Friday, May 7, 2010


These illegals; man o man: they have schools sending kids home because they are offended that our home-grown children wear American colors, on a day illegals want Americans to set aside for them. How ridiculous. Cinco de Mayo isn't even a Mexican holiday, but illegals want to make it an issue in America.

I'm telling you, it is time illegals are put in their place ..... perhaps Mexico.

Look, if LEGALS want to come to America, learn the language and become American citizens, GREAT!! But when ILLEGALS want to dictate to the good ole USA what they want from us, it's time to send them home. They can go and tell their own government what they want, and see how that works out for them.

Cinco De Mayo is not the Mexican celebration of independence. It is celebrated only by Pueblans and Mexicans in America illegally. It represents a victory of Mexico over the French in 1862 on the 5th of May. So .... let the Mexicans celebrate it .... IN MEXICO!!

Look folks, no one wants to deny any nation of celebrating what is a special event for them, but let them go home and celebrate it. In fact, if all the demonstrators in the USA, would only go to Mexico, they might be able to turn that country into a place even they might want to live in.

Why on earth does anyone want to come here and then tell us what is wrong with the USA? Hey, you don't need to be here. Go Home, and make a difference there.

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