Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Yeah, it's been a while. I tell you, events and politicians just make keeping in touch, useless. If voters don't do
something different this November, I can only imagine where this country is headed. So, I returned to a book written in the 90's, depicting predictable historical outcomes based on actual events throughout our history.

The book is entitled, "The 4th Turning". The authors, Strauss and Lowe, show generations of Americans, as depicted within each generation, and they give them a name, like Nomad, or Boomers or 13ers.

They show what occured during each generation  and what time in history, with respect to its circa. Then, finally, they outline possibilities of what the next influential generation will do, regarding politics, society, their world view, taxes, entitlements, etc. 

While their work is interesting, it is also frightening. Regardless of what we think about Islam or Jihad or Iran, or President Obama, this coming generation will be faced with a load of taxes and entitlements they will not want to pay for. This coming generation (Millennial) which is the grandchildren of the Boomers, will redirect this country in ways Boomers can not understand. And the worse part of it is, that parents from each succeeding generation are responsible both for the thinking behind their children, and the blame for what their children will have to sort through. (I only want to say enough to get you to go buy the paper back and read it, especially from page 272 onward. If you are  not shocked, you aren't breathing.)

Then, you have to add into the mix, world events, which have not occurred in our life time.

Oh, for those good ole days. I can remember that I lived in a family of 8 kids, and we never locked our doors. We just came and went at will. The problem was that Progessives had already started their assault on the Constitution, but as a child, I was ignorant, and believed what I was being taught in school. My parents were not educated enough to guide us or direct us, so we actually believed that dinosaurs all gathered together to die somewhere in the earth so now, we could drill and extract the oil their decaying bodies provided; and that the Supreme Court only decided whether or not legislation was within the Constitution, not that it could actually make a law by not deciding constitutionality but they determined what the Congress could or couldn't do, then wrote law themselves, like Roe versus Wade.

I tell you, this next election will either redirect this country, or we will slide into a dictatorship before then end of Obama's term.

The Constitution has been shredded for over 100 years, starting with Wilson, and no one today cares to fix it. Senators even violated it themselves by giving themselves a raise every year, unless they vote against it....where do you find that in the Constitution?

This country does need new leadership, but I am cautious that my grandchildren can do the job, after all, their parents are the result of a drug induced generation of make love not war, and for making the Beatles a popular singing group from England, and then there is that Woodstock thing. Finally, those people who were anti-establishment, are now the leaders of this country. Go figure!!

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