Friday, August 6, 2010


I know; all politicians do it, but I'm just not made that way. How about you?

You go out and beg people to send you money so you can advertise who you are and try to get people to vote for you; sounds familiar so far, right?

Well, now you are in office; you're a big shot, deciding legislation that directs this country. Then you want to go on vacation so what do you do? Well, like all good politicians you have your friends pay for it, and what's left over you merely charge the taxpayer for that.

I am not made of this mettle. I cannot for the life of me understand how people can do this, especially those of influence. What does it take to allow yourself to go to some foreign country, cause those people to move aside for you, eat some of the best food available and surround yourself with a multitude of friends and then have someone else pay for it? I just can't get there.

This country's first lady did just that, and she wasn't even elected. Instead she is vacating on her husbands reputation. Don't get me wrong she isn't alone, but the cost of her vacation is in the neighborhood of $65,000 dollars a day. WHAT?! how do you charge that much of people who are not even on vacation with you? Don't you even feel the least bit sleazy for doing it?

I'm sorry, but even after writing about it, I still can't get my head around that idea. And can you imagine how many politicians and their families and their friends others are paying for, and then finally the taxpayers? Doesn't anyone have any class any more? Can't they just go home or do something legitimate like pay for their own vacation. Why is it incumbent upon  friends and taxpayers to foot the bill?

I just don't get it!!!

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