Thursday, May 20, 2010


I am so happy to have had Mexican, Calderon advise the USA what laws individual states should implement. I think he actually used the same teleprompter that Obama does; perhaps Calderon had the same writers Obama uses for those "precious heart felt" speeches.

Did you know, Mexico, has a very prejudiced, discriminatory immigration policy. ANYONE illegally in Mexico is deported; if they return they will be jailed for as much as 10 years. Legal immigrants cannot own property in Mexico, you have to be natural born. AND Mexico, as backwards as it is, will find illegals and deport them, but the good ole USA admits we cannot find those 20 million illegals who have come here uninvited, and unwilling to be assimilated, except when someone wants them to gather for a protest... suddenly they "come out into the open". Hey, why don't we just schedule several protests across the USA and have ICE ready to load these illegals into buses and planes and deport them back to their country of origin?

Since Calderon, Obama, and the Democratic party refers to illegals as Mexicans, I think we should seriously think about adopting Mexico as our 51st state. THEN we could appoint Calderon as the governor, and we could just continue with the Mexican style immigration laws, since it is obvious Mexico has a handle on illegals, and sovereignty.

It nauseates me to think our leaders mistreat our friends from Israel, yet cater to the leader of a country who WANTS HIS residents to flee from their home land. Think of that ......... he encourages his own people to go to another country, rather than make improvements in his own land and make work and business opportunities for his own citizens. It boggles the mind! And the Dems, welcome him and his ideas with open arms, and standing ovations.

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