Saturday, December 15, 2012


I know it's going to happen again; a demand for gun control, but the real problem is more subtle than that.

Once, this was considered a Christian nation, which made laws dictated by some of the Christian beliefs and philosophies. Even today, personal property rights, Holidays (those days federal employees do not have to work but still get paid to stay home), Thou shalt not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, equal pay for the same job, etc. find their tenets in the Christian religion and are now a part of the society of not only American but of other cultures around the world.

Christianity began in the middle east, spread throughout the then known world and then it was brought to America. Most of the rest of the world has "removed" Christianity from its societies and those societies embrace practically anything that feels right at the moment. And look at those societies; they are bankrupt, mired in morals charges filed against the highest members of those societies. Those countries seem to be floating in a world without anchors to guide their people. Societies that have no idea what the next day will bring, and whose people rebel for no other reason than to act out the anger they have because they are not living like they think they should, and who can  tell them they are wrong when there are no absolutes for them to live by?

America is finally feeling the "pinch" of what a country; what a society can do and is capable of doing, when there is no moral compass; no absolutes by which to live.

Take God out of a society and you remove absolute morality because it is God who gives us the idea that it is wrong to hurt or offend someone else; that a wrong is created by the fact that God is right. HE is the compass upon which everyone gauges personal and community behavior. It is God who tells us not to kill. It is God who tells us not to lust after another mans' wife. It is God who tells us not to lie. It is God who tells us we should not cheat a man. Societies take those commandments and turn them into laws to govern everyday people with, so there can be civility within a large mass of people. Those commandments also exact a penalty for being violated, but when a society removes God, and establishes their own sense of right and wrong, a society loses its anchor and begins to float around in a sea of ideas legislated upon a people by people who lack moral acuity, and a just punishment begins to soften and people look in other directions for the Godly solutions they can no longer find.

With the compass of a created people, gone, we begin to rule by feelings and sedation. The people of a society feels it is part of a cosmic togetherness that must allow for differences of opinions just because differences occur. A society begins to feel it is okay to sedate its youngest people because it makes them easier to handle, but what is not understood is that a brain does not fully develop until around age 25, and any medicinal manipulation can cause those brains to be altered, permanently. In cases like this one in Connecticut or Colorado, prescription drugs were fundamental in the behavior of the person bent on killing

With the compass of a created people gone, a society begins to feel it might not be right to disallow people of the same sex to be protected by laws made by and for couples heretofore called a man and a woman; morals established by the creator, God. Once God is taken out of the equation, what is left is people who find themselves in leadership positions, governing by their feelings of right and wrong....but no one considers whether the leader has a moral compass. Soon, you have a society governed by people who otherwise are condemned by God, such as homosexuals and lesbians, who naturally will legislate to further promote their beliefs.

The atrocities like what just occurred in the Newtown Connecticut school is directly related to the absence of God. An absence that allows people to determine what is right and wrong; an absence that allows children to be required to accumulate by the thousands into a place where the government and not the parents guide the teaching of these youngsters, and make these institutions easier targets for this kind of carnage; an absence that sedates a society against the possibilities of something like this happening, and when it does, the natural reaction is to blame inanimate objects for the carnage.

It is true, the improper use of guns can get people killed, but to then take this situation, caused by the efforts of a mankind bent on removing God from their moral judgements, and turn it into a need to remove a means of defense that the Creator has not only given us, but has judged we have a right to, is a clear case of moral and Godly abstinence. If logic is the determining factor for reaching a decision to ban fire arms because someone used them inappropriately, than logic dictates that same sex marriage should continue to be banned because such a union cannot produce offspring; logic dictates that cars should not be made to go faster than what can be determined to be a survival rate of a crash; logic dictates that the federal government should make tax payers provide birth control so its society can be as promiscuous as it wants; logic dictates that getting wealthy should be punishable by demanding more from those who work hard enough to become wealthy; logic dictates that immoral politicians have a problem when an extreme punishment needs to be doled out when an extreme violation occurs, a Godly punishment like an eye for an eye, or to put it another way, remove the vial depraved offender from a civil society so he will not be able to repeat his offense; but this action requires people to believe that a Creator does exist and has presented HIS creation with His own set of laws that does not allow individuals to dictate what outcomes should occur.

This event should not drive this American society further from God, but it should draw it closer to Him; it should makes us all realize sin and depravity does exist and that God has provided a way for us to live while doing what can be done to remove those who are so depraved; it should make us realize that self-serving politicians are not the ones to look to to re-direct this society. We need more of God and His principles which are not demanding and are meant for our good and betterment.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The 4th Turning I have referred to in some of my previous blogs depicts a change in the political arena in America during the Crisis period of the 4th Turning. Some suspect it has already changed and Obama is what this country will have as political leaders for the foreseeable future. I don't agree with that assesment because the 4th Turning also tells us that the next voting block will be the Millenials who are the children of the GenXer's (children of the Boomers). The current political landscape is made up of dinosaurs that don't know enough to fade into oblivion. These are the Yippee generation people who gave us the sexual revolution and the cultural revolution; their time is way past over; their ideas are those of the Utopian persuasion that no one any longer believes in, given the state of the world.

Politicians of today have such a distorted message it is amazing they don't trip over their tongues as they pass out the political pablum. Here's an example: The D's love unions and even the President stumps for them as he recently did in Michigan claiming a right to work state really means the state can get people to work for less money (the President should be brought up an incitement charges just for his last speech). But that is a stupid statement because a right to work state does not outlaw unions, instead it allows people to NOT belong to a union if they don't want to; something that was actually "outlawed" in the past. People have been made to belong to a union and the union was allowed to spend the dues collected in almost anyway the union leaders decided, without regard to those who were made to pay those dues.

But the counter argument for this distorted thinking is this; almost 50% of Americans do not pay taxes, but collect money from those who do; not directly but through federal programs which allow none payers to be the recipients of the payees. Isn't that just the opposite of the Presidents argument for right to work states? I mean how come people who get benefits (food stamps, medical coverage, schooling etc.) do not have to belong to the group that pays for those benefits?

And then we have the argument that since Republicans are the party against excessive taxation, why is Boehner and his colleagues willing to "close loopholes and write-offs" in order to increase the revenue into the treasury? And why is there such an uproar from the "Conservative" side of the party that is chastising Boehner for making such offers? Rush Limbaugh is riddled with concern that the closing of loopholes in the tax system is akin to raising taxes. But wait a minute; loopholes and write-offs have been voted on and have become part of legislation those rascally politicians enacted. Loopholes are NOT some deviant way a business man avoids paying taxes, no no, loopholes and write-offs are legal. They are part of the tax system designed to get businesses to invest more of their money, thereby creating more jobs. Farmers use loopholes to write-off capital investment in equipment needed to expand or increase crop or animal production; Google might use a write-off when it invests in moving to a foreign country, but these things are built into the tax system and are legal, so why is it a crime to eliminate them or reduce them? You and I can't write-off the cars we buy that are needed to get to work, but even in each household, there ARE write-offs and loopholes like the mortgage interest on our homes or tax deductible contributions to churches or other organizations know as 501 (c)(3)'s. So why do politicians try to make large corporations or small businesses look like they are cheating the system?

If there were a flat tax, there would not be ANY loopholes or write-offs for anyone. We would have more people paying into a system they expect to get something out of, and those rich people would necessarily pay more because they would spend more, which should satisfy everyone's crazy idea of "if you make more, you should pay more".

Part of the American Dream is to be able to achieve all that you can. Individuals put limits on themselves, but the opportunities to become wealthy or very wealthy is equal to every American citizen. There doesn't need to be a middle class. Heck why can't we all be rich? Well we can, if government will get out of the way and allow each of us to maximize our own potential. Microsoft made hundreds of millionaires, Google has also and is still making millionaires, and there are a lot of other company's making millionaires. Why do we want an America that limits our achievement and potential and income? Why are we willing to stay in the middle class, when we are the only one that can get us out of it? Why do you want to depend on what the federal government wants to give you, after it takes it away from others, instead of getting all you can and being all that you can be?

We need a new brand of politician that will unleash the potential of this great nation. Politicians that want to level the playing field, not through legislation, but by getting rid of legislation that hinders people who want to be productive and innovative. We need politicians whose lives are ahead of them, not behind them. Politicians who can live for tomorrow instead of reminiscing the good ole days.

Cotton tops, and those gray headed champions need to go home and give this country back to the future generations. Their work is done. For good or bad, they are done and we don't need them any longer....we need new blood with twenty first century thinking. Those hippies of the 60's and 70's managed to get themselves some mighty fine programs to take them into their nether years; drugged up and paid for by others...well, that kind of thinking is outdated, outmoded and those people who still think that way need to go home.

The Crisis period of the 4th Turning will usher in a new breed of leaders, who can legitimately work as a team and get done what needs to be done for the nation, not choosing winners and losers; not talking out of both sides of their mouths; not legislating one way of life for US and another for themselves, as if they are special or the elite. These kids that were raised on video games and computers and tweet-speak have learned to make decisions the rest of us are probably not even aware of. Their thinking is as different from ours as ours was to our parents when the rock and roll era came rolling in. The generational shift has begun. Look around. And while you're looking, pay attention to the next up and coming leaders of this nation. They are there, maybe you just are too stuck in the 70's to see them.


Friday, November 30, 2012


A year ago, the country was asked to increase its national debt. Politicians decided, since an agreement couldn't be had, to form a Super Committee which would be afraid enough to not allow the country to either default or sink into greater debt, that no agreement would mean a drastic cut to the military budget by $500 billion dollars. Well, the military DID get its budget cut by $500 billion dollars because an agreement could not be made. The real solution to government spending was pushed further down the road to January 2013, after the general election, to what is referred to as the "Fiscal Cliff", but the issue at hand now is the "Bush tax cuts". Another one of those political indecisions has America looking at increasing taxes, because when tax cuts were implemented, they were only supposed to be temporary, and that temporary date, now 12 years later, has come due and a decision has to be made to either re-instate the tax rate for the rich to where they were before the cuts were made, or EVERYONE'S taxes will go up.

Remember when the cuts were proposed the Democrats called them a tax cut for the rich, and the average citizen would see their taxes cut by so little an amount they probably couldn't buy a muffler for their car with the savings, but NOW, we are told if the Republicans do not agree to Obama's desire to increase taxes on the rich, middle America will see a $3500.00 annual tax increase. How is that possible if the Bush tax cuts only gave cuts to the rich? Why should middle America see an increase; I mean where is the muffler idea now?

But the real gist of this "Fiscal Cliff" hanger is that Obama will win, no matter what the Republicans do. The Republicans have been outsmarted by the Dem's for a long time and this Fiscal Cliff thing shows just how much they were snookered: if nothing is done, taxes will be re-instated at the 2000 level and it will cripple the incomes of whatever Americans are working. If the Repub's agree with Obama and raise taxes on the rich, they will be violating one of their major tenets: lower taxes means a stronger economy.

But the truth of the matter is this: Obama does not want the R's to agree with him. Obama will try to sweeten the pot with irrational budget requests to cause the R's to not agree with him; so the country will go over the "Fiscal Cliff", and it will be the R's fault because "they are obstructionists and want to see Obama fail". Obama wants the additional tax revenue these tax increases will provide; Democrats always want more tax revenue. And perhaps a month or so after Americans see their taxes increase and their take home pay decrease the Democrats will publicize those unhappy people in ads and town hall speeches. They will then offer to give middle Americans a tax cut, which the R's cannot refuse, and Obama looks like the Savior. He will out-snooker the R's again, and engender more Americans to his side. A blind man can see this coming a mile away, but the establishment R's are politically ignorant. They have played into Obama, and Reid's hands for the last 4 years. This event will set the stage for the Democrats to pretty much get what they want for the next 4 years, with Americans behind them, because all those R's want to do is "try to stop Obama from succeeding", at least that is what we will be told.

Four years ago, Obama said he is attempting to fundamentally change America. With his National Health Care law, tax increases, endless debt ceiling, drastic reductions in the military and his appointment of Czars that have the authority to make law via regulations and rules within the departments they Czar over....America will never be what many of us remember her to be. America is on the verge of being fundamentally changed, forever, and it is being made possible because the establishment Republicans are willing participants.

I am nauseated at the prospect, but I can see it coming. How about you?

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Those rascally Republicans just can't help but blame their loses on "Right Wingers"; those people that have given the House of Representatives to the "R" column, and added still more from this last election. No, their moderate views cannot possibly be the problem.

It started way back with Bob Dole, then the "Compassionate Conservative" Dubya, who would not have been re-elected if not for the war. He took this nation deeper into the liberal territory, and gave us boondoggles like unfunded national Prescription costs, one of the worst education bills ever, the attempt to get a moderate to the Supreme Court bench, the failure to veto McCain's election reform bill, then the no-budget, first Tarp bailout bill, and a lot of other liberal legislation. Then along came John McCain who would have won if he decided to let Sarah Palin be herself, and if he decided to actually differ with Barak Obama. But true to the "moderate" kind of branding, you couldn't tell the two apart in that election and the nation decided to vote for the real Mccoy, instead of the RHINO. Recently, Romney; a likable guy sure enough, but a moderate, non-the-less.....and didn't we make it clear enough that we didn't want this brand of politician to represent the Republican party? NO! the "establishment" and the money people just do not want conservatives to have a voice where it can matter. But, one day, we will prevail. With Ron Paul out of the picture in future elections, it might be possible for conservatives to rally around another true Conservative or a Libertarian. He'll start to emerge, and sooner rather than later. It might be Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or someone still not heard of, who will draw people through his truthfulness, and his wanting to legal some things that currently are illegal for no reason other than to make business for the attorneys; drugs, alcohol at any age, abortion for any reason as long as the taxpayer does not have to pay for it, driving under the influence of anything (DUI laws have not made our roads any safer, what needs to be done is to prosecute those to the fullest extent of the law when they violate it, in any case....stop the plea bargaining, and the multiple sentences for similar offenses). Hey, some 40,000 people are killed in car accidents each and every year, but we still sell cars....because it's not the cars that kill, it's the people driving them (that's what they made insurance companies for). Here is a small list of leading killers of American citizens each year: Tobacco 529,000; Medical errors 195,000; Alcohol abuse over 107,000; Vehicular 42,000; Suicide over 29,000; Drug abuse over 25,000; Firearm homicide over 10,000...which would be the two top concerns for you if you were in the position to make legislation to protect and serve American citizens? Should we outlaw doctors?

The Republican party can go ahead and cater to the Latinos, or the promiscuous women who want taxpayers to fund their abortions or contraception, but they will still lose elections. Those are not the issues that will unite a party.

One of the biggest problems American politics has is the 2 party system. It is so entrenched in every state, a person must belong to one or the other in order to possibly win an election, even on the state level.

The Electoral College vote is another joke, obligating electors to vow to support the party they represent.

We need people who want to restore the meaning of the Constitution, at every level, and amend many of the changes that have been made in order to return the Constitution to its rightful place in our society, as a governing agent for the people. Why do we encourage voters to think they are actually voting for a President and a vice President, when in reality the personal votes tell the electors who to vote for and they are obligated to vote the party line. Why do we vote for a "ticket" (Pres. and V.P.) let's repeal the 12th amendment, the 16th amendment, the 26th amendment, and enforce the 27th amendment so they cannot automatically receive pay increases every year. How about those National Senators, aren't they supposed to be sent to Washington by the states (article I. sec.3.). Let's repeal the 17th amendment, so once again they are answerable to their respective states and not their party.

We do not need the money or the desires of the Republican party, and the people it wants to "make" us vote for. We do not need them to tell us we have to moderate our views and enlarge our tent by embracing illegal immigrants and society's  women of illrepute. No no, we need Libertarians or Conservatives to either lead the Republican back to its moors, or to get rid of it completely. Did you notice, in the state elections it is difficult to find a poster or sign that tells you the person running is a Republican.....they don't want to admit it. The Republican party does not represent many people anymore. Heck, 3 million less republicans voted in the recent general election than the last, yet "Tea Party" politicians continue to have a lot of successes. DUH! And Mitt Romney....a nice guy who no doubt would have helped to create millions of jobs, BUT you could tell he moderated his speeches as the election drew nearer. The "Establishment" wanted to be certain he didn't wander too far off the trail and make the voters expect more than he was going to be able to offer. ARRGHH!! Go away GOP.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

John Kerry Secretary of Defense?!!

Folks, elections have consequences, and this one claims 3 million fewer Republican voters than in the last election. Did you vote, or is there something wrong with the statistics? Why didn't the Conservatives win more of the Senate seats?  Why are there districts that didn't get a single vote for Romney? Is that even possible?  And now, John Kerry is being considered for the Secretary of Defense even after he besmirched every soldier during the Vietnam war, threw his medals into the field and did everything he could to give comfort to the enemy: secretary of DEFENSE. Is there a soldier alive willing to have him as their leader? I don't know!

There is so much diversion and disinformation being doled out to the public, you have to wonder why a VERY decorated General would admit to committing adultery, and resign his office as director of the CIA. For most of us, this sort of thing would be humiliating, but for Liberals, who go on to get full pensions and medical coverage, and likely another influential appointment, these "falling on the swords" things are just a part of doing business; they have no remorse as long as they have been useful in furthering their agenda, and right now, we have no idea what that agenda is pertaining to the Benghazi attack, which is where this latest misconduct information finds its roots. Each individual is possible fodder, as long as the "Agenda" is forwarded. What grandiose devotion (wouldn't it be nice if Republicans could find just an inkling of this kind of devotion?).

But I think there is something more sinister afoot; something so depraved it alludes the common thinking of man, but it has its roots in religion. Benghazi was an event like all others, that have a religious purpose behind them, but since Americans cannot call terrorists, terrorists, and Americans refuse to acknowledge the differences in religious beliefs between us and Muslims, between Israelies and Muslims; we are not allowed to investigate the events and report on them as they are, instead we are told a variety of stories to avoid calling a spade, as spade. All wars, practically ALL combative aggressions, are based on a religious belief; or let me put it another way; differences in religious beliefs. There is no intelligent or logical reason for Muslims to want to totally destroy Israel, yet that is so imbedded in their hearts they can hardly function for want of and end to all Israelies. And those emotions are also directed at America; what they call the Great Satan. Muslims do not express the idea of wanting to get along with America nor with Israel; rather their only emotion is to totally destroy the aforementioned countries, and this is based on their religion.

As a devout Christian, let me try to explain this Biblically:  When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He told everyone that He was here to fulfill prophecy and to fulfill the law, to be the sacrifice for sinners; a propitiation that would reunite sinners to the Creator God; that He was the blameless lamb sent to take away sin. The Romans thought otherwise and wanted Him destroyed so He didn't cause a movement to overthrow the Roman government, because the Jewish people were looking for a King, and everyone thought Jesus was that King. It was sort of a strange thing that Gentiles (people who didn't know anything about the prophecy or the laws of God given to the Hebrews) were the ones who were converted to believe Jesus (Reformers refer to this as the Elect or Predestination). But that whole promise thing started way back when Abraham was "dealt" a dilemma; God told him he was to have a son in a year. Abraham mused that his wife Sarai was too old to give birth to children so Abraham decided to have sex with his Sarai's mistress to help God out with His promise to give him a child (which was a common thing then, in order to provide a man with enough offspring to manage a farm and its attendant livestock). This is where the battle begins; it is one of the flesh and the Spirit. God DID cause Sarai to become pregnant (a spiritual causation from God because of Sarai's age and Jesus Christ (the only begotten of the Father) would find His ancestry through Abraham and Sarai;), while Abraham caused her mistress Hagar to become pregnant; an event caused by the action of the flesh; Ishmael (Hagar's son) can find his ancestry through Abraham and Hagar. God blessed both births, but Hagar and her offspring were cast out of the Hebrew camp, to find a life somewhere else. This is probably the deepest tenet to the Christian faith; the battle between the flesh and the spirit. We fight this every day, trying to "submit our thoughts and actions to the leading of the Spirit...."Ye walk not in the flesh but in the Spirit".  And in the book to the Romans..." what I will to do I do not do but what I will not to do, I do...."   

Muslims trace their heritage back to Abraham, so do the Christians, although we do see all the way back to the Garden of Eden, but basically, the division of mankind can be traced back to Abraham making a baby with Hagar, and God providing a baby with Sarai, at about the same time. Both lineages (Ishmaelites and Israelites/Christians) can be traced back to Abraham, and that is what everything now hinges on. Muslims think of Jesus as a prophet, but go on to add Mohammed, another prophet to their schemes, but still relate to the birth of the child to Hagar and Abraham; Christians pledge their allegiance to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, which was the lineage promised to Abraham through Sarai. Christians include anyone who believes in Jesus as they Savior; we do not restrict ANYONE  because of their nationality nor origin. Muslims (or as I like to refer to them as Ishmaelites), on the other hand pledge their allegiance to Allah, through the prophet Mohammed and do restrict who they include; in their world everyone has to become a Muslim or be a slave or be destroyed, but as for those of Israeli descent, they have to be utterly destroyed so no trace of them is left in the world.  Americans will have an option once the Muslims make their move to destroy us, but either way it doesn't matter to the Muslim religion, or the Nation of Islam, the thinking of Americans and their Christian views have to be wiped out. (Did you know the Bosnian war was about the Christians and the Muslims, and America sided with the Muslims? Did you know what is going on in Africa is about Christians and Muslims and America has sent "advisers" to assist the Muslims?)

So here we are today, Muslims trying to keep their homes, societies and the world as sinless as possible and anyone who disobeys their laws or tenets as laid down by the prophet Mohammed, need to be destroyed to insure the purity of those homes, communities and finally, the world. That is why Muslims have no problem killing their children, family members or members of their communities; it is done because people have disobeyed the law and it is absolutely the most important thing to keep those social networks pure. Death to a disobedient person is brought on by those who are disobedient; it is not the savage act of a Muslim, or at least that is what we are told; it is what they believe.

Now the question is,  How do you negotiate with people who think themselves above reproach, and who think you are so debased that your swift and determined death is the only thing that can keep their world pure? How do you negotiate with people that want to rule the world with their religious beliefs, which necessarily excludes all other beliefs? Yes, even those Hollywood actors and actresses will have to "submit to the will of Allah" as determined by the Muslim leaders know as Ayatollahs, yet some of those actors are what Christians call sinners who choose not to obey  The Only Creator, God, which is to their own demise; we have no intentions of harming them in any way. It is our hope they will one day understand and "see" they can be redeemed back into a loving relationship with the Creator, just as He wants; killing them would not please the God we serve, but to the Muslim, killing a disobedient, depraved violator of the law of Allah is necessary to purify a home.

Elections do have consequences. Those who we elect to "rule" over us may not even consider what is at stake but think so highly of themselves that they believe they can "bring the world together", when the rest of the world doesn't want to be brought together. OR, something more sinister and subversive is going on, and it may be this nation is being handed over as a gift to Allah. We are now at the point that we cannot trust our Military Generals, our CIA, or FBI  and it is rumored the President is considering appointing what some would call a traitor, to lead the Defense of our Nation. But we know, God is in control. Perhaps this nation and the world, is ready for the just wrath of God.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I have got to admit, Mitt Romney did the unforseen; he has decided on a REAL Conservative, and it has to have the establishment Repubs in a tizzy.

Paul Ryan will bring with him, the Tea Party; or what is otherwise known as the New Republican Party....or as we prefer to call them.............CONSERVATIVES!!

I believe, after this election and the winning of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the "party" will change its name, and call themselves, Conservatives, rather than Republicans, pretty much just as the Democrat Party call themselves Progressives. So, from January 2013 onward, we will have a whole new outlook on politicians and the party's they belong to: Progressives and Conservatives; and there will be absolute distinctions.

I also believe, after this next election, beginning in 2013, our country will take a decidedly conservative turn, and there will be dancing in the streets.

Conservatives only want to return to the intent of the founders and allow each and every citizen of America to reach their highest goals and potential. Conservatives want to get government out of the way so each and every person can excel to limits restricted only by themselves. Conservatives do not want to put any restrictions on what each individual is capable of achieving. They only want each individual to not expect the government to get in their way.

Choosing Paul Ryan means Romney will lead this country into a new era of prosperity for everyone. Choosing Paul Ryan means Romney, as a leader, knows that this country can no longer act politically; but instead must respect each American as a person who wants the most out of the life, as is possible for him to achieve. Choosing Paul Ryan means the establishment Repubs will now fizzle out of their power and persuasion over this new political party. The establishment only differs on issues between the Progressives as to how to get to the same place: the new Conservative party differs on "who do these politicians think they are"?

I am stoked!! and I sense the beginning of an America that we old folks once knew; an America whose citizens are proud of; an America immigrants across the world are trying to get to; an America that once again will be the example for the world's powers to follow; an America that will acknowledge God and His sovereignty; an America that will lead the world into a prosperity that each citizen will gauge and determine for themselves; limited only by our own restrictions.

Believe me, this appointment of Paul Ryan as Vice President is going to send shivers up and down the spines of every "Democrat politician" because with him and the views he is convicted and persuaded to follow will expose the other party to be a Marxist/Socialist/Communist party that seeks to establish a Utopia that, without God, is impossible to achieve because there is sin and depraved people in this world that want to do harm to so many people.

And I do believe that this time next year, America will be well on its way to solving the problems the progressives have imposed on our society over the last 60 years. You will see a new outlook and a new hope emanating from everyone. Jobs will be plentiful, hope will be seen on the faces of everyone and the feeling that once again America is about to lead the world in prosperity and individual freedom.

Sure, we have some awful problems that must be dealt with; Iran and North Korea, and as a nation we will deal with them, but underpinning those problems will be the sense that a new day is dawning, and this country will once again be the greatest country in the world.

You think my hyperbole is excessive?  I just have this sense that these two men, will surround themselves with people that want to and will make a difference. We may even see a new tax system like the flat tax. We may see the opportunity for Americans to develop their own retirement program, based on the ability to invest their hard earned money they way they want to.

I can't help it......I AM STOKED!!

Monday, July 23, 2012


So let's use the logic of the left: If a madman kills several people with a rifle, we should ban the sales of those rifles.

Do you know 250,000 people die in hospitals every year because of mistreatment or neglect? And did you know that 40,000 people die in car accidents each and every year? And recently, a woman bled todeath after having abortion in a Chicago Planned Parenthood facility?

So, using the logic of the left, let's ban hospitals; or should we ban doctors, or should we ban the pharmaceutical companies that promote and supply the drugs and medicines used in these hospitals? And how about those automobile manufacturers; should we ban the production of the automobile, or should we ban the highways they drive, since no one would get killed if there were no highways, or is it the police we should ban because they didn't prevent the accident? And, I have to ask, should we ban Chicago because a woman bled to death after having an abortion in there? Or should the Mayor be forced to step down because he did nothing to prevent her death, or the "collateral damage" to civilians when gangs do their thing?

Heck, the Mayor of that fine city has pleaded with the street gangs to apply their "moral bad guy code" and leave the children alone; better yet, take your killing into the alleys so there is no collateral damage.

These lefties just make you cringe. They espouse moral judgement on all of society because of the act of one deranged individual, and want to take away the liberties, freedoms and individual rights given to us by the Constitution, while promoting the killing of innocent babies through abortions; ignoring the accumulative deaths of hospital patients, encourage gang killings in a less public place, and bailout auto industries with tax payers money, while tens of thousands of people get killed with these machines. It makes you wonder where their morality really is, or do they have any?

I'm inclined to believe Progressive are "knee-jerk" reactors who glom on to an incident just to further their demented agenda; they want to turn America into another 3rd. world country.

100 years ago, you could go to the local drug store and purchase any number of drugs including heroine. 50 years ago, it was almost impossible to see a deer in the woods in Mississippi; today they are over-running the land and the government in its wisdom first limits a hunters kill, then has an open season to help reduce the population. And today, ticks are a health problem, yes deer ticks can cause you terrific health problems and even kill you, all because those lefties want to manage every aspect of your life.

If a person intentionally kills someone, execute him or her; that's all there is to it. These people are not fit to live in a civil society. By their actions, they have made it clear they do not belong with the living, anymore.
There is no need to try to figure it out. They have violated societies norms, and must be removed, permanently. It is not useful to cause the rest of us to pay to keep this person alive, like Manson, until they die naturally in prison. Perhaps if someone had a carry permit when any of these deranged people did their deed, that person might be able to put an end to the senseless killing, by shooting the perpetrator. DONE. No court, no trial, just a person defending himself and others.

That makes more sense than to try to stop civilians from defending themselves against these goof balls, by making law that restricts every American from defending himself. I do not want to be left unarmed if ever something likes this would happen in my presence. Currently, I do have a permit and I do carry. I used to be in the Marine Corp and know how to use the weapon; and will!

Friday, July 20, 2012


On the surface, this sort of statement would anger a lot of people; in fact it did, from radio talk show hosts to commentators to businessmen who were "offended" by these remarks. First, I don't think I can accurately tell you what it means when a person says they were offended. Why? Politically Correct speaking lets you "feel" offended, but in reality, to be offended, one would have to receive an offense, right? The word offend includes definitions like, to commit a sin or crime, to create resentment, to hurt the feelings of. So for someone to say they were offended by what the President said seems to me you give him the right to hurt your feelings about something he has no control over. Anyway, damn your feelings, we are dealing with truth and facts and the President has it right; YOU HAD HELP.

What you just said offends me, you say. Ha! Why? Is what the Prez said, truthful? If it is, then you have a right to be offended, because he just hurt your feelings about the reason why you are successful, and you don't want to admit it, and you don't want others to know.

I don't claim this applies to every business man, but I do have to admit, politicians, lobbyists and cash can do a lot to make and change laws to favor one person or one business over another and this sort of thing happens all the time. It is the way of Washington. It is how things get done in Washington.

Jeff Imelt got the current administration to outlaw incandescent light bulbs in favor of those crazy useless curly Q things which in time will cost us a fortune to get rid of because they have mercury in them and there are already laws on the books about the proper ways to handle bulbs containing mercury. So it is true, he could not have done this without help from the government. And what about you farmers that demand subsidies so you can always have a profit. It is the government, with taxpayers money, that gives you those subsidies. And what about when you want to move to one city or another state, don't you get "concessions" that are actually funds provided by taxing citizens? Isn't that a case of not being successful by yourself?

Sure, the rail system and the telegraph poles were endeavors by private business to enable commerce and transportation to more easily flow from one state to another. But infrastructure always precedes economic expansion, and infrastructure as a purpose of government, has its preferences, depending on if it will benefit a re-election.

I'm not saying I agree with the premise of the President as he has stated his position, but facts are facts: our 2 party system has been broken for a long time, and this election is no different. Republicans have the "establishment" candidate which means if he wins, legislation and lobbying will go in favor of the repubs. If Obama wins again, things will stay the same as they have for the last 4 years and our tax dollars will instead go to "clean energy" people who have contributed to HIS election; government helps those who helps elections.

Sure, we common people get jobs, get a better way of life, get vacations and 2 cars etc. BUT, that is not the issue here. The issue is clear; businesses succeed only with the help of government. Actually it could be said another way; few businesses can succeed without the help of government; and some businesses are closed down because of government intervening for a competing business (does Fender Guitar come to mind)? Or because the "Green" people are concerned about the snail darter.

Obama is going to reiterate this position, and his opponent can do little to rebut it, because Romney will "promote" those things his supporters want, if he gets elected, and Obama will continue to support those ideas of his supporters if he gets re-elected; government WILL pick winners and losers, and many businesses will succeed or fail, no matter who becomes the President. It has been happening for decades and will continue to happen until the American people realize they are being played by both parties.

Laws and taxes are used to "help" those who helped politicians in their respective elections, and this is true into each and every state election. In Tennessee the last Governor gave $1 billion dollars to help an automotive plant relocate from a failed business in Pennsylvania, while the state has one of the highest sales taxes in the nation. And a lot of the jobs being made by the automotive industry will go to a competing state, at no cost to them....picking the winners.

For starters, the XVII Amendment has to be repealed so the state can once again, be the ones who send representatives to Washington, not a popular vote. And the XII Amendment has to be repealed so Americans can get a proper representation in Washington, not let the Federal Government be run by 60 Senators and the President and VP in one party.  It is better for this nation if the President and the Vice President actually were from opposing parties.

As a foot note; "reaching across the aisle" is absurd. When citizens elect a politician to represent them, there had better be opposition, otherwise the election process is a waste of time and our votes truly do not count.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Kudos to Michelle Malkin. For the first time, as far as I can remember, she has finally said what has to be said.

Too often Conservatives "temper" their words, so as not to offend others. Bull Crap with that. Come on guys, we all feel the same...speak what is on your heart. This Politically Correct speak stuff has only stifled the Conservatives from saying what is on their minds. Heck, just try to listen to Bohner speak: doesn't it nauseate you trying to understand what he is saying? IT's all PC and I for one, am fed up with it, and I suspect so is Michelle Malkin.

She has never had a problem telling it like it is but this last interview seems to just finally rub her the wrong way and caused  her to SPEAK OUT!   "JUST A BLOGGER"  “There are real reporters who won‘t even say the name ’Brett Kimberlin’ out of fear…The kind of harassment that I’ve gone through over the past twenty years pales in comparison to what these individuals bloggers [have gone through]…and we owe them so much for standing up, for telling the truth.  Thank them, get their backs.”
“A lot of progressives…always ask me, ‘Why are you so mad?’  Why the hell shouldn’t I be mad?  You’re trying to flush our country down the toilet!  I‘m not going to tell you that you’re a nice person.  And I think we need more people in Washington…not to concede that these people are ‘nice’ people.”...that's Michelle Malkin at her best, and the rest of us should stop worrying about offending someone.

The Progressives want nothing more than to stifle us, and we acquiesce by "choosing" our words. It is time to tell it like it is.

Scott Walker has stood his ground and won a recall vote that will go down in history, no matter who writes it, as the first governor EVER to survive a recall vote, and he won it with a greater margin than he did in his first election as governor.

Michelle and Scott should be enough for the rest of us to realize that conservative is not a dirty word and conservatives are truly the only ones that can put this country back on track. Oh sure, that also means voting out of office people like McCain, Hatch, and the rest of those dinosaurs that have worked so hard to fill their own pockets with our money.

It used to be patriotic to run for office, serve the nation and return to a citizens life, knowing what you did, was make America a stronger nation......but there are soooooo many of those dinosaurs that need to be shown how to go back home.

Do you realize, those dinosaurs are the one that decided they need a retirement package which include medical coverage, and for "serving" for only 12 years; it is NOT Constitutional for these, long in the tooth "politicians" to live off of our taxes.

Look I had better stop. I'll get more verbal than Michelle, and my choice of words are not "sensitive" enough for print.

Conservatism is a lot like Protestantism: others define it. Let this be the last word on the subject: Conservative means we are proud of this Country; we say M'am, thank you, and sorry, but DO NOT TREAD ON ME. Progessives are NOT patriotic, they border on Socialism/Marism/Communism. Conservatism found this nation and it will take Conservatives to restore her place in this world. We are not a Nation to cower to the enemy, and the words of Progressives make them enemies to us. Fight, I say, fight each and everyone of you for the things you know are right and natural, and put an end to the political speak and the progressive speak that is meant to destroy this great country of ours. STAND! cower no more.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Man O man, with all that is going on around President Obama, you would think he would be willing to admit he has a good chance of not getting re-elected. I think Bill Clinton believes that it's possible for Obama to lose in the general election; that would explain why Bill keeps saying opposing things to the Obama administration, like Romney had a sterling career as a business man.

So, is Bill trying to float an idea to the rest of the party and the Democratic voters in America? Is Bill paving the way for a Hillary nomination at the Democratic convention? Wouldn't that be great for Hillary; she wouldn't even have to oppose Obama during a primary, and not have all the negatives to overcome that get bantered about during the primaries, yet have the finances built up in the Democratic party for the Presidential race. It's like a win-win for her. AND Democratic voters LOVE Bill.

Obama has to put up with the "Fast and Furious" thing and now the leaks of secrets that appear to have come from higher-up since one of the leaks contends that Obama himself "picks out" the people he wants the military to assassinate.

The Department of Justice has appointed 2 lawyers to investigate the leaks, although the investigators report back to Holder, the man in charge of a department from which the leaks originated, it can be even more messy since the politicians, both Democrat and Republican, want this investigation to reveal the leaker and neither party will be content with a scape goat. Perhaps Holder is hoping the investigation will last long past the Presidential election, so he won't have to worry about being forced to resign or face any sort of prosecution from the Obama administration, and he can just resign into oblivion sometime in the next Obama administration. But that can be a very fatal gamble. Suppose the Republicans do win the Senate and hold the House of Representatives? Can you imagine how swiftly these investigations will be wrapped up and prosecution be handed out? Let's face it, facts are facts and Republicans hate leaks and embarrassment. Surely they will want to blame someone for the allegations being made. It'll start the new year off good, for them.

The recall election of republican Scott Walker is a spear in the hearts of the Democrats. It is the first time ever, that a governor won an election in a recall vote, and it happened in a state where public unions began, and it is a very Democratic state. The whole thing looks like a real boondoggle for Obama, the Democratic party and unions in general. It will cause the other states to believe they too can put a stop to the gustapo tactics of public unions demanding more and more from tax payers, then support the Democrats. Heck, the Democrat politicians in some California cities already got the idea, and are reducing benefits to its public employees. And I believe this is just the beginning. This illegitimate marriage between the public employee unions and the Democratic party is one of the reasons for the financial troubles most states have and it is one of the reasons for the financial mess in the Nation. Republicans nation wide, will use this as a referendum to put an end to power of public unions, state by state. And there is hope, the next President will put an end to  unions for the federal employees.

But this is only the first step. Someone has to step up and put an end to a retirement and healthcare package to any and all of our representatives. They are supposed to be serving the nation, not their own interests, and their demands are a very large portion of the costs of the federal government. In 2010, the government paid  $69.2 Billion dollars to 2.5 million people, and deposited $2.5 Billion dollars into a deferred retirement pension for those same people. The cost of retirement for 2010 was a whopping $275 Billion dollars to dozens of over-lapping departments and agencies.

Private pensions have $2.3 trillion in stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets. Local and state governments have $3 trillion in retirement funds....THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOT HAVE A SINGLE PENNY IN RETIREMENT FUNDS. Last year, $107 billion dollars were added to the retirement promises of the federal government, but like Social Security, no money has been set aside or invested for the employees this retirement is intended for. Each year, those costs come out of the general budget. Last year the government paid $268 Billion Dollars in pension and health benefits to 10 million former civil servants, military and their dependents and another $7 Billion was deposited in tax deferred accounts for current workers. Last year the federal government committed more money to the 10 million former public servants than the $690 Billion it paid out to the 54 million Social Security recipients. PEOPLE, our country cannot sustain these unfunded promises. These are paid through expense not listed in the Constitution as a legitimate expense for the Nation. Do you see those numbers?! It means the federal government HAS to tax the American worker enough money just to pay for over $1 trillion dollars for retirement each year (and each year the number of employees goes up and the cost of living goes up).

I hope the Scott Walker re-election puts these ideas front and center for all Americans. Think of it, tax payers owe $1 trillion dollars even before considering border protection, illegal immigration protection, and the general operation of this bloated government. It has to stop! Everyone is entitled to their own version of pension and they should provide for that version, no one else. Europe is a shadow of what will happen to the USA if we don't put a stop to this cancer and tell people they are responsible for their own lives, not other tax payers, and that includes politicians who have a better retirement package than anyone else. Who ever gave them the idea that they can retire at our expense if they would work just 12 years? Think of it: how long will each politician collect "retirement"? It just makes me so mad.

Obama has his problems, and it is more than the leaks of government secrets. The two of these issues are scandals that HAVE to be addressed. Coverup is no longer an option. Our Nation is imploding and these two issues are just the tip of the iceberg. I don't think Obama has any idea of how to settle these issues. It will take a person of intestinal fortitude, and a working knowledge of how to handle money.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The 2 party system has done more harm than good to America and the XVII amendment needs to be repealed.

The are 435 people in the House of Representatives, 100 people in the US Senate and then you have the President and the Vice President, which is intended to "manage" the politics of this country amicably through negotiations and "compromise", but that is simply not what our current 2 party system has given us.

All that is needed to run our country for either good or bad, is 60 Senators, especially if they have the Presidency "on their side". If this is the case, none of the Presidents' cabinet appointments or other department appointments would be contested and the 60 Senators would not have to abide by the Constitution of the United States. Sure, their actions could be contested through the courts, but it all takes time, and is a slow process.

The Senate would never have to approve a budget and it wouldn't have to address any bills that come out of the House of Representatives. Ergo, 60 Senators could very well be the ones that decide what our country can and will do, at least in the first 4 years of an agreeable President....OH, that is exactly what IS going on, and the 2 party system has no way to stop it. Heck, the House of Representatives can do little more than have hearings about one thing or another and nothing has to be followed up with those, like the one on Fast and Furious, in which the Department of Justice seems to be able to do as it sees fit, and no one has to answer to the Congress for any allegations or assertions made which in this case includes lying to Congress, and the killing of one of our own border guards by a foreigner.

At our founding, there were no party's, per say, just men with opinions and convictions. Sure, in a very short time this morphed into one persuasion of people opposing another persuasion of people and they eventually took on naming themselves to differentiate themselves. Even terminology changed over time so that those who once were known as Liberals are now known as Republicans or are even some times referred to as conservatives. But the "politics" seem to quickly divide itself into money makers and these people established rules to keep others out of the "game". Now we have an established 2 party system that does not easily allow for a 3rd party or additional party's of people who want a chance at helping and serving this country. Even the states have set up rules that virtually make it impossible for a 3rd party, yet they will allow that an independent can be elected, but that means nothing because the House of Representatives, and the Senate dole out committees and seats of power, none of which will go to an independent, making that person "obligated" to "side" with one party or another in order that he/she might be able to get some legislation he favors, passed, although it would have to be approved by the 2 ruling party's.

Getting a 3rd party into out political system would be a game changer for the foreseeable future, but for now, there are a lot of people trying to get elected as Conservatives, or as is the vernacular, Tea Party. I suppose in time, these people will change the Republican party into a more conservative one, BUT we would still have a 2 party system. The 2 current party's are immensely concerned because committees would have to be given to these Tea Party people in order for the country to function, and that alone could take power away from each of the party's, in effect, looking like there would be 3 party's running the country.

But even if the "Tea Party" prevails, House and Senate rules would have to change, then states rules would have to change. But the repeal of the XVII Amendment has to be made in order to return this country to its intended founding whereby states send representatives to DC to represent states, not ideology or establishment types, and this action alone would "restart" American Politics. You might remember recently that when just a few Senators banded together they had the power to stop legislation; remember? John McCain and Linsday Wagner and a few others; they were called the band of seven. And how about talk of the "nuclear option" by the current people in charge of the Senate? By virtue of their collective ideology, they can ram anything through Congress, as long as it is agreeable with the President. That's why the XVIIth Amendment needs to be repealed.

Someone has to have to courage to present a bill to amend the XVII Amendment so each of our states can decide whom they want to represent them, not continue to give power to 12, or 60 or even 100 Senators that get popularly elected, who do not have any idea what your state representatives want. They are in it for themselves and the power they can amass, and often the "establishment money people" pull the strings.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Biden is a "useful idiot" and he belongs to the party that espouses useful idiots.

Pundits want to make apologies for the VP because of his remarks concerning gay marriages. What most "republican" pundits fail to see is that Biden is a balloon floater. He went out the day before the President to say what the President was going to say, and it prepared the American people for Obama's comments as well as let the gay community know he was backing their desires. And voila, $ 1 million dollars into the Obama campaign coffers in less than 24 hours. He needed their money and their backing to run in this election.

What bothers me is the Republican pundits keep thinking we are in a legitimate election cycle, and they posit their best ideas as to how this will affect the President's election. The pundits are so far out of step with what the Democrats are doing they are embarrassing.

LUGAR lost the primary in Indiana and the pundits sneered at the opposition. Career politicians "knew" Lugar "couldn't lose"; What?! I suspect this is not over. The Tea Party is flexing their muscle and getting incumbents out of office. They may not win every election and they might cause Democrats to win where the "Good Ole Boy" republican would otherwise be a shoe-in, however, getting the incumbent Rhino out of office is just as big a win as getting a Tea Party campaigner to win the seat in question.

Take a look at France and Greece: I suggested in the past that my readers pick up a book called "The 4th Turning" and read what the writers say about the human condition and the expected changes our society, and the worlds' society is about to undertake. The writers base their projections on previous societies and what they have done, electorally, and postulated that the future generations are predictable.

As such, we can see their postulations unfolding in Europe with the election of France swinging to the left; wanting more taxes to fund the peoples' wants, and Greece about to make the same mistake with their political fight. And so it is supposed, that America will also "demand" the same. Over the years, Republicans and Democrats alike, have "given" the American people the government teat to suckle on, and it is expected that the voters in this election cycle will want to "make those rich guys" pay for the wants of the "common" man.

Obama, Van Jones, George Soros and others, are engaged in what is expected to be the "changing of America" into what will eventually be a "New world order". Don't forget, this new world order was first posited by George Bush the senior, so this is something it seems, all politicians have longed for, for some time, no matter what party.

HOWEVER, no one imagined anything like what is called the Tea Party; those rascally Americans that want a return to the Constitution and limited government. But that's okay, the Republicans and the Democrats believe they can do their "magic" regardless of the opposition. The two party system has strangled our political process for so long, it can't be budged by a "few dissenters", can it?

Even Paul Ryan, the man tea party people like to raise up as an example, has turned on the tea party recently by supporting LUGAR in his bid for re-election AGAINST a tea party candidate, and LUGAR lost. As a side note, I suggest Paul Ryan be run out of office: he sold his soul to a "Rhino" who would vote for his budget if Ryan would support his re-election; instead of trusting that the Tea Party could get a genuine conservative elected by throwing LUGAR out of office.

So, for Obama to support gay rights and their ability to be legally married, and protected under American law, is just a step in the direction the rest of the world has already taken. It is not an "amazing" event that warrants endless conversation: it was expected, BUT 30 states have already voted against legalizing gay marriages; America does NOT want to walk in lock-step with the rest of the world. As hard as it is to find, Americans still have Godly values and these values keep interfering with what the politicians want to accomplish; Lugar the recent evidence of this country being fed up with what politicians want for us.

Obama invoked an 11 page executive order that has been used in the past when America was at war. There is no reason why this executive order needs to be implemented today; we are not at war! But you have to wonder why the President decided to invoke it; is it a preparation for the things to come? Does he know that Soros and his ilk will cause riots and chaos to the extent that Martial Law will be necessary? Does he know that Van Jones and others are holding training classes for 600,000 people to teach them how to demonstrate and how to protest?

Look, I do not trust either party any more, and Paul Ryan has just given me reason not to trust him. Like any other American, I want smaller government and states rights without federal strings attached, and I don't want them by making a pact with the devil. Paul was wrong; Lugar lost and Paul should find another job, however, there are a bunch more that do not seem to have Americas best interest at heart. I thought Ryan did, and he seemed to, for a while.

Folks, this is not politics as usual. The New world order machine has a good set of teeth and those teeth can be found in liberal supporters, in the American Communist party, in organizations funded by George Soros, in both of our political parties, and it is very hard to stop; but it can be stopped. The Tea party is stronger than the news media wants you to believe. You can see it in some of the elections that are occurring. You can see it in your neighbor who rants on and on about how fed up he or she is with what is going on. We don't get a lot of publicity, but the Tea Party is alive, well and a movement to be reckoned with.

Obama can pander to all of the wacky left-wingers he wants to, but silently, like a stealth fighter, the Tea Party is making a difference (and they know it). Stand strong! We can beat "them" one vote at a time; one election at a time; one life-long politician at a time. Who can beat us, if God is on our side?

Saturday, April 7, 2012


The actions of this President and how he inserts himself into local disputes and agitates others, bothers me. Too often he makes a national case out of a local problem the states can and will end up being the arbiters of, but by speaking out on some of these issues, he tends to stir up the pot when it doesn't need stirring, and you have to ask yourself why he does that.

You remember Vann Jones, the avowed communist that was one of Obama's Czars? Well, he just proclaimed, it was reported in the Examiner, he and others will bring the Egypt style Arab Spring to America this Spring. This doesn't surprise most of us who realize this is how the Obama Administration works: create a situation or take advantage of a situation, incite the Liberal side of Americans to demonstrate and demand change, using the media as wonks who distort truth and further agitate people to believe a lie, and pay most of the demonstrators 20 to 50 dollars a day to demonstrate to make it look like it's a real grass roots concern. Vann Jones' group will accomplish this through 900 "protest training sessions" through out the USA, and when ready, labor unions and will launch the protests; and no one in the media is outraged at the idea organized interruption, and no doubt destruction of private property and the day to day lives of all Americans, is being overtly planned. And where is the Department of Justice? Don't they follow up on these sorts of "rumors"? Where is the President on these issues, a place FOR him to speak out.

Cities and states have experience and have been able to reasonably handle permitted demonstrations and protests, but this is not going to be permitted nor usual. The intention of this movement is to overturn our way of is some of the change Obama told you he would bring to America.

On March 16, 2010 President Obama authorized an 11 page  "Executive Order" called  National Defense Resources Preparedness. This authority was first used during the Korean War and was explained as follows:

The Defense Production Act (DPA) was created at the outset of the Korean War to ensure the
availability of the nation’s industrial resources to meet the national security needs of the United
States by granting the President powers to ensure the supply and timely delivery of products,
materials, and services to military and civilian agencies.
The DPA codifies a robust legal authority given the President to force industry to give priority to
national security production and is the statutory underpinning of governmental review of foreign
investment in U.S. companies.

DPA Provisions and Jurisdiction
Much of what President Truman initially proposed affected national economic policies. As
enacted on September 8, 1950 (H.R. 9176, P.L. 81-774), the DPA contained seven titles:
• Title I: Priorities and Allocations (
authority to demand priority for defense related
• Title II: Authority to Requisition (
authority to requisition materials, property,
and facilities for national defense, terminated in 1953
• Title III: Expansion of Productive Capacity and Supply (
authority to provide
incentives to develop, modernize, and expand defense productive capacity
• Title IV: Price and Wage Stabilization (
authority to ration consumer goods, to
solicit voluntary labor/industry cooperation on wage and price stability, and to fix
wage and price ceilings, terminated in 1953

When there is a dispute between agencies and the heads of those agencies, this executive order confers on the President the authority to make the final decision.

But remember this President issued and ELEVEN PAGE executive order and it details much more than I have in this blog.

I have to admit, I am suspicious of the intentions of the President and the need for such an executive order. We are not at war nor are we ending a war whereby industry and life need to be adjusted, as was the case during World War II and the Korean War. Sacrifices were required and made by every American, but this order, at this time causes me concern. To me, it is more like planning ahead: It is more like "knowing" something is about to occur and you want to get ahead of it. To me it's like the President knows of the Arab Spring movement of Vann Jones, and others and is making ready to do his part when the chaos hits our neighborhoods and disrupts our country. If he does initiate any part of this executive order, it will be akin to Martial Law:    

 " Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down. It may also be used during outbreaks of deadly illnesses".

"Among aspects of martial law are censorship of radio and newspapers, prohibition of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibition of gatherings of more than five persons in the street, and requirement of a permit from the local military authorities before any public meeting can be held. Religious meetings inside buildings may be tolerated by the authorities, held at hours not conflicting with the curfew.
In rare cases, martial law has been in effect with armed soldiers barring citizens from being out-of-doors after sunset".

Is this where we are headed? I hope not, but I do have my doubts.


Thursday, March 15, 2012


I've written about this before, but it bears some reiteration, since the President has reopened this topic, one I thought was dead because it is so ridiculous. I'm talking about ALGAE, the green, or blue-green slime that floats upon body's of water.

The President has spent billions of taxpayers dollars trying to get solar, wind and battery power to replace the need for gasoline in automobiles; most of the companies the President has given our hard earned money to have gone bankrupt or are asking for more money, now he wants the American companies that take tax payers money from the federal government to consider, ALGAE.

I hope this isn't going to be too hard to follow, but here goes. The Progressives, through unelected agencies, have written strict rules and regulations that hinder many of the companies that supply a good portion of our standard of living, through products and needs of the American people; coal plants that produce electricity; oil companies that drill for oil, and the gasoline producers that take that oil and make it useful. They are currently writing rules and regulations for farmers and major food providers like Monsanto. Some of these regulations seem to make sense, but not in the big scheme of things when taken as a whole, like Monsanto producing "round-up ready" cotton so the foliage can be sprayed via aircraft to kill it before the gins come in to harvest the cotton, or corn that isn't capable of reproducing; seeds have to be bought from Monsanto every season, and the corn has been so genetically engineered, it actually kills butterflies and such that normally pollinate the plants to produce the corn, and the need farmers have of continuous and enormous amounts of fertilizers for this type of food production. These sorts of technology the Progressives tout as futuristic; the answer to the worlds' clean air, and food production problems. But therein lies some of the problems.

 "One of the great transformations of agriculture over the past century has been the expanded use of synthetic chemical fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate is one of the most important of these fertilizers. In recent years, this compound has ranked in the top fifteen among synthetic chemicals produced in the United States. The increased use of nitrates as fertilizer has led to some serious environmental problems. All nitrates are soluble, so whatever amount is not taken up by plants in a field is washed away into groundwater and, eventually, into rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes. In these bodies of water, the nitrates become sources of food for algae and other plant life, resulting in the formation of algal blooms. Such blooms are usually the first step in the eutrophication of a pond or lake" (

Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae. These two nutrients are usually introduced to the body of water through fertilizer run-off. The uncontrolled growth of algae and their subsequent descent into the depths of the body of water stimulates an active benthic community (bacteria), which depletes oxygen levels due to respiration. The algae may also cover the surface of the water, reducing the amount of light that penetrates into the photic zone, decreasing photosynthesis in aquatic autotrophs. The decreased level of dissolved oxygen can result in the death of any number of larger communities. (

So now here we have the President, and correct me if I'm wrong, promoting the excessive use of fertilizers to have this stuff run-off the land or seep into the ground to end up in our bodies of water, that we swim in, fish in, boat in, or that even ends up as drinking water. He wants a lot of algae so it can be used to replace gasoline, so our farmers have got to find ways to over-use these fertilizers (maybe some of those farmers' subsidies can help) and pollute our water.

This isn't the end; by doing away with oil, the President will then have to find a way to get algae to fly our airplanes, move our school buses, fuel the trucks that move the produce from farmer to grocery store, move our military on the ground and in the air (the Dept.of Defense uses 360,000 barrels of fuel oil a day), plow snow, operate those earth movers and landscaping machinery some of which build and repair our bridges, highways and airports. WOW, are we going to need a lot of ALGAE. ( The United States consumes 140 billion gallons per year of liquid fuel. Algae can produce 3,000 gallons of liquid fuel per acre in a year, so it would take 45 million acres of algae to provide 100% of our liquid fuel requirements. No costs per gallon have been established).

Then the President will have to find a way to use algae to make plastic; you know that awesome by-product of oil that gives housing, monitors, cell phones, tooth brushes, toothpaste tubes, paper clips, pencils, storage cases, automobile parts, chairs, lawn furniture, etc. you fill in what you use.

I think I better stop. This algae stuff makes as much sense as solar energy, or battery powered living. (did you know there is a company that makes mini-nuclear power systems that can produce electricity for a community of 25,000 home for about $250.00 a year for each home plus the cost of the system that is replaceable every 7-10 years and is not harmful to anything?).

So, is anyone up for a change of the people in power? I am. I want reality, not pie-in-the-sky academia dictating stupidity.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Call me cynical, but I cannot but believe that the President has ulterior motives behind his decision to allow a certain "Native American" tribe in Wyoming, to kill the American symbol; the Bald Eagle, as a religious right.

He intends to honor a request by this tribe because of their "deeply held religious beliefs" concerning the Eagle.

Well, this Eagle killing religious activity the President has "signed-off" on is the stepping stone which will be used as a leverage for other religious requests.

Federal law prohibits the killing of bald eagles in almost all cases. The government keeps eagle feathers and body parts in a federal repository and tribal members can apply for them for use in religious ceremonies.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has given the OK for an American Indian tribe to kill two bald eagles for religious purposes.The decision comes after the Northern Arapaho Tribe in Wyoming filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the agency‘s refusal to allow them to do so was a violation of tribal members’ religious freedom,
(be certain the President was contacted concerning this matter).

For the Arapaho, this is an annual Sun Dance ritual; the operative word is annual. This precedent will recur each and every year; it has to; how can the federal government deny an identical request in the future?

If there is no way to stop this President or any other President from allowing a group of people to violate federal laws because of religious beliefs, we are on a slippery slope. And it is an even worse problem if Congressionally approved organizations have such autonomy that they can make these decisions on their own. What will be the argument against the same thing happening in the future, for similar reasons?  This "religious action" may find its way into our lives and the eroding of the Constitution in a very serious way: Picture this; One day in the future, a Muslim wants to enact Sharia Law in his community or dare I say the state he governs, and the precedent will find its roots in this Eagle killing religious "waiver" the Fish and Wildlife Service has handed out. THAT'S THE WAY PROGRESSIVES WORK!
They take a hold of a situation that has no reason for change, demonize it and make changes to "fix" the "problems" they manufactured, then impose "improved" rationale; VIOLA, a new way of life for America: no Constitutional Amendments required, just a department the lazy, gutless Congress produced to do their dirty work, which now is autonomous and cannot be stopped without eliminating the department...and when was the last time you heard of a governmental agency being dissolved?

This isn't just about killing eagles. It may be for the Arapaho, but for Progressives.....they never miss an opportunity to make changes to this once great nation, into something we senior citizens have never seen nor could have imagined was coming.

I'm certain there is more to come, but as naive as I am, I cannot even imagine or predict what Progressives will do, or are willing to do.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Evenings in the Bible with Isaac Errett…..June 11, 1881

“ The daughters of Moab have bewitched the sons of Israel, and spiritual whoredom provokes the curse of God in spiritual barrenness, leanness and impotency.  The rage of covetousness in the Church; the reign of pride and luxury; the captivity of God’s people, dragged in the silken chains of carnal pleasure at the chariot wheels of a triumphant world: these are the sad spectacles witnessed today. The Church is enslaved, the world is master. Lured to the feasts and revelries and idolatrous abominations of the world  Christians with their heads in the lap of this Delilah, are shorn of their strength, and with their limbs fettered, and their eyes put out, are made to grind at the mill of their enemies and do the service of slaves for those who hold them in thrall. “For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?”   ‘Beware of the doctrine of Balaam’.  “

Is your church an example of Christ and what He has done to a sin-filled world, or is it an example of the world and what sin-filled people do when mingled together with the rest of the world, portraying themselves as redeemed, yet not able to put off the wiles and ways of the world?

Do our churches represent a redeemed people, wholly dedicated to a God that, for no reason other than His Grace and Mercy, has forgiven our sins and welcomes us to spend eternity with Him? Are we a prepared people, ready for a Spiritual life in which not all the people we know today, will be with us? Are we clinging to our children and our spouses or our parents, instead of Jesus? Search yourselves to know if you are saved, and make yourself ready so when the time comes you can say, "Father, I'm home."

Friday, March 2, 2012


I don't know, maybe I'm just a skeptic but when I read that President B.O. is focused like a laser on job creation, and then I read that his motor vehicle company (GMC) cannot sell any of the automobiles it is producing and has to lay off 1300 employees.......ahh.. Ya know I waz jus wonderin why I should think he has any idea of how to create employment? I mean, didn't he take 50 billion dollars of the tax payers money and invest it in the Government Motor Company that is now laying off people? And didn't he take some more of our money and invest it in that defunct Solyndra Solar company and what about that battery company? .oh my, he has about failed at every company he has invested in, ah and he wants me to believe he can create jobs for Americans?

The list is too large to print here but the gist of BO's plan to stimulate the economy is known as fascism; wherein the government buys into private industry and "controls" them from that day forward. $220 billion to Citigroup, to"insure" against loses? Isn't that a problem for private industry to figure out? And $775 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack to "reduce home mortgage loans"..what? And aren't they still asking for more money while handing out large bonuses to the upper management people as if to say "up yours". And isn't that just a nice way of saying the government is buying up all the mortgage loans so IT can own what up to now was called private property?

Folks, we are in a Post Constitutional America and if you haven't figured that out, you've got your head in the sand. Hey look at Ms. Fluke (and isn't that name appropriate?) who wants taxpayers to pay for all the sex she wants to have as often as she can possibly have it, and be protected through contraception. You know what, I want to get drunk every other day, but can't afford it...why isn't there a government program for me to get all the booze I want to indulge myself in what it is I want to do? THIS IS NOT MY FATHER'S AMERICA AND THIS IS NOT WHY HE FOUGHT IN WWII.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think the current Republican party can or wants to do any better. Romney is not the kind of Conservative the Tea Party people are looking for. We do need a Gingrich or a Rubio or a Ryan, or a Palin, who by the way is about the best choice we have, and we know what she stands for.

The two party system has given America a pretty mixed up bag of the constitution: Electors are supposed to vote for a President and the person getting the second largest number of votes would be Vice President, instead the two party system has it worked out so that the public "kind of " lets them know whom they want as Pres. and V. Pres. ( and don't forget, the two party system gives us only 2 choices) and then the two party system makes certain the electors will vote for the "ticket" they present during the elections and the electors are obligated to not vote differently than the public has indicated.....I MEAN how convoluted is this?  The twelfth amendment states: "the Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President and of all persons voted for as Vice-President the thing, it is nothing like what is going on today. WHY? because of the two party system. There isn't a lick of difference between the two, in terms of where they are taking this country. The whole thing stinks! And not a one of the politicians we elect want to correct it or make a difference.

Sarah Palin is the only person who sounds like she has a better understanding of the original intent of the Constitution and I believe she can be made to see what needs to be done to put the last 100 years of the political system of this country, in the trash can.

PEOPLE!  we need leadership, not in one of the existing party's but a leadership which will strive to return this country to its roots; the Constitution that puts the power of the people in the hands of the people, and makes the states, the competitors to encourage entrepreneurialism. The Constitution as adopted starts off...
WE THE Order to form a more perfect Union............establish this Constitution for the United States of America.  Currently, we do not have a more perfect Union. The two party system strives to make us as imperfect as can be imagined so they (the politicians) can "fix" everything. Do you have any idea how many Federal Regulations there are to just live in your home? How about the amount of water to flow out of your shower head, and to make your toilet flush, and what kind of light bulbs you can use? The federal government regulates washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, dishwasher detergents, microwave ovens, toilets, heating and cooling systems, refrigerators, freezers, furnace fans, ceiling fans, fitness equipment, pacifiers, rattles, marbles, latex balloons, bunk beds, mattresses, televisions, radios, matchbooks, iPods, cell phones and on and on and on, FOLKS! I'm talking about the federal government, Not your state government. Again, the feds were supposed to be elected by state representatives, not popular vote, so WE THE PEOPLE can make them answerable to US! Therein lies your Term Limits; we are supposed to have the power to vote our state reps in and out of office, and they are supposed to send representatives to DC who will represent each state. The two party system did away with that, and now 100 Senators in DC and the President can dictate to the rest of us what they want us to do, and with the Super Pacs, their cohorts can spend endless amounts of money to get them re-elected to continue their taking over of America.

It is so obvious....can I be the only person who sees this? Even Rush Limbaugh doesn't re-connect America with its roots. He argues that a third party will only mess up the works, instead of arguing that there shouldn't be any party.......just people elected by us to serve us, period.!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Socialism; Marxism; Fascism; Communism; "AMERITOPIA"

I am almost finished reading Mark Levin's book, "Ameritopia"; you should read it too. If it doesn't scare you, it should enlighten you. I have one caveat to the whole world mess thing: God ordains some things to happen; God is always in control.

As people in a Christian nation, we should seek out which of the above we are best comfortable with although, both statements are true, you may find it a little more pleasing not to believe God would actually "cause" to happen, what is and what will happen to us as a nation and as a people.

I like to believe this way: The story of Isaac and Ishmael has not finished unfolding, and the battle between the flesh and the Spirit may become manifest as an Islamic war against Christiandom. Yeah, I know, Obama and many others do not believe America is a Christian nation, but what they believe doesn't change the facts. But putting that aside, as Christians you should be aware of the story that hinges on Abraham's belief in God. And how Abraham decided to help God give Him progeny, so God could bless him. While all along, God intended to provide providentially through the Holy Spirit; and He did. Thus the beginning of the enemies of the people who would bring the Savior into the world. And as hard as Satan tried, the Savior was born, performed as God required and a people are being born to God by way of the Holy Spirit to this day. But there remains those who are born of the flesh, to this day and if you look at the middle east, you can see the great Satan emerging ever stronger day by day.

What will be the end? When will it be? It doesn't matter as long as you are born from above; the end of this life is the beginning of an everlasting life with God and His Christ is Heaven.

NOW!! Marks book didn't bring me to these conclusions, my own Christian studies have. None the less, I suggest you read his book to see how and why the great country is becoming such a mess of indebtedness and debauchery. Mark is Jewish so he doesn't see things the way I do, and his book doesn't even mention any of the things I wrote about. Instead he refers to the founders and what it was that so enlightened them to develop such a place that for so long was admired by the world and feared by the world.

Presidents have tried to "export" our Republic ideas throughout the world, to no avail. What is lacking in other nations is a belief in God, without whom, our Republic makes no sense. But to further exasperate the idea, Presidents and their substitutes referred to the rebuilding of those nations as Democracies; a far different thing than a Republic. And no wonder no one wants any part of it. After all,  ALL democracies devolve into Dictatorships. The world has seen this over and again which is one of the reasons so many people who came to this land, decided that a Republic could survive the ages. And it would if it wasn't perverted back at the beginning of the 20th century.

The mess this country is in is not a phenomena, it happened by design by Presidents and politicians alike down through the ages. You and I were taught this pie in the sky thing, when all along they were changing the very country we are living in. The Constitution has been amended by fiat. Politicians made the federal government so big, I don't think it can be undone without some natural catastrophe or a disturbingly  vicious war, IF that is God's intention.

We are on the brink of not only not being able to buy and sell, but of being able to defend ourselves against an enemy that will only be satisfied to see us all dead and their "Messiah" installed. Isn't it interesting that a Messiah is still the focus? But theirs is one of flesh and bone.

Well reader, I can expound further if you request but, I just had to get this off my chest. The news and the news people seem so oblivious to what is actually going on; even our politicians are debating whether or not they should vote on a bill to make people more aware Aids; or making insider tradings so they can leave the office wealthy while they pursue a lobbyists job after they get elected out of office, all the while Rome is burning. AH, the metaphor of Nero and any of our presidents causes your skin to crawl. G Dubya put us on track and B.O. is capitalizing on his predecessors leadership.

No! We're not doomed, but we will be changed in a blink of an eye........

Saturday, February 4, 2012



Headlines:    "Libyan militia pull toenails off diplomat". Hugh, just a scant word in the American news, but we get endless coverage of underwear over a prisoners head, or water boarding which gave us the information we needed to secure Bin Laden's head. Or how about this one:    "I saw bodies of women and children lying in the road, beheaded".

Are we not just about fed up with the current news people; those progressives that want a new world order, who condemn America and her soldiers, while ignoring the absolute atrocities against Muslim men, women and children, by Muslim's? These same progressives that encourage these countries to take on Democracy which allows them to perform these atrocities because they are now "Democratic".

Much too often we are told that America is regime building or assisting in the changing of a country's political system into one that is Democratic in nature, and what you read above, is the outcome of those new regimes, and not a word from the American news media.

One reason for their silence is simply that, Democracy leads to a dictatorship; it's inevitable.  However, a Republic is a far different matter and that is what we should promoting over seas. But we still have people like Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg declaring overseas that developing countries should NOT pattern their constitution after America's. Our constitution is outdated, according to Ginsburg (and remember she has taken an oath to uphold OUR Constitution).

Here's another news article:  "Taliban-affiliated militants were responsible for more than three-quarters of the civilian deaths in 2011, the fifth year in a row in which the death toll went up".  So where is the progressive outrage on this one? Yeah! Nowhere. It makes you wonder if the progressives want this sort of thing to occur. I mean, why won't they write about it? Is it acceptable to them?

This is the problem with a country that wants to help others, but does not have the courage to declare war. Everything done to an enemy is done as if, in the minds of the progressives, a civilian ( labeled as a terrorist or insurgent) is harmed by American forces who have come to the aid of fighting nations. The progressives believe America should not participate in global conflicts, yet they want Americans to fund these fighting nations, through American taxation, so we can give them money to elevate themselves out of a third world nation status. In the end, we assist helping one faction against the other, which ends up as a dictatorship over the people, presumably we are supposed to be helping. It is with the help of American tax dollars, that countries are overthrown and despots are installed through their Democratic process, and the progressives in America don't have a word to say on the matter.

So, where does it end? This upcoming election cycle in America, will be either the demise of this nation, or the rebuilding of our own nation. Elections matter, whether overseas, or here at home. We can see the outcomes of the over seas elections the progressives are supporting from America, so we can get an idea of where this country will go, if it continues to elect progressives to manage it. The Elitists comfort themselves with tax dollars and go on wild spending sprees called vacations, while the American taxpayers struggle to make ends meet in an economy designed for failure. Failure is the only way progressives can rear their elitists heads, as they do over seas.

If this country would turn back to its Republic style system of constitutional checks and balances, it would once again be the envy of the world. Instead it is a contributor to the ever increasing dictatorships world wide. And the American news media either cannot see for themselves the difference, or they are in agreement with the progressives' methods and eventual goals for this country and all the others.