Sunday, November 13, 2011


Instead of Newt we might want to call him Hare Gingrich. Don't panic it is merely a symbolic gesture rather than a derivative of his name. However, he is slowly and steadily gaining momentum in this Presidential primary.

As good as he can be for this country, he has a lot of Liberal baggage that makes us cringe. The pundits suppose it is more important to vote for "someone who can beat Obama" rather than a true conservative, but the last time we did that we got Dubya and he gave this country a lot of the problems that exist today: NCLB (no child left behind) a Kennedy proposal: he didn't veto the McCain/Finegold Campaign Finance Reform bill he promised to while running for the Presidency, in which McCain said "all that election money can make a good man dishonest": he tried to push Meyers through to the Supreme Court bench; he signed the American Dream Downpayment Act in which the federal government would help 40,000 families a year with their downpayment and closing costs, and now we have Freddie and Fannie needing a constant influx of billions of dollars to keep it afloat.

Gingrich has made a commercial with Pelosi stating "we must take action to prevent climate change" (May 12, 2011); he supports in individual mandate for health care; he attacked the Paul Ryan bill which by doing so supports the Obama Administration against the Conservatives, effectively cutting Ryan off at the knees calling his bill "social engineering"; Newt has promoted a government subsidy for health care on May 16, 2011; on May 14, 2011 Hilary stated " I find we have a lot in common in the way we see the problem" (concerning Newt and health care).

Newt is a compromiser. What may be called his greatest asset is his greatest nemesis; he is "politically connected". If he were to be elected to the Presidency, he knows where all the bones are; he knows who owes who, favors, he may even collect on a few of his own; he knows the establishment money people and what they want; he could put together a very formidable cabinet, but they would come from the establishment Republicans and not the Conservative side of the party.

He has promised to invoke 50 to 250 "Executive Orders" the day after he is inaugurated; isn't that a lot like being a Dictator? Don't we have 535 men and women who are supposed to present, and make legislation? I never could understand why no one opposes "Executive Orders".

Newt is an historian and has a better grasp on American History and World History than do the rest of the candidates and most of the 535 people now holding office, but that doesn't make his ideas the right ideas.

I don't like his "you caught me" boyish grin; I don't like his political background and his silly "Contract with America II" as if doing the right thing is less important than to promise to do the right thing; it seems so childish to me. I'm a big boy. I can take it. I'll watch you and make up my own mind. Don't think that you can get my support by promising me you'll do this or that. Hey, Newt, you've got history. I know and can find out what sorts of things you have done. Please don't think so little of me as to believe all you have to do is promise to be a good boy and I should vote to turn the country over to you.

But do we have a better choice?

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