Saturday, July 10, 2010


The last time the Republican party had some good infighting, was when Dubya tried to nominate Meirs to the bench. Today, it's over the Afghanistan war. Michael Steele made the salient point that this is Obamas war, but he did it inappropriately, and the talking heads demanded his resignation. So Ann Coulter has to pick up the baton. She has a lot more credibility than Michael, who is wishy-washy on things like Pork Barrel spending, and she will not defer nor be deflected by the "establishment".

Try to remember the reason why we are in that particular region: Muslims attacked America and killed over 3,000 people. The real problem is not where is the fight, but HOW we are fighting.

Recently McChrystal tied the hands of the very soldiers he was leading into battle by not allowing them to defend themselves or to fight the enemy as if that is why we were there.

After the election and all the clamor from the "News Media" that Bush was fighting in the wrong country, Obama changed strategies and escalated the war in Afghanistan. There is no denying that. All of the Democratic pundits said that Afghanistan is where the Taliban are hiding, so Afghanistan is where we have to fight.

Well, doesn't that mean Obama made a conscious decision to enlarge Americas footprint in that country? Then, logically, it can be said THIS IS OBAMA'S WAR. We are there at his discretion; at his urging; at his desire. Dubya had troops fighting in Iraq, Obama has them in Afghanistan. It isn't that hard to understand.

Republicans still have that aw-gosh feeling and want to be liked, so politicians choose their words. Well, we are fed up with those kinds of representatives. We want our representatives to stand for something, it doesn't even matter what ...just stand for something.

Ann Coulter does stand for something and for someone. She is our best representative. For those of us who cannot get our politicians to listen to us, Ann can and she is being heard.

Bill Krystal is a talking head; he doesn't speak for us. He speaks for the "establishment". WE are not the establishment, WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Bill is just a commentator, he doesn't guide the voters or speak on our behalf. And he isn't alone, perhaps except for Krauthammer, those TV personalities do not speak for the voters.

I say Take it to 'em, Ann. Make them defend their positions and their attempts to please the "news media". Make them explain why they want to be liked by the Dems instead of establishing the differences between them and the American people.

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