Saturday, April 7, 2012


The actions of this President and how he inserts himself into local disputes and agitates others, bothers me. Too often he makes a national case out of a local problem the states can and will end up being the arbiters of, but by speaking out on some of these issues, he tends to stir up the pot when it doesn't need stirring, and you have to ask yourself why he does that.

You remember Vann Jones, the avowed communist that was one of Obama's Czars? Well, he just proclaimed, it was reported in the Examiner, he and others will bring the Egypt style Arab Spring to America this Spring. This doesn't surprise most of us who realize this is how the Obama Administration works: create a situation or take advantage of a situation, incite the Liberal side of Americans to demonstrate and demand change, using the media as wonks who distort truth and further agitate people to believe a lie, and pay most of the demonstrators 20 to 50 dollars a day to demonstrate to make it look like it's a real grass roots concern. Vann Jones' group will accomplish this through 900 "protest training sessions" through out the USA, and when ready, labor unions and will launch the protests; and no one in the media is outraged at the idea organized interruption, and no doubt destruction of private property and the day to day lives of all Americans, is being overtly planned. And where is the Department of Justice? Don't they follow up on these sorts of "rumors"? Where is the President on these issues, a place FOR him to speak out.

Cities and states have experience and have been able to reasonably handle permitted demonstrations and protests, but this is not going to be permitted nor usual. The intention of this movement is to overturn our way of is some of the change Obama told you he would bring to America.

On March 16, 2010 President Obama authorized an 11 page  "Executive Order" called  National Defense Resources Preparedness. This authority was first used during the Korean War and was explained as follows:

The Defense Production Act (DPA) was created at the outset of the Korean War to ensure the
availability of the nation’s industrial resources to meet the national security needs of the United
States by granting the President powers to ensure the supply and timely delivery of products,
materials, and services to military and civilian agencies.
The DPA codifies a robust legal authority given the President to force industry to give priority to
national security production and is the statutory underpinning of governmental review of foreign
investment in U.S. companies.

DPA Provisions and Jurisdiction
Much of what President Truman initially proposed affected national economic policies. As
enacted on September 8, 1950 (H.R. 9176, P.L. 81-774), the DPA contained seven titles:
• Title I: Priorities and Allocations (
authority to demand priority for defense related
• Title II: Authority to Requisition (
authority to requisition materials, property,
and facilities for national defense, terminated in 1953
• Title III: Expansion of Productive Capacity and Supply (
authority to provide
incentives to develop, modernize, and expand defense productive capacity
• Title IV: Price and Wage Stabilization (
authority to ration consumer goods, to
solicit voluntary labor/industry cooperation on wage and price stability, and to fix
wage and price ceilings, terminated in 1953

When there is a dispute between agencies and the heads of those agencies, this executive order confers on the President the authority to make the final decision.

But remember this President issued and ELEVEN PAGE executive order and it details much more than I have in this blog.

I have to admit, I am suspicious of the intentions of the President and the need for such an executive order. We are not at war nor are we ending a war whereby industry and life need to be adjusted, as was the case during World War II and the Korean War. Sacrifices were required and made by every American, but this order, at this time causes me concern. To me, it is more like planning ahead: It is more like "knowing" something is about to occur and you want to get ahead of it. To me it's like the President knows of the Arab Spring movement of Vann Jones, and others and is making ready to do his part when the chaos hits our neighborhoods and disrupts our country. If he does initiate any part of this executive order, it will be akin to Martial Law:    

 " Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down. It may also be used during outbreaks of deadly illnesses".

"Among aspects of martial law are censorship of radio and newspapers, prohibition of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibition of gatherings of more than five persons in the street, and requirement of a permit from the local military authorities before any public meeting can be held. Religious meetings inside buildings may be tolerated by the authorities, held at hours not conflicting with the curfew.
In rare cases, martial law has been in effect with armed soldiers barring citizens from being out-of-doors after sunset".

Is this where we are headed? I hope not, but I do have my doubts.