Thursday, February 24, 2011


Presidents appointing Czars; organizations given power to regulate business and the public (EPA, OSHA, etc.); unions; Board of Education; Clear water and Air, it goes on and on, departments and organizations designed to control the American public, with jobs and positions given to congressmen and senators who lost elections. A Constitution no one adheres to, and amends without the proper procedures, this is what has given us the USA we have today..

Originally, Federal Senators were supposed to be chosen by the legislators of each state (article I section 3)  not popular vote: The Vice President was the person who got the second most votes (article II section 1); Congress, not a "Federal Reserve" has the power to borrow money etc. (article I section 8); other than a Navy, there is no Constitutional authority, in the original, to have an Army, Marine Corp or Air Force (which is why there has to be a budget approval for each military branch), but it does allow for a Militia, or you might want to consider the National Guard as a Militia. In the original, the Constitution had in mind a country governed by the people for the people, but through the years, uneducated people have been duped into giving away the power the Constitution gave them. Even the National Senators gave themselves perpetual pay raises by circumventing the Constitution and no one led an opposition to that despicable act.

Next came the unholy alliances with lobbyists and unions, both organizations that further dictate what the rest of us WILL do; and we keep re-electing these thugs even though they admit they "bring home the bacon" to their constituents especially through earmarks and pork barrel spending; that process by which one Legislator casts a vote for anothers' bill, IF the first Legislator would only allow the second to add an amendment to take a bunch of money to their state (to assist in their re-election). If we adhered to the original Constitution, no National Senator would be able to do that, he would lose his position which is also allowed in article I section 5.

Federal Judges are to serve at the discretion of the National Congress, as it sees fit. Ergo, a Federal Judge can lose his position by merely deciding that position is no longer needed, and of course for poor behavior, which I think can be determined by their rulings, against the Constitution (article III section 1).

And today, we have a President that does not abide by the Constitution; Obama is still funding the growth and agencies for his health care program even though a Federal Judge ruled it unconstitutional; no matter, the people either don't know or don't care that the President is openly defying the Constitution he swore to uphold. And there are other areas this particular President ignores the Constitution (orders his Department of Justice to ignore blacks when they threaten voters, for instance) but he is not alone. George Bush got the Senate and the House of Representatives to vote to attack Iraq without declaring a war, and to fund the idea of "democracizing" that nation....where does the Constitution speak to that activity?

Except the people of the United States stand up and force our politicians back to the Constitution in its original form, this country is on the precipice of a dictatorship, which ALL democracies eventually devolve into, because as is outlined above, the country is no longer governed by the people for the people, but by a few groups and organizations who dictate and determine what the rest of us will do and pay.

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