Monday, June 14, 2010


Dang, we got a gusher; now reported to be spewing out 200,000 GALLONS a day. Let's see, 60 days times 200,000 equals 12 million gallons of crude oil and it's still coming, in fact we can't seem to stop it. Oh yeah, this is on a well that was not distributing oil into the international system; in other words it was capped off. But now we have this huge amount of oil that has to go somewhere, so the real battle is how does BP capture the oil, load it onto oil tankers and deliver it to a processing plant where the world can get to use it. AND, the implementation of this otherwise unaccounted for oil, should drive prices down on every level because now there is more oil produced than is "in demand" (I put that in quotes because it looks to me like the oil industry is deliberately controlling the amount of oil available in order to keep prices for the end product higher to the consumer".

There have been a number of people claiming to have a way to capture the oil in the water and to be able to reclaim 90% of what is captured, but BP is not interested, and the oil continues to gush.

BP claims it will make all affected people whole because of their loses due to the oil gush; and now protesters are trying to get people to stop buying BP gas and oil products. The caveat is the protesters believe the individual stations that may have to close because of a lack of business will be made whole by BP because they are the reason these people lost their income, and the oil continues to gush.

Obama has authorized the Coast Guard to use threatening language to get BP to stop the leak ...HUGH!?
And Obama is now trying to rush through some sort of energy bill because of our dependency for crude oil; but isn't it more important to stop the gush? By the way, global consumers use oil or petroleum byproducts every day; anything that is made of plastic is petroleum based (toothpast tubes, ipods, computers, monitors, televisions, cell  phones, floss holders, kitchen gadgets, blah, blah, blah) it would be impossible to stop using petroleum in the near future. And you have to consider the use of cars, pickup trucks, buses, tanks, ships, airplanes, electricity producers blah, blah, blah.

One of the reasons we are in this trouble is government intervention, otherwise known as legislation made for lobbyists. When Chrysler was bailed out in the 70's it HAD to stop production of the turbo-engine; a multi-fueled engine with only 9 movable parts. Government has spent literally hundreds of billions of dollars on highways since the 50's to allow individual automobile travel and national transportation of products and goods to our stores, yet catered to the Mobile Oil Refinery regulating and controlling the price of gasoline so it "would stabilize the market" ( I remember those great gas wars...which are now a thing of the past) and disallowing anyone from building an oil refinery to compete against Mobile; and where competition exists, falling prices exist. Then came all the mergers anyway, which is a way of capitalism, and now you have to go to a foreign maker and producer of oil and gasoline (BP CITGO etc.).

And those pesky foreign countries, drilling in the same waters our government disallows American companies to drill in. I suppose Democrats think if a Russian oil rig has a leak problem the oil saturated water will flow up to Russia to make them suffer. What?!

It is great that we have found so great a supply of oil that it just spews out hundreds of thousands of gallons a day on its own, BUT it was our government that made those companies drill in such deep water, which now has caused a problem most difficult to fix. Of the 10 oil disasters in the last 30 years, 7 of them were caused by oil tankers, but our government wants us to tank in our supply from off some one else's coast, like Saudi Arabia.

Hey!  do you remember when they use to teach in school that dinosaurs are the reason for oil? Yep, we were taught that dieing and decaying bodies of dinosaurs turned into crude oil (that's why to this day they call it fossil fuel). Wasn't it nice of those dinosaurs to all collect at certain places to die, and to dig, say 5000 feet into the earth to bury themselves so today we could have oil?

Come on!  Think a little bit. Stop listening to the "authorities". Reason it out on your own. God made all that is in the earth and He declared it good. You need more than that?

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