Monday, June 13, 2011


Statistically 78.4% of Americans call themselves Christians. The Bible says " will know them by their fruit". If there are so many Christians in America, then why are they electing anti christian, anti God politicians? Why are they wanting to end up on the "government dole"? Are these the kind of Christians the Bible is talking about?

The Politicians these Christians and non Christians have elected are about to bring this country into default, with the dollar no longer being the currency of the world and an end to a country whose collapsing society will be a thud strong enough to change the face of the world. A turning to Christian principles will be its only salvation.

Since before FDR socialism has been nudging Christian principles out of our society and worse, our families. Laws have been made to prevent parents from exercising biblical principles in a family's everyday life and in the community. Social programs have been legislated removing and restricting godly influence upon decisions of a family, community and state. A centralized government has replaced "safety nets" that have always been the responsibility of the family, community and state, and laws were made so these programs must be unopposed and financed through taxation. But, as in the rest of the world, ungodly programs will and always do fail. God has determined how the people He created, should function and He has given us the "instruction book" to establish and fulfill those functions. But as a totally depraved people, we have otherwise chosen to follow ungodly people, and this to our ultimate demise.

Soon, all public programs will fail, and our country will be in peril against an enemy that is waiting for our collapse. How that will play out is only known by God, but we will be here when the dust settles, and what will the world look like then? And how will we function, then?

Perhaps you know one or two, but God is raising up men, set strongly in the word of God, who will help redirect this nation and others, under the ever loving guidance of God. It will become "natural" to begin to once again depend on your family and your neighbors, but that will  have little value unless these people, and you, are steeped in the word of God. Godly principles are meant for Godly people, the rest will come along "for the ride" because there will be no other place to go to get help. None the less, I believe there will be a generation or two of devoted Christians who will set the agenda: private schools/home schooling, private and independent medical professionals, community farming, an explosion of private medical professionals, etc. Out of the collapse we will see people who will want to genuinely help one another, and not look to the government. And this will be the future for generations to come. Christians will dissolve some of the sects, by virtue of the realities of the day. Those professing to be Christian who have not had a salvation experience will not even want to be a part of the "fanaticism" that will prevail. When God brings people to their knees, true believers will cry out for Him. They will recognize their desperate need for Him, and the opportunity He has given them for a relationship with Him. Non believers will blame Him for their dilemma; "you will know them by their fruits".

There are earthquakes, wars, rumors of war, famine, disease, sickness, pestilence and death all over the world and in numbers never before seen. Volcanoes are erupting, disrupting society and very little is reported on them. Glaciers are growing and globalists cry out "global warming". Floods abound, hurricanes, tornadoes, rivers flowing backward, and still we do not seek GOD and His intervention. Soon, we will find out what it will take to get our attention, and we will wonder at the complacency of the 78.4% Christian Americans.

God IS intervening, we just are not paying attention. He is preparing His people, but we let the non Christians be our spokespeople. A day of Godly justice seems to be on the horizon for the entire world, and it is exciting to think that we can be a part of it. Some of us will be able to once again, apply godly principles to our everyday lives and redirect communities and societies to worship the creator of the universe on a personal level. A new era, and perhaps the final era of a God centered world may very well be on the cusp. Perhaps we are ready to witness a time, more exciting than the time of the first century church, when Christians were obvious and they depended upon God in ways, today, we can only read about. And perhaps, we can be a part of it. Are you ready?!

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