Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The 4th Turning I have referred to in some of my previous blogs depicts a change in the political arena in America during the Crisis period of the 4th Turning. Some suspect it has already changed and Obama is what this country will have as political leaders for the foreseeable future. I don't agree with that assesment because the 4th Turning also tells us that the next voting block will be the Millenials who are the children of the GenXer's (children of the Boomers). The current political landscape is made up of dinosaurs that don't know enough to fade into oblivion. These are the Yippee generation people who gave us the sexual revolution and the cultural revolution; their time is way past over; their ideas are those of the Utopian persuasion that no one any longer believes in, given the state of the world.

Politicians of today have such a distorted message it is amazing they don't trip over their tongues as they pass out the political pablum. Here's an example: The D's love unions and even the President stumps for them as he recently did in Michigan claiming a right to work state really means the state can get people to work for less money (the President should be brought up an incitement charges just for his last speech). But that is a stupid statement because a right to work state does not outlaw unions, instead it allows people to NOT belong to a union if they don't want to; something that was actually "outlawed" in the past. People have been made to belong to a union and the union was allowed to spend the dues collected in almost anyway the union leaders decided, without regard to those who were made to pay those dues.

But the counter argument for this distorted thinking is this; almost 50% of Americans do not pay taxes, but collect money from those who do; not directly but through federal programs which allow none payers to be the recipients of the payees. Isn't that just the opposite of the Presidents argument for right to work states? I mean how come people who get benefits (food stamps, medical coverage, schooling etc.) do not have to belong to the group that pays for those benefits?

And then we have the argument that since Republicans are the party against excessive taxation, why is Boehner and his colleagues willing to "close loopholes and write-offs" in order to increase the revenue into the treasury? And why is there such an uproar from the "Conservative" side of the party that is chastising Boehner for making such offers? Rush Limbaugh is riddled with concern that the closing of loopholes in the tax system is akin to raising taxes. But wait a minute; loopholes and write-offs have been voted on and have become part of legislation those rascally politicians enacted. Loopholes are NOT some deviant way a business man avoids paying taxes, no no, loopholes and write-offs are legal. They are part of the tax system designed to get businesses to invest more of their money, thereby creating more jobs. Farmers use loopholes to write-off capital investment in equipment needed to expand or increase crop or animal production; Google might use a write-off when it invests in moving to a foreign country, but these things are built into the tax system and are legal, so why is it a crime to eliminate them or reduce them? You and I can't write-off the cars we buy that are needed to get to work, but even in each household, there ARE write-offs and loopholes like the mortgage interest on our homes or tax deductible contributions to churches or other organizations know as 501 (c)(3)'s. So why do politicians try to make large corporations or small businesses look like they are cheating the system?

If there were a flat tax, there would not be ANY loopholes or write-offs for anyone. We would have more people paying into a system they expect to get something out of, and those rich people would necessarily pay more because they would spend more, which should satisfy everyone's crazy idea of "if you make more, you should pay more".

Part of the American Dream is to be able to achieve all that you can. Individuals put limits on themselves, but the opportunities to become wealthy or very wealthy is equal to every American citizen. There doesn't need to be a middle class. Heck why can't we all be rich? Well we can, if government will get out of the way and allow each of us to maximize our own potential. Microsoft made hundreds of millionaires, Google has also and is still making millionaires, and there are a lot of other company's making millionaires. Why do we want an America that limits our achievement and potential and income? Why are we willing to stay in the middle class, when we are the only one that can get us out of it? Why do you want to depend on what the federal government wants to give you, after it takes it away from others, instead of getting all you can and being all that you can be?

We need a new brand of politician that will unleash the potential of this great nation. Politicians that want to level the playing field, not through legislation, but by getting rid of legislation that hinders people who want to be productive and innovative. We need politicians whose lives are ahead of them, not behind them. Politicians who can live for tomorrow instead of reminiscing the good ole days.

Cotton tops, and those gray headed champions need to go home and give this country back to the future generations. Their work is done. For good or bad, they are done and we don't need them any longer....we need new blood with twenty first century thinking. Those hippies of the 60's and 70's managed to get themselves some mighty fine programs to take them into their nether years; drugged up and paid for by others...well, that kind of thinking is outdated, outmoded and those people who still think that way need to go home.

The Crisis period of the 4th Turning will usher in a new breed of leaders, who can legitimately work as a team and get done what needs to be done for the nation, not choosing winners and losers; not talking out of both sides of their mouths; not legislating one way of life for US and another for themselves, as if they are special or the elite. These kids that were raised on video games and computers and tweet-speak have learned to make decisions the rest of us are probably not even aware of. Their thinking is as different from ours as ours was to our parents when the rock and roll era came rolling in. The generational shift has begun. Look around. And while you're looking, pay attention to the next up and coming leaders of this nation. They are there, maybe you just are too stuck in the 70's to see them.


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