Sunday, September 12, 2010


George Bush thought he had the backing of the Iraqi people when he attacked that country; so he got on board the aircraft carrier and boldly announced "Mission Accomplished", as if he then expected the Iraqi's to establish their own government and democratize the nation.
Now we have Obama, sending drone after drone into Afghanistan and Pakistan to try to kill Bin Laden, but for reasons you might not be aware of. Bin Laden actually has thwarted the stealth efforts of the Islamic nations to infiltrate America, and quietly establish a "beach head" of Muslim and Sharia law, in our back yard. Bin Laden is not a warrior FOR Islam, he is a warrior for Muhamad and Allah; and like "My mood I'm in a Jihad" (the leader of Iran) he too wants to make the way for the "Messiah" to establish his caliphate. Ultimately their goals are the same, but Bin Laden believes in physical warfare and the others intend to win via psychological warfare, at least until they are in a better, stronger position in America, to then use physical force. Obama supporting the silent method of Muslimizing America, or does he really think that killing Bin Laden will end the terrorism?
I suspect, Obama hopes to kill Bin Laden and then "re-establish" communications with the Muslim world, which will lead to an appearance of reconciliation, and the re-establishing of the stealth take-over of America.
My hope is that the coming November elections will put an end to all this. It will not be a matter of just wining the election, but of changing the direction this country is headed in. The election MUST provide this country with Conservative, Constitutional leadership, and quickly end most of the entitlement programs and governmental agencies we have. We need an immediate change in the tax law to either a flat tax or a fair tax with a constitutional addendum which will make changing the new tax law impossible without a constitutional amendment. If the election doesn't change the makeup of the current government, this country is doomed. I mean literally, doomed. It will never be a shining light upon a hill ever again. What has been passed by the Progressives will be amended into even worse legislation and the onslaught of additional legislation in the next 2 years will undo capitalism, irreparably.
There are lessons in the Bible, one of which comes to mind: Jesus was speaking, "when you see the fig leaves on the trees, you know summer is approaching"; so too must we recognize the signs of the times. If we see the Progressives return to power, .........?

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