Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Since Ronald Reagan, the country has wanted continued change and improvement in America.
The nation elected Bill Clinton because he persuaded us that he wanted to help us and this nation in achieving those changes.
THEN, we elected those rascally Republicans, who traditionally are conservative, but they showed us they were no better than the Progressive party Clinton came from. His greatest failure was his trying to cram health care down our throats, so then we expected the Republicans to set us back on the right track.... but that was not to be. Those Republicans began to act like the spending Democrats we just voted out of office.
AHH, then along came Obama:  "Change you can believe in"  "Yes we can" ..... mantras that rang so true to us. As voters, we were still voting for the progressive growth of America. Nine-eleven occured, and we wanted to show the world we can not be beat, and we also wanted to show the world that as a nation, we will not only overcome our enemies, but we will continue to prosper as a individuals and as a nation. So, that smooth, easy talking Obama lulled us into believing he will put this nation back on the track the Republicans fell off. As a nation, we are not concerned whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, so long as you and this nation is headed in the same direction.
But, 2 years later we found out that Obama has a different view of how this country should be viewed in the world. He and his administration has driven this nation into near poverty; certainly they have driven us into debt; a debt no one could have forcasted 2 years ago.
BUT, have the voters changed their views? No,..we are still wanting someone to lead this nation into the future, and remove the restrictions that disallows Americans to prosper and get wealthy. We still want this country to be the "city on the hill". SOOO, we are now looking to those people who boisterously want to re-establish this nation as the example for the world to follow. The grass roots people are coming out of the wood work and establishing themselves as the change we have been looking for since Reagan. The "Tea Party" politicians are those people. But just look at this with your eyes wide open: nothing has changed with voters; with Americans; we want small government, freedom, lower taxes, secure borders, and the prosperity these elements provide. Nothing has changed with voters, but a lot has changed with the politicians. From Clinton to Bush to Obama, we got a lot of promises, but no one delivered on those promises. We continue to want to prosper, and we continue to look for politicians who will provide the avenue for those things to occur. Just look at this with a little reality......this nation wants to continue to be the worlds' example for all other countries. We are not ashamed of prosperity; we are not ashamed to be able to live comfortably and with all the amenities a prosperous nation can and will provide.  Today, the "Tea Party" offers those solutions, and neither of the other parties can or do offer those solutions. We haven't changed as a nation, we just have to look in different areas for the people we want to lead us.

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