that need oil. Does that make any sense to you? ..... we deny our own natural resource production so we can be controlled by our enemy nations to not only regulate our economy but to also cause us to borrow money from them in order to do business in the world?

Yeah, the people responsible for leaking all of those secret documents should be tried for treason and when found guilty should be executed by our military.....but for now, we should praise them for exposing to the world just what the heck is going on in the world.


If a Christian can be identified by the "Holy-days" he keeps, would one be found in America?

In recent history, Progressives and Socialists have wanted to create a holiday called The Winter Solstice; it would begin somewhere around December 24 and end January 2, or there-abouts, and give everyone working a grand work exemption. Many "Christians" have been adamantly opposed to this. They argued that some people want to "take Christ out of Christmas". You can see the signs, cards and advertisements...."Jesus is the Reason for the Season". But they couldn't be further from the truth.

Christmass is one of the many Roman holidays celebrated throughout history, and in the New Testament Babylon becomes Rome. The Roman Empire embodies the pagan beliefs and practices of ancient Babylon and is seen as the arch enemy of God's people. Each of these practices has come to us through the Roman Catholic church. At the heart of the Roman Catholic Mass is a denial of the sufficiency of Christ's atonement. In 1660 the General Court of Massachusetts decreed punishment for those who kept the season, but today you would be hard pressed to find a  politician supporting New Testament Christian values in all of America.

Like Halloween, Christmas has been co-opted by "Christians" to use as an evangelistic tool to "win souls for Jesus". The church I sometimes attend even called the worst holiday of the year, not Halloween but Holy-ween (it numbs the senses and nauseates true believers).

A simple study of the New Testament text should comfort a reader to know that Jesus most likely was born in the early Spring, when shepherds watched their flocks at night, but there is no real reason to believe anyone can pinpoint the birth of Jesus on December 25. We can find in Babylonian history the celebration of the birth of the sun god, Tammuz at the winter solstice. Yule was the Babylonian name for the child and Yule day was celebrated on December 25, long before Jesus was born.

A lot has been debated against the dissolution of Christmas as a Christian "Holiday", but I am one who is adamantly behind stamping out this celebration. There is nothing Christian about celebrating any "Holy-day" because there is no day commanded in Scripture to be Holy under the gospel but the Lord's day, which is the Christian Sabbath.

These sorts of "holidays" have given the world over, people who choose to celebrate Christianity, by claiming these days "for Christ" as if  the only Son of God needed  this kind of recognition.  I say, let the world have its "holidays" and let the Christians have Jesus. .  Let the world go into debt buying stuff that means very little in the long run and worry themselves into sickness over these things. None of it proves that a person believes anything, except perhaps that he believes in a "man that lives somewhere in the north, and visits his people once a year, spending the other 364 days in obscurity. If a child writes him, it is a one way communication". Why would a Christian want to be a part of that? Does Santa, replace God, for you? We are in the world but we are not of the world; we must put aside those things the world worships and do it quickly, while argueing for and agreeing to our being able to worship on the Sabbath, without the worlds' influence on us and how we do that.

Stand with me and put aside the Christmas celebration and the Easter celebration and the other "holidays". As Christians, we must come out of the world. Let the world have their deities, we have the living God and His Son. "....Be ye separate". Jesus is NOT the reason for the season. He is the reason for our reconciliation to God. God has given us, that gift. If you have been reconciled, walk as a child of the living God and not an admirer of pagan gods.

The best outlet, other than the Bible, to the question IS CHRISTMAS CHRISTIAN? are the tracts and literature available at the Chapel Library, on the internet.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Don't these politicians just make you crazy? The Obama administration refused to call terrorists, terrorists then they go ahead and implement this hugely expensive, inconvenient airport screening and groping, which for some Liberals is a blessing since they haven't had anyone feel them like that in a long time (Gloria Alred). So, for folks like her, this is a justifiable simple way of getting "felt up" at the tax payers expense (probably the most bizarre example of liberalism ever), and for the Obama administration, it is a good way of ........ what, catching would-be bank robbers, or embezzlers, or jewelry thieves?

Now let's, for a moment, assume the Obama administration really does think there are terrorists out there wanting to blow up a plane, or something. I recently received an email from a friend that warrants serious thought. It is the perfect non-evasive solution to the potential terrorist:

"All we need to do is develop a booth that you can step into that will NOT X-ray you, but will detonate any explosives you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth (whoever is carrying the explosive was going to die on the plane anyway).  This would be a win-win for everyone. There would be no more garbage about racial profiling and the device would eliminate long and expensive trials.

        This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport                     terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an                             announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby                             passengers,   we now have a seat available on flight number..."

Three cheers for creative thinking.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I have an intellectual problem with the TSA screening and groping that is being done at our airports. There are about 150,000 flights each DAY in the USA with over 3,238,786 people in those planes.To date, not a single airplane has been blown-up. Twice, two attempts were made resulting in the would-be bomber injuring himself instead of blowing up the plane.

However, and this is where it gets curious for me, some 40,000 people get killed every year in automobile crashes, and that seems to be okay with everyone. We elect people to office to run this country that may or may not have any background in large scale financing, or any knowledge of law-making, and if it turns out that one of those politicians is found to be unethical, and it is proven by their peers, that's okay too, we either leave them in office or in many cases re-elect them at a later date; We graduate students into the medical field and as patients we are clueless as to how any given doctor did in their studies but we trust what they are saying is true for us and we follow their instructions, usually never questioning the doctor; We allow prejudiced people to teach and train our children in public schools, as long as those politicians I mentioned earlier, agree to some sort of accreditation for those teachers (I might also mention that lately, some of them actually turn on our precious little ones and indoctrinate them into sex). There are so many more analogies but I think you get the picture.

Now back to the screening thing. Don't you think the present system of discouraging citizens to fly on an airplane which is the product of a private industry, is a little out of kilter given the other curiosities I have given? I mean, there is a lot of money being spent; there is a blatant violation of the 4th amendment of our constitution being imposed on the citizenry and VERY unqualified people doing the groping (perhaps assigned by seniority or some other union logic) and all this is being done to stop someone from doing something never done before. And I can't think of an analogy where we have done so much, spent so much, assigned people to do things they are not qualified to do, in order to stop something from happening that has never happened before.

The statistics in the first paragraph are not accurate: it is almost impossible to get accurate information because flights are canceled every day and people don't show up to use the airplane seats they paid for, but using the statistics that are available it would mean each plane carries approximately 22 people plus crew on each flight. That means it would require more than 3 planes to be blown up every day for a year (that's 365 days) to kill as many people as are killed in car crashes. Think about that! And remember, that would be every day, day after day, for the last say 50 years.

The government has chosen this opportunity and method to take away our constitutional right to the 4th amendment:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

And all without probable cause. And if here, without just cause, where else? Is this the start of a Socialist nation, where citizens have no rights? Oh don't get so upset with me, remember you and I elected these people; people who have no experience, (they're like doctors who "practice" medicine) they practice politics;  "factional scheming for power" (one of the definitions in the Webster's New World Dictionary) but when they show us what they are willing to do to us, why don't we get upset with THEM, and not with the one pointing it out?

So, do you want to allow this government to take away your 4th amendment rights; or force you to drive a car that statistically has a better chance of getting you killed, because you don't want to face the embarrassment of the screening or governmentally sanctioned sexual groping? MAYBE, instead, you ought to contact your practicing politician and tell him or her what you think.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Don't you just get fed up with the Hannitys and the Limbaughs that act like the Democrats "don't get it"?
Look, the D's know exactly what they want to do and now they have an additional 2 years to get it done via the Senate. Nothing is going to change except to blame the newly elected C's in congress, that won't go along with the establishment Republicans.

With Soros helping to destroy this country because he thinks the flaw with our system is that only Americans can legislate, and the Radio pundits clueless that the D's also want to destroy our capitalistic system (not just damage it, but destroy it) so if it could be rebuilt it would take 2 or 3 decades and that much time will just see the D's back in power, things will just continue with that bothersome delay of having so many C's elected in 2010.

Additionally, there is a population shift occurring that will change the political landscape. Congressional numbers will change as states lose and increase their population. The East and West coasts will see a demographic change that will cause one state to lose a congressman or two and another state to gain a congressman or two, which may no longer give some states the right to call themselves Liberal, in the near future.

There will be some political fighting like we've never seen before: Demint wants to change the rules in the house of representatives so no one can offer legislation unless it can be supported by the constitution and the new house will place a moratorium on Pork Barrel amendments for a couple of years, BUT that will not stop the Senate from continuing on as usual, since the D's still maintain power in that house.

So what's going to happen? A lot of fighting, name calling and finger pointing and then the Senate and the President will have their way. The Senate will not vote against the Pres. therefore it will not have to override a veto, nor will it if the C's have something extraordinary come out of the House that the Pres. doesn't like. It will be up to you and me.

Employment will not return to any measurable amount because the Pres. and the D's don't want it to. According to them, America must have its comeuppance. Redistributing the wealth means giving money and jobs to countries other than our own (maybe that is where all those created or saved jobs occurred in the last 2 years.)?

What we will see is what real Conservatives look like. Demint and the gang will put those rascally establishment R's in their place and the election of 2012 should see an increase of C's in the House of Representatives and hopefully a take over of the Senate....winning the Presidency will be icing on the cake. But people, you will need to be diligent and patient. Don't give up now. I know a lot of you cannot financially support the C's but where ever you can help, please do. The United States of America is being attacked from without and from within. She will fall, ONLY if her people let her. WE are what makes this country great.

Pray for the leaders of this country and pray that God is not done with her yet. She will stand with His help, and she will fall without it. You and I are just the instruments God uses to get His will done, so let Him use you. Make yourself available and get into the fight. YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Now that the Republicans have control of the house and a greater influence in the Senate here is something Americans can expect.
Obama does not know where the center is and can't get there because he doesn't know anyone that knows how to get there. So, we can expect Geithner and Bernanke to manipulate the financial part of our economy to the extent that the dollar will lose even more value and inflation will rear its ugly head; and all of this will be blamed on the Republicans that are going to try to realign the direction of this country and its economy. Obama's administration will clearly blame a continued down-trend of the economy, just as it has blamed all that is now occuring on the previous President, on Republican ideology, not himself or any of his ideas.

Then, watch how all of those Czars Obama installed, run their departments. These unelected leaders will continue with their liberal ideas which will only hinder our economy. But don't forget, all of that is necessary.  Obama wants to redistribute the wealth of this country and the ways to do that have not changed just because of this election.

Additionally, Obama either wants to run again for the Presidency or at least have Democrats retain that office, so to compromise with the Republicans will be the death knell for that agenda.

People, the Democrats and their ideas are not going to change just because of this election. Any time Republicans win an election, Democrats blame the American people's ignorance on those results; and when they win, they deem that win as a mandate by an informed electorate. Just think of that as you see the near future of this country develop.

God bless America

and let us not forget, we still have soldiers in foreign lands; fighting and dieing for American ideology. Folks, do not let this election trick you into thinking all is going to be all right. There are many political battles to be fought; there are ideologies that have to be established; this country will suffer some more, before we can turn the corner, but this election is the beginning and we can plan on a new tomorrow filled with hope and prosperity for all of us. Just hang in there.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Since Ronald Reagan, the country has wanted continued change and improvement in America.
The nation elected Bill Clinton because he persuaded us that he wanted to help us and this nation in achieving those changes.
THEN, we elected those rascally Republicans, who traditionally are conservative, but they showed us they were no better than the Progressive party Clinton came from. His greatest failure was his trying to cram health care down our throats, so then we expected the Republicans to set us back on the right track.... but that was not to be. Those Republicans began to act like the spending Democrats we just voted out of office.
AHH, then along came Obama:  "Change you can believe in"  "Yes we can" ..... mantras that rang so true to us. As voters, we were still voting for the progressive growth of America. Nine-eleven occured, and we wanted to show the world we can not be beat, and we also wanted to show the world that as a nation, we will not only overcome our enemies, but we will continue to prosper as a individuals and as a nation. So, that smooth, easy talking Obama lulled us into believing he will put this nation back on the track the Republicans fell off. As a nation, we are not concerned whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, so long as you and this nation is headed in the same direction.
But, 2 years later we found out that Obama has a different view of how this country should be viewed in the world. He and his administration has driven this nation into near poverty; certainly they have driven us into debt; a debt no one could have forcasted 2 years ago.
BUT, have the voters changed their views? No,..we are still wanting someone to lead this nation into the future, and remove the restrictions that disallows Americans to prosper and get wealthy. We still want this country to be the "city on the hill". SOOO, we are now looking to those people who boisterously want to re-establish this nation as the example for the world to follow. The grass roots people are coming out of the wood work and establishing themselves as the change we have been looking for since Reagan. The "Tea Party" politicians are those people. But just look at this with your eyes wide open: nothing has changed with voters; with Americans; we want small government, freedom, lower taxes, secure borders, and the prosperity these elements provide. Nothing has changed with voters, but a lot has changed with the politicians. From Clinton to Bush to Obama, we got a lot of promises, but no one delivered on those promises. We continue to want to prosper, and we continue to look for politicians who will provide the avenue for those things to occur. Just look at this with a little reality......this nation wants to continue to be the worlds' example for all other countries. We are not ashamed of prosperity; we are not ashamed to be able to live comfortably and with all the amenities a prosperous nation can and will provide.  Today, the "Tea Party" offers those solutions, and neither of the other parties can or do offer those solutions. We haven't changed as a nation, we just have to look in different areas for the people we want to lead us.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


George Bush thought he had the backing of the Iraqi people when he attacked that country; so he got on board the aircraft carrier and boldly announced "Mission Accomplished", as if he then expected the Iraqi's to establish their own government and democratize the nation.
Now we have Obama, sending drone after drone into Afghanistan and Pakistan to try to kill Bin Laden, but for reasons you might not be aware of. Bin Laden actually has thwarted the stealth efforts of the Islamic nations to infiltrate America, and quietly establish a "beach head" of Muslim and Sharia law, in our back yard. Bin Laden is not a warrior FOR Islam, he is a warrior for Muhamad and Allah; and like "My mood I'm in a Jihad" (the leader of Iran) he too wants to make the way for the "Messiah" to establish his caliphate. Ultimately their goals are the same, but Bin Laden believes in physical warfare and the others intend to win via psychological warfare, at least until they are in a better, stronger position in America, to then use physical force. Obama supporting the silent method of Muslimizing America, or does he really think that killing Bin Laden will end the terrorism?
I suspect, Obama hopes to kill Bin Laden and then "re-establish" communications with the Muslim world, which will lead to an appearance of reconciliation, and the re-establishing of the stealth take-over of America.
My hope is that the coming November elections will put an end to all this. It will not be a matter of just wining the election, but of changing the direction this country is headed in. The election MUST provide this country with Conservative, Constitutional leadership, and quickly end most of the entitlement programs and governmental agencies we have. We need an immediate change in the tax law to either a flat tax or a fair tax with a constitutional addendum which will make changing the new tax law impossible without a constitutional amendment. If the election doesn't change the makeup of the current government, this country is doomed. I mean literally, doomed. It will never be a shining light upon a hill ever again. What has been passed by the Progressives will be amended into even worse legislation and the onslaught of additional legislation in the next 2 years will undo capitalism, irreparably.
There are lessons in the Bible, one of which comes to mind: Jesus was speaking, "when you see the fig leaves on the trees, you know summer is approaching"; so too must we recognize the signs of the times. If we see the Progressives return to power, .........?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I don't have an opinion either way, concerning the burning of the Koran in Florida. BUT, I do have an opinion concerning the reactions to this intended burning.
There is much more to be gained by the publicity on this action, than rather by the act itself. Look, just what the heck does it matter what book is burned in your own back yard. Heck, I burn a lot of magazines and newspapers, and these media also have a lot of controversy in them. So, what is the hub - bub all about?
It would seem that the very act of burning a book isn't anything anyone cares about, but there does seem to be something of concern by telling everyone that you are going to burn a book. BUT, THAT still isn't the issue. The issue is why the heck do we care what others do in response to this book burning? Do you mean to tell me that I cannot perform a normal function of getting rid of trash, if there is some sort of disagreement with why I am doing it?
We even have a Military General stating his dissatisfaction with this event, as if what happens in Florida, in someones back yard, will affect what goes on in the Middle East. That is absolute bolderdash. If any individual or people collectively, reacting to this simple matter of getting rid of a book, can actually stop me or anyone else from burning that product, then they are the ones who we ought to be concerned with. Kooks like that who react violently to a simple act, are a real threat to not only themselves but anyone who they come into contact with. It is reasonable to consider these people dangerous, who have an agenda, and whom could care less about others. It is reasonable to believe, a country that cowers to these militants is in danger of giving in to them so much that we are in danger of losing our freedoms.
Where is the back bone of the good Ole USA?  Why do we now stand stooped over at the mere anger of militants? Where is the spine this country was built on? Doesn't all this just make you sick; sick that we are losing our country and our freedoms? Why does a book burning, make the leaders of the greatest country in the world, whimper?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I cannot make this presentation better than its origin: Out of the book "War of Ideas" by Walid Phares (a world renowned terrorism and Middle East expert) I will quote excerpts from merely one page. The book is very informative and anyone will be enlightened who takes the time to read it. You too, will see why America cowers to the enemy..and why if nothing is done, we will lose to this enemy.  Elections matter; politicians can frame the future, but a better informed America is our best defense.

Page 194

"In the West, the central battlefields over the perception of the world remain academic and educational. As detailed earlier, at least three generations of graduates of oil-funded programs have been launched into the national market, and thereby into the media, government, and arts. Even if new waves of petrodollars were stopped today, the funding over the last two decades has created a self sustaining entity in Western, and particularly American, educational institutions. The penetration is too deep to be addressed in one generation. Three generations of scholars, researchers, and teachers have consolidated their positions, programs, and influence in about a thousand institutions. Even as the war with Jihadism is raging in the real world, and America is facing off with the most dangerous enemy infiltrations it has ever known, the bulk of its students are being educated today by an elite that refuses to teach the real history and politics of the jihadists. Post 9/11 politics and elections, regardless of the winners, will not affect this greater cultural crisis. Unless an intellectual revolution takes place and academic reform follows, it is unlikely that the United States will produce the talents needed for the current and future conflicts of ideas......."

We see the end of the "Mass Media" because of these very reasons...they are not telling Americans the truth. In fact, you can hear them siding with the enemy under the cloak of being "sensitive" to them. We don't want to offend the Middle Eastern people, now do we? All the while the Middle Easterners are demonstrating in-sensitivities to everyone who does not agree with them. Heck, it doesn't seem to bother our news outlets that Jihadists butcher anyone that offends them. No no no, instead we are supposed to understand that they were so incensed, that torturing and butchering is okay behavior for the offended.

I say, pull American troops out of every Middle Eastern country; shut down all foreign military bases and hunker down. Let those who do not want our help, sort out their own mess. Too many American soldiers have died for people who do not want civility, but Sharia law. We can't impose our beliefs on  anyone and are only hated for intervening in their domestic affairs. We had our own civil war, let them decide their own destiny, also.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


What a week: A Rock singer jumping to his death off a cell phone tower; beautiful women in the UK getting breast enhancements and nose jobs and lip botox; and then there is the Mosque thing in New York. WHEW!!
Doesn't it seem like the world is moving faster and faster? How do we stop it? Can we?

Then Bill Orielly blindsides Glenn Beck with that troublesome gay question. After all, isn't it Glenn that wants the people of America to return to God and Biblical principles? Well, doesn't that include opposing the gay movement? DANG!! Why did he have to ask that question?

Look, regardless of what historians and current politicians say, we ARE a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles and indebted to God for divinely orchestrating the birth of this nation and the direction it is supposed to go in. Ronald Reagan called it a City on a Hill (after the assertion of Augustine), a guiding light for the rest of the world, and RR was not what most would call a Christian, after all his wife dabbled in the occult. None the less, even scripture tells us that God can use a rock, if He wanted to. So using RR was not a problem for Him.

But where did RR take this country? Are we better off than before him? Why didn't anything he do, last?

Now we are faced with a world wide enemy, not only of this great nation, but of the Creator God. Islam, from the Old Testament is the nation made through Abraham and Sarah's maid. Ishmael was the progeny of this illicit union, trying to help God fulfill the promise He made to Abraham to make him a father of many nations, all while his wife was way past the age of reproduction. So Abraham and Sarah decided that they needed to help God, not relying on the Creator who made the promise. Hey, He made all that is, and yet these two thought He was not capable of giving to them what He promised. Ergo, we are now dealing with what theologians refer to as the "spirit and the flesh". And it is even more interesting that Islam can and does trace its roots back to Abraham, just as the Christians do. And rightly so, because this world wide conflagration is all about those moments in history, when man did not trust that God could provide that which He promised.

Now the battle rages: whose is the nation spoken of by God in Genesis?

As Christians we know that the Devil is a deceiver and a liar. So we also know that Islam is a false promise or the out cropping of the flesh which is in a sinful state, utterly depraved; unable to please God. But the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, has made the promise of God efficacious. And if that is so, then it is easy to understand why Islam is so determined to overcome the world: it is Satan trying to be equal to God.

Anyway, all wars were and are based on religion. This last one, that cannot be stopped, will involve the entire world, for real. Islam wants to be the world religion and is willing that 50% of its believers perish, in order to usher in the 12th Imam, the savior (I wish Christians had the same zeal and desire to defend what God has given them) so how do you reason or stop that kind of fanaticism?

A simple minded man needs only look at the facts and he will realize that there is no negotiation which can assuage Islam. There's is such a diabolical religion that there is no room for compromise. It has to be their way or the highway. All the talking in the world will not convince these people that theirs is not the Creator God. Allah, to them, is the Creator, and it only seems right (to them, Muslims) that all non-Muslims are enemies of Allah and have to be dealt with, which usually means be destroyed, because Islam cannot co-exist with any other religion. And if the Christian religion is correct, then what it speaks of is evidenced in Islam, as an enemy of God; A substitute. Now where is there room for compromise? Neither can give in, although Christianity is not the murderous religion that Islam is. And one has to ask himself why would God want Muslims or anyone else to kill people, if they do not believe the same way? Isn't The Creator capable of dealing with such rebellious, insubordinate people? The answer is YES, the Bible has story after story of how God did deal with sinners, and that is why Christians seem to be as complacent as they are: they are allowing God to do His will, and they know they might have to suffer in this diabolical age, but they trust that God will fulfill His promise and make Himself a Holy people, and will give His Son dominion over all the earth. Christians are waiting and praying for God to do His will, and to strengthen them while they wait, stand and trust in Him. But I'm afraid, it won't go that easy.

Christians have squandered what God has given them, and sin has permeated even Christian churches so that there is more confusion within the church than there should be. Why? Because we are all sinners. Depraved and totally rebellious against God. We want to control our own lives and we reason that God has given us the will to do so. This "will" has caused divisions amongst us to the extent we are as divided as we can be.

There are numerous sects of Christianity and "everyone" in America calls themselves Christians, but that is not the case. Only those of the promise, are children of God, and the Bible tells us that there remains a remnant; a small amount, and as God has chosen whom He has chosen, so too will He end this matter in a way that only He can. It will be a miraculous occasion, and the whole world will know that God has intervened where man thought he was capable of directing the affairs of mankind. Mankind is sick with sin, and lusts for power and money, and these are contrary to God. Even Muslims, desire the same; just look at Dubai.

America has had its chance, so to speak, and it is the last bastion of Christianity, for where else can anyone go to start a Christian nation again? And look at us. Fat, sassy and preoccupied with gadgets, money, entitlements, and power. We are not the nation God gave to the people who fought oppression. We have taken what He gave us and made it look like the rest of the world.

Oh, don't be dismayed. Even the Jews, who had prophets that God spoke to, to lead that nation, were not satisfied with just having God. No no no, they wanted a king; a man God said would enslave them with labor and taxation, yet that is what they wanted. They thought a king in the world of mankind would make them look regal, or meaningful; totally discounting that God spoke to their prophets mono a mono to direct that nation. Still .......they wanted a king. The Christians of America are no different. Truly they want King Jesus, but look at how they demean Him with bracelets that say WWJD (what would Jesus do?), as if HE were a neighbor, or something. There is no reverence for the living God and His only Son: no America wants Him to be their buddy, their pal, NOT their King of kings...isn't that ironic?

Well, buckle up, the show is about to begin. Could it be that we are in the last days?

Friday, August 6, 2010


I know; all politicians do it, but I'm just not made that way. How about you?

You go out and beg people to send you money so you can advertise who you are and try to get people to vote for you; sounds familiar so far, right?

Well, now you are in office; you're a big shot, deciding legislation that directs this country. Then you want to go on vacation so what do you do? Well, like all good politicians you have your friends pay for it, and what's left over you merely charge the taxpayer for that.

I am not made of this mettle. I cannot for the life of me understand how people can do this, especially those of influence. What does it take to allow yourself to go to some foreign country, cause those people to move aside for you, eat some of the best food available and surround yourself with a multitude of friends and then have someone else pay for it? I just can't get there.

This country's first lady did just that, and she wasn't even elected. Instead she is vacating on her husbands reputation. Don't get me wrong she isn't alone, but the cost of her vacation is in the neighborhood of $65,000 dollars a day. WHAT?! how do you charge that much of people who are not even on vacation with you? Don't you even feel the least bit sleazy for doing it?

I'm sorry, but even after writing about it, I still can't get my head around that idea. And can you imagine how many politicians and their families and their friends others are paying for, and then finally the taxpayers? Doesn't anyone have any class any more? Can't they just go home or do something legitimate like pay for their own vacation. Why is it incumbent upon  friends and taxpayers to foot the bill?

I just don't get it!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Yeah, it's been a while. I tell you, events and politicians just make keeping in touch, useless. If voters don't do
something different this November, I can only imagine where this country is headed. So, I returned to a book written in the 90's, depicting predictable historical outcomes based on actual events throughout our history.

The book is entitled, "The 4th Turning". The authors, Strauss and Lowe, show generations of Americans, as depicted within each generation, and they give them a name, like Nomad, or Boomers or 13ers.

They show what occured during each generation  and what time in history, with respect to its circa. Then, finally, they outline possibilities of what the next influential generation will do, regarding politics, society, their world view, taxes, entitlements, etc. 

While their work is interesting, it is also frightening. Regardless of what we think about Islam or Jihad or Iran, or President Obama, this coming generation will be faced with a load of taxes and entitlements they will not want to pay for. This coming generation (Millennial) which is the grandchildren of the Boomers, will redirect this country in ways Boomers can not understand. And the worse part of it is, that parents from each succeeding generation are responsible both for the thinking behind their children, and the blame for what their children will have to sort through. (I only want to say enough to get you to go buy the paper back and read it, especially from page 272 onward. If you are  not shocked, you aren't breathing.)

Then, you have to add into the mix, world events, which have not occurred in our life time.

Oh, for those good ole days. I can remember that I lived in a family of 8 kids, and we never locked our doors. We just came and went at will. The problem was that Progessives had already started their assault on the Constitution, but as a child, I was ignorant, and believed what I was being taught in school. My parents were not educated enough to guide us or direct us, so we actually believed that dinosaurs all gathered together to die somewhere in the earth so now, we could drill and extract the oil their decaying bodies provided; and that the Supreme Court only decided whether or not legislation was within the Constitution, not that it could actually make a law by not deciding constitutionality but they determined what the Congress could or couldn't do, then wrote law themselves, like Roe versus Wade.

I tell you, this next election will either redirect this country, or we will slide into a dictatorship before then end of Obama's term.

The Constitution has been shredded for over 100 years, starting with Wilson, and no one today cares to fix it. Senators even violated it themselves by giving themselves a raise every year, unless they vote against it....where do you find that in the Constitution?

This country does need new leadership, but I am cautious that my grandchildren can do the job, after all, their parents are the result of a drug induced generation of make love not war, and for making the Beatles a popular singing group from England, and then there is that Woodstock thing. Finally, those people who were anti-establishment, are now the leaders of this country. Go figure!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Most of Americans call themselves Christians because they claim to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is the Redeemer of mankind, If they choose to accept Him as their Savior. But there is a problem with this sort of "Christianity". I know of some 7th Day Adventists and some Mormons and some Catholics that call themselves Christians, but they are not. Why? Because even "the Devil believes"....(a quote from scripture) and we can guess that he is not a Christian. So, what is it that makes someone a Christian, according to the Bible and what is it that differentiates the "professing" Christians from the real Christians?

The following is an excerpt, a good representation of the defining difference, from a magazine. Please read it and determine whether or not you can actually call yourself a Christian.

 "Abstract thought is a thought process where ideas are separated from real objects.  If we said, "George Washington was a patriot," we tie the term patriot to the life and service of the first president.  If, however, we say, "A patriot is one who..." we sever the term patriot from a real person and make it an abstraction which demands definition.  Abstract thought simplifies communication because it leaves concrete details ambiguous, vague, or undefined.  ...

The more general the collective term, the more vague it becomes.  A case in point would be the commonly used term "nature."  Nature is often credited (thanks to evolutionary thought) with oversight, wisdom, design, and governance.  These are all part of man's definition of his own abstract which he has called "nature."  The problem with abstract thought for the Christian, however, is when it is applied to theology or to God himself.

The rationalist sees truth as an abstraction which man must decipher and define.  This means the human idea of "truth" is over everything.  Even if truth is used in reference to God, truth as an abstract principle is put over God.  Men can then shamelessly ask, in so many words or not, "Is God's Word true?" ...  In reality, they are not holding up truth, but their own abstract definition of what they have declared truth to be.

Creating abstract ideas to which we hold God is common to modern thought.  One of the reasons men of all religions and ideologies can refer to "god" is that all they have in common is the term "god."  Each may be defining "god" in his own way by his own criteria.  The evangelical churches are also very prone to speaking of God in terms of attributes they have defined.  For example: 

1) "God is good." ... If, however, we have any human-conceived standard of goodness to which we hold God we have subsumed God to our abstract notion of goodness. ...

2) "God gives all men an equal chance at salvation. ...  Scripture, of course, teaches no such thing.  God is not democratic; He is the "Lord," or "Master" of man.

3) "God is love, so He would not send anyone to hell." ... Learning love from God and His revelation of Himself is far different than creating an abstract concept of what love means, then holding God to that concept and dictation what He would or would not do based upon this humanly defined paradigm called "love." ...

4) "The God I believe in would not predestinate people to hell." ... The God of Scripture does predestinate; if you believe in a god that does not predestinate, you believe in another god, one of your own imagination.  You have created an abstract god, one divorced from the Sovereign Creator Who revealed Himself in Scripture and in Jesus Christ.  This abstract god, as your creation, is now held accountable to your standards. 

5) "Our God is an awesome God." ... Are you defining awesomeness as God's love, mercy, grace, and promises and then saying, "This is why God is awesome"?  If so you have created a limited definition of God, an abstract concept and used it to describe Him as awesome.  On the other hand, when you say those words, are you proclaiming that God is awesome for all that He is"  Are you saying God is great and good in everything He does, even in His justice, His law, and His judgment? ...  We cannot pick and choose the aspects of God we prefer; God is real and we must praise Him for all that He is.  ...

God is not an idea; He is a  person, He identified Himself to Moses as "I am that I Am" (Exod. 3:14), that is the self-defining One Who is not limited by human description. ...

All thinking about God based on abstract ideas of God is idolatrous.  They violate the first and second commandments because they first create (even if only conceptually) a false, fictitious deity, one separated from the self-defining God of Scripture.  Such false gods are then worshipped as the true God.  When we call these false gods by the name of God, we violate the third commandment and we use His name in vain.

Some of the popular televangelists of recent years are obvious examples of such worship of false gods.  ... They speak of positive thinking, joy and blessing, but some have freely admitted they do not preach sin, obedience, or judgment lest they turn people away.  God for these men is an idol they have defined, one who serves man's purpose.  Such men quote the Bible often, as many evil men have over the years, but they do not believe or teach the every Word of God.  Their abstract ideas of God make Him and all His Word dependent on man's thinking; man's word then becomes the authoritative word."
From the magazine "Faith for all of Life" and authored by Mark Rushdoony.

Now then, what kind of Christian are you? Have you subordinated God to you own idea of whom God is and how He should act and treat mankind?
Then, what is your world view? What is it based on?  Are you residing in idolatry? Are you the authority over God?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The last time the Republican party had some good infighting, was when Dubya tried to nominate Meirs to the bench. Today, it's over the Afghanistan war. Michael Steele made the salient point that this is Obamas war, but he did it inappropriately, and the talking heads demanded his resignation. So Ann Coulter has to pick up the baton. She has a lot more credibility than Michael, who is wishy-washy on things like Pork Barrel spending, and she will not defer nor be deflected by the "establishment".

Try to remember the reason why we are in that particular region: Muslims attacked America and killed over 3,000 people. The real problem is not where is the fight, but HOW we are fighting.

Recently McChrystal tied the hands of the very soldiers he was leading into battle by not allowing them to defend themselves or to fight the enemy as if that is why we were there.

After the election and all the clamor from the "News Media" that Bush was fighting in the wrong country, Obama changed strategies and escalated the war in Afghanistan. There is no denying that. All of the Democratic pundits said that Afghanistan is where the Taliban are hiding, so Afghanistan is where we have to fight.

Well, doesn't that mean Obama made a conscious decision to enlarge Americas footprint in that country? Then, logically, it can be said THIS IS OBAMA'S WAR. We are there at his discretion; at his urging; at his desire. Dubya had troops fighting in Iraq, Obama has them in Afghanistan. It isn't that hard to understand.

Republicans still have that aw-gosh feeling and want to be liked, so politicians choose their words. Well, we are fed up with those kinds of representatives. We want our representatives to stand for something, it doesn't even matter what ...just stand for something.

Ann Coulter does stand for something and for someone. She is our best representative. For those of us who cannot get our politicians to listen to us, Ann can and she is being heard.

Bill Krystal is a talking head; he doesn't speak for us. He speaks for the "establishment". WE are not the establishment, WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Bill is just a commentator, he doesn't guide the voters or speak on our behalf. And he isn't alone, perhaps except for Krauthammer, those TV personalities do not speak for the voters.

I say Take it to 'em, Ann. Make them defend their positions and their attempts to please the "news media". Make them explain why they want to be liked by the Dems instead of establishing the differences between them and the American people.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


First it was "Ted" now it's Byrd; This idea of eulogizing the sponges that have robbed taxpayers, and removed our freedoms one at a time,  is incredible. The Constitution intended that citizens would offer to serve the nation for a short period of time, to administer the country's business, then go back home to their lives. Instead, we have politicians who have never held a job or owned a business, and have stayed in office for over 40 years. As they die, one after the other, they continue to use taxpayers money to give these old sponges a funeral that should be reserved for dignitaries, or Presidents, while in office.

What is wrong with Americans, who cry at the funeral of a man they are not even related to? A man they don't even know or have a relationship with. He's just a tired old politician that used to hate the black people, and voted against civil rights for the black people. Are the sobbers bigots, themselves?

I don't get it. Are Senators worthy of such an honor? What are these men, gods? What the heck is wrong with America?

Friday, June 25, 2010


Bonnie Fwaink and Kwistefer Dudd, just gave the American people legislation that will put us on par with those wascally euwopians. Soon, this country will look like the extension of the German Nazi regimes of the middle of the 20th century.

"To rescue Germany from the effects of the great depression, Nazism promoted an economic third position; a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist. The Nazis accused communism and capitalism of being associated with Jewish influences and interest. They declared support for a nationalist form of socialism that was to provide for the Aryan race and the German nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honor for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation."
Members of the Nazi party, referred to themselves as National Socialists (does any of this sound to you like it is what the Democrats want?).....Wikipedia.

Now we have Bonnie and Chwis, proposing legislation that will, in effect, make America, the New Germany. Oh, you can argue that the Democrats do not want to slaughter millions of Jews, or any other nationality, but their proposals have little regard for Americans, and they are more concerned with people from other nations. Some of what they have legislated will be the undoing of a great nation that has aided other countries around the world, for over 200 years; aid (financial and in terms of human life) that enabled all of those nations to survive until today, a day in which we find them "de-socializing".

Just put your thinking cap on and don't react to what you have just read, but look at the facts; the take over of financial institutions; the take over of most of the auto industry; the demonizing of an oil industry that has financed some of their elections and legislation, and the lack of aid to coastal communities that will suffer for decades to come from the loss of jobs, incomes and a way of life; a plan to tax those people who get help on those coasts from the oil industry; a living wage; more money for less work; social healthcare (when the rest of the world is trying to find a way to privatize theirs); starting in January, the largest tax increase in American history on ALL Americans, no matter what your income; a return to a huge welfare program with a dramatic increase in food stamp recipients, a lot of whom are not here legally; soon, a proposal to make illegals legal, without the legislative power of our constitution and the Congress it set up, to make those decisions.

You know what I'm talking about. There is a whole lot more that this current administration is doing, like suing a sovereign state for the legislation the constitution gives it the right to make for themselves (Arizona). Borders, that are not being protected, etc. The last administration is no less guilty of similar political maneuverings and legislation; IT proposed legalization of untold millions of people; IT gave us an unfunded prescription program; IT gave us the most crippling education program in our history; IT gave us "financial reform". This country is not lacking for Americans that want to change the way we were established via a constitution, which was supposed to protect us from these very sorts of things. But by "giving everyone" a subsidy or a welfare check (yes I include some of the major corporations of this nation), Politicians have secured their re-election, their continued abuse of power, and the gradual destruction of American Exceptionalism.

If not checked, we will lose every vestige of privacy, individualism and freedom we once had. You younger people don't know what I am talking about because you have only known handouts, as the way of life. As long as you get yours, you're happy. But there once was the belief that America was a beacon on a hill; a country to be emulated; a country others could depend on. But, alas. Republican and Democrat alike have sold their souls, for power. Each will die rich, and the rest of us will just die. In the future, you will not be able to excel, without a politician backing you. Individualism will be a thing of the past, and as Hilary Clinton once espoused, "It takes a village", will be the montra of tomorrow as you watch the waves of socialism erode the shores of this once great country.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Dang, we got a gusher; now reported to be spewing out 200,000 GALLONS a day. Let's see, 60 days times 200,000 equals 12 million gallons of crude oil and it's still coming, in fact we can't seem to stop it. Oh yeah, this is on a well that was not distributing oil into the international system; in other words it was capped off. But now we have this huge amount of oil that has to go somewhere, so the real battle is how does BP capture the oil, load it onto oil tankers and deliver it to a processing plant where the world can get to use it. AND, the implementation of this otherwise unaccounted for oil, should drive prices down on every level because now there is more oil produced than is "in demand" (I put that in quotes because it looks to me like the oil industry is deliberately controlling the amount of oil available in order to keep prices for the end product higher to the consumer".

There have been a number of people claiming to have a way to capture the oil in the water and to be able to reclaim 90% of what is captured, but BP is not interested, and the oil continues to gush.

BP claims it will make all affected people whole because of their loses due to the oil gush; and now protesters are trying to get people to stop buying BP gas and oil products. The caveat is the protesters believe the individual stations that may have to close because of a lack of business will be made whole by BP because they are the reason these people lost their income, and the oil continues to gush.

Obama has authorized the Coast Guard to use threatening language to get BP to stop the leak ...HUGH!?
And Obama is now trying to rush through some sort of energy bill because of our dependency for crude oil; but isn't it more important to stop the gush? By the way, global consumers use oil or petroleum byproducts every day; anything that is made of plastic is petroleum based (toothpast tubes, ipods, computers, monitors, televisions, cell  phones, floss holders, kitchen gadgets, blah, blah, blah) it would be impossible to stop using petroleum in the near future. And you have to consider the use of cars, pickup trucks, buses, tanks, ships, airplanes, electricity producers blah, blah, blah.

One of the reasons we are in this trouble is government intervention, otherwise known as legislation made for lobbyists. When Chrysler was bailed out in the 70's it HAD to stop production of the turbo-engine; a multi-fueled engine with only 9 movable parts. Government has spent literally hundreds of billions of dollars on highways since the 50's to allow individual automobile travel and national transportation of products and goods to our stores, yet catered to the Mobile Oil Refinery regulating and controlling the price of gasoline so it "would stabilize the market" ( I remember those great gas wars...which are now a thing of the past) and disallowing anyone from building an oil refinery to compete against Mobile; and where competition exists, falling prices exist. Then came all the mergers anyway, which is a way of capitalism, and now you have to go to a foreign maker and producer of oil and gasoline (BP CITGO etc.).

And those pesky foreign countries, drilling in the same waters our government disallows American companies to drill in. I suppose Democrats think if a Russian oil rig has a leak problem the oil saturated water will flow up to Russia to make them suffer. What?!

It is great that we have found so great a supply of oil that it just spews out hundreds of thousands of gallons a day on its own, BUT it was our government that made those companies drill in such deep water, which now has caused a problem most difficult to fix. Of the 10 oil disasters in the last 30 years, 7 of them were caused by oil tankers, but our government wants us to tank in our supply from off some one else's coast, like Saudi Arabia.

Hey!  do you remember when they use to teach in school that dinosaurs are the reason for oil? Yep, we were taught that dieing and decaying bodies of dinosaurs turned into crude oil (that's why to this day they call it fossil fuel). Wasn't it nice of those dinosaurs to all collect at certain places to die, and to dig, say 5000 feet into the earth to bury themselves so today we could have oil?

Come on!  Think a little bit. Stop listening to the "authorities". Reason it out on your own. God made all that is in the earth and He declared it good. You need more than that?

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I am so happy to have had Mexican, Calderon advise the USA what laws individual states should implement. I think he actually used the same teleprompter that Obama does; perhaps Calderon had the same writers Obama uses for those "precious heart felt" speeches.

Did you know, Mexico, has a very prejudiced, discriminatory immigration policy. ANYONE illegally in Mexico is deported; if they return they will be jailed for as much as 10 years. Legal immigrants cannot own property in Mexico, you have to be natural born. AND Mexico, as backwards as it is, will find illegals and deport them, but the good ole USA admits we cannot find those 20 million illegals who have come here uninvited, and unwilling to be assimilated, except when someone wants them to gather for a protest... suddenly they "come out into the open". Hey, why don't we just schedule several protests across the USA and have ICE ready to load these illegals into buses and planes and deport them back to their country of origin?

Since Calderon, Obama, and the Democratic party refers to illegals as Mexicans, I think we should seriously think about adopting Mexico as our 51st state. THEN we could appoint Calderon as the governor, and we could just continue with the Mexican style immigration laws, since it is obvious Mexico has a handle on illegals, and sovereignty.

It nauseates me to think our leaders mistreat our friends from Israel, yet cater to the leader of a country who WANTS HIS residents to flee from their home land. Think of that ......... he encourages his own people to go to another country, rather than make improvements in his own land and make work and business opportunities for his own citizens. It boggles the mind! And the Dems, welcome him and his ideas with open arms, and standing ovations.

Friday, May 7, 2010


These illegals; man o man: they have schools sending kids home because they are offended that our home-grown children wear American colors, on a day illegals want Americans to set aside for them. How ridiculous. Cinco de Mayo isn't even a Mexican holiday, but illegals want to make it an issue in America.

I'm telling you, it is time illegals are put in their place ..... perhaps Mexico.

Look, if LEGALS want to come to America, learn the language and become American citizens, GREAT!! But when ILLEGALS want to dictate to the good ole USA what they want from us, it's time to send them home. They can go and tell their own government what they want, and see how that works out for them.

Cinco De Mayo is not the Mexican celebration of independence. It is celebrated only by Pueblans and Mexicans in America illegally. It represents a victory of Mexico over the French in 1862 on the 5th of May. So .... let the Mexicans celebrate it .... IN MEXICO!!

Look folks, no one wants to deny any nation of celebrating what is a special event for them, but let them go home and celebrate it. In fact, if all the demonstrators in the USA, would only go to Mexico, they might be able to turn that country into a place even they might want to live in.

Why on earth does anyone want to come here and then tell us what is wrong with the USA? Hey, you don't need to be here. Go Home, and make a difference there.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


You just know unions and pro-illegal groups were and are behind the current demonstrations since the new Arizona bill got passed.

It requires submitting requests for permits to demonstrate, then you have to get the people grouped to make the demonstration and what about all those printed signs?

We don't know if all the illegals who are demonstrating are only from Mexico, but that doesn't matter. The recent law in Arizona speaks to illegals, not Mexicans, so why are the Mexicans taking such a strong offense? Could it be that a lot of those organizers know that there are more illegal Mexicans here than any other nationality?

And one more thing. I think if these illegals are so upset with the new law, or any other law America has, then they have the option of returning to their own country. We are not making them stay here.

IF it is true that they want to be here, then they will have to accept the laws our country has, just as we do. Can you imagine how many laws have been enacted since say, 1975? And as an American, I am expected to obey those laws. This is no different. And what laws would the illegals want to protest in the future?

This is more insidious. This is intended to overthrow the work of our elected representatives. Why don't these people demonstrate in these numbers back in their own country and change that country from within? Why do they think they have a right to come here and try to change the will of the American people?

So for me, I say put down the signs and go home, you have a lot of work to do there.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Man they just keep on keeping on.
Have you tried to get an email address recently for your US senator or congressman? They direct you to a web site. Then you have to fill out this personal info form and then send the email, BUT you never get to see the email address. So now you cannot email them without going through this process each and every time AND that means you cannot send a group have to do this laborious process first, each and every email.

Oh sure you can call, and from now on that is what I will do, because otherwise, the email letters get screened and you are sent a message something like  "sorry, the senator does not represent your district. Please locate the senator that does to be certain your email can get to him". They want you to think they actually care, but what they are doing is screening all emails, IF you bother to go through the maze they've set up.

Folks, I hope your eyes are being opened. This gustoapo like tactics-light are not what a Representative Government is supposed to look like. This Republic, is being erased email by email and sifted like the sands through a strainer to remove what makes our elected officials, accountable to us. We elect them, THEY remove the means by which we can keep in touch with them and offer our opinion, and did you know that every US Senator has a million dollar budget to run each and every office, annually? So .... we elect them, they finance their offices with our tax dollars, which are used to keep us out of their way so they can go about doing what they want to do, NOT what we want them to do.

We have to run these characters out of office and replace each and everyone of them with Constitutionalists, or Libertarians, or Conservatives. You are losing your country one day at a time, one politician at a time and YOU are paying for it.

The ego-maniacals take power to another level. Without God and a sense that God does exist and has made the earth and all that is in it, these people think THEY are gods who bestow upon us, their offerings to appease us, for the time being.

Every Democracy turns into a dictatorship and every dictatorship will meet its demise by an angry down-trodden people. We don't want to see this great country go the way of democratic nations. THIS is a REPUBLIC. Don't give it away.

Monday, April 26, 2010

They're at it Again

The Dems are pushing it, and the Repubs don't have an idea what needs to be done, so we are going to be exposed to a whole lot more of the dreaded Immigration Reform stuff.

Arizona finally got the intestinal fortitude to stand for something, and what that amounts to is simply enforcing laws the Federal Government is constitutionally obligated to do, defend our country from invaders. Now we are going to get that onion pealed back again, layer by layer and what we'll end up with is a very strong stink; a smell that can make your eyes cry.

We'll hear stories of illegals doing jobs Americans don't want to do; we'll hear about those poor illegals who snuck into our country years ago and should now be allowed to stay here; we'll hear about making some illegals pay fines and then move them to the head of the line, yadda, yadda, yadda . BUT, no matter what the argument, no matter how sympathetic you might be, they are still here illegally and that is in violation to the laws of this great nation.

IF our government did what it is supposed to do, there wouldn't be any illegals, and now, because the illegals were not sent back to their own country, right after they crawled into the desert in order not to be detected, we are supposed to say "my bad", go on .... you can live here?

Look, this is a country of immigrants, but legal immigrants. Those are the people who not only want to come to America, but they want to become American citizens; they want to speak English, they can tell you about some of our American heritage and the capitals of some of our states, AND they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These people want to contribute to this country and be given the opportunity to succeed and excel as all immigrants can and have in the past. None of this is true of illegals. What most of them want is to game the system. They want anchor babies so they can tap into the good hearted nature of Americans.

And now illegals want to demonstrate against the goodness of Americans because our politicians did nothing to stop their illegal behavior, and expect all the other immigrants, most of whom are now called Americans, to just accept that they want what we have, SO we should just be compassionate and give them what they want.

If you are in Mexico illegally, you WILL be deported, but in America we find some politicians don't feel we have a right to protect our people and our country from an illegal invasion.
In Mexico, an unnaturalized citizen cannot own property, but in America we find some politicians do not protect the private property ownership of those who are here legally and are gainfully employed.

Once that stink has your eyes watering, as you rub them you, ask the questions: what the heck is going on? Why have we all played by the rules for the last 200 years, protecting not only this country, but others as well, as our fathers, sons and daughters died fighting to keep this great country free? Because of what we have done in the past, others want to come here. They see a freedom that motivates people to love the flag that represents their country. Other countries see that same flag and want it destroyed, but have not been able to do that, because a free people have a whole lot more to lose than do people in countries that have no self worth, self esteem and love of country. Heck, if there are people that love the country they were born in then  why do they want to come here?

Americans I appeal to you. Do not let your guard down. Sympathy is a good thing, but don't give away the house because someone else wants it.

We need to first fence off our borders and gain control over who is coming into our country.
We need to re-establish immigration laws that will allow foreigners into our country on an equal basis. There need to be laws and rules governing the inflow of immigrants and their assimilation into this country. We need to be able to keep out those who are not interested in becoming an American citizen, and we need to keep out the sick who might bring disease to our great nation.
Then reorganize an assimilation program that includes a Pledge of Allegiance to this country and an English speaking program so immigrants can speak the language of this country. And like the old days, immigrants should have a sponsor to whom we can communicate our expectations.

Then we have to hunt down employers who are hiring illegals and make the fine on that activity so stiff it might even put them out of business (others will fill the gap, but we need to scare these offenders to the point of incarceration for being accomplices to illegality), and deport the illegals we find working in these places of business, families and all.

If there are businesses that cannot find Americans who want to work, perhaps if we didn't allow them to hire underpaid employees, those businesses would realize they have to pay a fair wage in order to be competitive.
Maybe that means prices will go up temporarily, but they will go back down if the playing field is level. Look, maybe a legal immigrant can devise and produce a lettuce picker or a tomato picker or a strawberry picker. The point is, need is the engine of ideas and ingenuity is the soul of competition. Hiring slaves to work a farm field to harvest crop by hand, will not make room for innovational equipment. And the condition of all Americans will suffer, when our government supresses innovation.

Laws are made to establish civil continuity and allowing illegals to come into our country and stay here because they managed to sneak in during the night, damage those laws, and do great harm to this country.

We need more states like Arizona to get some gonads and enforce laws that already exist. If the Fed's won't do it, then authorize the police within the states to do the job best left for the unwilling Fed's.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jever Wonder

  • If 90% of this Nation is Christian, why are we passing gay-rights laws?
  • Why did we allow the politicians to give themselves a retirement package that included 50% of their salary for the rest of their lives, after just 5 years of service? Why do they have any retirement at all?
  • The 2 party system does not allow for many independents to get elected. The parties have the advantage during an election by virtue of their name recognition and the committee seats they hold....thus almost requiring the chairmen of the national party to direct loads of cash against an opponent, because with the incumbent, the "rails are already greased".
  • Why do the states have to pass laws that restore constitutional rights to it citizens? Shouldn't it be the case that constitutional rights already exist?
  • Why are both national parties (Democratic and Republican) so afraid of a third or even a fourth party? Shouldn't we have the right to vote for whomever we think is best qualified instead of who the party makes us vote for?
  • And why did we ever decide to vote for a pair of people on a specific ticket for President and Vice President? The Constitution says that the person getting the most votes will become President and the one who comes in second with the most votes will be Vice President. THAT is one way of the checks and balances the Founders gave us (Article II).
  • Why do we have convenience stores open late into the night and on Sundays? Shouldn't we have time to be with our families? Why does anyone work such stupid hours, at a job that isn't going anywhere?
  • When I was a child, the stores closed around 5pm on Friday (store owners wanted to go home to their families) were expected to know enough to get what you wanted before the store closed. Is that asking so much?
  • Why do young women and some middle aged women want to wear clothes that make them walk and look like guys? And how come they don't want to look feminine when they get in their twenties, but walk around half-naked when they are teens? (Maybe that's why they don't get any respect).
  • Take a look at the "smoking area" outside a Walmart .....yup, mostly women. Isn't it funny that when the guys smoked, they could do it anywhere but no, no, no not the women. They have to go out into the elements.
  • And another thing, just where do all the men work? Box stores and warehouses are pretty much all the work there is, if you are not in a Mickey Dees or a Burger King, and they are staffed with mostly women; same with the dentists office and the doctors office, heck even the hospitals are staffed mostly with women ..... just where do all the men work, or do they? 
  • Abortions, aren't they great? Through abortions we have almost eliminated the following generations of workers so now we have to import workers, and a lot of those are not even here legally.
  • Tell me, how does paying a $100.00 dollar fine for speeding, make the roads a safer place to drive? Hey, why don't we charge $200.00 and make them super safe.
  • The same is true when you run a red light, doesn't the ticket you get make the roads safer?
  • And that drivers license; one road test, then just send in your money for the next, ugh say 50 years. What a scam that is. Do you really think that only people who do not have a drivers license get into accidents or speed?
  • It used to be if you had a large, heavy car, your auto insurance was cheaper because you were more likely to survive an accident. But not today; Today, the heavier the car the more you pay because your car will cause more damage and even harm others. What?!
  • If making the roads a safe place to drive was the "Main" thing, then we should get all cars off the road. Hey, approximately 40,000 people are killed by car accidents every year; how safe is that?
  • Then we could get rid of the laws that say you can only drink so much alcohol .... and we can go back to going to sleep on the sidewalk like we did in the good ole days.
  • Laws against marijuana? That's sure working good too, isn't it? So tell me, besides making jails larger and giving jobs to more of those turnkeys, just what safety is obscured or enhanced by the grass laws? That is the goal, right? To make the state a safer place?
  • Why don't we demand that the state require lawn mower operators to get a license? Hey, some of those things go faster than my car, surely we need to be concerned about safety.
  • I like this one:  They are going to charge more for electricity during the afternoon, when the demand is higher, to get you to use less. Does that mean the over all rate will go down for the rest of us, now that the company is getting more money for the same product? OR .. or or, is Walmart going to charge more for the food you buy during peak hours because they have to pay more for electricity during those hours? And after there is a reduction in usage of electricity, are they going to raise our rates because their profit margins are shrinking? And how about gasoline, should those people who drive during peak hours pay more for their gasoline, then you and I who are otherwise smart and frugal?
  • Jever Wonder where these politicians get these cock-a-maimey ideas?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Contract Signing Time Again

Dear, dear Sean Hannity. He has his children signing contracts with him when they want something like ice cream, and he wants grown men and women; Politicians, to sign a contract so we can "fire" them if they renege, as if voting someone out of office cannot be done any other way. How childish!! No wonder Conservatives are not respected.

Sean Hannity has a radio program that is one big advertisement. When he allows a caller to engage him in conversation, Sean uses the time to answer the caller by reciting a litany of garbage adnauseam . The response is always about what Sean just wrote in his book; or about the list of things everyone listening should agree to; or about the 10 or 20 proposals Sean wants all politicians to do because of course, Sean has all the answers; or about a piece of paper Sean wants politicians to sign because they are not smart enough to understand the problems of the office they are trying to get elected into or the difficulty this nation faces. No no....we must first summon the Great Sean Hannity and seek his pathetic advise, before you dare become someone elected by the citizens of a free nation.

My Daddy used to tell me, "if you want something done right, do it yourself". The TEA Party people are doing what needs to be done and will follow that up at the voting booth. But, Sean ..... is a talk show host, and not a politician. And the way he makes intelligent, country-serving people cower to him and his childish ideas, makes me cringe.

Sean thinks that a third party is not the answer to the problem of politicans saying one thing, then doing another. No No ....he wants these people to "sign a contract"? Wow, the Republican party needs him. How did it ever get along without his magnanimous insights and prophetic leadings? What a fantastic answer to the problem that has caused such a grass roots uprising. How silly of us all to think we could make a difference in the political arena without having that Sean Hannity useless piece of paper.

Leading or being Led

Mitt Romney, it seems, is becoming the favorite Republican for candidate for the Presidency. WHY?!
He gave Massachusetts a real boondoggle, concerning Healthcare.
States do have a right to govern individually from all the other states; that is how one state gets favor over another by people who spend the time looking at the demographics and politics of each state, if they want to relocate. And sometimes, they look SO they can relocate because they don't like the way their state is being governed and can't seem to make a difference at the ballot box.
Mitt Romney continues to brag about how he settled the healthcare issue in Massachusetts, but now we hear him explaining how that system came to be. One of the most notorious assertions he is making is that the Federal Government was already paying for Medicare so all he did was "add" to that program and required everyone in Massachusetts to get healthcare. AND, as President, that would be his model to follow.
Well, first off, Medicare is funded by taking taxes from one person, in one state, and giving it to someone in his own state, through the Federal program; how is that any different than what the current administration has just passed? Oh, there may be a lot more pages to the current law, and a lot of amendments that have nothing to do with healthcare, but the essence is the same....BIG GOVERNMENT!
Mitt Romney admittedly, would fashion the national heathcare program after his Massachusetts Big Dig, to coin a phrase.
But he also has a problem with making decisions. He likes to present himself as a businessman, able to put things into motion. But what he really is, and this is crucially important, is a man who decides by committee. He doesn't have the leadership necessary to lead this great nation. Instead, he would be having those dreaded daily and weekly meetings that government is so fond of, as if for all the meeting, more is accomplished. And the result of some of those meetings is the Massachusetts Healthcare Woe's.
Mitt Romney is not a Libertarian, he is not a Conservative, and he is not a Strict Constitutionalist. He is a RINO, who would give this nation more of the years of George Bush (dubbya).
The two things President Bush did that Conservatives liked him for so much, was the War on the Terrorists and Tax cuts......other than that, he would not have gotten re-elected. Don't forget he broke his promise to veto Campaign Finance. He gave us that enormous unfunded Prescription drug program; he gave us No Child Left Behind, fashioned by Ted Kennedy and if not for the clamoring of the Conservatives, he would have given us Harriet Myers as a Supreme Court Judge.
This nation needs new blood. Someone who wants to serve the people. We already have politicians that believe they are a God send. We don't need that anymore. We need people who know the Constitution and want to restore this nation to its greatness by virtue of THAT Constitution, not committee meetings and onerous legislation the current politicians admit is too lengthy to read and too hard to understand.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time for a Third Party

The arguments against a third party are pretty slim. Noted talk show hosts, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck oppose the idea and warn us that if we pursue a third party rather than try to change an existing party from within, it will lead to defeat after defeat and make certain Democrats will continue to win elections.

They often sight Ross Perots' attempts at a third party and tell us any similar attempts will meet an identical fate, but Ross Perot was not a grass roots up-swell. Ross Perot was trying to do what actually needs to be done, but he was doing alone.

The Tea Party's have brought about a genuine concern for the way politics and political party's operate. And the grass roots of it all, scares all politicians; no one wants to lose their power, and a third party will make a fundamental change in the political arena.

Limbaugh likes to tell us that "elections have consequences", and he's right; look what happened when we let him persuade us that George Bush was a conservative: Bush tried to give us a liberal Supreme Court Justice; Bush broke his promise to veto Campaign Finance; Bush gave us new entitlements for Drug Prescriptions and Bush gave us a very large public education expansion written by Ted Kennedy (no child left behind). And like the popular John McCain, Bush even tried to give us "Immigration Reform", that was no reform at all. Bush and McCain would give us 20 million "new" Americans who do not even want to become Americans; they just want the benefits of living in America.

A third party is the only alternative, and we can see evidence of that by the elections won by the Club for Growth politicians who won elections against both Democratic and Republican candidates. There is no reason to fear a third party, we need one. The existing party's have made it very difficult for anyone who doesn't belong to one of them, and is not supported by the "big money" donors of those party's, to win a campaign, or election. Practically speaking, the elections are "rigged", so that incumbents have the "edge". And "changing the party from within" is ludicrous. There are too many John McCains who are chairmen of powerful committees, who have the clout to keep themselves at those positions, and persuade "big money" to not contribute to third party types, by defunding previously passed legislation or amending specific rule or laws that favor "big money" corporations.

The system is broke and needs to be fixed, not "changed from within".

The Tea Party's will continue to make a difference and they shouldn't let the Limbaughs and Hannity's dissuade them.

There is a reason why the Tea Party's have appeared and why they are growing and it is not to compromise with the status quo. We need to throw ALL the bums out who have given themselves huge retirement salaries and a healthcare program that is independent of the one they just voted on for us. And the Social Security? There is no money in the fund and today it spends more than it takes in.

And of course we then have to deal with the favors politicians "owe" each other. Today, Sarah Palin is campaigning for John McCain. That is a slap in the face to the Tea Party Movement. Sarah is one of our popular spokespeople, but by campaigning for McCain, she is showing us that she is not much different than the rest of them. John McCain is no more conservative than Fidel Castro is, yet Sarah is spending her popularity with him against a true conservative, J.D.Hayworth.

This stuff will not stop until we elect a slew of Conservatives or Libertarians who stand on the principles of the constitution, and we need blogs like this which will point out the blatant hypocrisy.

George T