Friday, March 18, 2011


I didn't like him while he was campaigning, and I don't like him now.
I tried to send him an email, but his web site will not accept email outside of his district. You have to wonder what the heck these bozo's are thinking: every federal congressman's vote affects the entire nation, not just the district they come from, but I guess guys like Fincher, don't understand that his vote does affect people who are trying to reach him to persuade him to vote the way they prefer.

Fincher has a narrow view of his job. He is content to "move in the right direction", even if what he votes for is like taking 2 steps forward and one step back. What is even more alarming is that Pelosi voted against the CR and Fincher voted in favor of it.

This farmer needs to go back to his government subsidized farm and leave the politics of this nation to people who can think of more than just himself, when he votes.

So, district 8, are you glad that you replaced J. Tanner with Fincher?  If you are, all I can say is "gag a maggot". It makes me sick to see someone like Fincher in Congress. The nation is trying so hard to get rid of big government and big government spending and in the midst of it all a segment of society, namely the 8th district of Tennessee, elects a goof ball like Fincher.

Randy Smith, hone up your verbal techniques and get ready for the next election; Fincher must not spend any more time in  Congress than the first election allows him. Randy, you have the right heart for this nation, but you lack the ability to convey or present what it is you feel is right. Fincher is a smooth talker, and you have to learn to not be smooth, but to be able to present, cogently, what it is you want to do for this nation. If not Randy, than please, let there be someone who can and will oppose Fincher. 

Fincher might get the backing of the national republican party, but we don't want those kinds of people elected into office, so I can only hope any opposition to Fincher can, and will be backed by the "Tea Party" folks who want less government and less spending.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Representative King, from New York no less, has taken on a task that is long overdue. He heads the committee on The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community - and that Community's Response. "I want to show the extent of that radicalization, how it happens. Also whether or not the Muslim community is fully cooperating".

Since initiating this committee, he has had to increase his security because of all the threats to his life and his family. Many of the threats are coming from overseas.

Representative King intends to invite a variety of speakers so his committee can get a real feel for the facts. Many of those invited, represent the Muslims in America, yet there is this movement to trump up charges of racism against him. This begs the question: If Islam is a religion of peace, why all the threats and why not just participate to prove it is peaceful? Muslim participants certainly should be able to give an insiders view of the religion, so how about just becoming a part of the proof of your reasons that radicalization is not originated from within the tenets of the religion?

I do know this, I can't think of another religion that encourages its members to strap on suicide vests, or smash planes into towers, or call a Jihad against a cartoonist. It makes little sense that all of this adds up to peacefulness, but if radicalism is not started within the framework of the religion, than we certainly ought to find out how it does get started and both Muslim and non-Muslim should want to put an end to it.

It is my hope, and I'm certain Representative King's, this committee will find the answers to Muslim radicalism and perhaps then we can all put an end to it and save lives in the process and in the future. I also hope those who make a pretense to being the most outraged by such a committee, will cool their jets and become a part of the solution and stop being a part of the problem. Radical Islam IS a problem that needs to stopped. If the committee can point to a certain sect or organization that merely uses Islam for their dastardly deeds, that in and of itself will help everyone involved. Without this committee, nothing seems to be solving the radicalization problem; not from without nor from within the religion, and I think it would be in the Muslims best interest to solve this problem. After solving the problem, Islam could go on to flourish, free of all the doubts most non-Muslims have.

I say let's support Representative King; the world will be a better place if we can only pin-point the problem and fix it.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Let's do this again; I am sick and tired of the "pundits" who are afraid to call a Jihadist, a Jihadist. They are so "politically correct" that America is on the verge of being overwhelmed both from within and without, because guys like Heraldo want to step so gingerly around the facts so as to label a Juhadist, a murderer or a confused individual, acting alone.

America has people in the Air Force, Navy, Army and Marine Corp. who are trained and expected to defend this country when called upon. These people are called "soldiers", and they represent America in various parts of the world, under a variety of circumstances. Americans number in the 300 millions, but our soldiers are merely a small number of us. None the less, America is protected and defended by these people and as citizens of America, we all "expect" this from them.

Jihadists are the soldiers of Islam and are "expected" to perform their function as their leaders dictate; attack and help bring in the Caliphate. In both cases, the soldiers are a small number of the citizenry they represent, but they are called upon to do the bidding of the country or in the case of Islam, countries, they represent. In America, we have an orderly, regimented line of military personnel numbering in the hundreds of thousands, who are called upon to perform their duties as the military leaders outline to our government; in Islam, ALL Muslims are called upon to create terror and to kill all none Muslims anywhere and everywhere in the world (and there are 2 billion Muslims) without the benefit of military leaders outlining a strategy. For them, it is simply a matter of overtaking the world, and as we see "uprisings" in various parts of the world, more and more of these uprisings can and will occur, leaderless collectively, but with the same goal in mind; kill the infidel and create a caliphate that will rule the world. As these uprisings increase, so will the "soldiers" increase. For Muslims, these people are called Jihadists. Some act alone, in selected places, others act as a group; for some the fewer involved in any specific activity, the better. But as their activities increase their numbers will increase so in time we will see them as a large number of Muslims doing the work of their  religious leaders, albeit, without a military type of leader. One of their motivators is the 7 virgins they'll get in heaven for their having died while in the prospect of overtaking the world, and as they succeed, their numbers will increase because more of them will come to believe they are on the verge of being successful. Suicide, is one of their tools or strategies to kill "infidels". They've performed these suicides throughout the world and most prominently in Israel, and usually with the suicidal "soldiers" they yell "Allahu Akbar".

Heraldo, wants Americans to believe that someone like the goof ball that shot those people in AZ is no different than those the rest of us are calling terrorists. To him, anyone that kills is a terrorist OR none are and the rest of us have no right labeling anyone who commits murder, a terrorist. He, and others like him, cannot see the difference between a crazed killer and a terrorist; a Jihadist that has a world view purpose in what he is doing. The shooting of a Congress woman in AZ along with a Judge and several others is the work of a deranged individual; that particular incident is not considered a terrorist activity by those of us who are trying so hard to show the difference. The killer did not even yell "Allahu Akbar" before he did his deed, BUT there are those who DO yell "Allahu Akbar" and we consider those terrorists or Jihadists striving to bring in the Caliphate and eliminating the world of "infidels".

Do not be comfortable with your lack of understanding; there is a Muslim attack on the world at large. It is being done by the soldiers of Islam, and they are Jihadists. Jihadism is real, it is growing and it is here in America and if we do not treat it as a threat to our way of life, it will over take us. We are being lulled to sleep by people like Heraldo, who are trying so hard to be politically correct and not offend others. IT IS WHAT IT IS. Let's stop treating these Jihadists like common criminals. They have a purpose; they have a goal, and we will lose our part of the fight if we don't make ourselves aware of the truth.