Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Look, I've written about this sort of thing before, but every time it occurs it grates me immeasurably: I sympathize with congresswoman Giffords and I wish her well, both in her recovery and her life.

You know, when we vote for someone and they eventually get elected into office, that simple act does not elevate them to some astronomical status. They do not suddenly become "god-like". In fact, it could be the case that they might lose the next election they are running in, so why do we feel obligated to glorify them as if they are the epitome of goodness?

Do you remember when Ted Kennedy died? Why if you just landed on this planet you might think that God Himself just died. 

These people one day, are shaking our hands, telling us stuff they think they need to say to get elected. They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like me and you. But once they are in office, ....well,    God is not as popular as some of them. And when they die, or as in Gifford's case, they resign, the news media and the American public, act like it might be impossible for this country to continue to exist, absent this one, great individual?

It is a shame what happened to the congresswoman, but some 40,000 people die a year in car crashes, and nobody epitomizes their absence.  WHY? What is it that makes these elected people so precious to us? Why do we weep and lament at their parting? Does it speak to our shallow existence or does it speak to our need to act human?

Isn't it the normal and best thing for Americans to "throw the bums out" or to 'vote for someone who best represents our views", or "try someone different" in an election? If this is the case, how do these "choices" become so iconoclastic? How and why do we elevate them to such a pinnacle as to promote them beyond the God whom created the very being we are idolizing?

There in lies the dilemma:  we have a system that allows the citizens of this great country to vote for, and place into an office, a person who promises to represent us in a political system admired by the rest of the world. And in that position, we expect them to behave judicially, and impiously; a representative of the people, for the people and by the people; a system, some would argue is God sent; a system that is trying to eliminate God from every aspect of our lives. What,   did I just say that? "A system trying to eliminate God from every aspect our our lives? Sure enough, and in so doing, we replace Him with His own creation. We worship the creature rather than the Creator. Oh, how debased and perverted we are, as a people and as a nation.

Lament no more: God is alive and well. He has no beginning and no end and on Him we can depend. He will never leave us or forsake us. We will never have to lament His passing, and we can always depend on Him to be there no matter what the political pundits are saying.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Read Amendment XII;    THAT was how Presidents and Vice Presidents were intended to be elected so favorites or special PAC's could not affect the election of the 2 most important offices in this free nation. It is the ultimate balance.

That's why I do not believe in the PRIMARY election system: It is left to a few states as to whom is left over for the general election, not forgetting that America has the electoral college that is supposed to do the presidential elections, we are stuck with the 2 party system ultimately funding one candidate as opposed to another, then we get to vote as if our vote actually counted (Presidents and Vice Presidents are NOT elected by popular vote), and the states' electors are sworn to vote for the persons on a ticket regardless of the actual vote count. Meaning, the primary and the National Conventions dictate who will be the Pres./V. Pres. in the general election. Electors do not even concern themselves with the actual vote; they are not obligated to vote the way YOU want them to, but IF a state's voters vote more for a Repub than a Dem., the electors of those states will vote the same. The 2 party system has 2 sets of electors, one for each party so the party gets to choose who wins, not the "constitutional" electors who should be able to vote for whomever they wish.

By and large, the Establishment, for one party or the other, funds the candidates of their choice. The advertisements and press coverage through PAC's and other political tools, get to choose for us. America is the greatest country on this earth, but Americans have allowed politics to turn the constitution on its head, without as much as a whimper.

Think about this clearly. Please do not dismiss this out of hand. Corporations, the Establishment, Big money and the 2 party system direct the affairs of any election from the county head quarters of each candidate to the most influential people affordable and available to promote and advertise one person against another.

In the last election cycle, the Repub's GAVE us McCain, who now endorses Romney: you would think that would be the death knell for Mitt since McCain couldn't beat Obama, and now is backing the person of "choice", but in the current system, it gives Mitt a boost because it tells the money people that entrenched politicians who chair the committees that direct the affairs of this nation, are "backing" one person as opposed to the other; where do you think the "Big Money" will go? If you, Mr. corporation or Mr. deep pockets want to maintain a good working relationship with the "powers that be"; powers that can make or break you, than you know what to do, is the unspoken political mantra.

What I've described above is what gave this nation Obama as President, a man who voted present most of his, not finished, one-term as senator. A man who now circumvents the constitution in so many ways because the 100 member senate is largely from the same party and they negate anything the 435 member House of Representatives do. The Senate does not vote on anything that doesn't promote their agenda and there is nothing the House can do about it. There hasn't been a budget in over 950 days, that's over 2 1/2 years; what does the Constitution say about that?

With what little influence you have as an American in this voting process, you must consider the person best qualified to support and outwardly promote the original intention of the Constitution. With what voting power you have, you can help save this nation and turn it around. The 2 party system has a choke hold on elections and only the citizens can change that. Neither party is exempt; they are obligated to their financiers, not you, Mr and Mrs America.

Many people concern themselves with the First and Second Amendments, but I tell you the very constitution itself, is being shredded, daily, and if  WE THE PEOPLE, do not get control back, this nation will cease to exist as it has for over 200 years. History tells us Rome was destroyed from within, is it too far fetched a thing to imagine that the citizens of the United States of America are letting this nation crumble because of their lack of understanding of the Constitution and what it has meant to this country, and to the world?