Friday, January 28, 2011


Good gravy, what a bunch of dunderheads.

In an op-ed, Michelle Malkin wrote about the abortion production line in the city of Brotherly Love, Philedelphia Pennsylvania, where under the watchful eye of one of the establishment republicans, Gov. Tom Ridge, hundreds of abortions were performed in such a vicious and cruel way that murder, is the only word you can use to describe it.
Dr. Gosnell and his band of accomplices, regularly delivered live babies in their third trimester, then murdered them by severing their spinal cords. And you don't think there is a difference between tea party republicans and the establishment republicans?

While I was on Eric Cantors' web site, I looked at some of the comments made by readers and discovered that there still are people that believe there is money in some sort of trust fund for social security. Man, I thought this subject had been so chewed up and digested that there couldn't be a soul, taking in air, that could believe that. What planet does that kind of person live on? Am I bonkers or is he the only one left that believes there is a social security fund somewhere?

And did you hear this one; Repeal of the Health Care bill will add about 230 billion dollars to our national deficit. WHAT!? If we simply eliminated the Health Care program, just simply eliminated it, and returned to what we had before it was passed, and by the way, nothing has changed since it was passed, except to make tax payers pay for this thing, while not getting any thing out of the program until 2014, there would be no cost; nothing added to the national debt. Just use some common sense, how could eliminating something that isn't in effect, cost anything by eliminating it? If anything, tax payers should get a refund on the additional costs they have been charged, while waiting for the year 2014.

And now the broo-ha-ha over Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the rest of that stuff. What?! Is it any of our business? Sure, we have to watch what goes on there, because in the future we will need to develop political relations with the government of those countries, but for now, what goes on there is their business. How do you think America would have acted if some foreign country interfered with our civil war? Naw, it's their civil war, let them decide how they want their country to look. Afterwards, we can decide if we want to have any kind of political relationship with them, but for now, it is simply none of our business.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


President Obama has often told us that his administration has created or saved millions of jobs since he was elected into office. Yet, America has a realistic 9.8% unemployment record plus, when you account for the underemployed that figure is more like 22%, and I reiterate, those figures are for America.

So, one has to ask; if jobs have been saved and or created, where did that occur?

Obama has invested over 2billion dollars in the drilling of oil in the Gulf, but in a foreign country, not America.
His administration has invested over 100 million in a battery production company, again not in America.

The list goes on and on, so one has to come to the conclusion that creating jobs or saving jobs IS happening, just not in America. And the worse part of that equation is those jobs are being created with the taxes of underemployed Americans.

The Obama administration takes the taxes from Americans, gives them to other countries, then borrows money from other foreign countries like China, and promises to rebuild the infrastructure of create jobs for Americans. Tell me, can you do these sorts of things with your own household income and expenses? Can you take your household income, give it away to someone unrelated to you, then go to the bank and borrow the money you need to run your household? IF you did do this, how long do you think you could manage your household before you realize there is no way to pay the debt from borrowing? Why do the politicians in DC think America is on the path to recovery? Where is the money going to come from to pay back all the debt from borrowing, while promising to invest in America to create jobs? I'm not a financial whiz, but what the heck are you talking about? What the Democrats are doing is destroying the very foundation of our country. Am I the only one who can see this?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The approval rating for Congress is at a new low of just 16%, and is it any wonder, when you have representatives like King, from New York, submitting a bill to make it illegal to carry a gun within 1,000 feet of a public meeting.

What happened to Congresswoman Giffords, the Federal Judge and the rest of the killed and wounded in AZ is tragic and despicable, but the fault lies within the mind of the shooter and the county justice system that, apparently, allowed this guy to roam the streets even after the sheriff (Dupnik) and the police of that county, were aware of this guy's rantings and threats for some time. Let's look into whether or not a mentally unstable person was handled properly. It might be possible to determine that if proper measures were taken, long before these shootings did, none of this would have happened.

Now we have the typical knee-jerk reaction from the politicians and the left who want additional laws to remove freedoms from American citizens. But I think I read some where that it is already illegal to shoot someone, no matter how close you are to them. So, will 1,000 feet make it impossible for a deranged individual to get close enough to shoot another? I mean, how do we protect the 1,000 feet perimeter? Are we going to line the area with police? Or, are we not going to allow anyone closer than 1,000 feet, so the speaker/s will have to either hire or rent a terrific sound system? I mean, just what will the 1,000 feet "law" do for a public speaker? Didn't Sirhan Sirhan get right close to Bobby Kennedy to shoot him? Would Bobby still be alive today if there was a 1,000 feet law being implemented then? And how about John Kennedy? Wasn't he shot from the depository with a high powered rifle? Then what do we do about those dang suicide bombers... are they going to comply with the 1,000 feet ruling? Oh yeah, I forgot, suicide bombers only attack citizens, not those privileged politicians, no need to concern ourselves with them.

Laws, laws laws... aren't there enough on the books to deter just about anyone or anything you can think of? Yet deranged people continue to break those laws and do their dirty work. Why will they not learn to comply with the laws the rest of have to live with? Who do those kooks think they are anyway? I know what, let's make a law that says it is illegal to be a kook, that should solve the problem. Or how about this; let's make a law that says you promise not to become a kook, after you reach a certain age, or like in the case of life insurance and a suicide, you promise not to become a kook at least until 5 years have passed since you bought a legal weapon. There, that should solve all our problems with those people that just do not want to live civily amongst us. Just one more simple law that will prohibit their absurd, deranged behavior.
Now we can all sleep better, OR, we can just avoid those public speaking engagements.