Monday, May 16, 2011


Newt Gingrich recently lambasted the conservatives in is own party. He actually attacked the Ryan idea of a balanced budget and a newer way of looking at and establishing a modern Medicare program. Most of the current government programs were established right after WWII and the Great Depression, so today, they are completely out of step with society, out of step with financing them and their intended reasons for being in existence in the first place. Except for the automobile industry, which still uses an internal combustion engine, whose idea is over 100 years old, the federal government continues to promote old, 20th century ideas in a much more advanced modern 21st century.

Newt Gingrich promotes himself and his self-established organization as an American solutions think tank, yet drastically separates himself from the modern ideas of 21st century thinkers, like Rep. Paul Ryan. But hidden in Newts outspoken differences with Ryan is his desire to appease the Establishment Republicans; those rascals conservatives have learned to distrust.

Newt has set himself up as the "only candidate" who aligns himself with the big money republicans; and that is what the Republican party has given us since Ronald Reagen, with faces like George Bush, John McCain, Bob Dole, and the other George Bush. None of those candidates were worthy adversaries to the nominations from the Democratic party in the last five elections, which caused a grass root up-swell that now is called the TEA PARTY.

Representative Ryan IS the face of Conservatism, as is Ron Paul, Demint, Flake, and Hensarling. Newt Gingrich can have all the money he can get from the Establishment Repubs, because it will not help him. The American people are fed up with his type and his kind of politics. No matter how hard the news media will try to enrich his campaign, he will not be successful in the primaries, and let's hope that alone will embarrass him enough to put an end to him trying to stay in politics. We don't need his face not his ideas anymore. Doesn't he get it?! We didn't want him then and we don't want him now.

You "big money" Repubs: think twice about where you spend your money. If you just want to throw it away, give it to the current government as a "token of your appreciation". If you want change like the rest of America does, finance some conservative candidate instead. Conservatives will win in the end; where do you want to be standing when it's over?

The Establishment has very few options, though, because it is their lobbyists that get them the legislation and rulings they need to prosper the way they do. They do not seem very interested in what is right for America, but rather what is right for them or their organizations so they will fund Newt, hoping against hope.

You conservatives; put your walking shoes on. This is going to be a bloody battle; Repub against Repub. We need you out their doing what you can for conservatism and America. Don't let them scare you with distortions about Ron Paul, or threats that the Ryan's proposals will be harmful. YOU know what you want out of a President and all the other politicians. Contribute to conservatism and the person you prefer and do not let the news or the power of the money from the establishment disuade you. DO NOT give the Republican party back to the establishment.

This is our time and we can put an end to guys like Newt, McCain, Dole and take America into the 21st century well positioned and well funded to restore America to its God given greatness. Our best days are ahead of us. Roll up your sleeves. Speak out. And most of all PARTICIPATE like never before. Like the words of a Bob Seger song:  stand there "Like a Rock". You remember what you were like when you were younger and enjoyed living in the good ole USA. Well, stand tall again. Reminisce and recall. And fight for what is being taken away from you, little by little.

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