Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Don't you just love to listen to guys like Sean Hannity who trip over their own tongues trying to explain why America has a right to be within some other country's borders and why our presence there is essential to a national survival, like Egypt?

Sean, you sound like some sort of establishment Republican when you attempt to justify why America is financially funding and politically backing a dictatorship like Hosni Mubarek. Where are our morals and principles? There is absolutely no reason for our country to be associated with men like Mubarek, in Egypt or in Iraq, or in Afghanistan. Our countrys' problem is we stick our nose where it shouldn't be, then in the final analysis, we can't find a way to withdraw ourselves without looking like the fools we are.

Look, I'm all for helping out, when we are asked to, but that's it. Help, then go home. Kuwait asked for our help when Iraq was poised and threatened to attack it. Under George Bush the father, Desert Strom was formed, did their job, defeated Saddam and gave Kuwait back to its own people. THAT should have been the end of it. But no!! George Dubya wanted to change the regime in Iraq. Well, he made a monstrous blunder when he thought that the money this country (politicians) was sending to certain people would guarantee that if Saddam Hussein was removed, the country would form a new government and we could all sing Kumbai Ya. Well, we are still in Iraq, and now Afghanistan, because THAT is where the real enemy is from, (and actually those that attacked America were Saudi's not Afghanistani's) and NOW all is well, right? Ixnay; our boys are getting killed for absolutely now reason; and don't forget about those rules of engagement where our soldiers cannot shoot the enemy, unless they are being shot at (IED's don't shoot, do they)? It is political poppycock to think we can "earn the hearts and minds" of Muslims. They do not want to be changed. They are quite happy the way they are. They are NOT asking to be changed, so why are we in their land telling them how to live? They didn't even ask  us to come there, in fact, nearly every day some one is asking us to get out of their land, that is get out or give them more money, like Karzai of Afghanistan. He has no intention of making his country look like America, but he'll gladly take our money. And what about those poppy fields? Well, the people need work, don't they?

Don't you see how convoluted it all is? How we have to suspend all intellect in order to accept what politicians are telling us is good for this country. Well, how about this  ......Mind our own business. We should stop funding dictators, and leave everyone alone. Let them have their own civil war; we had ours and didn't ask anyone to take sides, why do we think we have a right to take sides in theirs? Humanitarian aid? Bull.....that's political speak for trying to influence a person or a country to do what we want them to.

We need to just pull it all back home; let "them" sort it out and we'll deal with the leadership that prevails. No choosing sides. Just get out of it all and take care of our own.

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