Thursday, December 16, 2010


ARGHH!! First it's "weep no more for me" Boehner, and now we are subjected to stealth theft by McConnell, to the tune of over 400,000,000 folks that 400 MILLION DOLLARS and he is not alone. Even the once thought of as conservative Thune has his fingers in our pockets as do a total of 12 "republicans".

McConnell and Boehner are the newly elected (by their own peers) leaders of the conservatives in the 112th Congress, and as an out going parting shot to Conservatives, they attach tears and bribery to legislation at the tax payers expense.

I would rather have seen them fillibuster the bill and let the 112th, with the newly elected,  handle the budget. BUT the leadership are not on their way out. Oh no!! We now see just how they are going to handle the House of Representatives and their minority in the Senate.

This lame duck congress is going out with a roar. They are not going to let the recent election deter them. And as a parting shot they will fix the budget and what can be done to it for the next year. The conservatives elected in the recent election will have to do some heavy publicity advertising to get the public to understand it wasn't them that gave us this budget. I just know the news media will blame the republicans in the House for the excesses in this budget and if they don't get out in front of it, they will always be on the defensive.

As for the earmarks: it just galls me that these politicians still think it is okay to accept bribes for their vote, even someone like Thune (I hope the Tea Party people will get him voted out of office as soon as possible).

As a realist I must admit, the system, the politics and the American experiment is all but lost. Socialism rules the day, and soon it will be possible for the President to grant himself full authority over the congress just as the socialist countries do. This is not hyperbole. What once was an executive order, can now take on even greater authority; and all along we thought we were making a difference.

Start constructing your root cellars, and learn how to grow your own food and can it. The price and cost of living is about to sky rocket, all thanks to the aid of the Republicans. HA, Michael Steele wants to run for re-election to the RNC. The idea that he is not even ashamed of what he has done and what he stands for is amazing. Egos do not allow for these people to realize they are the problem. It makes you wonder: what is the truth; who can be trusted; is anyone sincere, or are they all "playing" us?

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