Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Is there any question what the public school system provides? Let me give you the recent revelations:
1.   Science teacher taking kids home and providing them with alcohol and drugs. He had marijuana on him when he was arrested.

2.   Another one of those female teachers that want to prey on teen boys; sending him naked pictures of herself.  Oh, did I mention that she is 37 and he is 16? And then of course, sex followed.

Every week we hear of some more of this sort of depravity, yet we continue to send our kids into that pool of disgusting, vial, "education".  Did you hear the one about the basketball coach that whipped his players for not performing the play correctly, and I mean to tell you, he WHIPPED them; with a leather strap.

As for you homeschoolers:  There are those who think it isn't right or think a parent isn't trained to educate their own children, and they often allege that the greatest deterrent to home schooling is the lack of INTERACTION. Well, if by interaction you mean getting my kid beat with a leather strap, or having some demented middle aged female prey on my boys, or "trusting" a science teacher to give my kid one-on-one education after school, at his house where he provides drugs and alcohol, NO THANKS!

These kinds of "teachers" and their antics, when they do become public, should encourage parents to either home school, or find private schooling. People, these are you progeny, your flesh and blood. Is this what you are willing to tolerate with your taxes? Is this the "fundamentally changed America" you want to pay for?

I don't know what it will take for some of you to wake up. The public school system is a haven for the depraved, demented, perverted male and female. And they get to work with the very people they should be kept away from...our kids. Unions protect them, lawyers explain away their behavior with clap-trap like, "the teachers need to get counseling on how to handle belligerent children or,  this one is good, for the female that preys on teenage boys, "she is maturely underdeveloped and needs counseling so she can interact with younger people and not feel like she is still a teen". WHAT!!? Why are we excusing this insidious behavior? These female teachers, and there have been many in the last 10 years, need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, for contributing to the delinquency of a minor while they are entrusted to them, and for rape.

You know how often you hear that men mentally abuse women, well why draw the line there? Isn't a woman who is supposed to be protecting and teaching teenagers, guilty of mentally and sexually abusing teen boys when she sends naked pictures of herself to him and then has sex with him? Is this normal behavior?

God save us: we have become such a depraved nation that we now allow our kids to be assaulted, abused and drugged, all in the name of public education.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


ARGHH!! First it's "weep no more for me" Boehner, and now we are subjected to stealth theft by McConnell, to the tune of over 400,000,000 folks that 400 MILLION DOLLARS and he is not alone. Even the once thought of as conservative Thune has his fingers in our pockets as do a total of 12 "republicans".

McConnell and Boehner are the newly elected (by their own peers) leaders of the conservatives in the 112th Congress, and as an out going parting shot to Conservatives, they attach tears and bribery to legislation at the tax payers expense.

I would rather have seen them fillibuster the bill and let the 112th, with the newly elected,  handle the budget. BUT the leadership are not on their way out. Oh no!! We now see just how they are going to handle the House of Representatives and their minority in the Senate.

This lame duck congress is going out with a roar. They are not going to let the recent election deter them. And as a parting shot they will fix the budget and what can be done to it for the next year. The conservatives elected in the recent election will have to do some heavy publicity advertising to get the public to understand it wasn't them that gave us this budget. I just know the news media will blame the republicans in the House for the excesses in this budget and if they don't get out in front of it, they will always be on the defensive.

As for the earmarks: it just galls me that these politicians still think it is okay to accept bribes for their vote, even someone like Thune (I hope the Tea Party people will get him voted out of office as soon as possible).

As a realist I must admit, the system, the politics and the American experiment is all but lost. Socialism rules the day, and soon it will be possible for the President to grant himself full authority over the congress just as the socialist countries do. This is not hyperbole. What once was an executive order, can now take on even greater authority; and all along we thought we were making a difference.

Start constructing your root cellars, and learn how to grow your own food and can it. The price and cost of living is about to sky rocket, all thanks to the aid of the Republicans. HA, Michael Steele wants to run for re-election to the RNC. The idea that he is not even ashamed of what he has done and what he stands for is amazing. Egos do not allow for these people to realize they are the problem. It makes you wonder: what is the truth; who can be trusted; is anyone sincere, or are they all "playing" us?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


John Boehner!

What up? Wow, in my past, we would call a guy like this, a cry baby. Goodness, the man cannot control his emotions, or does he have an emotional problem?

Conservatives won the last election, but they turn around and elect one of the good ole boy, establishment Republicans; what's up with that? Seeing Boehner and  McConnell on television as the leaders of conservatives disgusts me. These two, have too many friends and favors they are obligated to. Then we have to watch Boehner cry so uncontrollably that he cannot continue with his interview; instead he cries "on our behalf".

I don't find anything wrong with a man that is moved by emotion, but I do not want a man as leader, that loses control of his emotions, and that lets those emotions control him. What is he going to do when someone disagrees with him either in his own party, or in the opposition party? Good gravy, we just might see politicians brought up on charges of abuse or bullyism.

And for his first demonstration of leadership, he agrees to another stimulus package, when what we voted for was an end to big government and the run-away government spending. Is this what we have to look forward to? We would all be better off if nothing was being done until after the new Congress is sworn in next January. That Congress could enact permanent tax cuts and make them retroactive without all the entrapment's in the current agreement.

I am so fed up with the politicians and the politics that have taken over the process of governing America. I hope to see the Tea Party people rev up for the next election. It will involve candidates for the Presidency, but the Senate and House of Representatives will be more important. Ryan, Demint, Flake, Pence and the others need help, and establishment Republicans are not capable of serving the people of America.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We often read about how a parent is responsible for the behavior of one of its children, but usually only when the behavior is bad or anti-social. Most often that argument is associated with a rapist or child abuser. Authorities seem to almost always blame the parents for the abusiveness of their adult child (but we don't hear that parents are credited for the behavior of a child who has done good...oh well).

Then, we are subjected to ideas that a woman is "justified" for shooting her abusive husband, even without sufficient evidence, mostly because the husband is not available for comment (her parents are not brought into the picture in these cases).

Well, how about an Edwards type of situation?
Elizabeth Edwards has succumbed to breast cancer after a 7 year battle. Her husband was busy making whoopy with a women much younger than himself, and fathered a child with her, all while Elizabeth was "fighting" cancer.

Doctors will tell you that one of the best healers in any sickness is comfort and a stress-free life. All should be done to make life easy and comfortable for the ill. The more serious the illness, the greater need for less stress.

If parents can be "held" responsible for the actions of their grown children: if an abusive child is "forgiven" for their debased behavior because of their parents: if it is explainable that a teacher would be attracted to a teen age boy and introduce him to sex because of her abusive father:  then  Presidential candidate Edwards should not be "hounded" by the justice department or any other legal arm of the law, for his abusive behavior and total disrespect for his wife and family. OH, THAT isn't happening? You mean Mr. Edwards is not a contributing factor in the death of his wife, who so totally needed a stress-free life? Well then, why not? Isn't he, as much to blame for her to not recover, as a parent is for the debased behavior of their adult children?

Where is the constancy? We legislate harsher penalties for drunk drivers as if a sober person who kills someone with a car is less to blame: we have traffic stops to "catch" drunk drivers as if anyone who is not drunk that day is not going to commit a traffic crime: we have police hand out traffic citations for anyone not wearing a seatbelt, as if wearing one is going to prevent accidents from occuring: people are arrested for public intoxication as if their being sober would make the community a safe place: but we DO NOT cite someone like Mr. Edwards for his illicit, adulterous behavior as being a contributing factor in the death of his wife. Come on folks; If the above is legitimate and understandable, than why isn't Mr. Edwards being charged as an accomplice to murder? Didn't his behavior contribute to Elizabeths inability to recover from cancer, given all the medical treatment she went through? Hey, my wife is a "surviver" of the breast cancer she had over 10 years ago, Elizabeth didn't make it to 10.

Yeah, think I'm being a little harsh or maybe twisted in my thinking, but no one has patted me on the back for helping my wife make it to 10. I did everything I could to provide her with a stress-free life, and viola, she's alive! But if I snuffed her with a pillow one of those distressing nights she had, I probably could have gotten away with murder, because after-all she wanted to die and I would only be saving her from all the pain.

Hugh! Maybe John Edwards is actually a hero: he let Elizabeth live to fight day after day. Maybe I am wrong in thinking that YOU are the ones with a twisted mind, actively encouraging  legislators with all those ridiculous laws that allows one person or another to kill someone because the killer was actually a victim of his youth. MAYBE John Edwards has a story about his youth that will exonerate his adulterous behavior, thereby becoming a surviving VICTIM of his youth.

All I know is "you can't legislate morality"!