Monday, February 28, 2011


To quote the "Mail online News":  

"Our tough fight with the Obama administration shows it was not keen on letting the American people know that TED KENNEDY, one of Obama's leftist politician hero's, liked to hang out with communists and prostitutes".

"The statements previously withheld, include accusations that during a tour of several Latin American countries he "made arrangements to rent a brothel for the entire night".....

Do you remember the anguish and mental suffering of those people who just adored ole Ted, after his death? And how he got a national funeral, because after all he was the Lion of the Senate and did so much good for this country.

Americans have stooped to a new low. They allow themselves to "pant" after the powerful who use their office to advance their own desires and debauchery. I've heard Rush on the radio refer to the "waitress sandwich" that good ole Ted and Chris Dodd would occasionally order. And recently a congressman was asked to resign because he was twittering partially naked photo's of himself. This is just a minute portion of the kind of perversion and debauchery going on in the houses of power, in the United States, and we keep re-electing these goof-balls, as if to say we either don't care or we do care and we encourage their behavior.

But I have always wondered why so much is made of a dead Senator. What makes these people so high and mighty that they deserve a national funeral? As we consider the next possibility, let us start right now looking into the behavior of every Senator and the kinds of bills, pork barrel, and influence peddling they have done and are still doing, then we can determine if America wants to eulogize these miscreants, at the tax payers expense.

To me, national funerals for Senators is the epitome of a warped citizenry that lines up for blocks to see a funeral spectacle of a Senator that has bilked millions from tax payers, and used his elected office for personal gain and depravity.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Presidents appointing Czars; organizations given power to regulate business and the public (EPA, OSHA, etc.); unions; Board of Education; Clear water and Air, it goes on and on, departments and organizations designed to control the American public, with jobs and positions given to congressmen and senators who lost elections. A Constitution no one adheres to, and amends without the proper procedures, this is what has given us the USA we have today..

Originally, Federal Senators were supposed to be chosen by the legislators of each state (article I section 3)  not popular vote: The Vice President was the person who got the second most votes (article II section 1); Congress, not a "Federal Reserve" has the power to borrow money etc. (article I section 8); other than a Navy, there is no Constitutional authority, in the original, to have an Army, Marine Corp or Air Force (which is why there has to be a budget approval for each military branch), but it does allow for a Militia, or you might want to consider the National Guard as a Militia. In the original, the Constitution had in mind a country governed by the people for the people, but through the years, uneducated people have been duped into giving away the power the Constitution gave them. Even the National Senators gave themselves perpetual pay raises by circumventing the Constitution and no one led an opposition to that despicable act.

Next came the unholy alliances with lobbyists and unions, both organizations that further dictate what the rest of us WILL do; and we keep re-electing these thugs even though they admit they "bring home the bacon" to their constituents especially through earmarks and pork barrel spending; that process by which one Legislator casts a vote for anothers' bill, IF the first Legislator would only allow the second to add an amendment to take a bunch of money to their state (to assist in their re-election). If we adhered to the original Constitution, no National Senator would be able to do that, he would lose his position which is also allowed in article I section 5.

Federal Judges are to serve at the discretion of the National Congress, as it sees fit. Ergo, a Federal Judge can lose his position by merely deciding that position is no longer needed, and of course for poor behavior, which I think can be determined by their rulings, against the Constitution (article III section 1).

And today, we have a President that does not abide by the Constitution; Obama is still funding the growth and agencies for his health care program even though a Federal Judge ruled it unconstitutional; no matter, the people either don't know or don't care that the President is openly defying the Constitution he swore to uphold. And there are other areas this particular President ignores the Constitution (orders his Department of Justice to ignore blacks when they threaten voters, for instance) but he is not alone. George Bush got the Senate and the House of Representatives to vote to attack Iraq without declaring a war, and to fund the idea of "democracizing" that nation....where does the Constitution speak to that activity?

Except the people of the United States stand up and force our politicians back to the Constitution in its original form, this country is on the precipice of a dictatorship, which ALL democracies eventually devolve into, because as is outlined above, the country is no longer governed by the people for the people, but by a few groups and organizations who dictate and determine what the rest of us will do and pay.


By now you've had your share of all the blah, blah, blah from both sides concerning public employees in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and even New Jersey. But let's look at more than the surface, but the depth of the financial problems in those states and every other state that allows unionizing public employees.

I don't have any of the figures, but let me present you with more of the costs that have not been discussed:
When an employee retires, he or she gets a substantial amount of money, PLUS medical coverage, PLUS cost of living adjustments. When someone retires, a person has to be hired to replace the retiree at the position they had, so now 2 people are getting paid for the same job, both getting "raises" or adjustments and increased benefit packages, so the new employee will actually receive more money and more benefits than the person they are replacing. And remember ALL of this is paid for by tax payers, who themselves are trying to save for their retirement and medical expenses until they die, and who in many cases, have lost their jobs and/or homes. Their unemployment benefits are taxed, to continue to help pay for those public employees who rarely get laid off, and can retire at around age 55. We live longer today, thanks to modern medicine so those retirees who do retire at 55 will probably live to 75 or 80, and in some cases longer. SO, tax payers are paying for some 30 years to one employee while paying even more for the employee who replaced that retiree. Confusing? Shouldn't be.

It is really very simple. Tax payers are the middle class workers of the USA and are paying the lions share of so many other people even those who are gainfully employed.

Is it any wonder why you and your family struggle so hard to make ends meet? What could you do with the taxes you are paying to employ a person who, today, DEMANDS that you give them what they think they are entitled to? Don't forget the legislators, they too get your taxes as wages and a pretty darn good retirement after only 10 years of service (usually 50% of their salary), but instead, they won't even do what you are paying them to do; if they don't agree, they just decide to not show up, and still get paid. What the heck is going on here?

We are a Republic, run democratically; what is happening is socialism where public employees and politicians rule, when they want to, the way they want to, and the middle class is left to pay for all the immaturity with which they govern.

It is my hope, America can still stand tall as a country where anyone, and everyone has a chance to prosper and even get wealthy, if the individual has an idea and works hard. Individualism is what we are all about, not collectivism. Freedom from unnecessary taxation; freedom of religion; freedom to be able to prosper without the encumbrances of being forced to support others; freedom to do with our hard earned money what we decide to, not what others decide we should do with it. This is America, not Europe. We are the example to the rest of the world, instead, lately, we are letting the rest of the world be our example.

People, get a grip. Life is not paying for the desires of others. Life in America, is where everyone else in the world wants to be, don't give the country away, no matter how long the wrongs have existed. It has to stop!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


When America first become industrialized, companies were trying their best to get the most out of each employee. They would work an employee endless hours, without respect to safety. Wages were minimal, and they cared very little for an employees dedication or allegiance. Companies just wanted work done so more could be done. In a way, I understand that. After all, this was all new to everyone. Electricity, natural gas. well drilling, steel plants automobile was all new, and it was all great because we were coming out of a depression and were all ready to let er rip. Soon unions were started to curb some of these abuses.

Today, though, committees are more functional, and useful, than unions ever were. CEO's are more concerned with employee productivity and want employees to look at their job as an investment in the company; a place where what each employee does, does affect the bottom line, and employees are a lot more educated and dedicated than "in the day".

Here's the problem; unions did garner some strength and power over employees and employers. Today, because of yesterday, jobs have been created, and employee numbers have been inflated trying to compensate for the evils of the past CEO's. Teachers, Cops, Firemen, all government employees have their jobs, thanks to attempts at trying to right the wrongs of the past. However, the past no longer exists but we are stuck with the thinking and the employment numbers of that kind of thinking.

I used to be not only a union worker, but a union representative in the steel industry. I was good at what I did, but in time I realized I was only saving jobs for the least competent and the best workers were not being compensated for their extra efforts. Everyone got a wage determined by the union, and no one could excel on their own merits. That is where the problem exists today. Unions cater to the least productive on their roles; it its the way the system was set up, and it hasn't changed, although all the other factors have changed. Add to that, unionized government employees and agreements made with a previous administration and no matter what, we are stuck with that number of people and all their benefits which are paid for with taxes.

Private business operates differently. Private business already wants employees to contribute more to their own benefits, especially retirement, and when demand for the product they produce is reduced, adjustments are made to the company's inventory, and employee roles are reduced, accordingly. Medical  benefits and retirement benefits are put on hold, until the employees are recalled or find other work,

When taxpayers lose their jobs, operating funds dwindle, but according to union contracts, no government employee can lose their job, so taxpayers continue to pay for ALL the wages, benefits and retirement of each union member. No one considers the fact that the taxpayer has lost his job, his benefits, and he still has to pay for the government employee who very often makes more than the taxpayer does. It is simple math, no money ... no job,but the government (and I mean city, county, state and federal) just will  not do with less. Doesn't it make sense that less of the government is needed if less of the people are using governmental facilities? Why is it the government does not scale back? And even the unemployed has to continue to pay taxes for all sorts of things, mostly because of the costs to governmental agencies, which is over staffed with employees taking money from taxpayers arranged from previous administrations. Do you see the stupidity of it all?

Most unions have unfunded liabilities such as retirement, retired medical, vacations. Those things are paid for through taxes. When a governmental employee retires, all his retirement benefits are paid for by taxpayers and a new employee is hired who starts to get the same benefits, so for every one employee, at least two are being paid, and all this is through taxes. Again, when the taxpayers loses his or her job, all state, and federal taxes are still required., even though the taxpayer might very well lose his benefits, maybe even his home.

What is going on in Wisconsin is the tip of the iceberg. Governmental unions have a strangle hold on taxpayers and it has to come to an end. Any and every government employee should contribute into his or her benefit package including retirement, and retirement medical, even legislators who have legislated themselves a fat retirement package at the expense of the taxpayer. Governments should not only be allowed to cut, but should cut and reduce employee roles every chance it gets. Entitlements are no longer in vogue, not even a job, and legislators should be ashamed that they think they are entitled to 50% of their salary for only 10 years worth of work, plus all those perks they've gotten while working. Someone please do a study on what it costs taxpayers in retirement benefits to all those blasted political representatives who have stuck it to us, and then look into what it costs to retire all those employees as well. Where will all costs come from? How can it be sustained?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


For too long we heard a bunch of clap-trap from our establishment Republicans. Wanting our vote, they would promise the voter all sorts of things, then renege blaming the house rules or claiming their counterparts were just more sophisticated, politically. But there is a "new day dawning" to borrow a quote from Congressman West. The freshman class has caused the establishment R's to make good their promise to slash 100 billion dollars from the budget in their first year. Of course McConnell and  Boehner were trying to pass  the notion that the year is already one third over so a 50 billion dollar cut was all they could possibly find. Not so, say the freshmen. And isn't it a bit curious that every budget passed has no problem with  30 or 50 billion dollar earmarks, but we just can't find a way to cut 100 billion.

It's very possible, the insistence from the freshmen will cause the Obama people to claim if the requests are not removed, the budget won't pass, and the R's will be the blame for shutting down the government. Well I say, SHUT IT DOWN, we can't afford all their crazy spending habits anyway.

And what about that straw poll; Ron Paul wins again. Mitt Romney is likable but he gave Massachusetts what Obama has given the entire USA. Romney IS an establishment Republican and shouldn't get near the presidency. We're done with smooth talkers, now we need someone to walk the talk, Ron Paul is that sort of guy. He no longer talks scarily about closing the IRS, or the FBI or the Federal Reserve, but he still abhors those agencies because of what they have morphed into. No matter what tax system we have, we need an agency to make those collections and distribute those collections into the treasury; we need spies, we need a  new tax code and a return to the full intent of the constitution, no matter what we call the agency. Ron Paul, is not alone in his distaste for powerful agencies that control us instead of we controlling them. The TEA party was born out of that "fed-up-with-emism". Just look at the departments and what funding they get. What ever happened to capitalism? Do you mean to tell me there is no one out there that wouldn't want to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? Well, how can that happen when the government has taken over the creative agencies of this country through funneling our taxes into departments and colleges so THEY can come up with next great thing, under federal regulations, of course.

Farmers get way too much money to grow food they should be growing on their own because that is what farming is all about; then they can reap the profits, but the costs would be drastically reduced to the consumer because right now the government pays farmers NOT to grow stuff. Farmers have insurance options to protect them against losses, and if they cannot be successful at farming, then they ought to get another job, not expect taxpayers to prop them up.

The government wants to spend more money on education; our system is one of the most costly in the world and yet, according to the D's we aren't keeping pace with the world. Well, how is it, we can't compete with other countries that spend less and have better educational outcomes?

You all know the drill. So, let's keep their feet to the fire. We voted new thinking, new promising, new creative people into office because we are fed up with the same-o-same-o. Get behind them and assure them they are on the right track. For once in your life, make a phone call, send an email and encourage these people to stay the course. We need to rid this country of the establishment and instill free thinkers, who have a vision that America is the greatest country in the world with the most creative people in the world. This country IS the shining light upon the hill, and we want, nay we demand the new politicians to restore our glory.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Don't you just love to listen to guys like Sean Hannity who trip over their own tongues trying to explain why America has a right to be within some other country's borders and why our presence there is essential to a national survival, like Egypt?

Sean, you sound like some sort of establishment Republican when you attempt to justify why America is financially funding and politically backing a dictatorship like Hosni Mubarek. Where are our morals and principles? There is absolutely no reason for our country to be associated with men like Mubarek, in Egypt or in Iraq, or in Afghanistan. Our countrys' problem is we stick our nose where it shouldn't be, then in the final analysis, we can't find a way to withdraw ourselves without looking like the fools we are.

Look, I'm all for helping out, when we are asked to, but that's it. Help, then go home. Kuwait asked for our help when Iraq was poised and threatened to attack it. Under George Bush the father, Desert Strom was formed, did their job, defeated Saddam and gave Kuwait back to its own people. THAT should have been the end of it. But no!! George Dubya wanted to change the regime in Iraq. Well, he made a monstrous blunder when he thought that the money this country (politicians) was sending to certain people would guarantee that if Saddam Hussein was removed, the country would form a new government and we could all sing Kumbai Ya. Well, we are still in Iraq, and now Afghanistan, because THAT is where the real enemy is from, (and actually those that attacked America were Saudi's not Afghanistani's) and NOW all is well, right? Ixnay; our boys are getting killed for absolutely now reason; and don't forget about those rules of engagement where our soldiers cannot shoot the enemy, unless they are being shot at (IED's don't shoot, do they)? It is political poppycock to think we can "earn the hearts and minds" of Muslims. They do not want to be changed. They are quite happy the way they are. They are NOT asking to be changed, so why are we in their land telling them how to live? They didn't even ask  us to come there, in fact, nearly every day some one is asking us to get out of their land, that is get out or give them more money, like Karzai of Afghanistan. He has no intention of making his country look like America, but he'll gladly take our money. And what about those poppy fields? Well, the people need work, don't they?

Don't you see how convoluted it all is? How we have to suspend all intellect in order to accept what politicians are telling us is good for this country. Well, how about this  ......Mind our own business. We should stop funding dictators, and leave everyone alone. Let them have their own civil war; we had ours and didn't ask anyone to take sides, why do we think we have a right to take sides in theirs? Humanitarian aid? Bull.....that's political speak for trying to influence a person or a country to do what we want them to.

We need to just pull it all back home; let "them" sort it out and we'll deal with the leadership that prevails. No choosing sides. Just get out of it all and take care of our own.